How do I securely store connection strings client id etc? - azure

Let me give some details of my setup
I am building an core API app being hosted on Azure. I store my secret keys and stuff in azure keyvault. However, I have some AzureAddClientId and secret which is now stored in appsettings.json( to access key vault ). I have also committed appsettings.json to my git repo. However I know that is insecure. I use Azure DevOps for releases. So I'm thinking of doing the following. Please let me know your thoughts on this.
add appsettings.json to git ignore and share the file among developers.
add AzureAddClientId and AzureAADClientSecret to azure DevOps build pipeline as variables. ( Will devops automatically take the variables just as if they were in appsettings.json? )

Please have a look at using Managed Identities.
A common challenge when building cloud applications is how to manage the credentials in your code for authenticating to cloud services. Keeping the credentials secure is an important task. Ideally, the credentials never appear on developer workstations and aren't checked into source control. Azure Key Vault provides a way to securely store credentials, secrets, and other keys, but your code has to authenticate to Key Vault to retrieve them.
The managed identities for Azure resources feature in Azure Active Directory (Azure AD) solves this problem. The feature provides Azure services with an automatically managed identity in Azure AD. You can use the identity to authenticate to any service that supports Azure AD authentication, including Key Vault, without any credentials in your code.


Access Azure Key Vault from Azure build/release pipelines

We have some unit tests/integration tests running on Azure build/release pipelines. There are few tests that retrieve secrets from key vault and these are failing because the code is written for fetching secrets from keyvault using MSI and Azure app authentication features. Since pipelines are not enabled for MSI, the keyvault calls are failing and hence the tests are also failing. What is the alternative that exists for this scenario where pipelines can access keyvault successfuly?
Note: I have already gone through articles suggesting to use variable groups and azure keyvault tasks but not helpful in my scenario .Looking for alternatives.
Note: I have already gone through articles suggesting to use variable
groups and azure keyvault tasks but not helpful in my scenario.Looking
for alternatives.
You can try two directions:
Configure a self-hosted agent to run your pipeline in local environment. Of course the agent should be configured with your managed identity.
According to step5 from this blog:
AzureServiceTokenProvider will use the developer's security context to get a token to authenticate to Key Vault. This removes the need to create a service principal, and share it with the development team. It also prevents credentials from being checked in to source code. AzureServiceTokenProvider will use Azure CLI or Active Directory Integrated Authentication to authenticate to Azure AD to get a token. That token will be used to fetch the secret from Azure Key Vault.
You can use Azure Cli task to run your tests in command-line. Check this similar issue.

Inject secret to Docker image via Azure pipeline

I have a pipeline in Azure Devops building and pushing some images to DockerHub. These images are pushed to a production and development environment, but are also available for pulling for local development. For secrets in production and development in Azure we just use keystore and variable groups. However, we haven't found a good solution for injecting secrets when working locally.
For instance, in appsettings.json we have a ClientSecret parameter that is used for authenticating against Azure AD. How can we insert this parameter into appsettings.json during the release pipeline and not have it be visible to someone else later?
Some suggestions include using file transform in the pipeline, but this is not optimal as we don't really want to change any files. Another suggestion is using --build-arg in the pipeline, but these arguments become visible with docker history.
So how can I inject a secret into appsettings.json in a Docker image, and this secret should preferably not be visible anywhere at all?
As you have mentioned, with using File transforms a=nd variable substitution is a less configuration and quick approach.
Besides, you could also choose to use Azure Key Vault.
Azure Key Vault helps teams to securely store and manage sensitive
information such as keys, password, certificates, etc. in a
centralized storage which are safeguarded by industry-standard
algorithms, key lengths, and even hardware security modules. This
prevents information exposure through source code, a common mistake
that many developers make. Many developers leave sensitive information
such as database connection strings, passwords, private keys, etc. in
their source code which when gained by malicious users can result in
undesired consequences.
Access to a key vault requires proper authentication and authorization
and with RBAC, teams can have even fine granular control who has what
permissions over the sensitive data.
As for how to use Azure Key Vault in Azure DevOps, you could kindly refer below blog:
How to inject Azure Key Vault secrets in the Azure DevOps CI/CD
Using secrets from Azure Key Vault in a pipeline
How to use docker image secret with Azure Key Vault, you could take a look at this link: Publishing a Single Image Docker Container with Secrets from VS2017 and Running it on Azure
More ways for your reference: 7 Ways to Deal with Application Secrets in Azure

Azure key vault. How to set which web app uses what key vault?

