PageRank with custom initial scores - python-3.x

I am trying to implement a simple algorithm that will calculate PageRank on a directed network generated and handled with NetworkX. However, I'd like to add a simple change: rather than having the initial PageRank for each node be equal to 1/n, where n is the number of nodes in the graph, I want each node to have rank 1.
So far I have tried checking out the official documentations on PageRank, but I found nothing that seems to help. Apparently the 'personalization' parameter is of no use either. I tried using nstart, but to no avail. The code currently looks like this:
import networkx as nx
nst = {n: 1 for n in D.nodes}
print(nx.pagerank(D, alpha = 0.95, nstart=nst))
At the moment, the ranks given to each node at the end of the calculation still sum up to 1, while they should sum up to 3.
Is such a thing even feasible to begin with? Should I look elsewhere to implement such an algorithm? Could there be problems with convergence if such a change is applied? Thanks in advance.

PageRank in networkx has an attribute nstart:
nstart (dictionary, optional) – Starting value of PageRank iteration for each node.
Here is source code for this:
# Choose fixed starting vector if not given
if nstart is None:
x = dict.fromkeys(W, 1.0 / N)
# Normalized nstart vector
s = float(sum(nstart.values()))
x = dict((k, v / s) for k, v in nstart.items())
You can just specify nstart in your code, like this:
nst = {n: 1 for n in G.nodes}
pr = nx.pagerank(G, nstart=nst)
Edit 1: Modern PageRank algorithm forcefully normalizes start vector (you can see it in the code above). The whole algorithm is based on it and if one will force nstart values to be 1, not 1/N, it will be broken because convergence:
will never be assumed (e is increasing each iteration). If you want to use 1 as starting values, as in the original PageRank algorithm:
In the original form of PageRank, the sum of PageRank over all pages was the total number of pages on the web at that time, so each page in this example would have an initial value of 1.
You should implement the whole algorithm manually because it is deprecated.


How to understand this efficient implementation of PageRank calculation

For reference, I'm using this page. I understand the original pagerank equation
but I'm failing to understand why the sparse-matrix implementation is correct. Below is their code reproduced:
def compute_PageRank(G, beta=0.85, epsilon=10**-4):
Efficient computation of the PageRank values using a sparse adjacency
matrix and the iterative power method.
G : boolean adjacency matrix. np.bool8
If the element j,i is True, means that there is a link from i to j.
beta: 1-teleportation probability.
epsilon: stop condition. Minimum allowed amount of change in the PageRanks
between iterations.
output : tuple
PageRank array normalized top one.
Number of iterations.
#Test adjacency matrix is OK
n,_ = G.shape
#Constants Speed-UP
deg_out_beta = G.sum(axis=0).T/beta #vector
ranks = np.ones((n,1))/n #vector
time = 0
flag = True
while flag:
time +=1
with np.errstate(divide='ignore'): # Ignore division by 0 on ranks/deg_out_beta
new_ranks = #vector
#Leaked PageRank
new_ranks += (1-new_ranks.sum())/n
#Stop condition
if np.linalg.norm(ranks-new_ranks,ord=1)<=epsilon:
flag = False
ranks = new_ranks
return(ranks, time)
To start, I'm trying to trace the code and understand how it relates to the PageRank equation. For the line under the with statement (new_ranks =, this looks like the first part of the equation (the beta times M) BUT it seems to be ignoring all divide by zeros. I'm confused by this because the PageRank algorithm requires us to replace zero columns with ones (except along the diagonal). I'm not sure how this is accounted for here.
The next line new_ranks += (1-new_ranks.sum())/n is what I presume to be the second part of the equation. I can understand what this does, but I can't see how this translates to the original equation. I would've thought we would do something like new_ranks += (1-beta)*ranks.sum()/n.
This happens because in the row sums
e.T * M * r = e.T * r
by the column sum construction of M. The convex combination with coefficient beta has the effect that the sum over the new r vector is again 1. Now what the algorithm does is to take the first matrix-vector product b=beta*M*r and then find a constant c so that r_new = b+c*e has row sum one. In theory this should be the same as what the formula says, but in the floating point practice this approach corrects and prevents floating point error accumulation in the sum of r.
Computing it this way also allows to ignore zero columns, as the compensation for them is automatically computed.

