node.js/express: use router.route() with middleware functions - node.js

I would like to use the method route() on an express router to service a specific route with different HTTP methods. The following code works fine:
var express = require('express');
var router = express.Router();
However, when trying to use a middleware on the post route, I'm getting stuck. The following code works:
// LOGIN processing'/login', passport.authenticate("local", {
successRedirect: '/',
failureRedirect: '/login'
}), function(){
Here, the middleware function passport.authenticate(...) is called to check if the user credentials are valid or not. Authenticated users get re-directed to the homepage at "/"; Unknown users (or with incorrect password) get re-directed back to the "/login" form.
Now, I would like to re-factor this code and use something similar to the code example shown above (sign-up route), i. e. I would like to use router.route('/login).xxxx to service HTTP request xxxx on route '/login'. How can I tell express to use my passport.authenticate middleware function on the POST request to '/login'?
.post(<my-middleware-function ???>, adm.login);
... where adm.loginForm is the end-point function that issues the login form upon a GET request to /login and adm.login is the end-point function that should be called when the server receives a POST request on this route, i. e. once the login form is submitted.
To the best of my knowledge, the express (4.x) documentation doesn't mention anything about installing a middleware function for a specific route and (at the same time) a specific HTTP request. I know that router.route('/login').use() can be used to install a middleware function for all HTTP requests on this route, but I only want my middleware to be called upon POST requests.
Any suggestions? Thanks.

You can add them where you mentioned:
router.route('/login').post(checkPassport, adm.login)
You can also chain them together:
checkPassport is the middleware you'll need to write that handles the passport authentication logic


Express routes invoking multiple router function

I've created a NodeJS Express app. But my express route is invocking multiple routes function, one after another, but I only need one at a time.
My express app.js
Express router:
const router = express.Router();"/product", controller.productFunction)"/user", controller.userFunction)
router.get("/:id", idController.getId)
Whenever I create a post request for "/product" route, first the productFunction is invocked, but then the "/:id" routes getId function is also get invocked. Same thing happen for /user route as well. Always /:id route is getting invocked.
Is there any way to prevent this?
I even tried this way, but after the homepage loading then again it invockes getId function.
app.get("/", (req, res, next) => {
I am sure that this is not an issue with the router itself.
You can't skip from POST to GET handling. So invocations are caused by different requests.
router.get("/:id", idController.getId) kind of wild card, and <server_url>/favicon.ico will trigger it
If you check it via browser it tries to get favicon or smth else and invokes this handler.
Try to make POST request via curl/Postman and idController.getId should not be called.
It is risky to serve static and process requests on a same level.
You can add some prefix to all your request, like that app.use('/api', routes); then static file will be available on /<file_name> and all server logic will be under /api/<request>

React + Express With Passport.js

I am setting up a full-stack application using React and Express JS.
I'm using Passport.js for authentication and have come across a slight problem...
So my front-end and back-end are two separate packages running on two different ports. On my express app, I have created a route like the following.'/api/account/login', (req, res, next) => {
passport.authenticate('local', {
successRedirect: '/dashboard',
failureRedirect: '/users/login',
}) (req, res, next);
This is pretty standard as far as Passport.js goes. Basically, if it authenticates the credentials I have provided, then it should redirect me to /dashboard. If not, then to the other mentioned route.
I am able to call reach this endpoint from my react application and get the correct response like the following in the network tab of chrome.
Request URL: http://localhost:3000/dashboard
Request Method: GET
Status Code: 304 Not Modified
Remote Address:
Referrer Policy: no-referrer-when-downgrade
However, it doesn't actually redirect me to /dashboard. Is it not possible to do it this way?
It sounds like your React app is calling the route via ajax using something like fetch.
The way you're using Passport assumes that a browser is issuing the requests directly. On a successful login, Passport returns a Redirect response (HTTP 302 or similar), which the browser honors and redirects the user to.
Ajax requests don't work this way, since there isn't any navigation happening.
You'll need to handle this yourself on the React side of things. Your Express app will need to handle the session authentication by (for instance) returning a JSON message with a token or storing a session cookie. You'll need to update your React app to recognize this and then navigate to the correct route via client-side Javascript.
If you're using react-router, they have some sample code that might be helpful.

