Member Variables in Class Get Blown Away When Using std::thread - linux

I have defined a base class using std::thread. For the child class, I perform some initialization of member variables and then start the thread using m_thread.reset(new std::thread(&MyClass::ThreadMain, this)); where m_thread is a member of MyClass. The purpose of the class is to read data from a serial port and report to a parent. The posix message queue handle of the parent is passed to MyClass during initialization before the thread is created. On running I get exceptions and I see that member variables that were initialized before the thread started appear to be no longer valid using the watch in GDB.
It appears as if the first message on the serial port is received and passed validation in order to get to the SendToParent call. At this call, it appears that I lose the stack. I tried running cppcheck to see if I have any memory leaks or buffer overflows and found nothing.
void MyClass::ThreadMain(void)
ssize_t bytesRead = 0;
UINT8 buffer[256];
UINT8 message[256];
BOOL partialMessage = FALSE;
UINT8 messageIndex = 0;
UINT8 payloadLength = 0;
// read data from the UART
// the UART is setup to pend until data is available
bytesRead = read(m_radioFileDescriptor, buffer, sizeof(buffer));
if (FAIL == bytesRead)
LOG_SYSTEM_INFO("UART Read interrupted by a system call");
else if (bytesRead > 0)
// build the message
for(ssize_t i = 0 ; i < bytesRead ; i++)
if (FALSE == partialMessage)
// have we found the start of the message?
if(START_BYTE == buffer[i])
// start of new message
messageIndex = 0;
message[messageIndex] = buffer[i];
partialMessage = TRUE;
// keep building the message until the expected length is reached
if(LENGTH_POSITION == messageIndex)
// capture the expected message length
message[messageIndex] = buffer[i];
payloadLength = buffer[i];
message[messageIndex] = buffer[i];
// check for expected length and end byte
if((messageIndex == payloadLength) && (END_BYTE == buffer[i]))
// this should be a valid message but need to confirm by checking for a valid checksum
UINT8 messageChecksum = message[messageIndex - CHKSUM_POS_FROM_END];
UINT8 calculatedChecksum = RadioProtocol::Instance().GenerateRadioChecksum(message, (payloadLength - CHKSUM_POS_FROM_END));
if (messageChecksum == calculatedChecksum)
SendToParent(message, payloadLength);
// reset for the next message
partialMessage = FALSE;
messageIndex = 0;
else if((messageIndex == payloadLength) && (END_BYTE != buffer[i]))
// malformed message - throw out and look for start of next message
LOG_SYSTEM_ERROR("Bytes read exceeded expected message length");
partialMessage = FALSE;
messageIndex = 0;
} // end for loop of bytes read on the port
LOG_SYSTEM_INFO("Read returned 0 bytes which is unexpected");
void MyClass::SendToParent(UINT8* pMsg, UINT8 size)
if ((pMsg != NULL) && (m_parentQueueHandle > 0))
// message is valid - pass up for processing
MsgQueueMessage msgToSend;
msgToSend.m_msgHeader = UART_MESSASGE;
bzero(msgToSend.m_msgData, sizeof(msgToSend.m_msgData));
for (UINT8 i = 0; i < size; i++)
msgToSend.m_msgData[i] = pMsg[i];
if (FAIL == msgsnd(m_parentQueueHandle, &msgToSend, sizeof(msgToSend), IPC_NOWAIT))
LOG_SYSTEM_ERROR("FAILED to send message on queue");
This acts like I am performing a buffer overflow but I just can't see it. When I set a breakpoint at the line UINT8 messageChecksum = message[messageIndex - CHKSUM_POS_FROM_END]; all data in the watch window appear valid. If I step over to the next line then the data, m_parentQueueHandle as an example, gets blown away.
This is my first time working with c++11 threads and particularly with c++. Any help or insights would be appreciated.