TSP / CPP variant - subtour constraint

I'm developing an optimization problem that is a variant on Traveling Salesman. In this case, you don't have to visit all the cities, there's a required start and end point, there's a min and max bound on the tour length, you can traverse each arc multiple times if you want, and you have a nonlinear objective function that is associated with the arcs traversed (and number of times you traverse each arc). Decision variables are integers, how many times you traverse each arc.
I've developed a nonlinear integer program in Pyomo and am getting results from the NEOS server. However I didn't put in subtour constraints and my results are two disconnected subtours.
I can find integer programming formulations of TSP that say how to formulate subtour constraints, but this is a little different from the standard TSP and I'm trying to figure out how to start. Any help that can be provided would be greatly appreciated.
EDIT: problem formulation
50 arcs , not exhaustive pairs between nodes. 50 Decision variables N_ab are integer >=0, corresponds to how many times you traverse from a to b. There is a length and profit associated with each N_ab . There are two constraints that the sum of length_ab * N_ab for all ab are between a min and max distance. I have a constraint that the sum of N_ab into each node is equal to the sum N_ab out of the node you can either not visit a node at all, or visit it multiple times. Objective function is nonlinear and related to the interaction between pairs of arcs (not relevant for subtour).
Subtours: looking at , the formulation isn't applicable since I am not required to visit all cities, and may not be able to. So for example, let's say I have 20 nodes and 50 arcs (all arcs length 10). Distance constraints are for a tour of exactly length 30, which means I can visit at most three nodes (start at A -> B -> C ->A = length 30). So I will not visit the other nodes at all. TSP subtour elimination would require that I have edges from node subgroup ABC to subgroup of nonvisited nodes - which isn't needed for my problem
Here is an approach that is adapted from the prize-collecting TSP (e.g., this paper). Let V be the set of all nodes. I am assuming V includes a depot node, call it node 1, that must be on the tour. (If not, you can probably add a dummy node that serves this role.)
Let x[i] be a decision variable that equals 1 if we visit node i at least once, and 0 otherwise. (You might already have such a decision variable in your model.)
Add these constraints, which define x[i]:
x[i] <= sum {j in V} N[i,j] for all i in V
M * x[i] >= N[i,j] for all i, j in V
In other words: x[i] cannot equal 1 if there are no edges coming out of node i, and x[i] must equal 1 if there are any edges coming out of node i.
(Here, N[i,j] is 1 if we go from i to j, and M is a sufficiently large number, perhaps equal to the maximum number of times you can traverse one edge.)
Here is the subtour-elimination constraint, defined for all subsets S of V such that S includes node 1, and for all nodes i in V \ S:
sum {j in S} (N[i,j] + N[j,i]) >= 2 * x[i]
In other words, if we visit node i, which is not in S, then there must be at least two edges into or out of S. (A subtour would violate this constraint for S equal to the nodes that are on the subtour that contains 1.)
We also need a constraint requiring node 1 to be on the tour:
x[1] = 1
I might be playing a little fast and loose with the directional indices, i.e., I'm not sure if your model sets N[i,j] = N[j,i] or something like that, but hopefully the idea is clear enough and you can modify my approach as necessary.

Simultaneous Subset sums

I am dealing with a problem which is a variant of a subset-sum problem, and I am hoping that the additional constraint could make it easier to solve than the classical subset-sum problem. I have searched for a problem with this constraint but I have been unable to find a good example with an appropriate algorithm either on StackOverflow or through googling elsewhere.
The problem:
Assume you have two lists of positive numbers A1,A2,A3... and B1,B2,B3... with the same number of elements N. There are two sums Sa and Sb. The problem is to find the simultaneous set Q where |sum (A{Q}) - Sa| <= epsilon and |sum (B{Q}) - Sb| <= epsilon. So, if Q is {1, 5, 7} then A1 + A5 + A7 - Sa <= epsilon and B1 + B5 + B7 - Sb <= epsilon. Epsilon is an arbitrarily small positive constant.
Now, I could solve this as two completely separate subset sum problems, but removing the simultaneity constraint results in the possibility of erroneous solutions (where Qa != Qb). I also suspect that the additional constraint should make this problem easier than the two NP complete problems. I would like to solve an instance with 18+ elements in both lists of numbers, and most subset-sum algorithms have a long run time with this number of elements. I have investigated the pseudo-polynomial run time dynamic programming algorithm, but this has the problems that a) the speed relies on a short bit-depth of the list of numbers (which does not necessarily apply to my instance) and b) it does not take into account the simultaneity constraint.
Any advice on how to use the simultaneity constraint to reduce the run time? Is there a dynamic programming approach I could use to take into account this constraint?
If I understand your description of the problem correctly (I'm confused about why you have the distance symbols around "sum (A{Q}) - Sa" and "sum (B{Q}) - Sb", it doesn't seem to fit the rest of the explanation), then it is in NP.
You can see this by making a reduction from Subset sum (SUB) to Simultaneous subset sum (SIMSUB).
If you have a SUB problem consisting of a set X = {x1,x2,...,xn} and a target called t and you have an algorithm that solves SIMSUB when given two sets A = {a1,a2,...,an} and B = {b1,b2,...,bn}, two intergers Sa and Sb and a value for epsilon then we can solve SUB like this:
Let A = X and let B be a set of length n consisting of only 0's. Set Sa = t, Sb = 0 and epsilon = 0. You can now run the SIMSUB algorithm on this problem and get the solution to your SUB problem.
This shows that SUBSIM is as least as hard as SUB and therefore in NP.

