Why is it loading both ldarg.0 and ldarg.1 when there are only 1 argument? - .net-assembly

I am quite confused how this assembly code works. I have tried looking around for answers but couldn't find anything. I think ldarg.0 is loaded due to an instance void, but i'm not sure why it loads ldarg.1.
Would really appreciate it if someone could explain what's going on.
.method public hidebysig specialname instance void set_phase(string value)
.maxstack 3
.locals init (bool V0)
ldfld string KGER.Generate::_phase
call bool [mscorlib]System.String::op_Inequality(string, string)
brtrue.s loc_4E8
Thanks in advance!

Your code is not complete, however: the portion does the following:
.method public hidebysig specialname instance void set_phase(string value)
.maxstack 3
.locals init (bool V0)
This is the method signature. from here you infer two important things: the first is that the method is an instance method. This means that the first implicit argument contains this.
The second important thing is the signature which consists of a single argument of type string: this will be arg1 as arg0 is implicitly used to contain this.
computationally, this does nothing. among other things, nop instructions can be used by debuggers to safely place break points
this loads arg1 onto the stack. The stack contains (the value of the field named value)
ldfld string KGER.Generate::_phase
then loads the this argument and immediately uses it to load the KGER.Generate::_phase field. the stack now contains (value, the content of the _phase field)
call bool [mscorlib]System.String::op_Inequality(string, string)
this calls the operator op_Inequality of the class String which is a static method. the stack now contains (result of comparison)
this loads 0 as integer into the stack. as we know that this value will be part of a boolean comparison, remember that 0 is equivalent to false for these purposes
this compares the two values into the stack and pushes the result as boolean into the stack
this stores the result of the comparison to a local variable (the first one)
this loads the result of the comparison stored to the abovementioned local variable again into the stack, presumably this is a debug version, and this pair of instructions allows the developer to correctly view the value of the variables while debugging (or it is really needed in a part of code you didn't share)
brtrue.s loc_4E8
this jumps to the location loc_4E8 when the value is true (i.e. 1), which means that if thee two strings are equal, the code will jump.


