Parquet column cannot be converted: Expected decimal, Found binary - apache-spark

I'm using Apache Nifi 1.9.2 to load data from a relational database into Google Cloud Storage. The purpose is to write the outcome into Parquet files as it stores data in columnar way. To achieve this I make use of the ConvertAvroToParquet (default settings) processor in Nifi (followed by the PutGCSObject processor). The problem with these resulting files is that I cannot read Decimal typed columns when consuming the files in Spark 2.4.0 (scala 2.11.12): Parquet column cannot be converted ... Column: [ARHG3A], Expected: decimal(2,0), Found: BINARY
Links to parquet/avro example files:
As I know that Nifi works with the Avro format in between processors within the flowfile, I have also written the avro file (like it is just before the ConvertAvroToParquet processor) and this I can read in Spark.
It is also possible to not use logical types in Avro, but then I lose the column types in the end and all columns are Strings (not preferred).
I have also experimented with the PutParquet processor without success.
val arhg_parquet ="parquet").load("ARHG.parquet")
printSchema() gives proper result, indicating ARHG3A is a decimal(2,0)
Executing the show(10,false) results in an ERROR: Parquet column cannot be converted in file file:///C:/ARHG.parquet. Column: [ARHG3A], Expected: decimal(2,0), Found: BINARY

To achieve this I make use of the ConvertAvroToParquet (default settings) processor in Nifi (followed by the PutGCSObject processor)
Try upgrading to NiFi 1.12.1, our latest release. Some improvements were made to handling decimals that might be applicable here. Also, you can use the Parquet reader and writer services to convert from Avro to Parquet now as of ~1.10.0. If that doesn't work, it may be a bug that should have a Jira ticket filed against it.


How parquet columns can be skipped when reading from hdfs?

We all know parquet is column-oriented so we can get only columns we desired and reduce IO.
But what if the parquet file is stored in HDFS, should we download the entire file first, and then apply column filter locally?
For example, if we use spark to read a parquet column from HDFS/Hive:
spark.sql("select name from wide_table")
Still we must download the entire parquet file, is that right?
Or maybe there is a way we can filter the columns just before the network transfer?
Actually "predicate pushdown" which is a feature of Spark SQL will try to use column filters to reduce the amount of information that is processed by spark. Technically the entire hdfs block is still read into memory, but it uses smart logic to only return relevant results. This is normally called out in the physical plan. You can read this by using .explain() on your query to see if the feature is being used. (Not all versions of hdfs support this.)

Parquet file size using Spark

we had some old code using org.apache.parquet.hadoop.api.WriteSupport API to write Parquet formatted file, and we start to use Apache Spark to do the same thing.
Those two ways can successfully generate Parquet files with same input data, and the output data are almost identical. However, the output file size is quite different.
The one generated by WriteSupport is 2G-ish, whereas the one generated by Spark is 5.5G-ish. I compared the schema, they are same, is there any area I can further look into?
Btw, the WriteSupport has parquet-mr version 1.8.0; Spark one has 1.10.0.

Does Spark support true column scans over parquet files in S3?

