Unable to connect to a cloud service after publishing via visual studio - azure

I am trying to run this sample: The documentation states that I need to publish the solution. This works and visual studio reports success. However, the cloud service site URL is unreachable. I don't know if this is because the application doesn't work or the machine is unreachable due to some security configuration. RDP to cloud service also fails. How do I figure out the security configuration associated with this cloud service?

Apparently this is a Windows 7 issue. RDP from a windows 10 machine works. Windows 7 EOL is still at least a year away though.


Web deployment task failed - Issue when connecting to remote server from local machine

I was trying to publish a web application to remote server (amazon windows server 2012) using Visual Studio 2012. Following is the error I am getting.
Web deployment task failed. (Could not connect to the remote computer ("amazon-server-name"). On the remote computer, make sure that Web Deploy is installed and that the required process ("Web Management Service") is started.
I did go through several articles mentioning this issue. Also both the web management service and web deployment agent service is running on remote machine. Also in IIS’s management service part I did enable the remote connection. When try to deploy a website from server machine itself, it’s working. But from my local machine to windows server it’s showing error like cannot connect to remote server. Anyone has any clue on how to solve this issue?
Note: Microsoft Web Deploy tool 3.5 is running on both server and the local machine.
Looking forward.
What happens when you try just using FTP in Visual Studio? You mentioned "web project", I know some Visual Studio things are iffy with connecting to web servers. Just try a simple FTP into the server, then you should be able to save/test/deploy projects and files that way.
If you're still having problems, there's just an unlimited amount of problems that could cause this (hence why I don't work on Windows servers anymore). Could be ports, firewalls, security settings, folder permissions, user privileges, any combination of things. Good luck.

NServiceBus 4 with Windows 8 and Azure WebRole Issue

Running a webrole that is using NServiceBus 4 hangs when running in the local emulator. I have duplicated this on several windows 8 machines. Works fine on Windows 7. It appears that the only way to get it to run is to change the azure project (web settings) to "Use IIS Web Server." I am running Windows 8 and Visual Studio 2012 and Azure 2.0 SDK.
Here is how you can duplicate the problem by working with the PubSub sample from here:
Build the project and run it to verify that it works out of the box
Now change the Web settings by right clicking on the azure project and Selecting the "Use IIS Express" option on the web tab.
Run the project now
The web role will simply hang. Any ideas? Running under IIS Express is preferred for many reasons.
there seem to be some known issues with IISExpress and Azure. Could you have a look at these pages and see if they help
Can't get azure web role to run locally using the emulator
Workaround for IIS Express Crashing When Running Windows Azure Cloud Service Web Role

Test Win8 App hosted in Azure Compute Emulator on Tablet

I have a two web application in Visual Studio 2012 running in the Windows Azure Compute Emulator (using IIS Web Service, not Express). Additionally I have a Windows 8 App in another Visual Studio instance which uses both azure web applications. This combination works fine on the same machine.
For presentation purposes I'd like to run the app on a Windows RT Tablet. Therefore I use the remote debugging tool to run the app on the tablet. Running the app is not the problem. But I didn't found a possibility to connect to the web applications from the tablet. The azure Emulator generates URLs like 127.0.0.X:81 but the tablet cannot resolve this address.
Is there a workaround to solve my problem? A way to run the azure application with the IP address of my dev machine? Or is it possible to create a kind of a proxy running on the dev machine which forwards requests from the tablet to the azure application?
I've seen a possible solution running fiddler as a reverse proxy. This does not work for me because fiddler seems to listen only on one port. But I need two.
Another possibility would be to configure the Azure Emulator endpoint.
Take a look at this SO answer for more information.

azure - linux virtual machine stuck at "stopping"

i have been experimenting with azure services using my msdn account. i created a suse enterprise linux virtual machine. deployed sonar+mysql and a few simple java applications. everything was fine for almost a month, until last weekend. i tried to connect via ssh and could not get a response. i tried accessing the sonar website, again no response. i used the axure portal to restart the vm, it seemed to restart but still no response. i used the azure portal to stop the service. its status has been at "stopping" for several days. any thoughts about what i can do to regain connectivity?
It is very much possible that something in your virtual machine had caused this issue and your best bet is to report this problem to following dedicated forum realted with Windows Azure Linux Virtual Machine so you will get proper assistance to troubleshoot your problem:

Access Azure Development Server From VM?

We are developing an application that we are deploying to Azure. It needs to work with a specific machine configuraiton. We we have this configured as a VM which developers can run locally.
However to test the VM configuration we need to publish to Azure and access it on a live Azure instance. Is there anyway to allow a local VM to get access to the Azure environment IIS on the developers machine? It doesn't seem to show up in IIS Express so I guess it isn't the same as a normal site?
Also is it possible to configure an Azure environment locally for testing. We want to host test applications for internal use and don't want them run on developers machines. We would like to run them on a server in the office.
Any ideas?
I think that the answer to this question will outline the general guidelines you could follow to enable your environment.
Windows Azure Emulator has its own load balancer simulator which bind to socket (most of the cases, if port 81 is free). If the Azure project is developed with Azure SDK 1.3 or later with Full IIS enabled, then the Azure Emulator (for versions 1.3 ~ 1.6) will use local IIS to host the sites. IIS Express is not involved in any way with the Azure project. If you happen to run IIS Express, then most probably you have set up your web application project as a StartUp project in the solution. The correct way to locally debug Windows Azure applications is to use the Cloud Project as a startup project.
Please kindly update your question, if there is some doubt or confusion after checking the mentioned related question.
