npm install NOT dowloading latest package - node.js

I have a problem to use "npm install" command to update my package.json with latest dependencies.
I am running on a Jenkins slave with Multibranch Pipeline, not sure if this is the cause?
There is another post having a similar issue, but not been answered ...
NPM package.json not updating after npm install
Here is my package.json
"dependencies": {
"#company/ai-integration-test": "^1.0.1-NIGHTLY",
"#company/ai-portal": "^1.0.1-NIGHTLY",
"#company/ai-portal-lambdas": "^1.0.1-NIGHTLY"
Here is the result for "npm outdated"
[What do I expect]
I would like to get my package.json by running some command if "npm install" is the correct command to use? Thanks a million !!

delete your package-lock.json file.
and try npm install again.
But npm install will only update those packages which have "^" in their version, it means auto-update that particular package when you run npm install.

I found npm update command helps me to update package.json to the latest available version. But not sure if I am doing the right things though ... inputs are still welcome !! TKS !!
[Final Answer]
It turns out the problem was caused by our company's IT firewall settings.
The firewall intermittently forge SSL certificate for security reasons.
When that happens, downloading latest package fails without giving error messages.

some of those updates are the major release npm update won't update to the latest version.
The major release does not update in this way because they maybe introduce breaking changes. npm save you from that trouble
npm install -g npm-check-updates
then run it:
ncu -u
this will update all packages to the latest version in the package.json


How to resolve the setup of the Tailwind CSS with Next.js in Visual Studio Code [duplicate]