I think I found the issue. I added a bunch of printfs and found that the destructor for the class was being called. Much further upstreamI had the parent object being created as a local variable and it was going out of scope. This caused the child to go out of scope but the threads were still running. I certainly need to clean up the threads in the destructor.


How to recreate swapchain after vkAcquireNextImageKHR is VK_SUBOPTIMAL_KHR?

This vulkan tutorial discusses swapchain recreation:
You could also decide to [recreate the swapchain] that if the swap chain is suboptimal, but I've chosen to proceed anyway in that case because we've already acquired an image.
My question is: how would one recreate the swapchain and not proceed in this case of VK_SUBOPTIMAL_KHR?
To see what I mean, let's look at the tutorial's render function:
void drawFrame() {
vkWaitForFences(device, 1, &inFlightFences[currentFrame], VK_TRUE, UINT64_MAX);
uint32_t imageIndex;
VkResult result = vkAcquireNextImageKHR(device, swapChain, UINT64_MAX, imageAvailableSemaphores[currentFrame], VK_NULL_HANDLE, &imageIndex);
if (result == VK_ERROR_OUT_OF_DATE_KHR) {
/* else if (result == VK_SUBOPTIMAL_KHR) { createSwapchain(); ??? } */
} else if (result != VK_SUCCESS && result != VK_SUBOPTIMAL_KHR) {
throw std::runtime_error("failed to acquire swap chain image!");
if (imagesInFlight[imageIndex] != VK_NULL_HANDLE) {
vkWaitForFences(device, 1, &imagesInFlight[imageIndex], VK_TRUE, UINT64_MAX);
imagesInFlight[imageIndex] = inFlightFences[currentFrame];
VkSubmitInfo submitInfo{};
VkSemaphore waitSemaphores[] = {imageAvailableSemaphores[currentFrame]};
submitInfo.waitSemaphoreCount = 1;
submitInfo.pWaitSemaphores = waitSemaphores;
submitInfo.pWaitDstStageMask = waitStages;
submitInfo.commandBufferCount = 1;
submitInfo.pCommandBuffers = &commandBuffers[imageIndex];
VkSemaphore signalSemaphores[] = {renderFinishedSemaphores[currentFrame]};
submitInfo.signalSemaphoreCount = 1;
submitInfo.pSignalSemaphores = signalSemaphores;
vkResetFences(device, 1, &inFlightFences[currentFrame]);
if (vkQueueSubmit(graphicsQueue, 1, &submitInfo, inFlightFences[currentFrame]) != VK_SUCCESS) {
throw std::runtime_error("failed to submit draw command buffer!");
VkPresentInfoKHR presentInfo{};
presentInfo.waitSemaphoreCount = 1;
presentInfo.pWaitSemaphores = signalSemaphores;
VkSwapchainKHR swapChains[] = {swapChain};
presentInfo.swapchainCount = 1;
presentInfo.pSwapchains = swapChains;
presentInfo.pImageIndices = &imageIndex;
result = vkQueuePresentKHR(presentQueue, &presentInfo);
if (result == VK_ERROR_OUT_OF_DATE_KHR || result == VK_SUBOPTIMAL_KHR || framebufferResized) {
framebufferResized = false;
} else if (result != VK_SUCCESS) {
throw std::runtime_error("failed to present swap chain image!");
currentFrame = (currentFrame + 1) % MAX_FRAMES_IN_FLIGHT;
The trouble is as follows:
vkAcquireImageKHR succeeds, signaling the semaphore and returning a valid, suboptimal image
Recreate the swapchain
We can't present the image from 1 with the swapchain from 2 due to VUID-VkPresentInfoKHR-pImageIndices-01430. We need to call vkAcquireImageKHR again to get a new image.
When we call vkAcquireImageKHR again, the semaphore is in the signaled state which is not allowed (VUID-vkAcquireNextImageKHR-semaphore-01286), we need to 'unsignal' it.
Is the best solution here to destroy and recreate the semaphore?