I have several versions of the same web app running on the same subscription service.
I have 2 logical environments. Dev and UAT.
I have WebAppDev and WebAppUAT.
I have two key vaults KVDev and KVUAT.
How can I configure the correct web app to use the correct key vault?
What process assigns the web apps to key vaults?
I had assumed that the key vault would act like the secrets do when developing.
seems to suggest that the key vault can be used as a configuration provider. However, the web app is not accessing the key vault values.
Get the Object ID from the identity blade of the web app.
Find your azure key vault and create a new access policy using the Object Id of web app.
Alternatively use the following in the powershell cli.
Set-AzKeyVaultAccessPolicy –VaultName -ObjectId "" -PermissionsToKeys backup,create,delete,get,import,list,restore -PermissionsToSecrets get,list,backup,restore,recover
Follow this tutorial and copy the context from the Program.cs in the sample code.
Taking a different angle, the current questions and comments tackle the authentication to KeyVault.
However, it sounds like a more fundamental problem and that you need to vary your configuration per environment.
i.e. WebAppDev needs to be configured to use a KVDev URL and WebAppUAT needs to use KVUAT URL.
Assuming you are using App Service Plans; this documentation provides a mechanism to store environment specific configuration along with guidance on how to use it for your programming language of choice, you will need to refer to the Application Specific configuration section.
Configuring in the portal will get you so far, but over time you will likely wish to contain the configuration in a release management pipeline so you don't need to configure things by hand. Azure DevOps Pipeline is one such tool for this:
To get you started there is a specific deployment task which can aid in setting configuration for App Service Plans:
Over time I'd suggest rather than splitting configuration between a Release Pipeline and source control, instead having configuration which doesn't require deployment time modifications instead to stay source controlled in ARM templates, but that is an answer in it's own right so I won't confuse matters with too much detail.
If you want to access Azure key Vault by programming with SDK or REST API, then it would not be a problem. Because different key vaults have different DNS names. When you try to retrieve a secret or key in your code, you need to use its identify URL which contains its key vault DNS name. It will finally find the target key vault.
If you want to use key vault in web app with managed identity, you may refer to the tutorial: Use Azure Key Vault with an Azure web app in .NET
In that tutorial, you will enable the identity of a web app. And then you can assign access policy to that identity. In this way, the web app will be able to access the key vault with managed identity.

Azure website not able to communicate to the third party API

I have recently migrated my azure classic portal resources to CSP subscription. I have successfully converted my azure cloud service to azure app website in the CSP subscription. But there is one thing i am not able connect. Its the third party API When we had the cloud service we had a .pfx uploaded to azure and in the code we use to create a uri which consists of the certifcate key + certificate secret key.
The certificate key is got directly from web.config. But the certificate secret key is got from EncryptedSettings.Appsettings("SecretKeyName").
This is basically got from the encrypted app setting done earlier by
But i am not sure what way should we implement on Azure website.
I have tried implementing the same but unfortunately it seems the secret key retrieval technique for cloud service is not the same as in the azure web app service.
When i debug the azure web site i can see that it gives the error as.
Failed to decrypt using provider ‘CustomProvider’. Error message from the provider: Value cannot be null.
Parameter name: keyObject
Can anyone please guide me ?
Rather than storing secrets in your config, you may wish instead to store them Azure KeyVault (which also gives you secret management capabilities etc) and then load the secrets at runtime.
KeyVault documentation:
Specifically how to use keyvault with azure websites:
And these days, don't bother with manual authentication to use keyvault, instead use "Managed Service Identity", here's a tutorial:
Interestingly the second tutorial does mention specifically using certificates for the purposes of authentication (against keyvault), you may wish to use this technique for yourself as a simplified way to get direct access to your certificate.

What is the use of Azure Key Vault in case of WebApp

We have hosted our application on Azure WebAPP and wanted to use SSL on this. Should we use traditional way to attach this certification to Azure WebAPP or should we user Azure Key Vault. Since access to Azure WebAPP through RDP is not available and Azure is managing our WebAPP, can certification be compromised (if the Azure key vault is not used)?
I can understand its usage in case of VM, but on Azure, WebApp does it add any value.
Azure Web App doesn't rely on Azure Key Vault for any of its functionalities.
However, if you are using App Service Certificate, then you end up configuring Azure Key Vault for storing the secret. Other use cases are also there, but those are from an application perspective.
