deployment slot stops working after afew minutes? - azure

I have a azure app servcice. next i created a deployment slot , shown as web app called myapp/staging.
in visual studio, i deployed to the staging location.
it works for a couple minutes , but then it looks like it was never deployed - see picture

If any error occurs during a slot swap, it's logged in D:\home\LogFiles\eventlog.xml. It's also logged in the application-specific error log.
During custom warm-up, the HTTP requests are made internally (without going through the external URL). They can fail with certain URL rewrite rules in Web.config. Just review your rewrite rules.
As you're publishing it through VS, when you right click and select Publish Web on the left-hand side, you would find the settings tab. Select that. Then, expand the option under File Publish Options and check the Box for “Remove additional files at destination” – Review this option based on your requirement.
Also, just for additional information, an HTTP request to the application root is timed. The swap operation waits for 90 seconds for each HTTP request, and retries up to 5 times. If all retries are timed out, typically the swap operation is stopped.


Azure App-Service Swap "Bounces" Between Source and Destination

I'm seeing some interesting behavior on Azure App Service that I'm hoping somebody will be kind enough to comment on.
Reproduction steps (all Azure steps can be done in the portal):
Create a new Web App in App Service (Standard pricing level, single instance is fine), e.g. mysite
Create a new staging slot for that App, e.g. mysite-staging
Deploy a bare-bones ASP.NET app to mysite with a file /scripts/test.js that has the content //ONE
Deploy a bare-bones ASP.NET app to mysite-staging with a file /scripts/test.js that has the content //TWO
Swap the deployment slots
Immediately after the swap starts, navigate to and monitor the returned content during the swap operation (by continually doing a force-refresh in the browser)
What I would expect to see:
At some point during the swap, the content changes seamlessly/consistently/irreversibly from //ONE to //TWO
What I actually see:
During the swap operation, the content "flickers"/"bounces" between //ONE and //TWO. After the swap operation is complete, the behavior is stable and //TWO is consistently returned
The observed behavior suggests that there is no single point in time at which all traffic can be said to be going to the new version.
The reason this concerns me is the following scenario:
A user requests a page which, during this "bouncing" stage, responds with the "v2" version of the page with a link to a CDN-hosted script (the ?v2 is a new query string)
The browser requests the script from the CDN, which in turn requests the script from This time, the "bouncing" causes the response to be the v1 version of the script.
Now we have a v1 version of the script cached in the CDN, which all users in that region will load with the v2 version of the page
My question: Is this "bouncing" behavior during a swap operation "by design"? If so, what is the recommended approach for solving the pathological case above?
The behavior you've described is currently by design. When we perform the swap we update the mappings between hostnames and the sites in our database but our frontend instances cache those mappings and refresh them every 30 seconds. So the "bouncing" period may last up to 30 seconds.
I do not have at the moment a good recommendation on how to solve the case, but will look into possible ways to address this.

How to check weblogs in IIS

My application is deployed on IIS 7. I want to check the number of failures as my logic is getting failed at some point and getting errors.Is there any general weblogs in IIS.I can only see system errors in the event logs. Is there any web logs?
Manually trawling the standard W3C logs is ok if you're chasing down requests for certain content types, but they won't tell you an awful lot about why your web application is failing and responding with many 4XX and 5XX status codes. You'll get a status code, but that's about it.
Failed Request Tracing:
Your "go to" diagnostic tool should be the Failed Request Tracing feature that is built into IIS7+.
FRT is one of my favourite features of IIS7/8 for tracking down problems with production sites, especially when debugging apps built on the WebAPI and Ajaxy type stuff.
For more information see:
For example, last week FRT helped me get to the bottom of an issue with a client's hosted site. A particular part of the site (which uses the WebAPI) was failing with a 405 Method Not Allowed status code when making a HTTP DELETE request and despite the DELETE verb being permitted.
Using FRT I was able to generate trace of the failing request which showed me this:
Expanding the "View Trace" entries revealed this error:
The solution for our customer was to disable (it's not used) the WebDAV native module which doesn't permit non-Windows authenticated requests with certain verbs (such as DELETE) to complete. Even if the WebDAV module isn't handling the request it's still in the request pipeline inspecting and validating request headers.
Failed Request Tracing is a really invaluable diagnostic tool, you should learn how to use it.
You should also check the HTTPERR logs located in:
If you get 503 - Service Unavailable errors they're a good place to look for clues as to what went wrong if an application pool fails catastrophically, and often.
The is a folder named 'logs' in your 'inetpub' folder where all the logs live. You can look at the Logging tab under IIS in IIS Manager to see the name of the specific log you should check for your site.