Ad 3: you can use the old images (and swapchain) if you properly use the oldSwapchain parameter when creating the new swapchain. Which is what I assume the tutorial suggests.
Anyway. What I do is that I paranoidly sanitize that toxic semaphore like this:
// cleanup dangerous semaphore with signal pending from vkAcquireNextImageKHR (tie it to a specific queue)
void cleanupUnsafeSemaphore( VkQueue queue, VkSemaphore semaphore ){
const VkPipelineStageFlags psw = VK_PIPELINE_STAGE_BOTTOM_OF_PIPE_BIT;
VkSubmitInfo submit_info = {};
submit_info.waitSemaphoreCount = 1;
submit_info.pWaitSemaphores = &semaphore;
vkQueueSubmit( queue, 1, &submit_info, VK_NULL_HANDLE );
After that the semaphore can be properly catched with a fence or vkQueueWaitIdle, and then destroyed or reused.
I just destroy them, because the new semaphore count might differ, and I don't really consider swapchain recreation a hotspot (and also I just use vkDeviceWaitIdle in such case).

How do i delete any item from a linked list?

I'm trying to write a function that deletes an element at a given position from a linked list, for now im using a linked list with only a head pointer. Now it may be that the user inputs a position that is larger than the size of the linked list so to remedy that i wrote this:
int delete(struct node** head, int pos)
struct node* temp = *head;
while(pos!=0 && temp->next!=NULL)
return 0;
but it gives the following error
fish: './a.out' terminated by signal SIGSEGV (Address boundary error)
i tried to debug it by writing a new code
int delete(struct node** head)
return 1;
but it gives the same error
When head is NULL the evaluation of temp->next will give undefined behaviour or the error as you experienced.
However, there is more to correct to your function.
There is no deletion happening. To delete a node, its predecessor should have its next property update to point to the node after the removed node. The removed node should then be freed.
The value of *head should be modified when the first node of the list is removed.
The function should return an int, and so also when the deletion was successful (and pos == 0 after the loop), there should be a return that is executed, probably returning 1 to indicate success.
Not a problem, but I would advise using a different name for your function. If ever you move to C++, then delete will be a reserved word.
int removeNode(struct node** head, int pos) {
if (*head == NULL) {
return 0;
struct node* temp = *head;
if (pos == 0) { // Case where first node must be removed
*head = (*head)->next; // Modify head reference
return 1; // Indicate success
while (pos > 1 && temp->next != NULL) {
temp = temp->next;
if (pos != 1 || temp->next == NULL) {
return 0; // Invalid position
// Remove the node
struct node* prev = temp;
temp = temp->next;
prev->next = temp->next;
return 1; // Indicate success
as #paddy commented,
i didn't consider the case where head itself is pointing to NULL.
a simple if statement solved it
struct node* temp = *head;
printf("Empty LL\n");
return 0;

CView::OnFilePrint crashing MFC application

We have an MFC application that has been used and maintained for many years. Recently we made some administrative changes to some computers that are running the application. Now the software occasionally crashes when printing from the application.
We are using pretty standard MFC code to initiate the printing. We added try/catch blocks around what we felt like are the pertinent areas of the code with no luck. Whatever is failing does not seem to throw.
We get the typical dialog stating that "____ MFC Application has stopped working". Closing the program is the only option.
The windows event logger shows that our application is the Faulting application.
The exception code is 0xc0000005, which appears to be an Access Denied error.
The application is in the CView::OnFilePrint() code when the crash occurs.
We have added some logging, and we know that we get through DoPreparePrinting, and OnBeginPrinting.
We believe that CDC::StartDoc would be the next thing called, then CView::OnPrepareDC. We don't get to OnPrepareDC when we fail.
We don't seem to find the source code for CView::OnFilePrint, so we are not sure what it looks like. From research online, we think that things happen in this order in OnFilePrint:
// what we think is in OnFilePrint:
OnPreparePrinting(); <- we get through our override of this
OnBeginPrinting(); <- we get through our override of this
// loop back to here on multiple docs
CView::OnPrepareDC(); <- we do not reach our override of this
// loop back on multiple docs
// finish if last doc...
