Using KDE frameworks and Qt Creator installed without apt - linux

A similar question has already been asked here Starting with KDE Frameworks 5 and Qt Creator. However, the answer still hasn't clarified my doubts. So here is the problem: on Linux (Ubuntu) there are two ways to install Qt, first is to use apt (sudo apt install qt5-default) and the other one is to download Qt from the official website. Now when you install using the first way Qt is installed by defualt /usr/lib and the second way in the home folder (or in /opt if you ran the installed with administrator privileges).
Now I would like to integrate KDE Frameworks 5 in my project so on the official website it is suggested to use:
sudo apt install framework
And then you can just include that in your project by QT += framework. The problem is I installed Qt using the second way (downloading from the website) and as a result Qt Creator always return Project ERROR: Unknown module(s) in QT: framework. This I believe is because Qt doesn't seem to be aware of the fact that the modules are in /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/qt5/mkspecs/modules/ instead it probably looks for them somewhere else.
How do I solve this problem with a permanent solution? I cannot install Qt using apt because I would like to use the latest version which usually in not immediately available in the default repositories.

Ok so after a looking a lot, a solution has been suggested here
Essentially Qt, if not installed through the system's repositories, is unable to find the KF5 modules. In order to fix this you can add a QMAKEPATH environment build variable to your project that tells Qt where it should look for the module, in my case this was in


Cannot use Cairo in Monodevelop on Debian linux

I want to create my own GTK# widget, and so I need to use Cairo for custom painting. But there is a big problem - Cairo library is not recognized on my machine.
At statement using Cairo; Monodevelop says: The name 'Cairo' does not exist in the current context, and so I cannot even compile my sources. I have tried to disable source analysis, but obviously this is deeper problem.
I use Debian testing and all libmono-cairo* libraries are installed.
Is there any way how to got Cairo working on Debian linux?
If libmono-cairo* are installed, you surely missed adding Mono.Cairo to your references:
Check Mono.Cairo to add cairo wrapper assembly to your project.
If you can't find Mono.Cairo in the Packages, go to .net Assembly Tab, and browse
Or any other cli version, and add Mono.Cairo.dll to your references.
I've double check why on Debian (jessie for me) Mono.Cairo doesn't appear in the reference list even if Mono-cairo.pc is present in pkgconfig directory. Launching Monodevelop as Root, it appears in the Packages list. So must there be a permission failure somewhere.

adding Doxygen plugin to qtcreator in linux

I want to add Doxygen plugin to QtCreator.
I am using QtCreator 2.5.2 in ubuntu 12.10 and the latest Doxygen version for QT is 2.4.0.
I've changed the doxygen.pluginspec file to get rid of version error.
But now I've got another error:
can not load library ( can not open shared object file:No such file or directory)
Any suggestion would be appreciated.
I hope you are no longer stuck, but if not, I will still try to help.
Yes, the quick install binaries are available only for QtCreator 2.4, but the plugin stays easy to install without it : you have to download the sources and build them yourself, as written in the wiki.
Moreover, you have to build it with the same version of Qt4 as the one that was used for build your QtCreator (have a look here)
It became compatible with QtCreator 2.7 and Qt5 at the end of March, and I succeeded in installing in in QtCreator2.8-beta.
If you have any other question, I guess it would be better to ask them in the plugin forum where developpers always answer to people in need.
Hope this helps (you and other people in need).
You can install Doxywizard wich provides an user interface to use Doxygen.
I'm not shure I'm using fedora to install I used.
yum install doxygen-doxywizard.x86_64.
For Ubuntu it should be if the package name is the same.
apt-get install doxygen-doxywizard.x86_64
(as root)

What is the best approach to distribute a project in both windows and linux?

