Surface Magnetism Horizontal z-axis Rotation issue - hololens

I've been using the MRTK RC1 Refresh Development Kit. I'm using Surface Magnetism, to have an object follow the room's surfaces, with the following settings:
Orientation Mode = "Full", Raycast Direction = "Camera Facing", Orientation Blend = "1"
Everything works as expected on vertical surfaces, however with horizontal surfaces the object keeps rotating on the Z-axis without stabilizing according to the headset location. Has anyone else been experiencing this issue?

I suggest filing an issue at the MixedRealityToolkit git project.


Mesh color doesn't show in Maya UV editor

I am working with a face mesh in Autodesk Maya. To each vertex of the mesh, I assigned a specific color, using pycore.polyColorPerVertex function. I would like to see these same colors in the UV view as well, but they are not showing when I open the UV editor. I tried with different setups within the UV editor, but honestly, I have no experience in Maya, and I don't know how to solve this. Is there an (easy) solution?
Here goes a captureenter image description here if it helps..

PPTK, setting camera position

I try to setting camera position of pptk, with this method:
xyz = pptk.rand(100, 3)
v = pptk.viewer(xyz)
this working well, the camera position change.
But when I left-clik on it, to move the point cloud, the camera position return to the original position
Do you have an idea how to maintain the camera position
Thank you
Please send the look-at coordinates as a tuple (0,0,0) instead of a list [0,0,0].
I found this bug too. I'm currently working around it by first using the mouse wheel to move in/out on the point cloud before clicking; then the look at position doesn't change.

Godot Light2D exposes tilemap border lines

So I've been using Light2D for godot for my TileMap 2D game. Only problem is it exposes the tiles borders. See. Image Below.
For anyone coming here because they are seeing this issue on an isometric TileMap, select the TileMap in the Scene panel, expand the Cell category in the Inspector, and make sure that Y Sort is ticked. This will resolve the overlapping lighting issue.
The issue is when you set your tiles overlap.

Draw Gizmos Axis on Hololens

i use Hololens and when I move the object or rotate I should show the axes. The code to move or rotate the object I already have it and in the editor the gizmo asxis are seen, but on the hololens emulator no.
Can you help me? thank you so much
Your question is a bit unclear, but is it right to say you have a manipulatable hololens object working and you just want to show the X/Y/Z axes like the unity editor does?
The axis you see is just a gizmo to help show orientation while in the scene view. It will disappear in the Game view, or any emulator/actual build to a device. It's not an easy approach to try to make that axis itself appear in your finished game.
Instead, to show an axis, you just need to create your own 3D model of an axis, and attach it as a child to the gameobject you are moving/rotating.
You can enable or disable the axis gameobject if you want it to only appear while moving. Treat it just like any other Unity GameObject, the intro tutorials will show you how to do that.
Good Luck!

Phaser - Change width and height Camera

In normal i have canvas size 500x500 and it will create camera size (500,500)
But when i change;;
then visible area it the same? what will happen when change width and height camera, how to understand that thanks
Based upon the documentation and an older post from the creator of Phaser on the HTML5 Game Dev Forum where he said:
You're not doing anything wrong, you just can't change the camera dimensions - they match the game size at the moment.
and then in 2015 on the same thread:
So you can tell if something is within the camera bounds or not. Which is impossible if the camera doesn't have a size.
suggesting that things haven't changed since 2013, and the camera doesn't resize as you're expecting.
Testing as well suggests that things haven't changed either.