Find the closest distance between every galaxy in the data and create pairs based on closest distance between them

My task is to pair up galaxies that are closest together from a large list of galaxies. I have the RA, DEC and Z of each, and a formula to work out the distance between each one from the data given. However, I can't work out an efficient method of iterating over the whole list to find the distance between EACH galaxy and EVERY other galaxy in the list, with the intention of then matching each galaxy with its nearest neighbour.
The data has been imported in the following way:
hdulist ="documents/RADECMASSmatch.fits")
CATAID = data['CATAID_1']
Xpos_DEIMOS_1 = data['Xpos_DEIMOS_1']
z = data['Z_1']
RA = data['RA']
DEC = data['DEC']
I have tried something like:
radiff = []
for i in range(0,n):
for j in range(i+1,n):
to initially work out difference in RA and DEC between every galaxy, which does actually work but I feel like there must be a better way.
A friend suggested something along the lines of:
galaxy_coords = (data['RA'],data['DEC'],data['Z])
separation_matrix = np.zeros((len(galaxy_coords),len(galaxy_coords))
done = []
for i, coords1 in enumerate(galaxy_coords):
for j, coords2 in enumerate(galaxy_coords):
if (j,i) in done:
separation_matrix[i,j] += separation matrix[j,i]
separation = your_formula(coords1, coords2)
separation_matrix[i,j] += separation
But I don't really understand this so can't readily apply it. I've tried but it yields nothing useful.
Any help with this would be much appreciated, thanks
Your friend's code seems to be generating a 2D array of the distances between each pair, and taking advantage of the symmetry (distance(x,y) = distance(y,x)). It would be slightly better if it used itertools to generate combinations, and assigned your_formula(coords1, coords2) to separation_matrix[i,j] and separation_matrix[j,i] within the same iteration, rather than having separate iterations for both i,j and j,i.
Even better would probably be this package that uses a tree-based algorithm: . It seems to be focused on rectilinear coordinates, but that should be addressable in linear time.

