How should I do using multiple different two languages in NodeJs? - node.js

Can someone help me and can explain about this matter?
Currently, I'm just building a blog which I used which nodejs. In my projects, I want to use and display the two different languages which my local language and English.
As I showed up above like that website when I click change languages without showing like this I'm just want to display like without /mm or /en.
Example url:
I'm not familiar with PHP. I'm the big fun of Nodejs.
How I have to do so for this case and which packages should I use for nodejs?

An option for you is the i18n module, and you can find similar options in many frontend frameworks as well. (You'll see this concept in app development too.)
The idea is that you have a directory with "locales" (the languages), each in a JSON file. The keys are the same in all locales. Like:
"hello": "hello",
"greeting": "hey there, {{name}}"
locales/mm.json (used google translate, forgive me : )
"hello": "ဟယ်လို",
"greeting": "ဟေ့ဒီမှာ {{name}}"
In your app you'd do something like i18n.localize("hello") and depending on your current language setting (maybe passed in a cookie to the server if server-rendering, or set on the frontend page for client-side) you'll get the response.
Variables can be done above like i18n.localize(['greeting', {name: "clay"}]) and that will fill in the passed parameter name into the string defined at greeting. You can typically do nesting and other cool things, depending on the library used.
Just note that you end up using these special "key strings" everywhere, so the code is a little messier to read. Name those keys wisely : ) And if you want to translate the entire contents of your blog, that's a different service entirely.


What Version of Javascript Engine, Rhino, is used for Bixby's Servers?

I am writing a Javascript code for one of my Actions and It is complicated as it manipulates data structure of javascript object (written below) to search queries. How do I debug the code
to make sure it works as intended. It consumes alot time for me so I was wondering if I could setup an IDE for myself. Sure I can use bixby itself to view the data output but sometimes it convenient to use console to check my code as I go along. I am not asking for recommendation, but I need clarify what the dev docs implies. It does mention that it use ES5.1 and some features too. but I don't know what that "some features" are by just looking at Mozilla's Rhino Compatibility chart. Because I did want to use .reduce(callback, initialValue) function to ouput data objects. However The Mozilla's Rhino Chart shows error for it.
PS: I Hope I am not breaking rules this time.
// #DataGraph
$id: "Cold_Souls_1",
animeTitle: "Fullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood",
referenceImage: '',
imageTags: ["Grey","Yellow","Blue","Metal Body","Machine", "Robot","Yellow Hair Boy"],
"Edward Elric": [
quote: "A lesson without pain is meaningless. For you cannot gain something without sacrificing something else in return. But once you have recovered it and made it your own... You will gain an irreplaceable Fullmetal heart.",
keywords: ["lesson", "pain", "meaningless", "gain","sacrificing", "recover"],
category: "Life Lesson"
As you read from Bixby IDE supports ECMAScript 5.1 and some ES6 such as:
The arrow (=>) function operator
The const keyword
The let keyword
Array destructuring
It is fair to say the functions not listed above are not supported.
I would recommend that you raise a Feature Request in our community for unsupported features. This forum is open to other Bixby developers who can upvote it, leading to more visibility within the community and with the Product Management team.