I would like to have the source for it so we could attempt to rewrite it and try to gracefully fail instead of failing by crashing.
I'm looking for:
1) any suggestions as to how to figure out why the process of printing causes our application to crash.
2) A location for where the CView::OnFilePrint code is located, if available.
(the only idea I have left to narrow down the problem is to call our own version of this so that we can step through it and add logging and/or see if we can at least fail gracefully when it the problem occurs.)
The printer is Xerox Phaser 3610, for what its worth.
source code for CView::OnFilePrint should be in C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 14.0\VC\atlmfc\src\mfc\viewprnt.cpp, depending on VS version. There could also be a problem with printer initialization/access.
If there is any error it is most likely due to printer initialization. You can override OnFilePrint and add CPrintInfo printInfo for testing. Example:
void CMyView::OnFilePrint()
CPrintInfo printInfo;
//log error
As noted in comments, another possibility is that there is a bug somewhere else in the code, which may not necessarily be related to printing.
Inside of CView::OnFilePrint, this occurs:
CWnd * hwndTemp = AfxGetMainWnd();
It turns out that if you don't call OnFilePrint from the main thread, this returns NULL.
Due to slight timing changes when the computers were logged onto a domain, OnFilePrint was being called from another thread. This causes the above call to return null, then when this line gets executed:
The application crashes.
There are several ways to fix this. One is to use this:
CWnd * hwndTemp = AfxGetApp()->GetMainWnd();
In place of this:
CWnd * hwndTemp = AfxGetMainWnd();
Another way is to assure that OnFilePrint is only called from the main thread.
A cut to the chase version of the code in CView::OnFilePrint is here:
// disable main window while printing & init printing status dialog
// Store the Handle of the Window in a temp so that it can be enabled
// once the printing is finished
CWnd * hwndTemp = AfxGetMainWnd(); // <--- CAN RETURN NULL HERE
hwndTemp->EnableWindow(FALSE); // <--- CRASH WILL OCCUR HERE
CPrintingDialog dlgPrintStatus(this);
Full version of CView::OnFilePrint is below.
The OnFilePrint code, with the problem area noted:
void CView::OnFilePrint()
// get default print info
CPrintInfo printInfo;
ASSERT(printInfo.m_pPD != NULL); // must be set
if (LOWORD(GetCurrentMessage()->wParam) == ID_FILE_PRINT_DIRECT)
CCommandLineInfo* pCmdInfo = AfxGetApp()->m_pCmdInfo;
if (pCmdInfo != NULL)
if (pCmdInfo->m_nShellCommand == CCommandLineInfo::FilePrintTo)
printInfo.m_pPD->m_pd.hDC = ::CreateDC(pCmdInfo->m_strDriverName,
pCmdInfo->m_strPrinterName, pCmdInfo->m_strPortName, NULL);
if (printInfo.m_pPD->m_pd.hDC == NULL)
printInfo.m_bDirect = TRUE;
if (OnPreparePrinting(&printInfo))
// hDC must be set (did you remember to call DoPreparePrinting?)
