I have a question about uploading a trained model to production on gcp - python-3.x

I am trying to follow Google's directions to upload a trained model to the cloud. It is just a portfolio-builder, and all I'm doing is mnist classification. I am getting stuck right here:
Web Link
My question is, how is a model created with a gRPC request as per the above link? I understand the basics of HTTP, but I'm obviously missing something as far as how this works. Is the project name unique and that is how it is created in the string:
POST https://ml.googleapis.com/v1/{parent=projects/*}/models
Thanks so much for your help.
I've gone through HTTP and gRPC documentation, and I still don't understand how this works.
Here is the code they want me to run, but I'm obviously missing something about how this works.
POST https://ml.googleapis.com/v1/{parent=projects/*}/models

The URI is using gRPC transcoding to provide both REST and gRPC endpoints.
If you're just using REST, this would be:
POST https://ml.googleapis.com/v1/projects/<YOUR PROJECT NAME>/models
where the the request body is an instance of a Model.


How do I fetch in Remix JS from a specific (back-end) API link / Database URL?

I am trying to follow the Jokes tutorial #https://remix.run/docs/en/v1/tutorials/jokes
and I was wondering how do I fetch from a specific (back-end) API link / Database URL?
Can you provide an example (where you use Prisma)?
On the webpage it says "You can use any persistence solution you like with Remix; Firebase, Supabase, Airtable, Hasura, Google Spreadsheets, Cloudflare Workers KV, Fauna, a custom PostgreSQL, or even your backend team's REST/GraphQL APIs"
I have set the DATABASE_URL in the .env file to the API link, however I don't know how to continue from here
Please provide some code, so we can help you based on a specific question.
In general, you would fetch data inside your loader function in Remix. That function runs on your server and can be used to fetch from a database or API.
If you have trouble with Prisma, I would suggest you have a look at the tutorial you are following or look at the Prisma documentation.
You can find more information about data loading in Remix in the Remix documentation: https://remix.run/docs/en/v1/guides/data-loading

Sending and Receiving data from a website to NodeJs application

basically I am trying to figure out a way to make a connection between my Discord Bot and my Website, I have some ideas in mind in using GET and POST methods but IDK how to use them in NodeJs nor in the website as I am still new to it, so what I want is to send a packet of data from the website after a submit button and the bot which is hosted locally with the website will receive this data and work with it.
Express is a commonly used web framework for Node that takes care of routing fairly easily. You can see their documentation here.

Generate Swagger Documentation for existing NodeJS server

I'm trying to document my API using Swagger, but if I do the documentation by myself and manually, I'll spent a lot of time, and then I saw this question on SO, and the last answer is about the express-oas-generator that seem's to be a good tool.
Generated my documentation with success, but the POST didn't made my Payload documentation, and without this, some developer could thought that my POST don't need a payload to send
All that I did was following the documentation, made some test's using the API and call the methods using POSTMAN. The express-oas-generator, generates the documentation, but without the payload in POST method.
Someone has already pass through this ?

Does any one know about simple CRUD operations example in ReactJS and Nodejs?

I am beginner in Reactjs and Nodejs.
I just want to build a simple application which performs CRUD operations.
ReactJS for displaying data and act as a front-end.
Nodejs have some API which returns static data.
If anyone know about some blog or have some example with you than please share. This will help me to start with this.
I also searched for many articles online but they all are consist database connection, ExpressJs which i don not need at this time.
You can see here:-
In this repository you can see crud operation in reactjs and nodejs and mysql database used here.

Loopback with i18n support

I'm trying to understand how to add i18n support to loopback which is built on top of express.js.
I've installed i18n-node and have read the express.js documentation. It looks like I don't want a global state of localization because I'll be serving HTTP responses. The i18n-node documentation recommends I attach it to the request object and gives an example.
My problem is that I can't find where/how to add this code into loopback. Everywhere I try to put the app.configuration function it says that method is undefined.
I have a feeling this is a middleware addition that I want to add to the middleware.json file in the routes phase. But I don't know how to do that.
Does anybody know a good way to internationalise a loopback app (server response messages, emails going out etc.)?
As per the documentation on their Github Page. I think the configuration code is best to keep in server/boot/ folder. As these are loaded as the server start and then, can be used by other rest endpoints. Don't forget to add JSON files for translations.
I don't think there are any other requirements as LoopBack is built on top of Express and most of their codes work same.
