Stone Game (leetcode 877) - how is the sum getting calculated - python-3.x

Summary of Game Game - There are even number of piles of stones, and each of the 2 players picks up a pile alternately. Sum of the stones is always odd, hence there cannot be a tie. We need to check if the player who starts first wins the game.
I've a question about the following code, which is working fine
This code checks whether Play A (who goes first) wins a game
Code below calculates the (sum of stones picked up by A - sum of stones picked up by B)
Question is - how is the code (under code if(parity == 0)) calculating the sum.
I understand dynamic programming/recursion is involved, however since the sum is not being passed in the recursive call - how is the sum calculated ?
def stoneGame(self, piles:List[int]) -> bool :
N = len(piles)
def dp(i, j):
if(i > j):
return 0
parity = (j - i +1) %2
if(parity == 0):
return max(piles[i] + dp(i+1, j), piles[j] + dp(i, j-1))
return min(-piles[i] + dp(i+1, j), -piles[j] + dp(i, j-1))
return dp(0, N-1) > 0

lets look at the term piles[i] + dp(i+1, j) and parity 0.
next calculation will be piles[i] - Piles[i+1] + dp(i+2,j) or piles[i] - Piles[j] + dp(i+1,j -1)
So you can observe how the piles array is either getting added or subtracted depending on the conditions.
At the base case ( i > j) the calculation will be the following:
piles[x1] - piles[x2] + piles[x3] - piles[x4] + ......
where the x1,x2,x3,x4 are different indexes of the array.