I am trying to npm install vue-mapbox mapbox-gl, and I'm getting a dependency tree error.
I'm running Nuxt.js SSR with Vuetify and haven't installed anything related to Mapbox prior to running this install and am getting this error.
38 error code ERESOLVE
39 error ERESOLVE unable to resolve dependency tree
40 error
41 error While resolving: [1mexample[22m#[1m1.0.0[22m
41 error Found: [1mmapbox-gl[22m#[1m1.13.0[22m[2m[22m
41 error [2mnode_modules/mapbox-gl[22m
41 error [1mmapbox-gl[22m#"[1m^1.13.0[22m" from the root project
41 error
41 error Could not resolve dependency:
41 error [35mpeer[39m [1mmapbox-gl[22m#"[1m^0.53.0[22m" from [1mvue-mapbox[22m#[1m0.4.1[22m[2m[22m
41 error [2mnode_modules/vue-mapbox[22m
41 error [1mvue-mapbox[22m#"[1m*[22m" from the root project
41 error
41 error Fix the upstream dependency conflict, or retry
41 error this command with --force, or --legacy-peer-deps
41 error to accept an incorrect (and potentially broken) dependency resolution.
41 error
41 error See /Users/user/.npm/eresolve-report.txt for a full report.
42 verbose exit 1
What's the right way to go about fixing this upstream dependency conflict?
It looks like it's a problem with peer dependencies in the latest version of npm (v7) which is still a beta version.
Try with npm install --legacy-peer-deps. For detailed information check the blog post npm v7 Series - Beta Release! And: SemVer-Major Changes in npm v7.
Use --legacy-peer-deps after npm install. For example, if you want to install Radium, use:
npm install --legacy-peer-deps --save radium
There are two ways:
use npm install --legacy-peer-deps to install, and if this doesn't work use
the force method. Add --force next to npm install: npm install --force
You can follow these commands
First type:
npm config set legacy-peer-deps true
Then type:
npx create-react-app my-app
Your dependency mexample requires mmapbox-gl v1.13.0 and mvue-mapbox requires mmapbox-gl v0.53.0.
NPM doesn't know which version to install, so it gives a warning. You can bypass the errors using -- force or --legacy-peer-deps, but you are ignoring an error, and making unexpected results.
Production Options:
Probably one of your packages is outdated. Upgrading packages and fixing upgrade errors might fix the dependency conflict.
Overriding a dependency manually to avoid the warning and error. You are setting the version to a specific one that you know that works. Usually the newer version.
Example solution with override. Your package.json file will look like this:
"name": "my-app",
"version": "0.1.0",
"private": true,
"dependencies": {
"mexample": "^1.2.0",
"vue-mapbox": "*"
"scripts": {
"start": "react-scripts start",
"build": "react-scripts build",
"test": "react-scripts test",
"eject": "react-scripts eject"
"overrides": {
"mmapbox-gl": "1.13.0"
The last option is bypassing using either:
--legacy-peer-deps completely ignores all peerDependencies using the newest version without pinning on file package-lock.json
--force forces the use of the newest, pinning all the versions on package-lock.json
Extra: You shouldn't use "*" as a version, because it might update major and break dependencies.
Until npm version 7.19.1, it still had the same issue. After upgrading to version 7.20.3, use command npm install -g npm#latest and npm audit fix. All packages will be fixed without error.
I tried multiple ways, but nothing was working for me. At last I tried this and it worked:
npm config set legacy-peer-deps true
Run this in the project folder and then try to install any package. It might work for you as well.
To solve it, fix the upstream dependency conflict installing NPM packages error
Method 1. Just use --legacy-peer-deps after npm install.
For example, if you want to install Axios, use
npm install --legacy-peer-deps --save axios.
Method 2. Updating npm and 'audit fix'
npm I -g npm#latest
npm audit fix --force
Method 3. Using --force to install packages
npm install axios --force
I was stuck on this issue for long which also makes error from other commands which calls for some install commands that was breaking.
The only solution that works (maybe suppresses the error) is
npm config set legacy-peer-deps true
This will set the configuration of legacy-peer-deps to true
To resolve npm dependencies and conflicts with npm packages, use npm-check-updates.
Almost all answers here suggest using force or legacy-peer-deps. Though this will technically work, please note that this is not recommended by NPM if you can avoid it anymore (source). Some folks may not have a choice, but I was able to resolve my dependency conflicts by deleting node-modules and package-lock.json then manually updating packages to their latest version one at a time until it stopped complaining (packages mentioned in the error messages after running npm i. Not a great or clean solution, but at least my packages are up-to-date and I'm not ignoring errors or using legacy solutions.
A lot of upvotes for using --legacy-peer-deps, but if --force works, I would recommend using that since it still pins many dependency versions while --legacy-peer-deps ignores peer dependencies entirely. See the example below:
npm: When to use --force and --legacy-peer-deps
I started getting this error on Azure DevOps a few days ago. I initially thought it was a glitch on the Azure side, but since it continued, we started looking into it a bit more.
It turns out the agent we are using, windows-2022, was updated a few days ago:
Updating readme file for win22 version 20220607.3 (#5713)
Node and NPM now match the latest Node.js LTS version: 16.15.1 (includes npm 8.11.0)
You can view all agents-included software on Microsoft-hosted agents, Software.
After reading on Microsoft Visual Studio Developer Community, they recommend downgrading Node.js using Node.js Tool Installer task like this:
- task: NodeTool#0
versionSpec: '16.14.2'
Node.js Tool Installer task
npm install fails in Azure DevOps Hosted Agent
However, we decided that we do not want to downgrade Node.js, so the first step was matching Node.js locally with LTS version 16.15.1 and npm 8.11.0.
When running npm ci, we then got the same error locally.
We tried npm ci --force and we then got this error:
npm ci can only install packages when your package.json and
package-lock.json or npm-shrinkwrap.json are in sync. Please update
your lock file with npm install before continuing.
npm install gave the same error even after node_modules was manually removed, but npm install --force worked, and it generated a new package-lock.json file.
npm ci still failed with the same error, but running npm ci --force worked. We decided to update Azure DevOps .yml to include --force and checked in the new package-lock.json file. After doing this, everything worked like before and we could now update our packages one by one.
delete the package-lock.json file
modify the package.json file, updating the version as indicated by the peer dependency
Add a tilde or caret for allowing install latest version and resolving dependency issues, for example :
~1.0.2 means to install version 1.0.2 or the latest patch version such as 1.0.4.
^1.0.2 means to install version 1.0.2 or the latest minor or patch version such as 1.1.0.
run npm install or npm udpate
I resolved this by adding
- task: NodeTool#0
versionSpec: '12.x'
Nothing here worked for me.
After struggling with this issue for so long, I found a solution that worked.
Apparently I had some packages installed globally.
Listed them with:
npm list -g --depth=0
Then removed the unwanted packages with:
npm uninstall -g <package-name>
Finally I got the problem fixed

How to update my Project with my new NPM version?