Express Middleware

I'm a beginner in Express framework and having some difficulty with the code flow. I have following code in app.js
app.use('/', index);
app.use('/login', login);
app.use('/user', userDetails);
Problem is that If a user enters an invalid route suppose '/wrong' then my middleware sends the response for that instead of app throwing 404 Not found. Is there something I'm missing?(looks obvious). Thanks for any help.
There are a couple choices for how/where you run the authentication middleware.
1) You can run it immediately after any non-authenticated routes have been defined. This will give you a non-auth error for any route, whether it's a real route or not other than the few routes that the user is allowed to go to without authentication.
2) You can manually add the middleware to each defined route that is supposed to have authentication such as:
app.get('/something', yourAuthMiddleware, yourRouteHandler);
This will run the auth check only on routes that are actually defined. This allows you to give a 404 rather than an auth error for routes that are not defined.
The advantage of the first option (which is essentially how you have it now) is that a non-authenticated user doesn't even get to find out which routes are defined or not. If they're not authenticated, they don't get in at all except to the couple of routes that they are allowed to. In my opinion, this is the right design.
The second option will let you give a 404 for a route that isn't defined, but it requires manually adding auth to each route or each router that you define that needs auth. This allows a non-authenticated user to find out which routes are defined and which ones are not.

nodejs express wildcard route not working

I'm doing an API in nodejs with express as router.
Now i'm trying to implement an client-id and an apikey to add some security to the API, and the problem that i'm facing is the next:
One of my API call is like this:
So this means, that i can request an object like this:
Now the tricky part begins... when I needed to stablish a middleware to read an client-id and an apikey to verify that the client is authorized to se the API, so I did this:
In the declaration of the middleware, I use this wildcard:
router.all('/*', function (req, res, next) {
The thing is, I have tried in the middleware, as a wildcard everything...
I want that any API call is filtered thru that middleware, but apparently I can't find the right wildcard for it...
When I use /roles/* as wildcard, if I do a request to /roles it does work, but when I use the complete URL like: /roles/get-objects/ it doesn't go thru my middleware.
So anybody has any idea? i'm starting to loose my mind
Thank you so much to all of you!
Now i'm using this middleware declaration:
router.use(function (req, res, next) {XXXX})
So when I call:
It's executed, the problem is when I add the email to the route:
The app goes directly to the route that i have for that, but omits my middleware:
I don't understand why is this happening, apparently everything should go thru my middleware first, or am I wrong?
If you want to establish a middleware to check all HTTP request whose URL starting with /roles/, the middleware should be placed before any other specific router definition:
router.use('/roles', function(req, res, next) {...});
router.get('/roles/get-objects/:mail', ...);
If the middleware is defined after specific route, when HTTP request comes in, the specific route is targeted and processed, the middleware won't be executed any more:
router.get('/roles/get-objects/:mail', ...);
router.use('/roles', function(req, res, next) {...}); // This middleware logic won't execute when request is sent to '/roles/get-objects/some-email', as the request has already been handled and response is already sent to browser.

How does mounting apps in Express work

So I've seen TJ's guide to creating modular Express-apps, followed it to good effects, but want to know more about the details of how it works, however a search gives me no answers.
In short I am wondering: When mounting apps in Express, what parts of the apps are shared and what parts are not?
Some examples to clarify my question:
app.use(loginApi); //loginApi is an express app
This example works. But if I place the app.use(loginApi) before app.use(express.bodyParser()); , the body parser will not be available in the loginApi subapp. Why is that?
Another example:
var app = module.exports = require('express')();
app.all('*', function(req, res, next){
console.log('nifty middleware');
app.get('/funtimes', fn);
Now in this example, If I understand it correctly, the /funtimes route will not be affected by the submodule middleware for all routes. But what about the rest of the routes of app.js ? Will they be affected? And what if I add another module, will it be affected?
if I place the app.use(loginApi) before app.use(express.bodyParser()); , the body parser will not be available in the loginApi subapp. Why is that?
That's because of the way Express handles requests. Any incoming request starts at the top of the middleware stack, starting with app.use() stack.
Middleware are simply functions that have the function signature function(req, res, next) which either call next() if they want to hand off the request to subsequent functions, or send a response themselves. You define a 'middleware chain' of a bunch of these functions (many are provided by express, like express.logger() and express.compress().)
So in the following scenario:
var loginApi = require('./api/index.js')
then an incoming request will first hit app.use(express.bodyParser()), parsing req.body. Then that function calls its internal next(), passing it to the next function in the middleware chain (app.use(loginApi)). The loginApi app has its own middleware chain, but the requests already have req.body set from the outer app. If the loginApi doesn't send a response, the request will continue to app.use(app.router) and at that point the requests will go to the routing functions you set up in your outer app.
So the answer is: A mounted app will have the middleware functions shared, which are placed before the line app.use(loginApi)
Middleware runs in order (until one of the middlewares doesn't call next()).
If you use() your mounted app before use()ing bodyParser, the entire sub-app will run before bodyParser adds its properties.
What you're asking about is middleware. This confused me for a while. Middleware are the functions that run in order to take a request in and serve back a response. app.use() takes a function as its only argument. That function manipulates the request in a consistent way.
app.use is a lot like app.all("*").
The order matters. For example, you might want to run a validator before serving the response.
One thing I learned recently is that you can pass an array of middleware functions to a route. For example
function(req,res) {
The next callback tells express to run the next function in the middleware. Middleware can also modify the request object. This is used a lot in authentication. For example, you'll see req.user getting defined from the database so in later middleware you'll be able to refer to properties of the user. But, it can also be used for a ton of other stuff.