How do you specify the deployIisAppPath to a site root that is not DefaultWebSite?

I have a ASP.NET MVC web application project that I want to deploy to my IIS webserver. The site tree is set up thusly:
Application Pools
Default Web Site
I am trying to deploy to the MyProject site. See below settings that I am using versus the errors I am returning. I am apparently not specifying my site path correctly, but for the life of me, I can't figure out what it should be.
The following settings stay the same between iterations:
/p:DeployOnBuild=True /p:DeployTarget=MsDeployPublish /p:CreatePackageOnPublish=False /p:MSDeployPublishMethod=WMSvc /p:AuthType=Basic /p:Username="myUserName" /p:Password="MyPassword" /p:AllowUntrustedCertificate=True
Specify SiteName/ as IISAppPath:
/p:MsDeployServiceUrl="https://serverName:8172/MsDeploy.axd?Site=MyProjectSite" /p:DeployIisAppPath="MyProjectSite/"
Could not complete an operation with the specified provider ("createApp") when connecting using the Web Management Service - I don't want to create a new site. I want to sync the content that is already there.
Specify IISAppPath as Root (supposing that the sitename in the URL is used)
/p:MsDeployServiceUrl="https://serverName:8172/MsDeploy.axd?Site=MyProjectSite" /p:DeployIisAppPath="/"
Could not complete an operation with the specified provider ("iisApp") when connecting using the Web Management Service - Looks like it is trying to access the Default WebSite or something (to which I have purposefully NOT given myself rights).
Specify IISAppPath as empty string(supposing that the sitename in the URL is used)
/p:MsDeployServiceUrl="https://serverName:8172/MsDeploy.axd?Site=MyProjectSite" /p:DeployIisAppPath=""
The "ConcatFullServiceUrlWithSiteName" task was not given a value for the required parameter "SiteAppName" - So it interprets "" as actually a null value thus breaking an attempt to concatenate it.
Specify no site attribute in the URL but SiteName/ as IISAppPath
/p:MsDeployServiceUrl="https://serverName:8172/MsDeploy.axd" /p:DeployIisAppPath="MyProjectSite/"
Could not complete an operation with the specified provider ("createApp") when connecting using the Web Management Service
Specify no site attribute in URL but SiteName as IISAppPath
/p:MsDeployServiceUrl="https://serverName:8172/MsDeploy.axd" /p:DeployIisAppPath="MyProjectSite"
Could not complete an operation with the specified provider ("createApp") when connecting using the Web Management Service
Now given that it is running a concatenate on the SiteAppName, it must be combining it with the Site name, yes? What are you supposed to put there to get the site to sync to the root of a site?
In an attempt to figure out the proper path scheme, I have tried to publish using the Visual Studio 2012 Publish dialog. In this case, I am returned an error saying that The request timed out (testing the connection works almost instantly and previewing the changes works but takes a few seconds). I checked the event log, and the tracelog for wmsvc to no avail. Even with trace set to verbose, nothing shows up in the tracelog. I have tried disabling the firewalls on both computers, and nothing seems to work on that front either.
Figured this one out.
The problem stemmed from two settings in the Web Deploy page of the project properties. I had previously set this project up (in the Debug configuration) to copy only the files necessary to run the application, and NOT build a zip package. I neglected however to do anything to those settings for the release configuration.
The reason (confidence level 75%) it was trying to use createApp was because it was deploying from the Zip package it had created. So my IISAppPath settings in those cases were fine, I was just deploying the wrong thing.
I set the Create deployment package as a zip file setting to false, and the Items to deploy dropdown to Only files needed to run this application and everything went off without a hitch.
Incidentally I found out (as referred above) that you can use the Publish Profiles outputted by the Web Publish dialog in Visual Studio (2012 only unfortunately; 2010 you have to do some massaging that I am unsure of). I named mine with no spaces, and supplied the password as an argument as well as the Untrusted Certificate setting. Now MSBuild Arguments in the build definition for TFS look like this:
/p:DeployOnBuild=True;PublishProfile=NameOfPublishProfile /p:AllowUntrustedCertificate=True /p:Password=PleaseVerifyMe

