Copy non python files via package_data to Scripts directory - python-3.x

I have some scripts in my package, that rely on some template xml files.
Those scripts are callable by entry points and I wanted to reference the template files by a relative path.
When calling the script via python -m ... the scripts themselves are called from within lib\site-packages and there the xml files are available as I put them in my like this:
package_dir={'my_pck': 'python/src/my_pck'},
package_data={'my_pck': ['reports/templates/*.xml']},
I know, I could copy those templates also by using data_files in my but using package_data seems better to me.
Unfortunately package_data seems not to copy those files to the Scripts folder where the entry points are located.
So my question is, is this even achievable via package_data and if, how?
Or is there a more pythonic, easier way to achieve this? Maybe not referencing those files via paths relative to the scripts?

Looks like importlib-resources might help here. This library is able to find the actual path to a resource file packaged as package_data by setuptools.
Access the package_data files from your code with something like this:
with importlib_resources.path('my_pck.reports.templates', 'a.xml') as xml_path:


How do I recursively generate documentation of an entire project with pydoc?

I have a python project inside a specific folder named "Project 1". I want to extract all the docstrings of all the python files inside this project.
In this project all the modules are imported dynamically through and, for that reason, when I run pydoc it fails on the imports.
python -m pydoc -w module_folder/ will work for some scenarios, but not all. For example, if you want to document modules and submodules of an installed package, it won't work, you'd need to pivot to a different tool.
Using your favorite language you will need to:
Iterate through files in your target folder
Call pydoc once per (sub)module
Here is one of many examples on Github.
Pdoc, pydoctor both handle walking folders automatically, my fork of pydoc walks the module dependency tree by default.

Making an Executable out of an entire Python Project

Is there any way I can make an executable out of my Python project? There are many Python scripts that are in my Project and there are SQLite db files as well as other files and folders that are required for the software to run correctly. What is the best way of making this entire project executable?, Should I only make the Python scripts executable?
I have tried Pyinstaller but I am not sure how to bundle all the files into 1 single executable. Shown above is a copy of all the files and folders in my directory.
I think you need to modify the spec file, which PyInstaller creates on a first run. There is a special parameter for data files:
binaries: non-python modules needed by the scripts, including names given by the --add-binary option;
Try adding your database and other data files to this field and they should be included to you package.
For further question I recommend to refer to official documentation and check examples on Github

Python pkg_resources and file access in packages

I'm building my first python package (which I then install with pip) and I need to use some non-python files. In these answers, it is explained that I should use the pkg_resources function. But I can't figure out a working example. Let say I have this project structure:
Now I want to access conf.yml and image.png from How should I proceed in: ? ? ?
The simplest way to access these files would be to include in
global-include *.png
global-include *.yml will only use files for a source distribution though, while will include files for binary/wheel distributions so just to be safe, inside of your
include_package_data = True,
package_data = {
'' : ['*.png'],
'' : ['*.yml'],
Then you can reference the specific file like so from
from pkg_resources import resource_string
def foo():
pngfile = resource_string(__name__, 'data/image.png')
ymlfile = resource_string(__name__, 'conf.yml')
Notice how for the png file I've specified the directory.
This solution also does not account for files of the same extension which you may want to exclude, but those could easily be taken care of with exclude or specifying filenames rather than using the asterisk.
I know there are questions that could easily be considered duplicates, but I had trouble getting a workable example as well and after a good while badgering away myself I managed to get something to work, and this was it.

Packaging Multiple Python Files

I currently am using this guide to package up my project wasp. However currently everything lives inside of the wasp file.
That's not ideal. I would rather have all the classes in separate files so it can be more effectively managed. I have the series of files needed in the debian directory. But I'm not sure how to configure the packaging to package multiple files.
Is there a way to change my packaging to package more than just the one script file?
I'm not a debian package or Python expert, but one way would be to copy the various source files to another location (outside of /usr/bin), and then have /usr/bin/wasp call out to them.
Say you put all of your python code in src/ in the root of your repo. In the debian/install file, you'd have:
wasp usr/bin
src/* usr/lib/wasp/
You'd then just need /usr/bin/wasp to call some entry point in src. For example,
import sys
import wasp # or whatever you expose in src
# ...
Again, I don't know the best practices here (either in directory or python usage) but I think this would at least work!

Multiple locations within a folder hierarchy to run SCons from

So far, I've only seen examples of running SCons in the same folder as the single SConstruct file resides. Let's say my project structure is like:
What I'd like is to be able to run 'scons' at the root and also inside tools/mytool. The latter compiles only mytool. Is this possible with SCons?
I assume it involves creating another SConstruct file. I've made another one: tools/mytool/SConstruct
I made it contain only:
and I was thinking of doing Import('env mytoolTarget') and calling Default(mytoolTarget), but running it with just the above runs in the current directory instead of from the root, so the include paths are broken.
What's the correct way to do this?
You can use the -u option to do this. From any subdirectory, scons -u will search upwards in the directory tree for an SConstruct file.
