can't assign to function callPython(parser-80) - python-3.x

I am trying to pass the activation function argument to b.layer() from a list of strings.
I have tried eval('b.layer(parameters[1] = 3)')
#parameters = [layers,index_activation_function,nodes]
parameters = [2,2,2]
#Activation Functions
a_functions = ['softmax','relu','tanh','sigmoid','linear']
function = a_functions[parameters[1]]
b = brain.Brain(1)
b.layer(linear = 2)
for i in range(layers):
b.layer(linear = 2)

Below is complete example that shows how to construct a string for the eval() function with Gekko. This isn't unique to Gekko and can be used for any string that you want to evaluate as an expression.
from gekko import brain
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
# generate training data
x = np.linspace(0.0,2*np.pi)
y = np.sin(x)
parameters = [2,2,2]
a_functions = ['softmax','relu','tanh','sigmoid','linear']
function = a_functions[parameters[1]]
s = 'b.layer('+function+'=2)'
b = brain.Brain()
# train
# validate
xp = np.linspace(-2*np.pi,4*np.pi,100)
yp = b.think(xp)
This evaluates the string b.layer(tanh=2) by selecting the tanh activation function from your list of options. Here is the result of that script.


How can I interpolate values from two lists (in Python)?

I am relatively new to coding in Python. I have mainly used MatLab in the past and am used to having vectors that can be referenced explicitly rather than appended lists. I have a script where I generate a list of x- and y- (z-, v-, etc) values. Later, I want to interpolate and then print a table of the values at specified points. Here is a MWE. The problem is at line 48:
yq = interp1d(x_list, y_list, xq(nn))#interp1(output1(:,1),output1(:,2),xq(nn))
I'm not sure I have the correct syntax for the last two lines either:
table[nn] = ('%.2f' %xq, '%.2f' %yq)
Here is the full script for the MWE:
#This script was written to test how to interpolate after data was created in a loop and stored as a list. Can a list be accessed explicitly like a vector in matlab?
from scipy.interpolate import interp1d
from math import * #for ceil
from astropy.table import Table #for Table
import numpy as np
# define the initial conditions
x = 0 # initial x position
y = 0 # initial y position
Rmax = 10 # maxium range
""" initializing variables for plots"""
x_list = [x]
y_list = [y]
""" define functions"""
# not necessary for this MWE
"""create sample data for MWE"""
# x and y data are calculated using functions and appended to their respective lists
h = 1
t = 0
tf = 10
# Example of interpolation without a loop:
#x = np.linspace(0, 10, num=11, endpoint=True)
#y = np.cos(-x**2/9.0)
#f = interp1d(x, y)
for i in range(N):
x = h*i
y = cos(-x**2/9.0)
""" appends selected data for ability to plot"""
## Interpolation after x- and y-lists are already created
intervals = 0.5
nfinal = ceil(Rmax/intervals)
NN = nfinal+1 # length of table
dtype = [('Range (units?)', 'f8'), ('Drop? (units)', 'f8')]
table = Table(data=np.zeros(N, dtype=dtype))
for nn in range(NN):#for nn = 1:NN
xq = 0.0 + (nn-1)*intervals #0.0 + (nn-1)*intervals
yq = interp1d(x_list, y_list, xq(nn))#interp1(output1(:,1),output1(:,2),xq(nn))
table[nn] = ('%.2f' %xq, '%.2f' %yq)
Your help and patience will be greatly appreciated!
Best regards,
Your code has some glaring issues that made it really difficult to understand. Let's first take a look at some things I needed to fix:
for i in range(N):
x = h*1
y = cos(-x**2/9.0)
""" appends selected data for ability to plot"""
You are appending a single value without modifying it. What I presume you wanted is down below.
intervals = 0.5
nfinal = ceil(Rmax/intervals)
NN = nfinal+1 # length of table
dtype = [('Range (units?)', 'f8'), ('Drop? (units)', 'f8')]
table = Table(data=np.zeros(N, dtype=dtype))
for nn in range(NN):#for nn = 1:NN
xq = 0.0 + (nn-1)*intervals #0.0 + (nn-1)*intervals
yq = interp1d(x_list, y_list, xq(nn))#interp1(output1(:,1),output1(:,2),xq(nn))
table[nn] = ('%.2f' %xq, '%.2f' %yq)
This is where things get strange. First: use pandas tables, this is the more popular choice. Second: I have no idea what you are trying to loop over. What I presume you wanted was to vary the number of points for the interpolation, which I have done so below. Third: you are trying to interpolate a point, when you probably want to interpolate over a range of points (...interpolation). Lastly, you are using the interp1d function incorrectly. Please take a look at the code below or run it here; let me know what you exactly wanted (specifically: what should xq / xq(nn) be?), because the MRE you provided is quite confusing.
from scipy.interpolate import interp1d
from math import *
import numpy as np
Rmax = 10
h = 1
t = 0
tf = 10
N = ceil(tf/h)
x = np.arange(0,N+1)
y = np.cos(-x**2/9.0)
interval = 0.5
NN = ceil(Rmax/interval) + 1
ip_list = np.arange(1,interval*NN,interval)
xtable = []
ytable = []
for i,nn in enumerate(ip_list):
f = interp1d(x,y)
x_i = np.arange(0,nn+interval,interval)
xtable += [x_i]
ytable += [f(x_i)]
[print(i) for i in xtable]
[print(i) for i in ytable]