Organizing Node Express App in language subpaths

I'm in the progress of internationalizing an node expressjs-app. The idea is to serve the whole website within a language-subfolder ( I'm kinda struggling wrapping my head around how to organize the app and it seems kinda hard to find some useful resources on this issue on stacko or the web in general.
I feel what makes it challenging here, is the fact that you have to achieve the best in three areas: Usability, SEO, and Performance.
There are a couple of questions:
Where are the response/selected languages to be stored? In the Session?
What is ideally the single source of throuth of the current language setting?
How is the language path affecting the language? (Changing the language to current path? Redirect to active/stored language?)
How are the routes to be organized? What Middleware strategies make sense for detecting and changing languages? Is it necessary to add to all internal links the language subpath, or can this be done by clever routing?
I would love to get some hints, resources, blog articles, repos where I can learn about best practices on this topic.
I can highly recommend i18n for node.js. I have used it in 2 node Projects so far and it always worked like a charm. I then always had one json-File for each language I wanted to serve. You need to implement it once in your templates and then it hsould just work.
Regarding configuration an easy example:
// Configuration
app.configure(function() {
// default: using 'accept-language' header to guess language settings
So than i18n will guess the language based on the users browser agent.
What I am always doing is not using an extra route rather I am using a parameter lang and than it is possible to change the language all the time per hrefs. E.g. will change to german language. Of course you need in every get of express a helper function to detect if another language is set and then you can handle that. For me that was the easiest way but regarding SEO that is not the best I think.
Of course you can also handle it e.g. with different domains/subdomains as airbnb is doing that. vs. vs. or as you mentioned with routes does also work very well. But I think that is related with a little more work.
For pros and cons regarding SEO and other you can just google a little bit and have a look at this quora question which also highly recommends the Google Best Practices at this topic.
You don't even need to use a library for a simple localization. I'll show you a simple example:
Let's say you have your language strings in a json at global scope (can be in a file or db too) :
var languageData = {
'en': {
'LOGIN_BTN': 'Login now',
'REGISTER_BTN': 'Register'
'tr': {
'LOGIN_BTN': 'Giris',
Let's create simple middleware:
function getLanguageStrings(req, res, next) {
var lang = req.acceptsLanguages('en', 'tr', 'fr')
var selectedLang = lang ? lang : 'en' // default to english
req.languageStrings = languageData[selectedLang]
Above, I used acceptsLanguages() method to get the preferred language of browser, but you can set cookie from client side and read it in our middleware if you want to.
With the req.languageStrings = languageData[selectedLang] line, I've attached strings to current request so that next middleware can use it.
Let's use our middleware:
And in the route, render them to view:
app.get("/info", function (req, res) {
res.render("info.html", {
languageStrings: req.languageStrings
In view, you now use it with your preferred template engine:
<button class="btn">{{languageStrings.LOGIN_BTN}}</button>
<button class="btn">{{languageStrings.REGISTER_BTN}}</button>
For this purpose I used i18n module (pretty much the same procedure with other localization modules). You keep your translations in simple json files and by default i18n checks for a language depending on a cookie sent by client.
That is pretty much it, I think there is a few other ways to get the language instead of using cookies, for example by request params (as you've mentioned) or by value sent within request body.
It really depends on your needs. This is only available if you use i18n-node-2 module, for the first one you have to use cookies (correct me if I'm wrong).
Example I've created to show how to set it up on your server side.
Localization with Express and i18n
For i18n-node-2
Like the file says, there is a few functions which you can choose to detect / set needed language:
Documentation: i18n-node-2

Does origen support 93k multi_bin feature?

The examples for generating tests in the testflow create stop_bins. However there were no examples of how to generate the 93k multi_bin node. Does this feature exist in the current origen-sdk?
output node looks like this in 93k .tf file
if #FLAG then
There is currently no direct support for creating multi_bin nodes, though in time I do expect that it will be added as a result of this effort to add support for limits tables.
In the meantime though, there is the ability to render any text and this can be used to generate what you want.
To generate the above example you could do:
if_flag :flag do
render 'multi_bin;'
This will also work with in-line conditions, this is the same:
render 'multi_bin;', if_flag: :flag
Additionally, on_pass and on_fail will accept a render option:
func :my_test, on_fail: { render: 'multi_bin;' }
Obviously that is creating something that will not be able to translate to other tester platforms, so the advice is to use render sparingly and only as a get out of jail card when you really need it.
Also note that for these examples to work you need at least OrigenTesters 0.11.1.

Can I set environment variable in node.js depending on domain?