I'm Looking for ways to make this lexicographical code faster

I've been working on code to calculate the distance between 33 3D points and calculate the shortest route is between them. The initial code took in all 33 points and paired them consecutively and calculated the distances between the pairs using math.sqrt and sum them all up to get a final distance.
My problem is that with the sheer number of permutations of a list with 33 points (33 factorial!) the code is going to need to be at its absolute best to find the answer within a human lifetime (assuming I can use as many CPUs as I can get my hands on to increase the sheer computational power).
I've designed a simple web server to hand out an integer and convert it to a list and have the code perform a set number of lexicographical permutations from that point and send back the resulting shortest distance of that block. This part is fine but I have concerns over the code that does the distance calculations
I've put together a test version of my code so I could change things and see if it made the execution time faster or slower. This code starts at the beginning of the permutation list (0 to 32) in order and performs 50 million lexicographical iterations on it, checking the distance of the points at every iteration. the code is detailed below.
import json
import datetime
import math
def next_lexicographic_permutation(x):
i = len(x) - 2
while i >= 0:
if x[i] < x[i+1]:
i -= 1
if i < 0:
return False
j = len(x) - 1
while j > i:
if x[j] > x[i]:
j-= 1
x[i], x[j] = x[j], x[i]
reverse(x, i + 1)
return x
def reverse(arr, i):
if i > len(arr) - 1:
j = len(arr) - 1
while i < j:
arr[i], arr[j] = arr[j], arr[i]
i += 1
j -= 1
# ip for initial permutation
ip = [0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19,20,21,22,23,24,25,26,27,28,29,30,31,32]
lookup = '{"0":{"name":"van Maanen\'s Star","x":-6.3125,"y":-11.6875,"z":-4.125},\
"1":{"name":"Wolf 124","x":-7.25,"y":-27.1562,"z":-19.0938},\
"3":{"name":"PSPF-LF 2","x":-4.40625,"y":-17.1562,"z":-15.3438},\
"4":{"name":"Wolf 629","x":-4.0625,"y":7.6875,"z":20.0938},\
"5":{"name":"LHS 3531","x":1.4375,"y":-11.1875,"z":16.7812},\
"6":{"name":"Stein 2051","x":-9.46875,"y":2.4375,"z":-15.375},\
"7":{"name":"Wolf 25","x":-11.0625,"y":-20.4688,"z":-7.125},\
"8":{"name":"Wolf 1481","x":5.1875,"y":13.375,"z":13.5625},\
"9":{"name":"Wolf 562","x":1.46875,"y":12.8438,"z":15.5625},\
"10":{"name":"LP 532-81","x":-1.5625,"y":-27.375,"z":-32.3125},\
"11":{"name":"LP 525-39","x":-19.7188,"y":-31.125,"z":-9.09375},\
"12":{"name":"LP 804-27","x":3.3125,"y":17.8438,"z":43.2812},\
"13":{"name":"Ross 671","x":-17.5312,"y":-13.8438,"z":0.625},\
"14":{"name":"LHS 340","x":20.4688,"y":8.25,"z":12.5},\
"19":{"name":"Hill Pa Hsi","x":29.4688,"y":-1.6875,"z":25.375},\
"20":{"name":"Luyten 145-141","x":13.4375,"y":-0.8125,"z":6.65625},\
"21":{"name":"WISE 0855-0714","x":6.53125,"y":-2.15625,"z":2.03125},\
"22":{"name":"Alpha Centauri","x":3.03125,"y":-0.09375,"z":3.15625},\
"23":{"name":"LHS 450","x":-12.4062,"y":7.8125,"z":-1.875},\
"24":{"name":"LP 245-10","x":-18.9688,"y":-13.875,"z":-24.2812},\
"25":{"name":"Epsilon Indi","x":3.125,"y":-8.875,"z":7.125},\
"26":{"name":"Barnard\'s Star","x":-3.03125,"y":1.375,"z":4.9375},\
"27":{"name":"Epsilon Eridani","x":1.9375,"y":-7.75,"z":-6.84375},\
"29":{"name":"Wolf 359","x":3.875,"y":6.46875,"z":-1.90625},\
"30":{"name":"LAWD 26","x":20.9062,"y":-7.5,"z":3.75},\
"32":{"name":"George Pantazis","x":-12.0938,"y":-16.0,"z":-14.2188}}'
lookup = json.loads(lookup)
lowest_total = 9999
# create 2D array for the distances and called it b to keep code looking clean.
b = [[0 for i in range(33)] for j in range(33)]
for x in range(33):
for y in range(33):
if x == y:
b[x][y] = math.sqrt(((lookup[str(x)]["x"] - lookup[str(y)]['x']) ** 2) + ((lookup[str(x)]['y'] - lookup[str(y)]['y']) ** 2) + ((lookup[str(x)]['z'] - lookup[str(y)]['z']) ** 2))
# begin timer
start_date ="%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ")
start =
print("[{}] Start".format(start_date))
# main iteration loop
for x in range(50_000_000):
distance = b[ip[0]][ip[1]] + b[ip[1]][ip[2]] + b[ip[2]][ip[3]] +\
b[ip[3]][ip[4]] + b[ip[4]][ip[5]] + b[ip[5]][ip[6]] +\
b[ip[6]][ip[7]] + b[ip[7]][ip[8]] + b[ip[8]][ip[9]] +\
b[ip[9]][ip[10]] + b[ip[10]][ip[11]] + b[ip[11]][ip[12]] +\
b[ip[12]][ip[13]] + b[ip[13]][ip[14]] + b[ip[14]][ip[15]] +\
b[ip[15]][ip[16]] + b[ip[16]][ip[17]] + b[ip[17]][ip[18]] +\
b[ip[18]][ip[19]] + b[ip[19]][ip[20]] + b[ip[20]][ip[21]] +\
b[ip[21]][ip[22]] + b[ip[22]][ip[23]] + b[ip[23]][ip[24]] +\
b[ip[24]][ip[25]] + b[ip[25]][ip[26]] + b[ip[26]][ip[27]] +\
b[ip[27]][ip[28]] + b[ip[28]][ip[29]] + b[ip[29]][ip[30]] +\
b[ip[30]][ip[31]] + b[ip[31]][ip[32]]
if distance < lowest_total:
lowest_total = distance
ip = next_lexicographic_permutation(ip)
# end timer
finish_date ="%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ")
finish =
print("[{}] Finish".format(finish_date))
diff = finish - start
print("Time taken => {}".format(diff))
print("Lowest distance => {}".format(lowest_total))
This is the result of a lot of work to make things faster. I was initially using string look-ups to find the distance to be calculated with a dict having keys like "1-2", but very quickly found out that it was very slow, I then moved onto hashed versions of the "1-2" key and the speed increased but the fastest way I have found so far is using a 2D array and looking up the values from there.
I have also found that manually constructing the distance calculation saved time over having a for x in ranges(32): loop adding the distances up and incrementing a variable to get the total.
Another great speed up was using pypy3 instead of python3 to execute it.
This usually takes 11 seconds to complete using pypy3
running 50 million of the distance calculation on its own takes 5.2 seconds
running 50 million of the next_lexicographic_permutation function on its own takes 6 seconds
I can't think of any way to make this faster and I believe there may be optimizations to be made in the next_lexicographic_permutation function. From what I've read about this the main bottleneck seems to be the switching of positions in the array:
x[i], x[j] = x[j], x[i]
Edit : added clarification of lifetime to represent human lifetime
The brute-force approach of calculating all the distances is going to be slower than a partitioning approach. Here is a similar question for the 3D case.

