Service Bus Queue doesn't remove completed messages - azure

I'm sending an HTTP Post message to a Service Bus Queue and when this receive it, a Logic App starts. But when the Logic App finishes sometimes the message is n ot removed from the queue and this restart the Logic App.
What can I do for remove this messages?

This may help. When you make a logic app resource a single instance, it is recommended to use a Peek/Lock trigger. Otherwise the message doesn't leave the queue until the next trigger runs.

Make sure that was no errors in Logic App. Error would rollback transaction (if message consumption is part of transaction) and leave message on queue for next attempt.


Logic App (Consumption) Handling Lost Locks (not Timeout)

We have instances where our service bus message lock has been lost before it can be completed. MS referred me to the documentation:
It is important to note that the lock that PeekLock acquires on the
message is volatile and may be lost in the following conditions
Service Update OS update Changing properties on the entity (Queue,
Topic, Subscription) while holding the lock. When the lock is lost,
Azure Service Bus will generate a MessageLockLostException which will
be surfaced on the client application code. In this case, the client's
default retry logic should automatically kick in and retry the
We already handle the 5 minute timeout with a parallel loop. Now we need to handle a lost lock due to volatility. What is everyone's best practice here?
A resubmit is not appropriate - in case of duplication
Dead-lettering cannot be done because the lock is lost, a second instance will already have started for the same message
Message could be completed immediately, however we lose the dead-letter ability etc...
Could this be a good solution for you?
Change the logic app to be http triggered
Add another logic app triggered by the message that creates a record in a storage of some sort with the state of processing the message set to 0 for example and then calls the first logic app
Add another logic app that sets the record to complete state 1 for example
When the logic app finishes, it calls the second logic app to update the record
What happens:
message arrives
new logicapp1 picks it and completes the message
new logicapp1 creates a record and calls your main logic app
main logic app do its processing
main logic app calls new logicapp2
new logicapp2 updates the record as completed

What happens to the messages being processed on functions running when we disable the function?

We are working with Azure functions, which are triggered on every message in the service bus queue. We are trying to solve a problem whereby we need to disable a function on the function app processing messages, dynamically, so that it does not process messages any further and we do not lose any message in the process as well.
We can disable the functions via multiple ways, referring to link but the problem remains the same. Unable to figure out what happens to the functions already spawned when trying to disable the same.
Since the function is service bus triggered there is always a possibility that the function is processing a message and we disable the same, does it get processed, any sorts of cancellation is raised, it just dies out with an exception?
It would be great someone could direct me to some documentation or something. Thanks.
Azure Service Bus triggered function will already have a lock on the message that's being processed. If Function is terminated and the message was not completed or disposition, the lock will expire and the message will reappear on the queue. That's because of the Functions runtime receives a message in PeekLock mode.
One factor to consider is the queue's MaxDeliveryCount. If a function is terminated upon the last processing attempt, the message will be dead-lettered as all processing attempts have been exhausted. That's a standard Azure Service Bus behaviour.

Azure Service Bus - cancelled scheduled messages getting re-queued

I'm using the latest Java bindings (v3.1.3) for Azure Service Bus:
When I create a new queue client, schedule a message, and cancel it...
QueueClient sendClient = new QueueClient(new ConnectionStringBuilder(connectionString, queueName), ReceiveMode.PEEKLOCK);
long sequenceNumber = sendClient.scheduleMessage(message, instant);
...the code appears to work as intended: The active message count goes to 0. But as soon as the scheduled message gets to the time it was supposed to be scheduled (I tested with 10 seconds and 100 seconds in the future), the message sometimes gets re-queued with a new sequence number. I'm not getting any errors when scheduling or cancelling the messages. Is there something I can do to make sure cancelled messages don't get re-queued?
From my own testing, I found that cancelling a service bus message in a short time frame after the scheduled message was sent to the service bus queue does not always process the cancellation as expected. In general we're talking only a few seconds but the behaviour is not entirely consistant.
My conslusion is that there will be some latency between the scheduled message being queued to when a cancellation of that same message is registered which means that canclelling a scheduled message almost straight away after sending it to the queue will not always stop it being processed.
Therefore in my environment, I had to provide my own fallback feature to check additional custom properties in the service bus message, so when it arrives back at my subscriber app, i use an IF Statement to check the status of the custom property so I can chose whether to ignore it and not process anything more.
This really caught me out for a little while as my environement was rather complex and I assumed there was some issue in my code somwhere along the line which in the end, once I factored in the above annomlly and started to see how the service bus was responding to the schedule message cancellation, I was able to overcome this issue.
You can schedule messages either by setting the ScheduledEnqueueTimeUtc property when sending a message through the regular send path, or explicitly with the ScheduleMessageAsync API. The latter immediately returns the scheduled message's SequenceNumber, which you can later use to cancel the scheduled message if needed.
Cancels the enqueuing of an already sent scheduled message, if it was not already enqueued. This is an asynchronous method returning a CompletableFuture which completes when the message is cancelled.
So, I suggest that you could use cancelScheduledMessageAsync to cancel scheduled message.

How to know if the queue has already been read fully using PEEK method in Azure Service Bus

I am using Azure Service Bus REST API to receive messages.
The requirement is to have a scheduled job to read messages from Azure Service Bus Queues and forward them for processing. If processed successfully, then delete them from the Queue or keep them in the Queue to be processed in the next scheduled job. I am using Peek-Lock Message (Non-Destructive Read) method(
The problem i am facing is inside my loop, how to know that i have read the queue fully so that i do not re-read the same queue again.
Your requirement is somewhat problematic.
If processed successfully, then delete them from the Queue or keep them in the Queue to be processed in the next scheduled job.
Successful processing should always result in message completion. Otherwise, you're asking for trouble. When processing messages in peek-lock mode, the message is locked for up to 5 minutes. It's your responsibility to complete it if the processing is successful. If it wasn't completed, that's a sign the processing wasn't successful and it should be read again given your requirement. Do not leave successfully processed messages in the queue.
The problem i am facing is inside my loop, how to know that i have read the queue fully so that i do not re-read the same queue again.
You shouldn't be concerned about this. Read messages and process. If failed to process, the message will reappear. Otherwise, a message should be removed. If you want to handle idempotency, i.e. ensure that if for some reason the message is not processed more than once, upon successful processing and prior to completion store the message ID (assuming it's unique) in a data store and validate any new message against that data store.

Azure Web Jobs, Azure Service Bus Queue Trigger prevent message from getting deleted

I am looking into setting up a web job trigger to read message from service bus queue. What would be the best practice to implement a retry logic in case of any errors handling the downstream systems.
Would we be able to throw an exception so that the message will not be deleted from the queue and will be retried after certain time period?
Appreciate your feedback.
You don't need to define retry logic explicitly. When the message is de-queued from service bus , it gets invisible from queue for certain time period (lock time default 30secs , you can configure it). You try to process the message , if it gets successful you simply call BrokeredMessage.CompleteAsync which means i am done and mark this message as completed. If you have some problem in down stream you can abandon the message by calling BrokeredMessage.AbandonAsync . This will unlock the message and the message appears back in the queue. The message will be picked up by the worker again and process it. Until you get successful or reach the max retry limit after which the message is send to dead letter queue.