ASSERT(printInfo.m_pPD->m_pd.hDC != NULL);
// gather file to print to if print-to-file selected
CString strOutput;
if (printInfo.m_pPD->m_pd.Flags & PD_PRINTTOFILE && !printInfo.m_bDocObject)
// construct CFileDialog for browsing
CFileDialog dlg(FALSE, strDef, strPrintDef,
dlg.m_ofn.lpstrTitle = strCaption;
if (dlg.DoModal() != IDOK)
// set output device to resulting path name
strOutput = dlg.GetPathName();
// set up document info and start the document printing process
CString strTitle;
CDocument* pDoc = GetDocument();
if (pDoc != NULL)
strTitle = pDoc->GetTitle();
DOCINFO docInfo;
memset(&docInfo, 0, sizeof(DOCINFO));
docInfo.cbSize = sizeof(DOCINFO);
docInfo.lpszDocName = strTitle;
CString strPortName;
if (strOutput.IsEmpty())
docInfo.lpszOutput = NULL;
strPortName = printInfo.m_pPD->GetPortName();
docInfo.lpszOutput = strOutput;
strPortName.GetBuffer(_MAX_PATH), _MAX_PATH);
// setup the printing DC
CDC dcPrint;
if (!printInfo.m_bDocObject)
dcPrint.Attach(printInfo.m_pPD->m_pd.hDC); // attach printer dc
dcPrint.m_bPrinting = TRUE;
OnBeginPrinting(&dcPrint, &printInfo);
if (!printInfo.m_bDocObject)
Problem area.
If the calling thread is not the main thread, the call to AfxGetMainWnd
can return NULL. In this case, hwndTemp->EnableWindow(FALSE) will crash
the application.
// disable main window while printing & init printing status dialog
// Store the Handle of the Window in a temp so that it can be enabled
// once the printing is finished
CWnd * hwndTemp = AfxGetMainWnd(); // <--- CAN RETURN NULL HERE
hwndTemp->EnableWindow(FALSE); // <--- CRASH WILL OCCUR HERE
CPrintingDialog dlgPrintStatus(this);
CString strTemp;
dlgPrintStatus.SetDlgItemText(AFX_IDC_PRINT_DOCNAME, strTitle);
dlgPrintStatus.SetDlgItemText(AFX_IDC_PRINT_PORTNAME, strPortName);
// start document printing process
if (!printInfo.m_bDocObject)
printInfo.m_nJobNumber = dcPrint.StartDoc(&docInfo);
if (printInfo.m_nJobNumber == SP_ERROR)
// enable main window before proceeding
// cleanup and show error message
OnEndPrinting(&dcPrint, &printInfo);
dcPrint.Detach(); // will be cleaned up by CPrintInfo destructor
// Guarantee values are in the valid range
UINT nEndPage = printInfo.GetToPage();
UINT nStartPage = printInfo.GetFromPage();
if (nEndPage < printInfo.GetMinPage())
nEndPage = printInfo.GetMinPage();
if (nEndPage > printInfo.GetMaxPage())
nEndPage = printInfo.GetMaxPage();
if (nStartPage < printInfo.GetMinPage())
nStartPage = printInfo.GetMinPage();
if (nStartPage > printInfo.GetMaxPage())
nStartPage = printInfo.GetMaxPage();
int nStep = (nEndPage >= nStartPage) ? 1 : -1;
nEndPage = (nEndPage == 0xffff) ? 0xffff : nEndPage + nStep;
// If it's a doc object, we don't loop page-by-page
// because doc objects don't support that kind of levity.
BOOL bError = FALSE;
if (printInfo.m_bDocObject)
OnPrepareDC(&dcPrint, &printInfo);
OnPrint(&dcPrint, &printInfo);
// begin page printing loop
for (printInfo.m_nCurPage = nStartPage;
printInfo.m_nCurPage != nEndPage; printInfo.m_nCurPage += nStep)
OnPrepareDC(&dcPrint, &printInfo);
// check for end of print
if (!printInfo.m_bContinuePrinting)
// write current page
TCHAR szBuf[80];
ATL_CRT_ERRORCHECK_SPRINTF(_sntprintf_s(szBuf, _countof(szBuf), _countof(szBuf) - 1, strTemp, printInfo.m_nCurPage));
dlgPrintStatus.SetDlgItemText(AFX_IDC_PRINT_PAGENUM, szBuf);
// set up drawing rect to entire page (in logical coordinates)
printInfo.m_rectDraw.SetRect(0, 0,
// attempt to start the current page
if (dcPrint.StartPage() < 0)
bError = TRUE;
// must call OnPrepareDC on newer versions of Windows because
// StartPage now resets the device attributes.