So there is this particular jython project that needs a couple of dependencies, such as Jenkins, some kind of subversion, and this needs to be done on windows.
Would it be sane of me to consider using pip to help install all of these items, or should I look elsewhere, such as NSIS?
I really should've rephrase this - my fault for asking the question late at night.
There's an automated testing project that has the following dependencies:
Java JDK
Robot Framework
I personally prefer to run on Linux, but people that need to use this are typically Windows users. I'm confident enough to write a script to install all of this on Linux, but what I want is to have a script / installer that would install the relevent tools.
I would prefer to have a single script to do all of this - it's easy on Ubuntu with apt-get; but on windows, this quickly becomes non-trivial.
What is the best way to try and do this? Should I create separate installers for separate OS
pip is the acronym for pip install packages, python packages, and it only install Python packages.
Since Jenkins and Subversion are not Python packages, as far as I know, you can't install them, and it is not "sane".
Unfortunately there is no single established tool to install everything in every platform.
Use pip to install all your python packages, and prefer to use virtualenv to create isolated Python environments to manage your projects.
Since pip only installs python packages and Jenkins isn't a python package (it's written in Java), you cannot use it to install those packages.
You should totally take a look to virtualenv, but if you need to do a "double click" installer for your project in Windows i think that NSIS is the way to go.
I am successfully using install4j to create an executable installer for Windows, Linux and OSX. The application is Java and it bundles JRE. Install4j creates installer for each specified platform using respective JRE. So far it worked great on Windows and it somewhat works on Linux and OSX (e.g. in new version of install4j, JRE for Java 1.8 is not bundled properly for linu, so the JRE is preinstalled, but it could be automated). It also allows you to run non-interactive installer.

Port a debian package to YUM for CentOS

I have a project that runs on Debian and uses many packages provided from the Debian repositories.
Because of demand, I've looked into porting the project to CentOS, but found that many of the packages I require are completely missing - at least 10 dependencies would have to be compiled manually at install time on the users machine.
My question is, what is the best way to create an installer for the user's machine? Should I use automake tools (with the standard ./configure, make, make install), to compile the required libraries, or is this a non-standard approach. Note that my app doesn't actually need to be compiled since it is written in Python, so is it weird to do a "make", when you're not compiling your own app?
Should the configure script just warn the user that package X is missing, and let them handle the rest?
Should I roll my own dependency checker by runng pkg-config manually a few times for each library required, and exit if something is missing?
I'm quite new to this, so any tips to get me moving in the right direction are appreciated.
Edit: I am familiar with RPM and yum for red hat base distros, but CentOS is missing many multimedia packages that I require. An example of one of my package dependencies is "liquidsoap" which is a programmable audio engine:
This is available on Debian, but not Redhat/Centos
See this link on CentOS package management.
CentOS is redhat based and does not use .deb packages by default. However apt package management has been ported to tons of platforms, you may be able to use a port for centOS
If you use YUM whatever packages you need will be there for your application as redhat distros need all the same things that any other distro does.
EDIT: To get the details out of comments
Packages not available on the target platform either have to be built (possibly as a port) on the target platform and then shipped in the ported package (in this case YUM), or code needs to be modified and forked to use packages which already are available on the target platform. The choice depends on which is worse, or which is even possible given your constraints.

Installing Qt on Linux (Debian distribution)

I have Qt 4.6.3 on Debian. I need version 4.8.1.
To install it I downloaded the Qt SDK 1.2.1 from the Qt site, where is said that it contains version 4.8.1
After installation I checked Qt version and it is 4.6.3 instead of expected 4.8.1.
What I am doing wrong? And how can I install 4.8.1?
First of all I recommend getting 'official' Debian Qt upgrades by adding the testing (wheezy) repo to your package manager, this way everything on your system will be updated seamlessly in a few clicks.
If you can't do this, then:
Use your package manager to uninstall the existing Qt installation (so that's the runtime libs, plugins, and Qt Creator).
Install the SDK anywhere you like, it installs under one folder anyway.
Update your $PATH to point to the directory with qtcreator, qmake, etc., there are numerous ways of doing this, the simplest is exporting the updated $PATH in your .bashrc. (And optionally make some nice shortcuts for your DE).
Create symlinks in /usr/lib (or /usr/lib64) to point to the Qt libraries the SDK provides, or add a qt.conf file containing the path in your /etc/ directory and run ldconfig as root.
I'm an openSUSE user myself, so some of the above may slightly different on Debian, hopefully someone with Debian experience can chime in if I'm incorrect.