Element-wise variance of an iterator

What's a numerically-stable way of taking the variance of an iterator elementwise? As an example, I would like to do something like
var((rand(4,2) for i in 1:10))
and get back a (4,2) matrix which is the variance in each coefficient. This throws an error using Julia's Base var. Is there a package that can handle this? Or an easy (and storage-efficient) way to do this using the Base Julia function? Or does one need to be developed on its own?
I went ahead and implemented a Welford algorithm to calculate this:
# Welford algorithm
function componentwise_meanvar(A;bessel=true)
x0 = first(A)
n = 0
mean = zero(x0)
M2 = zero(x0)
delta = zero(x0)
delta2 = zero(x0)
for x in A
n += 1
delta .= x .- mean
mean .+= delta./n
delta2 .= x .- mean
M2 .+= delta.*delta2
if n < 2
return NaN
if bessel
M2 .= M2 ./ (n .- 1)
M2 .= M2 ./ n
return mean,M2
A few other algorithms are implemented in DiffEqMonteCarlo.jl as well. I'm surprised I couldn't find a library for this, but maybe will refactor this out someday.
See update below for a numerically stable version
Another method to calculate this:
srand(0) # reset random for comparing across implementations
moment2var(t) = (t[3]-t[2].^2./t[1])./(t[1]-1)
foldfunc(x,y) = (x[1]+1,x[2].+y,x[3].+y.^2)
moment2var(foldl(foldfunc,(0,zeros(1,1),zeros(1,1)),(rand(4,2) for i=1:10)))
4×2 Array{Float64,2}:
0.0848123 0.0643537
0.0715945 0.0900416
0.111934 0.084314
0.0819135 0.0632765
Similar to:
srand(0) # reset random for comparing across implementations
# naive component-wise application of `var` function
map(var,zip((rand(4,2) for i=1:10)...))
which is the non-iterator version (or offline version in CS terminology).
This method is based on calculation of variance from mean and sum-of-squares. moment2var and foldfunc are just a helper functions, but it fits in one-line without them.
Speedwise, this should be pretty good as well. Perhaps, StaticArrays and initializing the foldl's v0 with the correct eltype of the iterator would save even more time.
Benchmarking gave 5x speed advantage (and better memory usage) over componentwise_meanvar (from another answer) on a sample input.
Using moment2meanvar(t)=(t[2]./t[1],(t[3]-t[2].^2./t[1])./(t[1]-1)‌​) gives both mean and variance like componentwise_meanvar.
As #ChrisRackauckas noted, this method suffers from numerical instability when number of elements to sum is large.
--- UPDATE with variant of method ---
A little abstraction of the question asks for a way to do a foldl (and reduce,foldr) on an iterator returning a matrix, element-wise and retaining shape. To do so, we can define an assisting function mfold which takes a folding-function and makes it fold matrices element-wise. Define it as follows:
mfold(f) = (x,y)->[f(t[1],t[2]) for t in zip(x,y)]
For this specific problem of variance, we can define the component-wise fold functions, and a final function to combine the moments into the variance (and mean if wanted). The code:
ff(x,y) = (x[1]+1,x[2]+y,x[3]+y^2) # fold and collect moments
moment2var(t) = (t[3]-t[2]^2/t[1])/(t[1]-1) # calc variance from moments
moment2meanvar(t) = (t[2]./t[1],(t[3]-t[2].^2./t[1])./(t[1]-1))
We can see moment2meanvar works on a single vector as follows:
julia> moment2meanvar(foldl(ff,(0.0,0.0,0.0),[1.0,2.0,3.0]))
(2.0, 1.0)
Now to matrix-ize it using foldm (using .-notation):
moment2var.(foldl(mfold(ff),fill((0,0,0),(4,2)),(rand(4,2) for i=1:10)))
#ChrisRackauckas noted this is not numerically stable, and another method (detailed in Wikipedia) is better. Using foldm this could be implemented as:
# better fold function compensating the sums for stability
ff2(x,y) = begin
return (x[1]+1,mean,x[3]+delta*(y-mean))
# combine the collected information for the variance (and mean)
m2var(t) = t[3]/(t[1]-1)
m2meanvar(t) = (t[2],t[3]/(t[1]-1))
Again we have:
m2var.(foldl(mfold(ff2),fill((0,0.0,0.0),(4,2)),(rand(4,2) for i=1:10)))
Giving the same results (perhaps a little more accurately).
Or an easy (and storage-efficient) way to do this using the Base Julia function?
Out of curiosity, why is the standard solution of using var along the external dimension not good for you?
julia> var(cat(3,(rand(4,2) for i in 1:10)...),3)
4×2×1 Array{Float64,3}:
[:, :, 1] =
0.08847 0.104799
0.0946243 0.0879721
0.105404 0.0617594
0.0762611 0.091195
Obviously, I'm using cat here, which clearly is not very storage efficient, just so I can use the Base Julia function and your original generator syntax as per your question. But you could make this storage efficient as well, if you initialise your random values directly on a preallocated array of size (4,2,10), so that's not really an issue here.
Or did I misunderstand your question?
EDIT - benchmark in response to comments
function standard_var(Y, A)
for i in 1 : length(A)
Y[:,:,i], = next(A,i);
function testit()
A = (rand(4,2) for i in 1:10000);
Y = Array{Float64, 3}(4,2,length(A));
#time componentwise_meanvar(A); # as defined in Chris's answer above
#time standard_var(Y, A) # standard variance + using preallocation
#time var(cat(3, A...), 3); # standard variance without preallocation
return nothing
julia> testit()
0.004258 seconds (10.01 k allocations: 1.374 MiB)
0.006368 seconds (49.51 k allocations: 2.129 MiB)
5.954470 seconds (50.19 M allocations: 2.989 GiB, 71.32% gc time)
