Accessing Files in a SharePoint Site via Graph: Bad Request - sharepoint

The documentation for using the MS Graph 1.0 API for accessing SharePoint files from libraries seems clear enough, if a bit indirect. My understanding is that I should be able to access the top level item of a library (and then its children via /children) by the following url scheme:<my-tenant>
But I am only getting back an error telling me the Url is invalid:
"error": {
"code": "BadRequest",
"message": "Url specified is invalid.",
"innerError": {
"request-id": "08bb72aa-f3be-4df0-b253-dacc4a8fe390",
"date": "2019-07-08T16:38:07"
I've tried a few other url formats as well, such as specifying the drive specifically by Id /drives/<driveId>/root but had the same luck. I'm sure I am misunderstanding something. I'm using the "Path" format (:/sites/path-to-site:/ in the API because it is more natural than going and fetching an Id for everything I need to query.

You need provide global Id of the site you want to access (global Id is <hostName>,<siteCollectionId>,<siteId>).To get the global id, in you test, we can use this.<my-tenant>
And below API gives us a list of files on a specified site's default drive:<hostName>,<siteCollectionId>,<siteId>/drive/root/children
If you want to access files on a specific list, all you need is the id of the list:<hostName>,<siteCollectionId>,<siteId>/lists/<listId>/drive/root/children


How to get file comments using Sharepoint rest api

I'm using the following api to successfully get file data:'xxx')/files('yyy')
This is a docx file on which I've posted comments using the web console.
How can I fetch these comments using the rest api? I tried appending /comments to the url, but I'm getting the following 404 error:
"error": {
"code": "-1, Microsoft.SharePoint.Client.ResourceNotFoundException",
"message": {
"lang": "en-US",
"value": "Cannot find resource for the request Comments."
The Comments() endpoint currently exists only under the Items() endpoint and not under the Files() endpoint.
Basically, you can access the Comments() functionality only under the below endpoint:
GET https://{site_url}/_api/web/lists/GetByTitle({list_title})/items({item_id})/Comments
You can easily test the above in a PowerAutomate scenario with a Send Http Request to SharePoint actions.
In the below example I attempt to target the file in the document library:
On the other hand, if I attempt to target the file based on the List Item Id that it got in the document library I will get the below response:
As you can see from the above, I am also able to target a specific comment that I left.
Please take note of the below
The Comments() endpoint is not available for MS resources, meaning docx, excels and such files. It is only available for non-MS resource files like pdfs, txts and so on. I am not sure why this rule is in effect but, my best guess would be because there is a "commenting" functionality provided within a Word Document, for example.
You could find a bit more info about the above here.

How do you update your profile picture using Microsoft Graph API?

I'm experimenting on Microsoft Graph API to update the profile picture.
Although there is a documentation about it (See Link Here:, I can't seem to understand it.
I tried sending a random data to see if something would work, however I can only get the GET Method to work but somehow trying to make the PUT Method work returns an error.
"error": {
"code": "ErrorInsufficientPermissionsInAccessToken",
"message": "Exception of type 'Microsoft.Fast.Profile.Core.Exception.ProfileAccessDeniedException' was thrown.",
"innerError": {
"date": "2022-04-15T07:10:11",
"request-id": "********-****-****-****-************",
"client-request-id": "********-****-****-****-************"
Basically the two concerns are:
How to use the PUT Method for updating the profile picture using Microsoft Graph API
Why am I receiving the error as if I'm not allowed to update?
Is it because I'm doing the PUT Method incorrectly?
Is it because I need some sort of subscription to use the API?

Does ms graph API support outlook on office 365 on Germany endpoint?

I found that graph API in Germany endpoint seems not to support
GET /users/<id>/mailFolders/delta
it returns
"error": {
"code": "ErrorInvalidIdMalformed",
"message": "Id is malformed.",
"innerError": {
"request-id": "cf713386-f050-40b4-b987-43cc2384eade",
"date": "2017-12-12T07:13:10"
However it works fine at
GET /users/<id>/mailFolders
Thanks for help
I had been in the same trouble, but I resolved.
Your request to:
GET /users/<id>/mailFolders/delta
is not correct, I think.
I guess that this mail folder delta was made by you, doesn't it?
To specify a mail folder, you need to use folder id, not display name.
Though you might already get the folder id, you can get the folder id by sending a request
GET /users/<id>/mailFolders
Note: Actually, we can get folder_ids via powershell:
cmdlet on Exchange. However, these folder_id are malformed in ms-graph request. So you need to use the id which you can get as described above.

/sites/root/sites request returns 404 error "The Resource Cannot Be Found"

If I use the GET statement: then it correctly returns a list of sub sites under my main SharePoint site. But if I add a new Team Site sub-site to my main site and then run the same command it now returns
"error": {
"code": "itemNotFound",
"message": "The resource could not be found.",
"innerError": {
"request-id": "604af4de-b2b5-48cf-802b-1952a7d10b42",
"date": "2017-10-07T16:56:48"
When I delete the new sub-site the GET statement works again. I thought it was an issue with my SharePoint site so I reported it to Office 365 SharePoint support. They get the same error. It happens with Graph v1.0 and beta but is not in the Known Issues list.
I am trying to use this to get the Drive Id of a SharePoint library on a sub-sub site but cannot get past this issue on the problem sub-site. Is there any other way of getting a Drive Id of libraries on the sub-site that Graph at present seems unable to access?
Whilst the issue of Graph not being able to return a list of more than 7 sub-sites is still there, I have found a work around to enable me to get the Drive Ids of the Drives on the sub-sites. By using the /sites: /{sitepath} option (NB the colon) I was able to go directly to the required sub-sites and then get the relevant drive Ids.
I just wanted to follow up and say we have now made some improvements that should hopefully let these kinds of queries work past 7 subsites. So hopefully this issue is now resolved.
Workaround (v1.0 only) : use*
as proposed here

Get document libraries for

I am trying to access the document libraries created by a user in their own, based on the documentation I inferred that the way to do it is
As drives map to document library(?)
I'm able to make this work with, but unable to make it work with
here is what it says:
"error": {
"code": "invalidRequest",
"message": "Provided id is not suitable for the current host",
"innerError": {
"request-id": "09c5722c-cfc3-4589-ba76-e57c44590d16",
"date": "2017-06-27T06:53:59"
Any help will be appreciated.
I believe what you're looking for is the OneDrive endpoint. You can access the current user's drive using
Another way to get what you want is via a request to:
Basically the /_api/v2.0/sites endpoints seems to support everything that is documented in the corresponding Graph API docs.
