I have a column of type array<array<struct<a: String, b: Int>>>.
I want a column of type struct<a: array<array<String>>, b: array<array<Int>>.
Ideally, this procedure should unnest all struct fields automatically (i.e. without me having to specify fields "a" and "b" manually), but anything that works would be extremely helpful here.
Example code that I have (I'm trying to turn ds into expected).
case class Struct(foo: String, bar: Int)
case class Schema(structs: Vector[Vector[Struct]])
val ss = spark
import ss.implicits._
val ds = Seq(Schema(Vector(Vector(Struct("a", 1), Struct("b", 2)), Vector(Struct("c", 3))))).toDS
val expected = Seq(
(Vector(Vector("a", "b"), Vector("c")), Vector(Vector(1, 2), Vector(3)))
).toDF("foo", "bar")
The shortest solution is to use transform higher order function (introduced in Spark 2.4):
"transform(structs, xs -> transform(xs, x -> x.foo)) as foo",
"transform(structs, xs -> transform(xs, x -> x.bar)) as bar"
In older version you'll need either equivalent udf* or use typed map:
.map(x => (
)).toDF("foo", "bar")
The former solution can be generalized:
import org.apache.spark.sql.types._
import org.apache.spark.sql.DataFrame
def expand(ds: DataFrame, col: String) = {
val fields = ds.schema(col).dataType match {
case ArrayType(ArrayType(s: StructType, _), _) => s.fieldNames
val exprs = fields.map {
field => expr(
s"transform(`$col`, xs -> transform(xs, x -> x.`$field`)) as `$field`"
ds.select(exprs: _*)
expand(ds.toDF, "structs")
The latter one probably not so much, unless you want to use Scala reflection (and that's a serious overkill).
* Something around these lines should do the trick:
import scala.reflect.runtime.universe.TypeTag
import org.apache.spark.sql.functions.udf
def extract[T : TypeTag](field: String) = udf(
(xs: Seq[Seq[Row]]) => xs.map(_.map(_.getAs[T](field)))
val extractString = extract[String] _
val extractInt = extract[Int] _
This is fine:
case class trans(atm : String, num: Int)
val array = Array((20254552,"ATM",-5100), (20174649,"ATM",5120))
val rdd = sc.parallelize(array)
val rdd1 = rdd.map(x => (x._1, trans(x._2, x._3)))
How to convert back to a simple RDD like rdd again?
E.g. rdd: org.apache.spark.rdd.RDD[(Int, String, Int)]
I can do this, for sure:
val rdd2 = rdd1.mapValues(v => (v.atm, v.num)).map(x => (x._1, x._2._1, x._2._2))
but what if there is a big record for the class? E.g. dynamically.
Not sure exactly how generic you want to go, but in your example of an RDD[(Int, trans)] you can make use of the unapply method of the trans companion object in order to flatten your case class to a tuple.
So, if you have your setup:
case class trans(atm : String, num: Int)
val array = Array((20254552,"ATM",-5100), (20174649,"ATM",5120))
val rdd = sc.parallelize(array)
val rdd1 = rdd.map(x => (x._1, trans(x._2, x._3)))
You can do the following:
import shapeless.syntax.std.tuple._
val output = rdd1.map{
case (myInt, myTrans) => {
myInt +: trans.unapply(myTrans).get
res15: org.apache.spark.rdd.RDD[(Int, String, Int)]
We're importing shapeless.syntax.std.tuple._ in order to be able to make a tuple from our Int + flattened tuple (the myInt +: trans.unapply(myTrans).get operation).
Case class method "productIterator" can help convert to array:
case class trans(atm : String, num: Int)
val value = trans("ATM", 5120)
val rdd = spark.sparkContext.parallelize(Seq(value))
i am trying to group elements of an RDD that i have created. one simple but expensive way is to use GroupByKey(). but recently i learned that CombineByKey() can do this work more efficiently. my RDD is very simple. it looks like this:
val grouped_elements=first_RDD.groupByKey()..mapValues(x => x.toList)
the result is:
i want to group them based on the first element (key).