Detailed errors in IIS 7

I'm trying to figure out why I'm getting 500 errors in setting up a website in IIS.
So far I've tried the following steps:
Enabled Failed Request Tracing (Doesn't write logs for this site, but
works for other sites)
Enabled detailed error messages. Still Getting the default 500 page
with no additional information.
Give app pool full permission to the project directory.
Made sure app pool was running on classic .NET 2 (old app)
Running the site under a permutation of (Classic/Integrated, .NET
Enabled anonymous authentication
So my thinking is, somehow, the site fails before the logging modules are ran.
I suspect this is the case because I see no new entities in Event Viewer, IIS Advanced Logs folder, Or in Failed Request Tracing folder. My only source of information (besides 500 error) is a new entry in the IIS log:
2012-12-04 13:06:05 GET / - 80 - Mozilla/5.0+(compatible;.....)
To verify this, is there a way to check which stage of the pipeline a request failed? Is it possible to run the logging modules before the failure occurs?
There is a trace event logger for HTTP.sys. With this you can determine if the request is even making it to the right app pool in IIS. Direction on usage
As a last resort, Microsoft offers a tool called Debug Diagnostic. When you have no other option, use this. It will produce a crash dump of the app pool of your choice. Not easy to go through, but it’s a lead. Direction on usage

IIS worker threads issue

I have my site hosted on IIS hosting. Site has feature that needs calling WCF service and then return result. The issue is that site is processing calling to WCF service another web site calling is freezing and not return content fast (this is just static content). I setup two chrome instances with different imacros' scripts, which one is calling page that requests wcf service and another one page is just static content. So here I can just see that when first page that requests wcf services freezes, another one page also freezes and when first is released the second is too.
Do I need reconfigure something in my Web.Config or do should I do something else to get possible to get static content immediately.
I think that there are two seperate problems here:
Why does the page that uses the WCF service freeze
Why does the static content page freeze
On the page that calls the WCF service a common problem is that the WCF client is not closed. By default there are 10 WCF connections with a timeout of 1 min. The first 10 calls go fine (say they execute i 2 secs), then the 11th call comes, there are no free wcf connections it must therefore wait 58 secs for a connection to timeout and become available.
On why your static page freezes. It could be that your client only allows one connection to the site, the request for the static page is not sent untill the request for the page with the wcf services is complete.
You should check the IIS logs to see how must time IIS is reporting that the request is taking.
I would say that this is a threading issue. This MSDN KB article has some suggestions on how to tune your ASP.NET threading behavior:
From article - can tune the following parameters in your Machine.config file to best fit your situation:
To successfully resolve these problems, do the following:
Limit the number of ASP.NET requests that can execute at the same time to approximately 12 per CPU.
Permit Web service callbacks to freely use threads in the ThreadPool.
Select an appropriate value for the maxconnections parameter. Base your selection on the number of IP addresses and AppDomains that are used.
Consider such scenario: when you make a request to IIS your app changes, deletes or creates some file outside of App_Data folder. This often tends to be a log file which is mistakenly was put at bin folder of the app. The file system changes lead to AppDomain reloading by IIS as it thinks that app was changed, hence the experienced delay. This may or may not apply to your issue, but it is a common mistake in ASP.NET apps.
Well, maybe there is no problem...
It may be just the browser's same domain simultaneous requests limit.
Until the browser not finished the request to the first page (the WCF page), it won't send the request to the second page (the static).
Try this:
Use different browsers for each page (for example chrome/firefox).
Or open the second page in chrome in incognito window (Ctrl + Shift + N).
Or try to access each page from different computer.
You could try to use AppFabric and see what is wrong with your WCF services