Binary Search algorithm random array

I don't understand why the recursive function always gives me zero result, even if I put values inside the array.
it seems that size (a) == 0
recursive function binarySearch_R (a, value) result (bsresult)
real, intent(in) :: a(6), value
integer :: bsresult, mid
mid = size(a)/2 + 1
if (size(a) == 0) then
bsresult = 0 ! not found
else if (a(mid) > value) then
bsresult= binarySearch_R(a(:mid-1), value)
else if (a(mid) < value) then
bsresult = binarySearch_R(a(mid+1:), value)
if (bsresult /= 0) then
bsresult = mid + bsresult
end if
bsresult = mid ! SUCCESS!!
end if
end function binarySearch_R
program hji
read*, a
read*, value
print*, binarySearch_R
end program hji
Chapter 1: The dangers of implicit typing
The first thing I strongly recommend you do is to include the line
implicit none
after the program line. This will suppress implicit typing, and the resulting errors will give you some useful insight into what is happening.
If you did that, you'd get an error message:
$ gfortran -o binsearch binsearch.f90
read*, a
Error: Symbol ‘a’ at (1) has no IMPLICIT type
Error: Symbol ‘binarysearch_r’ at (1) has no IMPLICIT type
read*, value
Error: Symbol ‘value’ at (1) has no IMPLICIT type
It doesn't matter that a, value, and binarySearch_R were defined in the function. As the function is not part of the program block, the program doesn't know what these are.
With implicit typing active, it simply assumed that all three are simple real variables. (The type depends on the first letter of the variable name, i through n are integer, everything else is real)
Because this implicit typing can so easily hide coding errors, it's strongly, strongly suggested to always switch it off.
Which also means that we have to declare the variables a and value in the program:
program hji
implicit none
real :: a(6), value
end program hji
Chapter 2: How to introduce a function to the program?
So how does the program get access to the function? There are four ways:
The best way: Use a module
module mod_binsearch
implicit none
recursive function binarySearch_R (a, value) result (bsresult)
end function binarySearch_R
end module mod_binsearch
program hji
use mod_binsearch
implicit none
real :: a(6), value
end program hji
Note that the use statement has to be before the implicit none.
This method leaves the function separate, but callable.
It automatically checks that the parameters (that's something we'll be coming to in a bit) are correct.
Have the function contained in the program.
Between the final line of code of the program and the end program statement, add the keyword contains, followed by the function code (everything from recursive function ... to end function ...).
This is the quick-and-dirty method. You have to be careful with this method as the function will automatically have access to the program's variables unless there's a new variable with that name declared inside the function.
The convoluted way: Interfaces
Create an interface block in the declaration section of your program's source code,
and repeat the interface information in there.
This still allows the compiler to check whether the function is invoked correctly, but it's up to you to ensure that this interface block is correct and matches the actual implementation.
The really, really ugly way: Declare it like a variable, invoke it like a function.
Please don't do that.
Chapter 3: Calling a function
When you call a function, you have to use the parentheses and give it all the parameters that it expects. In your case, you need to type
print *, binarySearch_r(a, value)
Chapter 4: Dynamic arrays as dummy parameters
In the successive recursive calls to the function, the array gets smaller and smaller.
But the dummy parameter is always the same size (6). Not only will this interfere with your algorithm, but this can also lead to dangerously undefined memory access.
Fortunately, specially for intent(in) dummy parameters, you can use dynamic arrays:
recursive function binarySearch_R(a, value)
real, intent(in) :: a(:), value
The single colon tells the compiler to expect a one-dimensional array, but not the length of it. Since you're already using size(a), it should automatically work.
Too long for a comment, but not an answer (and to any Fortran experts reading this, yes, there are one or two places where I gloss over some details because I think they are unimportant at this stage) ...
The way the code is written does not allow the compiler to help you. As far as the compiler is concerned there is no connection between the function and the program. As far as the program is concerned a is, because you haven't told the compiler otherwise, assumed to be a real scalar value. The a in the program is not the same thing as the a in the function - there is no connection between the function and the program.
The same is true for value.
The same is true for binarysearch_r - and if you don't believe this delete the function definition from the source code and recompile the program.
So, what must you do to fix the code ?
First step: modify your source code so that it looks like this:
program hji
... program code goes here ...
recursive function binarySearch_R (a, value) result (bsresult)
... function code goes here ...
end function binarySearch_R
end program hji
This first step allows the compiler to see the connection between the program and the function.
Second step: insert the line implicit none immediately after the line program hji. This second step allows the compiler to spot any errors you make with the types (real or integer, etc) and ranks (scalar, array, etc) of the variables you declare.
Third step: recompile and start dealing with the errors the compiler identifies. One of them will be that you do not pass the arguments to the function so the line
print*, binarySearch_R
in the program will have to change to
print*, binarySearch_R(a, value)

Stop and copy garbage collector in OCAML

I have a homework assignment to finish writing a stopy-and-copy garbage collector in OCaml. There are 3 functions that need to be written. The first thing to be known is that a 64 slot array named ram will be what the garbage collector uses as memory. Each slot will contain an object of type 'cell'. That type may look like the following:
Object (id, size, references)
ObjData _
FwdPointer (_)
I believe I am okay with the first function but the second function I need help with.
The function is:
let rec scan_tospace (free : int) (unscanned : int) =
Here is the objective of the function:
(* Scan To-space, copy all referenced objects to the To-space and
update references in objects. Recurse until the free pointer is
identical to the unscanned pointer.
[free] is the pointer to the next free address in the To-space,
[unscanned] is the address of the first unscanned object in the
Return the address of the free pointer after all objects have been
What I want to do is pattern matching on the element at the unscanned pointer. If it is an object (x,y,z) then I want the result to go through each element in the integer list z and apply the function 'let copy_obj (free : int) (addr : int) =' to it as the argument addr. The problem is that the function copy_obj takes 2 arguments and I can't figure out how to also insert the second argument when calling List.iter like so:
List.iter obj_copy free z
I've also tried this as the result when it successfully matches with an object:
List.iter (fun k -> match k with
| int k -> copy_obj free k) z;
There I get this:
Error: This expression has type int * int
but an expression was expected of type unit
I didn't post any code on purpose, but if you'd liked see it I can post more. I didn't want to give any answers away. Also, I'm not look for someone to write any code for me, another reason I didn't post much of it. Any ideas in the right direction would be very helpful, thanks!
List.iter obj_copy free z should be List.iter (obj_copy free) z so the free is the first argument to obj_copy and the items in the list are the second. With this change you should get the same error as your later code.
The problem here is the use of List.iter. As you go over the referenced objects and copy them free has to change. Otherwise you copy each object over the previous one. You also need to remember where the copied objects now are so you can update the references in the outer object. Accordingly copy_obj returns (I assume) a tuple of the object and the new free.
You have to use List.fold_left or List.fold_right or manual recursion to go through the list while keeping track of free and the copied objects.