Can I set environment variables depending on which domain the request is going through?
What I am thinking about is that I've got my node.js application up and running, I assign two domains, the same domain, with different TLD:s like below
and doing something like this pseudo code
switch( {
case '':
process.env.LANGUAGE = 'fr';
case '':
process.env.LANGUAGE = 'de';
process.env.LANGUAGE = 'en';
I am thinkg about doing this way because I'd really like to use a node module like i18n or similar but using the same code base then just add different language variables in specific json files.
This would make it a lot easier if I would like to launch my website in a new country like Italy (.it) or anything else. If I push an update to the website it's automatically pushed to all languages.
My main question is now first: Is this possible?
and second what are the pros and especially cons for this approach? I've already listed some pros and right now the only con I can think of is that one web server needs to be larger/stronger than I would've need if I set the page up on different servers.
Worth mentioning is that the traffic on each language site is rather low (below 10k per month for both languages)
Another mention that could be worth mentioning is that I'm planning to deploy these websites to Heroku if that would matter.
It wouldn't work if two domains run simultaneously.
Global variables like process in node.js are just that: global. What would happen if you run two services (apps) is that the first will set the variable process.env.LANGUAGE to something and the second will overwrite it.
It wouldn't even work if you do it per-connection. The first customer from France will set process.env.LANGUAGE to fr then the second customer from Germany will set it to de then by the time you respond to the first customer (who is French) you will end up giving him the page in German.
Remember, while node.js is only single threaded we still need to worry about multiple connections because they can be concurrent.
The correct place to attach something like this is the variable that you uniquely get for each connection: the request object and response object (usually abbreviated as req and res). If you want something standard-ish, add a pseudo-header to the request object using a middleware. I'd personally just do req.lang = 'de';