OnPrepareDC(&dcPrint, &printInfo);
// page successfully started, so now render the page
OnPrint(&dcPrint, &printInfo);
if ((nStep > 0) && // pages are printed in ascending order
(nEndPage > printInfo.GetMaxPage() + nStep)) // out off pages
// OnPrint may have set the last page
// because the end of the document was reached.
// The loop must not continue with the next iteration.
nEndPage = printInfo.GetMaxPage() + nStep;
// If the user restarts the job when it's spooling, all
// subsequent calls to EndPage returns < 0. The first time
// GetLastError returns ERROR_PRINT_CANCELLED
if (dcPrint.EndPage() < 0 && (GetLastError()!= ERROR_SUCCESS))
HANDLE hPrinter;
if (!OpenPrinter(LPTSTR(printInfo.m_pPD->GetDeviceName().GetBuffer()), &hPrinter, NULL))
bError = TRUE;
DWORD cBytesNeeded;
bError = TRUE;
JOB_INFO_1 *pJobInfo;
if((pJobInfo = (JOB_INFO_1 *)malloc(cBytesNeeded))== NULL)
bError = TRUE;
DWORD cBytesUsed;
BOOL bRet = GetJob(hPrinter,printInfo.m_nJobNumber,1,LPBYTE(pJobInfo),cBytesNeeded,&cBytesUsed);
DWORD dwJobStatus = pJobInfo->Status;
pJobInfo = NULL;
// if job status is restart, just continue
if(!bRet || !(dwJobStatus & JOB_STATUS_RESTART) )
bError = TRUE;
if(!_AfxAbortProc(dcPrint.m_hDC, 0))
bError = TRUE;
// cleanup document printing process
if (!printInfo.m_bDocObject)
if (!bError)
hwndTemp->EnableWindow(); // enable main window
OnEndPrinting(&dcPrint, &printInfo); // clean up after printing
dcPrint.Detach(); // will be cleaned up by CPrintInfo destructor

visual c++ Serialport class handling data very slow

I'm trying to handle data recieved at about 1Hz from a robot through a serialport (bluetooth connection). I will recieve data with different headers determining what data will be recieved and what the expected length of the message is.
for example:
Header: sensorvalues (0x32) -> expected length 11 incl. header.
First i want to check if the byte is a header and if thats the case extract the expected length (in bytes).
I am using vc++ and the serialport class in the GUI.
The "seirialport->read(buffer, 0, expected length)" is very slow and not very reliable. I found some tips at but the buffer still builds up to the point where I have about 200 bytes in the buffer, which is not very good when i need live sensorvalues displayed on the GUI.
The key parts of my code are:
System::Void MyForm::serialPort1_DataReceived_1(System::Object^ sender, System::IO::Ports::SerialDataReceivedEventArgs^ e) {
if (serialPort1->BytesToRead > 0){
if (write_position == 0){
serialPort1->BaseStream->ReadAsync(data_recieved_buffer, 0, 1);
header = data_recieved_buffer[0];
if (this->InvokeRequired){
myrecievedata_delegate^ d = gcnew myrecievedata_delegate(&myrecievedata);
this->Invoke(d, gcnew array < Object^ > {'h'});
else if (this->serialPort1->BytesToRead > expected_length - 1)
serialPort1->BaseStream->ReadAsync(data_recieved_buffer, 0, expected_length - 1);
if (this->InvokeRequired){
myrecievedata_delegate^ d = gcnew myrecievedata_delegate(&myrecievedata);
this->Invoke(d, gcnew array < Object^ > {'b'});
and the recieved data is sent to
System::Void MyForm::myrecievedata(char status){
if (status == 'h'){
else if (status == 'b'){
Is the problem at the serialport_datarecieved event? I can only think of invoke (which I have very little knowledge about) being the problem, still keeping the work in the serialport thread.