Purpose, use of and queries regarding the Objects.compare utility method

I have a question about using the new Objects.compare(o1, o2, Comparator) method - from my own testing of it, if both o1 and o2 are null then it returns 0, however, if one of them is null then it still throws a null pointer exception. I have found a lot of material on Objects.equals and some of the other Objects utility methods but not much at all on Objects.compare and when we are expected to use it / replace old code with it.
So here I could do this:
String s1 = "hi";
String s2 = "hi";
int x = Objects.compare(s1, s2, Comparator.naturalOrder());
System.out.println("x = " + x);
That works fine, returns 0, now this:
String s1 = null;
String s2 = null;
Also works fine and returns 0. However, this:
String s1 = "hi";
Strng s2 = null;
Throws a NullPointerException. I'm guessing the benefit of Objects.compare(o1,o2,Comparator) vs o1.compareTo(o2) is that it at least handles circumstances where both objects are null and when one of them is null it allows you to design a Comparator to handle it. I'm supposing, e.g.
int x = Objects.compare(s1, s2, Comparator.nullsFirst(Comparator.naturalOrder()));
Whereas with x.compareTo(y) there's no way to handle null unless you do so beforehand? So do the Java library developers now intend us to replace all calls to compareTo with Objects.compare, when we're concerned about nulls? e.g. would we do this in our Comparable implementations?
Side query 1: With regards to using nullsFirst if you use it then pass in a Comparator, which is chained using comparing, thenComparing, etc, does it apply to all of the inner comparators? e.g.
Would that apply nullsFirst to everything inside or do you need to use nullsFirst individually on each of them? I think from testing that it only applies to the actual Song objects being null, not for the fields of title or artist being null, i.e. if they are null then a NullPointerException is still thrown. Anyway around that?
Side query 2: final question is that because I like the Comparator.comparing syntax, I'm proposing to start to write my compareTo implementions using it - I was struggling to think how to replace this traditional approach, e.g.
public int compareTo(Song other) {
int result = this.title.compareTo(other.title);
if (result == 0) {
result = this.artist.compareTo(other.artist);
if (result == 0) {
result = Integer.compare(this.duration, other.duration);
return result;
then I thought I could use Objects.compare(...) as follows:
public int compareTo(Song other) {
return Objects.compare(this, other, Comparator.nullsFirst(
I thought this version was more elegant - I am assuming it is working as I think it is, e.g. by passing this and other as the first 2 arguments then the comparator, it has the same effect as the traditional compareTo approach with if statements? Whilst I can see that the benefit of Objects.compare catching two nulls would never occur as if this was null then the compareTo method call would never be reached (either by handling the exception or it being thrown). But by using nullsFirst I suppose if the argument passed in, i.e. other, was null, then this would handle this safely?
Many thanks in advance for any help.
Objects.compare is not meant to provide a null safe comparison, since there is no default behavior that could be implemented. It just implements a shortcut of not invoking the Comparator’s method when both objects are identical. In other words, it does a==b? 0: c.compare(a, b), nothing more. So not breaking when both objects are null is just a side-effect. The encapsulated code might look trivial but the other methods in this class are of a similar category. Using small utility methods a lot might still result in a notable win.
By the way, it’s not a Java 8 method at all. It exists since Java 7.
Regarding your second question, Comparator.nullsFirst(…) decorates an existing Comparator and will enforce the rule for null values before delegating to the provided comparator as it is the purpose of this comparator to shield the existing one from ever seeing null values. It doesn’t matter whether the decorated comparator is a chained one or not. As long as it is what you called the “inner comparator”, as
you must not invoke thenComparing on the result of nullsFirst as that would imply calling the next comparator when both values are null.
Comparator.nullsFirst(Comparator.comparing(a).thenComparing(b)) // perfect
Comparator.nullsFirst(Comparator.comparing(a)).thenComparing(b) // ouch
Now to your third question, implementing a compareTo method using a nullsFirst comparator is violating the interface specification:
The implementor must ensure sgn(x.compareTo(y)) == -sgn(y.compareTo(x)) for all x and y. (This implies that x.compareTo(y) must throw an exception iff y.compareTo(x) throws an exception.)
This implies that passing null as argument should always result in a NullPointerException as swapping argument and receiver would throw as well, unconditionally.
Orders including a null policy should always be provided as separate Comparators.
Note that it would also be quite inefficient as you would create a new Comparator (multiple Comparators, to be precise) for every compareTo call. Now image sorting a rather large list of these objects…
What I normally do for your final question is to first create a static comparator reference within the class:
public static final Comparator<Song> COMP_DEFAULT
= nullsFirst(comparing(Song::getTitle, nullsFirst(naturalOrder()))
.thenComparing(Song::getArtist, nullsFirst(naturalOrder()))
And then refer to this comparator in compareTo
public int compareTo(Song other) {
return COMP_DEFAULT.compare(this, other);
This way you're not recreating your comparator for each compareTo call, null safety of Song is guaranteed as is the result of a.comparetTo(b) == b.compareTo(a).
We also ensure null safety of each property by using nullsFirst(naturalOrder()) for the passed in key comparator (second argument).
As the Comparator returned is immutable it can be made public which can be handy for bundling some alternate Comparators with the class that consumers may use.