can any one help me to do it with CombineByKey() function? i am really confused by CombineByKey()
To begin with take a look at API Refer docs
combineByKey[C](createCombiner: (V) ⇒ C, mergeValue: (C, V) ⇒ C, mergeCombiners: (C, C) ⇒ C): RDD[(K, C)]
So it accepts three functions which I have defined below
scala> val createCombiner = (v:Int) => List(v)
createCombiner: Int => List[Int] = <function1>
scala> val mergeValue = (a:List[Int], b:Int) => a.::(b)
mergeValue: (List[Int], Int) => List[Int] = <function2>
scala> val mergeCombiners = (a:List[Int],b:List[Int]) => a.++(b)
mergeCombiners: (List[Int], List[Int]) => List[Int] = <function2>
Once you define these then you can use it in your combineByKey call as below
scala> val list = List((1,5),(1,8),(1,40),(2,9),(2,20),(2,6))
list: List[(Int, Int)] = List((1,5), (1,8), (1,40), (2,9), (2,20), (2,6))
scala> val temp = sc.parallelize(list)
temp: org.apache.spark.rdd.RDD[(Int, Int)] = ParallelCollectionRDD[41] at parallelize at <console>:30
scala> temp.combineByKey(createCombiner,mergeValue, mergeCombiners).collect
res27: Array[(Int, List[Int])] = Array((1,List(8, 40, 5)), (2,List(20, 9, 6)))
Please note that I tried this out in Spark Shell and hence you can see the outputs below the commands executed. They will help build you your understanding.
Is there any way that I can evaluate my Column expression if I am only using Literal (no dataframe columns).
For example, something like:
val result: Int = someFunction(lit(3) * lit(5))
//result: Int = 15
import org.apache.spark.sql.function.sha1
val result: String = someFunction(sha1(lit("5")))
//result: String = ac3478d69a3c81fa62e60f5c3696165a4e5e6ac4
I am able to evaluate using a dataframes
val result = Seq(1).toDF.select(sha1(lit("5"))).as[String].first
//result: String = ac3478d69a3c81fa62e60f5c3696165a4e5e6ac4
But is there any way to get the same results without using dataframe?
To evaluate a literal column you can convert it to an Expression and eval without providing input row:
scala> sha1(lit("1").cast("binary")).expr.eval()
res1: Any = 356a192b7913b04c54574d18c28d46e6395428ab
As long as the function is an UserDefinedFunction it will work the same way:
scala> val f = udf((x: Int) => x)
f: org.apache.spark.sql.expressions.UserDefinedFunction = UserDefinedFunction(<function1>,IntegerType,Some(List(IntegerType)))
scala> f(lit(3) * lit(5)).expr.eval()
res3: Any = 15
The following code can help:
val isUuid = udf((uuid: String) => uuid.matches("[a-fA-F0-9]{8}-[a-fA-F0-9]{4}-[a-fA-F0-9]{4}-[a-fA-F0-9]{4}-[a-fA-F0-9]{12}"))
.filter("myCol_is_uuid = true")
.show(10, false)
I have a text variable which is an RDD of String in scala
val data = sc.parallelize(List("i am a good boy.Are you a good boy.","You are also working here.","I am posting here today.You are good."))
I have another variable in Scala Map(given below)
//list of words for which doc count needs to be found,initial doc count is 1
val dictionary = Map( """good""" -> 1,"""working""" -> 1,"""posting""" -> 1 ).
I want to do a document count of each of the dictionary terms and get the output in key value format
My output should be like below for the above data.
What i have tried is
dictionary.map { case(k,v) => k -> k.r.findFirstIn(data.map(line => line.trim()).collect().mkString(",")).size}
I am getting counts as 1 for all the words.
Please help me in fixing the above line
Thanks in advance.
Why not use flatMap to create the dictionary and then you can query that.
val dictionary = data.flatMap {case line => line.split(" ")}.map {case word => (word, 1)}.reduceByKey(_+_)
If I collect this in the REPL I get the following result:
res9: Array[(String, Int)] = Array((here,1), (good.,1), (good,2), (here.,1), (You,1), (working,1), (today.You,1), (boy.Are,1), (are,2), (a,2), (posting,1), (i,1), (boy.,1), (also,1), (I,1), (am,2), (you,1))
Obviously you would need to do a better split than in my simple example.