One of the great benefits of the Parquet data storage format is that it's columnar. If I've got a 'wide' dataset with hundreds of columns, but my query only touches a few of those, then it's possible read only the data that stores those few columns, and skip the rest.
Presumably this feature works by reading a bit of metadata at the head of a parquet file that indicates the locations on the filesystem for each column. The reader can then seek on disk to read in only the necessary columns.
Does anyone know whether spark's default parquet reader correctly implements this kind of selective seeking on S3? I think it's supported by S3, but there's a big difference between theoretical support and an implementation that properly exploits that support.
This needs to be broken down
Does the Parquet code get the predicates from spark (yes)
Does parquet then attempt to selectively read only those columns, using the Hadoop FileSystem seek() + read() or readFully(position, buffer, length) calls? Yes
Does the S3 connector translate these File Operations into efficient HTTP GET requests? In Amazon EMR: Yes. In Apache Hadoop, you need hadoop 2.8 on the classpath and set the properly spark.hadoop.fs.s3a.experimental.fadvise=random to trigger random access.
Hadoop 2.7 and earlier handle the aggressive seek() round the file badly, because they always initiate a GET offset-end-of-file, get surprised by the next seek, have to abort that connection, reopen a new TCP/HTTPS 1.1 connection (slow, CPU heavy), do it again, repeatedly. The random IO operation hurts on bulk loading of things like .csv.gz, but is critical to getting ORC/Parquet perf.
You don't get the speedup on Hadoop 2.7's hadoop-aws JAR. If you need it you need to update hadoop*.jar and dependencies, or build Spark up from scratch against Hadoop 2.8
Note that Hadoop 2.8+ also has a nice little feature: if you call toString() on an S3A filesystem client in a log statement, it prints out all the filesystem IO stats, including how much data was discarded in seeks, aborted TCP connections &c. Helps you work out what's going on.
2018-04-13 warning:: Do not try to drop the Hadoop 2.8+ hadoop-aws JAR on the classpath along with the rest of the hadoop-2.7 JAR set and expect to see any speedup. All you will see are stack traces. You need to update all the hadoop JARs and their transitive dependencies.
DISCLAIMER: I don't have a definitive answer and don't want to act as an authoritative source either, but have spent some time on parquet support in Spark 2.2+ and am hoping that my answer can help us all to get closer to the right answer.
Does Parquet on S3 avoid pulling the data for unused columns from S3 and only retrieve the file chunks it needs, or does it pull the whole file?
I use Spark 2.3.0-SNAPSHOT that I built today right from the master.
parquet data source format is handled by ParquetFileFormat which is a FileFormat.
If I'm correct, the reading part is handled by buildReaderWithPartitionValues method (that overrides the FileFormat's).
buildReaderWithPartitionValues is used exclusively when FileSourceScanExec physical operator is requested for so-called input RDDs that are actually a single RDD to generate internal rows when WholeStageCodegenExec is executed.
With that said, I think that reviewing what buildReaderWithPartitionValues does may get us closer to the final answer.
When you look at the line you can get assured that we're on the right track.
// Try to push down filters when filter push-down is enabled.
That code path depends on spark.sql.parquet.filterPushdown Spark property that is turned on by default.
spark.sql.parquet.filterPushdown Enables Parquet filter push-down optimization when set to true.
That leads us to parquet-hadoop's ParquetInputFormat.setFilterPredicate iff the filters are defined.
if (pushed.isDefined) {
ParquetInputFormat.setFilterPredicate(hadoopAttemptContext.getConfiguration, pushed.get)
The code gets more interesting a bit later when the filters are used when the code falls back to parquet-mr (rather than using the so-called vectorized parquet decoding reader). That's the part I don't really understand (except what I can see in the code).
Please note that the vectorized parquet decoding reader is controlled by spark.sql.parquet.enableVectorizedReader Spark property that is turned on by default.
TIP: To know what part of the if expression is used, enable DEBUG logging level for org.apache.spark.sql.execution.datasources.parquet.ParquetFileFormat logger.
In order to see all the pushed-down filters you could turn INFO logging level of org.apache.spark.sql.execution.FileSourceScanExec logger on. You should see the following in the logs:
INFO Pushed Filters: [pushedDownFilters]
I do hope that if it's not close to be a definitive answer it has helped a little and someone picks it up where I left off to make it one soon. Hope dies last :)
parquet reader of spark is just like any other InputFormat,
None of the inputFormat have any thing special for S3. The input formats can read from LocalFileSystem , Hdfs and S3 no special optimization done for that.
Parquet InpuTFormat depending on the columns you ask will selectively read the columns for you .
If you want to be dead sure (although push down predicates works in latest spark version) manually select the columns and write the transformation and actions , instead of depending on SQL
No, predicate pushdown is not fully supported. This, of course, depends on:
Specific use case
Spark version
S3 connector type and version
In order to check your specific use case, you can enable DEBUG log level in Spark, and run your query. Then, you can see whether there are "seeks" during S3 (HTTP) requests as well as how many requests to were actually sent. Something like this:
17/06/13 05:46:50 DEBUG wire: http-outgoing-1 >> "GET /test/part-00000-b8a8a1b7-0581-401f-b520-27fa9600f35e.snappy.parquet HTTP/1.1[\r][\n]"
17/06/13 05:46:50 DEBUG wire: http-outgoing-1 << "Content-Range: bytes 0-7472093/7472094[\r][\n]"
17/06/13 05:46:50 DEBUG wire: http-outgoing-1 << "Content-Length: 7472094[\r][\n]"
Here's example of an issue report that was opened recently due to inability of Spark 2.1 to calculate COUNT(*) of all the rows in a dataset based on metadata stored in Parquet file:

Spark write.avro creates individual avro files

I have a spark-submit job I wrote that reads an in directory of json docs, does some processing on them using data frames, and then writes to an out directory. For some reason, though, it creates individual avro, parquet or json files when I use or df.write methods.
In fact, I even used the saveAsTable method and it did the same thing with parquet.gz files in the hive warehouse.
It seems to me that this is inefficient and negates the use of a container file format. Is this right? Or is this normal behavior and what I'm seeing just an abstraction in HDFS?
If I am right that this is bad, how do I write the data frame from many files into a single file?
As #zero323 told its normal behavior due to many workers(to support fault tolerance).
I would suggest you to write all the records in parquet or avro file which has avro generic record using something like this
format(FILE_FORMAT).partitionBy("parameter1", "parameter2").save(path);
but it wont write in to single file but it will group similar kind of Avro Generic records to one file(may be less number of medium sized) files

Spark with Avro, Kryo and Parquet

I'm struggling to understand what exactly Avro, Kryo and Parquet do in the context of Spark. They all are related to serialization but I've seen them used together so they can't be doing the same thing.
Parquet describes its self as a columnar storage format and I kind of get that but when I'm saving a parquet file can Arvo or Kryo have anything to do with it? Or are they only relevant during the spark job, ie. for sending objects over the network during a shuffle or spilling to disk? How do Arvo and Kryo differ and what happens when you use them together?
Parquet works very well when you need to read only a few columns when querying your data. However if your schema has lots of columns (30+) and in your queries/jobs you need to read all of them then record based formats (like AVRO) will work better/faster.
Another limitation of Parquet is that it is essentially write-once format. So usually you need to collect data in some staging area and write it to a parquet file once a day (for example).
This is where you might want to use AVRO. E.g. you can collect AVRO-encoded records in a Kafka topic or local files and have a batch job that converts all of them to Parquet file at the end of the day. This is fairly easy to implement thanks to parquet-avro library that provides tools to convert between AVRO and Parquet formats automatically.
And of course you can use AVRO outside of Spark/BigData. It is fairly good serialization format similar to Google Protobuf or Apache Thrift.
This very good blog post explains the details for everything but Kryo.
Kryo would be used for fast serialization not involving permanent storage, such as shuffle data and cached data, in memory or on disk as temp files.