ASM Bytecode Method Parameter Values

How to view or access the method parameter values or Objects using ASM Byte Code?
Taking into account method parameter types, you could do something like that:
int off = (access | Opcodes.ACC_STATIC) == 0 ? 0 : 1;
int opcode = Type.getArgumentTypes(desc)[param + off].getOpcode(Opcodes.IALOAD);
mv.visitVarIns(opcode, param);
where param is method parameter number and access and desc are values you get from corresponding parameters of ClassVisitor.html#visitMethod.
Method arguments are the first few local variables. To access the first arg, the bytecode mnemonic looks like aload_0 or iload_0 or lload_0 etc, depending on the argument's type. For arguments past the fourth, you'd say aload 4 etc.
Note, the first argument to an instance method is a reference to this. So the first argument will be local #1, and you'd get it like aload_1 etc.
However you'd generate bytecode with the ASM stuff... do that. It looks like you'd say something akin to mv.visitVarInsn(ALOAD, 0);, where mv is your MethodVisitor. The 0 would be replaced with the local variable index.

How a property, of type string, is passed

I have the following code (note the code below doesnt update the property)
private void queryResultsFilePath_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
Library.SProc.Browse browser = new Browse();
public class Browse
public void selectFile(string propertyName)
propertyName = browserWindow.FileName;
Now i realise that i need to change the second method so that it returns a string and manually assign it to the property in the first example.
What im unsure of is that i thought that when i assigned a ref type as an actual parameter of a method, a copy of its value on the stack (ie its memory address in the heap) was copied to the new location on the stack for the methods formal parameter, so they are both pointing to the same memory address on the heap. So when i changed the value of the formal parameter, it would actually change the value stored on the heap and thus the actual parameters value.
Obviously im missing something since im having to return a string and manually assign it to the property. If someone could point out what ive misunderstood id appreciate it.
I believe the missing piece here is: strings are immutable.
Although you pass it by reference, as soon as anything attempts to mutate the string, a new string is created leaving the old one intact.
I believe it is the only reference type that has enforced immutability.
From MSDN:
Strings are immutable--the contents of a string object cannot be
changed after the object is created, although the syntax makes it
appear as if you can do this. For example, when you write this code,
the compiler actually creates a new string object to hold the new
sequence of characters, and that new object is assigned to b. The
string "h" is then eligible for garbage collection.
Further reading:
If you wish the method to "change" the caller's string then you can simulate this using the ref keyword:
public void SelectFile(ref string propertyName)
propertyName = browserWindow.FileName;
In this example, the parameter propertyName will be assigned to in the method, because of ref being used, this also changes the string that the caller is pointing to. Note here that immutability is still enforced. propertyName used to point to string A, but after assignment now points to string B - the old string A is now unreferenced and will be garbage collected (but importantly still exists and wasn't changed - immutable). If the ref keyword wasn't used, the caller would still point at A and the method would point at B. However, because the ref keyword was used the callers variable now points to string B.
This is the same effect as the following example:
static void Main(string[] args)
MyClass classRef = new MyClass("A");
PointToANewClass(ref classRef);
// classRef now points to a brand new instance containing "B".
public static void PointToANewClass(ref MyClass classRef)
classRef = new MyClass("B");
If you try the above without the ref keyword, classRef would still point to an object containing "A" even though the class was passed by reference.