Exponential sum using recursion in Python

I found here: exponential sum using recursion.python
Exactly the same problem with the same conditions to implement.
A brief description: We have started studying recursion and got some questions to solve using only recursion without any loop.
So we are asked to write a function calculating the exponential sum.
So here are my tries:
def exp_n_x(n, x):
if n <= 0:
return 1
return (x/n)*exp_n_x(n-1, x)
It actually only calculates the n'th one, without summing up the others to i=0.
I tried to make the function sum every exponential element so:
def exp_n_x(n, x):
if n <= 0:
return 1
sum = (x/n)*exp_n_x(n-1, x)
n = n - 1
return sum + (x/n)*exp_n_x(n-1, x)
But it doesn't help me...
You are pretty close to a solution in the first function, but you are missing two critical things: you need to raise x to the power of n and divide it by n! (n-factorial). The factorial function is the product of all integers from 1 to n, with a special case that 0! is 1. Also, you are creating a product when you need a sum. Putting these together you have:
def factorial(n):
if n < 2:
return 1
return n * factorial(n - 1)
def exp_n_x(n, x):
if n < 1:
return 1
return x ** n / factorial(n) + exp_n_x(n - 1, x)
I think your problem is that the sum you're computing has terms that can be computed from the previous terms, but not (as far as I can see) from the previous sums. So you may need to have two separate recursive parts to your code. One computes the values of the next term based on the previous term, and one that adds the new term to the previous sum.
def term(n, x):
if n <= 0:
return 1
return x / n * term(n-1, x)
def exp_sum(n, x):
if n <= 0:
return 1
return exp_sum(n-1, x) + term(n, x)
This is hideously inefficient, since the terms for the smaller n values get computed over and over. But that's probably OK for learning about recursion (I expect you'll learn about ways to avoid this issue with memoziation or dynamic programming eventually).
Note that you can combine the two functions into one, as long as you don't mind changing the function signature and returning two values at once (in a tuple) from the recursion. You could add a non-recursive helper function to make the user-facing function work as expected:
def exp_sum_recursive(n, x): # this function returns term, sum tuples
if n <= 0:
return 1, 1
term, sum = exp_sum_recursive(n-1, x)
term *= x / n # each new term is based off of the previous term
return term, sum + term # the new sum adds the new term to the old sum
def exp_sum(n, x): # this is a non-recursive helper function
return exp_sum_recursive(n, x)[1] # it only returns the sum from the recursive version
Since you've achieved recursion with exp_n_x() why throw an inefficient recursive factorial() in the mix when Python already provides us with one:
from math import factorial
def exp_n_x(n, x):
return 1 if n < 1 else x ** n / factorial(n) + exp_n_x(n - 1, x)

make change in python (maximum recursion depth exceeded in comparison)

So I have a recursive solution to the make change problem that works sometimes. It is:
def change(n, c):
if (n == 0):
return 1
if (n < 0):
return 0;
if (c + 1 <= 0 and n >= 1):
return 0
return change(n, c - 1) + change(n - coins[c - 1], c);
where coins is my array of coins. For example [1,5,10,25]. n is the amount of coins, for example 1000, and c is the length of the coins array - 1. This solution works in some situations. But when I need it to run in under two seconds and I use:
coins: [1,5,10,25]
n: 1000
I get a:
RecursionError: maximum recursion depth exceeded in comparison
So my question is, what would be the best way to optimize this. Using some sort of flow control? I don't want to do something like.
# Set recursion limit
I now have something like
def coinss(n, c):
if n == 0:
return 1
if n < 0:
return 0
nCombos = 0
for c in range(c, -1, -1):
nCombos += coinss(n - coins[c - 1], c)
return nCombos
but it takes forever. it'd be ideal to have this run under a second.
As suggested in the answers above you could use DP for a more optimal solution.
Also your conditional check -
if (c + 1 <= 0 and n >= 1)
should be
if (c <= 1 ):
as n will always be >=1 and c <= 1 will prevent any calculations if the number of coins is lesser than or equal to 1.
While using recursion you will always run into this. If you set the recursion limit higher, you may be able to use your algorithm on a bigger number, but you will always be limited. The recursion limit is there to keep you from getting a stack overflow.
The best way to solved for bigger change amounts would be to swap to an iterative approach. There are algorithms out there, wikipedia:
Note that you have a bug here:
if (c + 1 <= 0 and n >= 1):
is like
if (c <= -1 and n >= 1):
So c can be 0 and pass to the next step where you pass c-1 to the index, which works because python doesn't mind negative indexes but still false (coins[-1] yields 25), so your solution sometimes prints 1 combination too much.
I've rewritten your algorithm with recursive and stack approaches:
Recursive (fixed, no need for c at init thanks to an internal recursive method, but still overflows the stack):
coins = [1,5,10,25]
def change(n):
def change_recurse(n, c):
if n == 0:
return 1
if n < 0:
return 0;
if c <= 0:
return 0
return change_recurse(n, c - 1) + change_recurse(n - coins[c - 1], c)
return change_recurse(n,len(coins))
iterative/stack approach (not dynamic programming), doesn't recurse, just uses a "stack" to store the computations to perform:
def change2(n):
def change_iter(stack):
result = 0
# continue while the stack isn't empty
while stack:
# process one computation
n,c = stack.pop()
if n == 0:
# one solution found, increase counter
result += 1
if n > 0 and c > 0:
# not found, request 2 more computations
stack.append((n, c - 1))
stack.append((n - coins[c - 1], c))
return result
return change_iter([(n,len(coins))])
Both methods return the same values for low values of n.
for i in range(1,200):
a,b = change(i),change2(i)
if a != b:
the code above runs without any error prints.
Now print(change2(1000)) takes a few seconds but prints 142511 without blowing the stack.