First of all your dictionary should be a Set, because in general sense you need to map the Set of terms to the number of documents which contain them.
So your data should look like:
scala> val docs = List("i am a good boy.Are you a good boy.","You are also working here.","I am posting here today.You are good.")
docs: List[String] = List(i am a good boy.Are you a good boy., You are also working here., I am posting here today.You are good.)
Your dictionary should look like:
scala> val dictionary = Set("good", "working", "posting")
dictionary: scala.collection.immutable.Set[String] = Set(good, working, posting)
Then you have to implement your transformation, for the simplest logic of the contains function it might look like:
scala> dictionary.map(k => k -> docs.count(_.contains(k))) toMap
res4: scala.collection.immutable.Map[String,Int] = Map(good -> 2, working -> 1, posting -> 1)
For better solution I'd recommend you to implement specific function for your requirements
(String, String) => Boolean
to determine the presence of the term in the document:
scala> def foo(doc: String, term: String): Boolean = doc.contains(term)
foo: (doc: String, term: String)Boolean
Then final solution will look like:
scala> dictionary.map(k => k -> docs.count(d => foo(d, k))) toMap
res3: scala.collection.immutable.Map[String,Int] = Map(good -> 2, working -> 1, posting -> 1)
The last thing you have to do is to calculate the result map using SparkContext. First of all you have to define what data you want to have parallelised. Let's assume we want to parallelize the collection of the documents, then solution might be like following:
val docsRDD = sc.parallelize(List(
"i am a good boy.Are you a good boy.",
"You are also working here.",
"I am posting here today.You are good."
docsRDD.mapPartitions(_.map(doc => dictionary.collect {
case term if doc.contains(term) => term -> 1
})).map(_.toMap) reduce { case (m1, m2) => merge(m1, m2) }
def merge(m1: Map[String, Int], m2: Map[String, Int]) =
m1 ++ m2 map { case (k, v) => k -> (v + m1.getOrElse(k, 0)) }
I'm fairly new to Scala, but I'm doing my exercises now.
I have a string like "A>Augsburg;B>Berlin". What I want at the end is a map
val mymap = Map("A"->"Augsburg", "B"->"Berlin")
What I did is:
val st = locations.split(";").map(dynamicListExtract _)
with the function
private def dynamicListExtract(input: String) = {
if (input contains ">") {
val split = input split ">"
Some(split(0), split(1)) // return key , value
} else {
Now I have an Array[Option[(String, String)
How do I elegantly convert this into a Map[String, String]
Can anybody help?
Just change your map call to flatMap:
scala> sPairs.split(";").flatMap(dynamicListExtract _)
res1: Array[(java.lang.String, java.lang.String)] = Array((A,Augsburg), (B,Berlin))
scala> Map(sPairs.split(";").flatMap(dynamicListExtract _): _*)
res2: scala.collection.immutable.Map[java.lang.String,java.lang.String] = Map((A,Augsburg), (B,Berlin))
For comparison:
scala> Map("A" -> "Augsburg", "B" -> "Berlin")
res3: scala.collection.immutable.Map[java.lang.String,java.lang.String] = Map((A,Augsburg), (B,Berlin))
In 2.8, you can do this:
val locations = "A>Augsburg;B>Berlin"
val result = locations.split(";").map(_ split ">") collect { case Array(k, v) => (k, v) } toMap
collect is like map but also filters values that aren't defined in the partial function. toMap will create a Map from a Traversable as long as it's a Traversable[(K, V)].
It's also worth seeing Randall's solution in for-comprehension form, which might be clearer, or at least give you a better idea of what flatMap is doing.
Map.empty ++ (for(possiblePair<-sPairs.split(";"); pair<-dynamicListExtract(possiblePair)) yield pair)
A simple solution (not handling error cases):
val str = "A>Aus;B>Ber"
var map = Map[String,String]()
str.split(";").map(_.split(">")).foreach(a=>map += a(0) -> a(1))
but Ben Lings' is better.
val str= "A>Augsburg;B>Berlin"
Map(str.split(";").map(_ split ">").map(s => (s(0),s(1))):_*)
str.split(";").map(_ split ">").foldLeft(Map[String,String]())((m,s) => m + (s(0) -> s(1)))