If that is the case how would I make sure that the data is handled in a different thread?
Thanks in advance!

Natively buffering audio

This probably is one of my own mistakes, but I can't seem to find what is wrong. After trying to improve performance of my application, I moved audio buffering from the Java layer to the native layer. Audio handling (recording/playing) is already done natively using the OpenSL ES API.
Yet the native buffering is causing my application to crash whenever I start the application. I use a simple Queue implementation as my buffer, where the first node is the oldest data (FIFO).
struct bufferNode{
struct bufferNode* next;
jbyte* data;
struct bufferQueue{
struct bufferNode* first;
struct bufferNode* last;
int size;
The audio data is referred to by the jbyte* in the bufferNode. Access to the Queue is done via these two methods, and is synchronized with a mutex.
void enqueueInBuffer(struct bufferQueue* queue, jbyte* data){
SLresult result;
if(queue != NULL){
if(data != NULL){
result = pthread_mutex_lock(&recMutex);
if(result != 0){
logErr("EnqueueInBuffer", "Unable to acquire recording mutex");
} else {
struct bufferNode* node = (struct bufferNode*)malloc(sizeof(struct bufferNode));
if(node == NULL){
logErr("EnqueueInBuffer", "Insufficient memory available to buffer new audio");
} else {
node->data = data;
if(queue->first == NULL){
queue->first = queue->last = node;
} else {
queue->last->next = node;
queue->last = node;
queue->size = queue->size + 1;
node->next = NULL;
result = pthread_mutex_unlock(&recMutex);
if(result != 0){
logErr("EnqueueInBuffer", "Unable to release recording mutex");
} else {
logErr("EnqueueInBuffer", "Data is NULL");
} else {
logErr("EnqueueInBuffer", "Queue is NULL");
void dequeueFromBuffer(struct bufferQueue* queue, jbyte* returnData){
SLresult result;
result = pthread_mutex_lock(&recMutex);
if(result != 0){
logErr("DequeueFromBuffer", "Unable to acquire recording mutex");
} else {
if(queue->first == NULL){
returnData = NULL;
} else {
returnData = queue->first->data;
struct bufferNode* tmp = queue->first;
if(queue->first == queue->last){
queue->first = queue->last = NULL;
} else {
queue->first = queue->first->next;
queue->size = queue->size - 1;
result = pthread_mutex_unlock(&recMutex);
if(result != 0){
logErr("DequeueFromBuffer", "Unable to release recording mutex");
Where the log and decode methods are selfdeclared utility methods. Log just logs the message to the logcat, while the decode methods "decode" any error number possible from the previous method call.
Yet I keep getting an error when I try to enqueue audio data. Whenever I call the enqueueInBuffer method, I get a SIGSEGV native error, with code 1 (SEGV_MAPERR). Yet I can't seem to find what is causing the error. Both the Queue and the audio data exist when I try to make the enqueueInBuffer method call (which is done in an OpenSL ES Recorder callback, hence the synchronization).
Is there something else going on what causes the segmentation fault? Probably I am responsible for it, but I can't seem to find the error.
Apparently, this was caused by a line of code I have in my OpenSL ES Recorder callback.
The callback originally looked like this:
void recorderCallback(SLAndroidSimpleBufferQueueItf bq, void *context){
SLresult result;
enqueueInBuffer(&recordingQueue, (*recorderBuffers[queueIndex]));
result = (*bq)->Enqueue(bq, recorderBuffers[queueIndex], RECORDER_FRAMES * sizeof(jbyte));
if(checkError(result, "RecorderCallB", "Unable to enqueue new buffer on recorder") == -1){
queueIndex = queueIndex++ % MAX_RECORDER_BUFFERS;
However, it seems that the last line of the callback didn't correctly create the new index. The buffers I use are in an array, which is 4 long.
Changing the last line to
queueIndex = (queueIndex + 1) % MAX_RECORDER_BUFFERS;
seems to have fixed the error.