Project Euler #23 Optimization [Python 3.6]

I'm having trouble getting my code to run quickly for Project Euler Problem 23. The problem is pasted below:
A perfect number is a number for which the sum of its proper divisors is exactly equal to the number. For example, the sum of the proper divisors of 28 would be 1 + 2 + 4 + 7 + 14 = 28, which means that 28 is a perfect number.
A number n is called deficient if the sum of its proper divisors is less than n and it is called abundant if this sum exceeds n.
As 12 is the smallest abundant number, 1 + 2 + 3 + 4 + 6 = 16, the smallest number that can be written as the sum of two abundant numbers is 24. By mathematical analysis, it can be shown that all integers greater than 28123 can be written as the sum of two abundant numbers. However, this upper limit cannot be reduced any further by analysis even though it is known that the greatest number that cannot be expressed as the sum of two abundant numbers is less than this limit.
Find the sum of all the positive integers which cannot be written as the sum of two abundant numbers.
And my code:
import math
import bisect
numbers = list(range(1, 20162))
tot = set()
numberabundance = []
abundant = []
for n in numbers:
m = 2
divisorsum = 1
while m <= math.sqrt(n):
if n % m == 0:
divisorsum += m + (n / m)
m += 1
if math.sqrt(n) % 1 == 0:
divisorsum -= math.sqrt(n)
if divisorsum > n:
temp = 1
# print(numberabundance)
for each in numberabundance:
if each == 1:
temp += 1
abundant_set = set(abundant)
for i in range(12, 20162):
for k in abundant:
if i - k in abundant_set:
elif i - k < i / 2:
I know the issue lies in the for loop at the bottom but I'm not quire sure how to fix it. I've tried modeling it after some of the other answers I've seen here but none of them seem to work. Any suggestions? Thanks.
Your upper bound is incorrect - the question states all integers greater than 28123 can be written ..., not 20162
After changing the bound, generation of abundant is correct, although you could do this generation in a single pass by directly adding to a set abundant, instead of creating the bitmask array numberabundance.
The final loop is also incorrect - as per the question, you must
Find the sum of all the positive integers
whereas your code
for i in range(12, 20162):
will skip numbers below 12 and also doesn't include the correct upper bound.
I'm a bit puzzled about your choice of
elif i - k < i / 2:
Since the abundants are already sorted, I would just check if the inner loop had passed the midpoint of the outer loop:
if k > i / 2:
Also, since we just need the sum of these numbers, I would just keep a running total, instead of having to do a final sum on a collection.
So here's the result after making the above changes:
import math
import bisect
numbers = list(range(1, 28123))
abundant = set()
for n in numbers:
m = 2
divisorsum = 1
while m <= math.sqrt(n):
if n % m == 0:
divisorsum += m + (n / m)
m += 1
if math.sqrt(n) % 1 == 0:
divisorsum -= math.sqrt(n)
if divisorsum > n:
nonabundantsum = 0
for i in numbers:
issumoftwoabundants = False
for k in abundant:
if k > i / 2:
if i - k in abundant:
issumoftwoabundants = True
if not issumoftwoabundants:
nonabundantsum += i
Example here