Don't get confused between string semantics and ref semantics. And also don't get confused between passing something by reference and assignment. Stuff is technically never passed by reference, the pointer to the object on the heap is passed by value - hence ref on a reference type has the behaviour specified above. Also hence not using ref will not allow a new assignment to be "shared" between caller and method, the method has received its own copy of the pointer to the object on the heap, dereferencing the pointer has the usual effect (looking at the same underlying object), but assigning to the pointer will not affect the callers copy of the pointer.
I'm really grateful to Adam Houldsworth, because I've finally understood how the .NET framework uses reference parameters and what happens with the string.
In .NET there are two kind of data types:
value type: primitive types like int, float, bool, and so on
reference type: all the other objects, including string
In the case of reference type, the object is stored in the heap, and a variable only holds a reference pointing to this object. You can access the object's properties through the reference and modify them. When you pass one of this variables as parameter, a copy of the reference pointing to the same object is passed on to the method body. So, when you access and modify properties, you are modifyin gthe same object stored on the heap. I.e, this class is a reference object:
public class ClassOne
public string Desc { get; set; }
When you do this
ClassOne one = new { Desc = "I'm a class one!" };
there's an object on the heap pointed to by the reference one. If you do this:
one.Desc = "Changed value!";
the object on the heap has been modified. If you pass this reference as a parameter:
public void ChangeOne(ClassOne one)
one.Desc = "Changed value!"
The original object on the heap is also changed, because one helds a copy of the original reference that points to the same object on the heap.
But if you do this:
public void ChangeOne(ClassOne one)
one = new ClassOne { Desc ="Changed value!" };
The original object is unchanged. That's because one was a copy of the reference that it's now pointing to a different object.
If you pass it explicitly by reference:
public void ChangeOne(ref ClassOne one)
one = new ClassOne { Desc ="Changed value!" };
one inside this method is not a copy of the outer refernce, but the reference itself, so, the original reference now points to this new object.
strings are inmutable. This means that you cannot change a string. if you try to do so, a new string is created. So, if you do this:
string s = "HELL";
s = s + "O";
The second line creates a new instance of string, with the value "HELLO" and "HELL" is abandoned on the heap (left to be garbage collected).
So it's not possible to change it if you pass it as a parameter like this:
public void AppendO(string one)
one = one + "O";
string original = "HELL";
the original string is left as is. The code inside the function creates a new object, and assign it to one, which is a copy of original reference. But original keeps pointing to "HELL".
In the case of value types, when they are passed as parameters to a function, they are passed by value, i.e. the function receives a copy of the original value. So, any modification done to the object inside the function body won't affect the original value outside the function.
The problem is that, although string is a reference type, it looks as if it behaves like a value type (this applies to comparisons, passing parameters, and so on).
However, as explained above, it's possible to make the compiler pass a reference type by reference using the ref keyword. This also also works for strings.
You can check this code, and you'll see that the string is modified (this would also apply to an int, float or any other value type):
public static class StringTest
public static void AppednO(ref string toModify)
toModify = toModify + "O";
// test:
string hell = "HELL";
StringTest.AppendO(ref hell);
if (hell == "HELLO")
// here, hell is "HELLO"
Note that, for avoiding errors, when you define a parameter as ref, you also have to pass the parameter with this modifier.
Anyway, for this case (and similar cases) I'd recommend you to use the more natural functional syntax:
var hell = StringTest.AppendO(hell);
(Of course, in this case, the function will have this signature and corresponding implementation:
public static string AppendO(string value)
return value + "O";
If you're going to make many changes to a string, you should use the StringBuilder class, which works with "mutable strings".
How a property, of type string, is passed
Strings are immutable and therefore you are passing copies of them to methods. This means that the copy changes but the original parameter stays the same.