Finding the minimum using fmin()

I am trying to minimize the "function()" with respect to two parameters. I have done so by creating mesh arrays and used them in the above "function()" to return similar meshed array values. However, upon using "fmin()" to find the minimum, the output says that the operators could not be broadcasted.
The code is pasted below:
import numpy as np
from scipy.optimize import fmin
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
x_values = np.arange(-10,10,2)
y_values = np.arange(-10,10,2)
x_mesh = np.empty((0,len(x_values)))
y_mesh = np.empty((0,len(y_values)))
for i in range(len(x_values)):
y_mesh = np.vstack((y_mesh, y_values))
for i in range(len(y_values)):
x_mesh = np.vstack((x_mesh, x_values))
y_mesh = np.transpose(y_mesh)
def function(x_mesh, y_mesh):
return (2*x_mesh**2 + y_mesh**2)
''' Want to minimize function '''
x_start = np.zeros((len(x_values), len(y_values)))
y_start = x_start
y = fmin(lamda x_mesh: function(x_mesh, y_mesh), (x_start, y_start), full_output = True, disp = 0)
The output shown was:
File "C:/Users/User/Documents/Year2/Programming/", line 42, in function
return (2*x_mesh**2 + y_mesh**2)
ValueError: operands could not be broadcast together with shapes (200,) (10,10)
But why does this happen? What is the solution?

How do I get the coefficients/interecept for each group/model so I can plot the fitted line for each group?