Two trigonometry-based turtle codes not giving similar output

This is my first time posting a question.
I'm having trouble creating a code involving cosine, and I am not recieving the desired outcome. What is even more confusing is the fact that the two codes should be creating similar images (Explained later). Any ideas?
In the code below, these variables represent:
Y is a counter, making sure that the code only runs until the specified amount of radi is produced.
W is the colour randomly generated.
Z is the angle turn from 0 degrees. (The turtle's angle resets due to turtle.home).
Adjacent is the smallest length from centre to a line.
Radi is the amount of lines protruding from the centre.
def Triangle(Radi, Adjacent):
y = 0
if (Radi) % 1 == 0:
while (Radi) > y:
y = y + 1
w = randhex()
z = 360/(Radi)*y
if z > 300:
turtle.forward(Adjacent/math.cos(math.pi*(60 - (z - 300))/180))
elif z > 240:
turtle.forward(Adjacent/math.cos(math.pi*(z - 240)/180))
elif z > 180:
turtle.forward(Adjacent/math.cos(math.pi*(60 - (z - 180))/180))
elif z > 120:
turtle.forward(Adjacent/math.cos(math.pi*(z - 120)/180))
elif z > 60:
turtle.forward(Adjacent/math.cos(math.pi*(60 - (z - 60))/180))
Above is my first code which appears to work, giving these results when Triangle(100,180) is entered (Please note that randhex() is a custom function that generates random colours).
Triangle(100,180) results.
My apologies if my variable naming creativity is annoying.
In this code, counter represents 'y' and angle represents 'z' from the previous code
Here is my second code:
def Polygon(Radi, Adjacent, Sides):
counter = 0
if Sides % 1 != 0 or Sides == 2 or Sides <= 0:
print ("INVALID")
elif Sides == 1:
while Radi > counter:
counter = counter + 1
colour = randhex()
turn = 360/Radi*counter
while Radi > counter:
counter = counter + 1
colour = randhex()
turn = 360/Radi*counter
segment = str(counter/Radi*Sides*2)
position = segment.index('.')
test = int(segment[:position])
if test % 2 == 1:
length = Adjacent/math.cos(math.pi*(turn - (360 - 360/Sides*((test+1)/2)))/180)
length = Adjacent/math.cos(math.pi*(180/Sides - (turn - (360 - 180/Sides*(test+1))))/180)
Above is my second code, being the one I'm struggling with. Once again, apologies for my variable names being annoying and some of the maths not simplified. I find it easier to see how my ideas make sense when I leave them as they are. Below are my results for my second code after entering Polygon(180,100,3).
Polygon(180,100,3) results.
As you can see, it didn't go quite how I was planning.
I should also note that I tried substituting the numbers into the codes where one of the codes were giving a different line length. Sometimes they even went in an opposite direction (because the number came out negative). I did this on the Google calculator, but it seemed that both codes would give the same answer, but they corresponded to what the second code was outputing, not the first.
If you want me to explain anything leave a comment.
But if it turns out that my code is wrong (Which I believe), could you please point me to what I need to do instead.
I'd appreciate the help.
Your code is too complicated to debug. The unhelpful variable names, the lack of comments and excessively long equations make it hard to read.
If we consider the equation suggested in this answer to Is there an equation to describe regular polygons? then your original triangle code simplifies to:
import math
import turtle
def randhex():
""" substitute random color generator here """
return 'red'
def triangle(radii, adjacent):
if radii % 1 != 0: # only whole numbers (int or float) allowed
counter = 1
while counter <= radii:
angle = counter * (2 * math.pi / radii)
colour = randhex()
radius = adjacent / math.cos(angle % (math.pi / 1.5) - math.pi / 3)
counter += 1
turtle.radians() # avoid individual conversions, switch to radians
triangle(100, 180)
And the general polygon solution can be achieved with just a few changes:
import math
import turtle
def randhex():
""" substitute random color generator here """
return 'red'
def polygon(radii, adjacent, sides):
if radii % 1 != 0: # only whole numbers (int or float) allowed
if sides % 1 != 0 or sides == 2 or sides <= 0:
counter = 1
while counter <= radii:
angle = counter * (2 * math.pi / radii)
colour = randhex()
if sides == 1: # special case, a circle
radius = adjacent
radius = adjacent / math.cos(angle % (math.pi / (sides / 2)) - math.pi / sides)
counter += 1
turtle.radians() # avoid individual conversions, switch to radians
polygon(100, 180, 3)
With polygon(100, 90, 5) looking like:
