How to set ssl certificate on aws ec2 instance? - node.js

I want to use https (port 443) for my web app which is developed using NodeJS express mongodb.In order to do that I know I need to get ssl certificate. My app is hosted by Amazon ec2. My express server listens port 3000.I created ssl certificate using Amazon Certificate manager ,and I also set up apache following some tutorial. However when I go to port 40 I see apaches page (I used to see my app here since I redirected port 80 to 3000 before). When I do https request it just gives me nothing.I set load balancer and attached to my ec2 instance.Is there a good tutorial or can you tell me what I am missing? This became so annoying.


How to make NodeJS API ssl enabled?

I have one AWS EC2 machine and my client and API applications both deployed in the same machine. I have enabled SSL for client (react app) but when I enabled it this time I could not fetch data from API because it is not SSL enabled it serves from "HTTP" not "https" so I get et::ERR_SSL_PROTOCOL_ERROR error. I looked some ways to enable SSL from API, I can use nginx SSL but my client uses nginx SSL with port 443. How my API can serve from the same port?
I could not solve this issue before client SSL enabled, it worked with API but now I does not.
Could you help me?

How to set HTTPS redirection to HTTP 8000 port in an ec2 AWS?

I have an Angular app working fine with a custom domain on AWS Amplify, well, this app is connected with a NodeJS backend, located on an ec2 instance.
I am using HTTPS for the Angular app, and I also need to use HTTPS to the ec2 instance.
I have configured a Load Balancer to redirect HTTPS to HTTP port 8000, and added the Load Balancer to Route53 to use a custom domain, and here is when my problem come in.
When I do a http request it works fine, but when I do a https request this error throw in.
enter image description here

Deploy nodejs express on AWS windows server

I deplyoed my nodejs application on a AWS server with windows server as OS. The application is a simple express server running on https port 443. The application is accessible through localhost, but I can access the app through public IP.
Here are a few things I tried:
IIS with urlrewrite like so (
I am still not able to access my app. I setup up inbound rules in my firewall for the port and nodejs itself.
The issue was simply in my security group. I had set up the IP addresses I was expecting, but one was missing. It is working now.

SSL integration for Node.js app behind AWS ELB

I have AWS instances (behind a load balancer) serving a Node.js / Express app for mobile clients. I would like to enable SSL for the API calls on this app. There are multiple tutorials on how to enhance my Express app to use SSL, but can can folks advise please what should be the ELB configuration in such a scenario?
Should I have the ELB listeners (both load-balancer side as well as instance-side) to be http (not https)? And then make the Node.js app use a certificate from say LetsEncrypt?
Or should I instead have the load balancer be https based (and thus have its own associated certificate from AWS Certificate Manager)? In that case, what happens to the LetsEncrypt certificate - do I still integrate that with the Node.js app?
Many thanks!
You would enable SSL on the load balancer and use an ACM certificate. You wouldn't need a SSL certificate on the NodeJS server unless you just want the communication between the ELB and the server to also be encrypted.

AWS EBS: Can't set up https

I'm trying to set up https on Amazon Web Services Elastic Bean Stalk running Node.js app and I have strange problem.
I installed successfully the signed ssl certificate, configure EBS to use HTTPS (443) port, but after saving changes nothing particular happen. Port is still blocked and I can use only port 80 connections. (Receive errors about connection timed out when tried to connect over https or :443)
I've iterate step by step on Amazon Docs with no success...
Can you help me? Do you need more data?