I've written a custom class to group elements of a dataset, fit each group, and then run predictions for each group based on the fitted model. I want to be able to return the coefficients of each fitting (presumably in a dictionary), so that I can refer back to them and plot the line of best fit for each.
Calling the standard .coef_ or .get_params methods do not work because the items these methods attempt to retrieve are groupby objects. Alternatively, I tried to introduce the following:
def get_coefs():
coefs_dict = {}
for name, values in dataframe.groupby(self.groupby_column):
coefs_dict[name] = self.drugs_dict[name].coefs_
return coefs_dict
But get the following:
<bound method GroupbyEstimator.get_coefs of GroupbyEstimator(groupby_column='ndc',
pipeline_factory=<function pipeline_factory at 0x0000018DAD207268>)>
Here's the class I've written:
from sklearn import base
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
class GroupbyEstimator(base.BaseEstimator, base.RegressorMixin):
def __init__(self, groupby_column, pipeline_factory):
self.groupby_column = groupby_column
self.pipeline_factory = pipeline_factory
def fit(self, dataframe, label):
self.drugs_dict = {}
self.label = label
dataframe = pd.get_dummies(dataframe)
for name, values in dataframe.groupby(self.groupby_column):
y = values[label]
X = values.drop(columns = [label, self.groupby_column], axis = 1)
self.drugs_dict[name] = self.pipeline_factory().fit(X, y)
return self
def get_coefs():
self.coefs_dict = {}
self.coefs_dict[name] = self.drugs_dict[name].named_steps["lin_reg"].coef_
return self.coefs_dict
def predict(self, test_data):
price_pred_list = []
for idx, row in test_data.iterrows():
name = row[self.groupby_column]
regression_coefs = self.drugs_dict[name]
row = pd.DataFrame(row).T
X = row.drop(columns = [self.label, self.groupby_column], axis = 1).values.reshape(1, -1)
drug_price_pred = regression_coefs.predict(X)
price_pred_list.append([name, drug_price_pred])
return price_pred_list
Expected result is a dictionary of the format:
{drug_a: [coefficient_1, coefficient_2,...coefficient_n],
drug_b: [coefficient_1, coefficient_2,...coefficient_n],
drug_c: [coefficient_1, coefficient_2,...coefficient_n]}
The pipeline factory is like this. I'll be building this out with alternative regressors, pca, gridsearchcv, etc. at a later time (so long as I can get the parameters out of the groupby objects for the individual regressions.
def pipeline_factory():
from sklearn.pipeline import Pipeline
from sklearn.linear_model import LinearRegression
return Pipeline([
('lin_reg', LinearRegression())
EDIT: Added the get_coefs method as suggested. Unfortunately, as displayed above, it is still returning the same error.
The problem is with self.drugs_dict which is a dictionary of Pipeline objects, so you can't use coef_ on them directly. The coef_ is anattribute associated with the estimator object which in your case is a LinearRegression object. So the correct way of accessing the coefficients will be self.drugs_dict[name].named_steps["lin_reg"].coef_ instead of self.drugs_dict[name].coefs_ in your get_coefs() method.
While #Parthasarathy Subburaj led me to the right answer, here's the completed code for anyone that may be looking for a similar solution:
from sklearn import base
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
class GroupbyEstimator(base.BaseEstimator, base.RegressorMixin):
def __init__(self, groupby_column, pipeline_factory):
# column is the value to group by; estimator_factory can be called to produce estimators
self.groupby_column = groupby_column
self.pipeline_factory = pipeline_factory
def fit(self, dataframe, label):
# Create an estimator and fit it with the portion in each group (create and fit a model per city
self.drugs_dict = {}
self.label = label
self.coefs_dict = {}
dataframe = pd.get_dummies(dataframe) #onehot encoder had problems with the data, so I'm getting the dummies with pandas here
for name, values in dataframe.groupby(self.groupby_column):
y = values[label]
X = values.drop(columns = [label, self.groupby_column], axis = 1)
self.drugs_dict[name] = self.pipeline_factory().fit(X, y)
self.coefs_dict[name] = self.drugs_dict[name].named_steps["lin_reg"].coef_
return self
def get_coefs(self):
return self.coefs_dict
def predict(self, test_data):
price_pred_list = []
for idx, row in test_data.iterrows():
name = row[self.groupby_column] #get drug name from drug column
regression_coefs = self.drugs_dict[name] #get coefficients from fitting in drugs_dict
row = pd.DataFrame(row).T
X = row.drop(columns = [self.label, self.groupby_column], axis = 1).values.reshape(1, -1)
drug_price_pred = regression_coefs.predict(X) #Use regression coefficients from dictionary (key = drug name) to predict
price_pred_list.append([name, drug_price_pred])
return price_pred_list
The TL;DR of the comments is that the dictionary holding model names and coefficients needs to be created under the fit method using sklearn's .named_steps on the desired portion of the pipeline, and then returned in a separate method (in this case get_coefs).

can't convert expression to float problem

i am trying to use the "subs" function for differential equation
but i get the error: "can't convert expression to float"
i tryed to check the type of the arrays, but they all float
import sympy as sym
from sympy.integrals import inverse_laplace_transform
from import s,t,y
import numpy as np
U = 1
G =(s+1)/(s*(s+2))
Y = G*U
y = inverse_laplace_transform(Y, s, t)
tm = np.linspace(0,2,3)
y_val = np.zeros(len(tm))
for i in range(len(tm)):
y_val[i] = y.subs(t, tm[i])
line 17
y_val[i] = y.subs(t, tm[i])
TypeError: can't convert expression to float
Ths issue here is that, because tm[0] == 0, the evaluated y in the first iteration of your loop is Heaviside(0), which has no defined real value by default (see This is because you have
from sympy.functions import exp, Heaviside
assert y == Heaviside(t) / 2 + exp(-2 * t) * Heaviside(t) / 2
The simplest workaround here is defining a linear space excluding 0, for instance
epsilon = 1e-15
tm = np.linspace(epsilon, 2, 3)
Using y_val = np.zeros(len(tm)), the default datatype of array is float. After modifying the code, you find that one of y_val elements is an object, not float. You can use a list object as a placeholder or you can specify the datatype of numpy array as object:
import sympy as sym
from sympy.integrals import inverse_laplace_transform
from import s,t,y
import numpy as np
U = 1
G =(s+1)/(s*(s+2))
Y = G*U
y = inverse_laplace_transform(Y, s, t)
tm = np.linspace(0,2,3)
# y_val = [0 for _ in range(len(tm))]
y_val = np.zeros(len(tm), dtype=object)
for i in range(len(tm)):
y_val[i] = y.subs(t, tm[i])
result: [Heaviside(0.0) 0.567667641618306 0.509157819444367]
I have similar problem and your answers work for me, but I still need to put the data into graph.. I modified my problem for this question:
import sympy as sym
from sympy.integrals import inverse_laplace_transform
from import s,t,y
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
Y = (5*(1 - 5*s))/(s*(4*(s**2) + s + 1))*(1/s)
y = inverse_laplace_transform(Y, s, t)
tm = np.linspace(1e-15, 20, 100)
y_val = np.zeros(len(tm), dtype=object)
for i in range(len(tm)):
y_val[i] = y.subs(t, tm[i])
plt.plot(y_val, tm)
Running this code I got same error:
TypeError: can't convert expression to float

Goodness of fit always being zero despite taking random data?

I'm trying to write code that generates random data and computes goodness of fit but I'm not understanding why the chi-squared test is always zero, may I have a fix for this ? For an attempted fix I tried playing around with different types to see if I get any resulting changes in the initial output, also I've tried changing the parameters to the loop in question.
from scipy import stats
import math
import random
import numpy
import scipy
import numpy as np
def Linear_Chi2_Generate(observed_values = [], expected_values = []):
# !!!!!!! Generation of Data !!!!!!!!!! #
for i in range(0,12):
a = random.randint(-10,10)
b = random.randint(-10,10)
y = a * (b + i)
# !!! Array Setup !!!! #
# ***Had the Array types converted to floats before computing Chi2*** #
# #
t_s = 0
o_v = np.array(observed_values)
e_v = np.array(expected_values)
o_v_f = o_v.astype(float)
e_v_f = o_v.astype(float)
z_o_e_v_f = zip(o_v.astype(float), e_v.astype(float))
for i in z_o_e_v_f:
t_s += [((o_v_f)-(e_v_f))]**2/(e_v_f) # Computs the Chi2 Stat !
print("Observed Values ", o_v_f)
print("Expected Values" , e_v_f)
print("Our goodness of fit for our linear function", stats.chi2.cdf(t_s,df))
return t_s
In your original code, e_v_f = o_v.astype(float) made o_v_f, e_v_f ending up the same. There was also some issue in the for loop. I have edited your code a bit. See what it does you are looking for:
from scipy import stats
import math
import random
import numpy
import scipy
import numpy as np
def Linear_Chi2_Generate(observed_values = [], expected_values = []):
# !!!!!!! Generation of Data !!!!!!!!!! #
for i in range(0,12):
a_o = random.randint(-10,10)
b_o = random.randint(-10,10)
y_o = a_o * (b_o + i)
# a_e = random.randint(-10,10)
# b_e = random.randint(-10,10)
# y_e = a_e * (b_e + i)
expected_values.append(y_o + 5)
# !!! Array Setup !!!! #
# ***Had the Array types converted to floats before computing Chi2*** #
# #
t_s = 0
o_v = np.array(observed_values)
e_v = np.array(expected_values)
o_v_f = o_v.astype(float)
e_v_f = e_v.astype(float)
z_o_e_v_f = zip(o_v.astype(float), e_v.astype(float))
for o, e in z_o_e_v_f:
t_s += (o - e) **2 / e # Computs the Chi2 Stat !
print("Observed Values ", o_v_f)
print("Expected Values" , e_v_f)
print("Our goodness of fit for our linear function", stats.chi2.cdf(t_s,df))
return t_s