Best way to handle security and avoid XSS with user entered URLs

We have a high security application and we want to allow users to enter URLs that other users will see.
This introduces a high risk of XSS hacks - a user could potentially enter javascript that another user ends up executing. Since we hold sensitive data it's essential that this never happens.
What are the best practices in dealing with this? Is any security whitelist or escape pattern alone good enough?
Any advice on dealing with redirections ("this link goes outside our site" message on a warning page before following the link, for instance)
Is there an argument for not supporting user entered links at all?
Basically our users want to input:
And have it output to another user:
What I really worry about is them using this in a XSS hack. I.e. they input:
So other users get this link:
My example is just to explain the risk - I'm well aware that javascript and URLs are different things, but by letting them input the latter they may be able to execute the former.
You'd be amazed how many sites you can break with this trick - HTML is even worse. If they know to deal with links do they also know to sanitise <iframe>, <img> and clever CSS references?
I'm working in a high security environment - a single XSS hack could result in very high losses for us. I'm happy that I could produce a Regex (or use one of the excellent suggestions so far) that could exclude everything that I could think of, but would that be enough?
If you think URLs can't contain code, think again!
Read that, and weep.
Here's how we do it on Stack Overflow:
/// <summary>
/// returns "safe" URL, stripping anything outside normal charsets for URL
/// </summary>
public static string SanitizeUrl(string url)
return Regex.Replace(url, #"[^-A-Za-z0-9+&##/%?=~_|!:,.;\(\)]", "");
The process of rendering a link "safe" should go through three or four steps:
Unescape/re-encode the string you've been given (RSnake has documented a number of tricks at that use escaping and UTF encodings).
Clean the link up: Regexes are a good start - make sure to truncate the string or throw it away if it contains a " (or whatever you use to close the attributes in your output); If you're doing the links only as references to other information you can also force the protocol at the end of this process - if the portion before the first colon is not 'http' or 'https' then append 'http://' to the start. This allows you to create usable links from incomplete input as a user would type into a browser and gives you a last shot at tripping up whatever mischief someone has tried to sneak in.
Check that the result is a well formed URL (protocol://host.domain[:port][/path][/[file]][?queryField=queryValue][#anchor]).
Possibly check the result against a site blacklist or try to fetch it through some sort of malware checker.
If security is a priority I would hope that the users would forgive a bit of paranoia in this process, even if it does end up throwing away some safe links.
Use a library, such as OWASP-ESAPI API:
Java -
.NET -
Python -
Read the following:
For example:
$url = ""; // e.g., $_GET["user-homepage"];
$esapi = new ESAPI( "/etc/php5/esapi/ESAPI.xml" ); // Modified copy of ESAPI.xml
$sanitizer = ESAPI::getSanitizer();
$sanitized_url = $sanitizer->getSanitizedURL( "user-homepage", $url );
Another example is to use a built-in function. PHP's filter_var function is an example:
$url = ""; // e.g., $_GET["user-homepage"];
$sanitized_url = filter_var($url, FILTER_SANITIZE_URL);
Using filter_var allows javascript calls, and filters out schemes that are neither http nor https. Using the OWASP ESAPI Sanitizer is probably the best option.
Still another example is the code from WordPress:
Additionally, since there is no way of knowing where the URL links (i.e., it might be a valid URL, but the contents of the URL could be mischievous), Google has a safe browsing API you can call:
Rolling your own regex for sanitation is problematic for several reasons:
Unless you are Jon Skeet, the code will have errors.
Existing APIs have many hours of review and testing behind them.
Existing URL-validation APIs consider internationalization.
Existing APIs will be kept up-to-date with emerging standards.
Other issues to consider:
What schemes do you permit (are file:/// and telnet:// acceptable)?
What restrictions do you want to place on the content of the URL (are malware URLs acceptable)?
Just HTMLEncode the links when you output them. Make sure you don't allow javascript: links. (It's best to have a whitelist of protocols that are accepted, e.g., http, https, and mailto.)
You don't specify the language of your application, I will then presume ASP.NET, and for this you can use the Microsoft Anti-Cross Site Scripting Library
It is very easy to use, all you need is an include and that is it :)
While you're on the topic, why not given a read on Design Guidelines for Secure Web Applications
If any other language.... if there is a library for ASP.NET, has to be available as well for other kind of language (PHP, Python, ROR, etc)
For Pythonistas, try Scrapy's w3lib.
OWASP ESAPI pre-dates Python 2.7 and is archived on the now-defunct Google Code.
How about not displaying them as a link? Just use the text.
Combined with a warning to proceed at your own risk may be enough.
addition - see also Should I sanitize HTML markup for a hosted CMS? for a discussion on sanitizing user input
There is a library for javascript that solves this problem
Try it =)
In my project written in JavaScript I use this regex as white list:
the only limitation is that you need to put ./ in front for files in same directory but I think I can live with that.
Using Regular Expression to prevent XSS vulnerability is becoming complicated thus hard to maintain over time while it could leave some vulnerabilities behind. Having URL validation using regular expression is helpful in some scenarios but better not be mixed with vulnerability checks.
Solution probably is to use combination of an encoder like AntiXssEncoder.UrlEncode for encoding Query portion of the URL and QueryBuilder for the rest:
public sealed class AntiXssUrlEncoder
public string EncodeUri(Uri uri, bool isEncoded = false)
// Encode the Query portion of URL to prevent XSS attack if is not already encoded. Otherwise let UriBuilder take care code it.
var encodedQuery = isEncoded ? uri.Query.TrimStart('?') : AntiXssEncoder.UrlEncode(uri.Query.TrimStart('?'));
var encodedUri = new UriBuilder
Scheme = uri.Scheme,
Host = uri.Host,
Path = uri.AbsolutePath,
Query = encodedQuery.Trim(),
Fragment = uri.Fragment
if (uri.Port != 80 && uri.Port != 443)
encodedUri.Port = uri.Port;
return encodedUri.ToString();
public static string Encode(string uri)
var baseUri = new Uri(uri);
var antiXssUrlEncoder = new AntiXssUrlEncoder();
return antiXssUrlEncoder.EncodeUri(baseUri);
You may need to include white listing to exclude some characters from encoding. That could become helpful for particular sites.
HTML Encoding the page that render the URL is another thing you may need to consider too.
BTW. Please note that encoding URL may break Web Parameter Tampering so the encoded link may appear not working as expected.
Also, you need to be careful about double encoding
P.S. AntiXssEncoder.UrlEncode was better be named AntiXssEncoder.EncodeForUrl to be more descriptive. Basically, It encodes a string for URL not encode a given URL and return usable URL.
You could use a hex code to convert the entire URL and send it to your server. That way the client would not understand the content in the first glance. After reading the content, you could decode the content URL = ? and send it to the browser.
Allowing a URL and allowing JavaScript are 2 different things.