How are you all?
I'm really new at this. I'm having trouble deploying my react project. When I do it, the entire website is blank. Someone said to me that I should update my Node and my NPM. That leads me to the first question: "When I update the NPM, I'm updating Node at the same time, right?"
So I researched and found this command:
npm cache clean -f
sudo npm install -g n stable
And I think that updated my NPM.
Done that, I ran the GIT STATUS to see if something were modified in my project. Nothing.
But that leads me to my second question: "Cool... but now I have to update my project with my new NPM version, right?"
I tried:
But then i checked my git status again and nothing was modified. How can I update it?
Thanks guys. I really hope I did this right.
First of all, you have to understand npm & node is the environment to run the projects on your computer (local). It's global and not belong to any project. So if you install or update global, it won't affect your project (specific on your working copy git) because it's the global, and only is the environment to run, you can check dependencies on your package.json file.
If you wanna update node to latest:
sudo npm cache clean -f
sudo npm install -g n
sudo n stable
update npm to latest version: npm install npm#latest -g

NPM package has outdated dependency, is there a way to alter its version?

Just migrated to Node 4.1.2 from 0.10. One of the packages being installed via npm install errors due to node-gyp having a problem with one of its dependencies, it's quite a few versions out of date. The issue has been brought up on the repo but hasn't seen activity since May. Is there a way to tell NPM to install this package but with the outdated dependency using a newer version?
I've copied over an installed version from node_modules in an older project. npm install -g npm-check-updates then ncu in the node_modules/bs-html-injector/ directory. It lists updates, ncu -u will update the package.json, npm install after. I run my gulp task and html is injecting fine, all seems fine :) Would still like to know how to do this if I didn't have a local copy installed by NPM. It looks like it's just a 1:1 copy from the github repo?
With npm, you can install packages from GitHub directly:
npm install user/repo#branch
You can fork the package on GitHub, make and propose the changes you need and use your fork as a dependency in your project until PR is merged.
you can use --force to force install it

npm check and update package if needed

We need to integrate Karma test runner into TeamCity and for that I'd like to give sys-engineers small script (powershell or whatever) that would:
pick up desired version number from some config file (I guess I can put it as a comment right in the karma.conf.js)
check if the defined version of karma runner installed in npm's global repo
if it's not, or the installed version is older than desired: pick up and install right version
run it: karma start .\Scripts-Tests\karma.conf.js --reporters teamcity --single-run
So my real question is: "how can one check in a script, if desired version of package installed?". Should you do the check, or it's safe to just call npm -g install everytime?
I don't want to always check and install the latest available version, because other config values may become incompatible
To check if any module in a project is 'old':
npm outdated
'outdated' will check every module defined in package.json and see if there is a newer version in the NPM registry.
For example, say xml2js 0.2.6 (located in node_modules in the current project) is outdated because a newer version exists (0.2.7). You would see:
xml2js#0.2.7 node_modules/xml2js current=0.2.6
To update all dependencies, if you are confident this is desirable:
npm update
Or, to update a single dependency such as xml2js:
npm update xml2js
To update package.json version numbers, append the --save flag:
npm update --save
npm outdated will identify packages that should be updated, and npm update <package name> can be used to update each package. But prior to npm#5.0.0, npm update <package name> will not update the versions in your package.json which is an issue.
The best workflow is to:
Identify out of date packages with npm outdated
Update the versions in your package.json
Run npm update to install the latest versions of each package
Check out npm-check-updates to help with this workflow.
Install npm-check-updates with npm i npm-check-updates -g
Run npm-check-updates to list what packages are out of date (basically the same thing as running npm outdated)
Run npm-check-updates -u to update all the versions in your package.json (this is the magic sauce)
Run npm update as usual to install the new versions of your packages based on the updated package.json
There is also a "fresh" module called npm-check:
Check for outdated, incorrect, and unused dependencies.
It also provides a convenient interactive way to update the dependencies with npm-check -u.
One easy step:
$ npm i -g npm-check-updates && ncu -u && npm i
That is all. All of the package versions in package.json will be the latest major versions.
What is happening here?
Installing a package that checks updates for you.
Use this package to update all package versions in your package.json (-u is short for --updateAll).
Install all of the new versions of the packages.
To update a single local package:
First find out your outdated packages by:
npm outdated
Then update the package or packages that you want manually as:
npm update --save <package_name>
This way it is not necessary to update your local package.json
file manually.
Note that the above command will update your package to the latest version.
If you write some version in your package.json file and do:
npm update <package_name>
In this case you will get just the next stable version (wanted) regarding the version that you wrote in your package.json file.
And with npm list <package_name> you can find out the current version of your local package.
You can try either of these options:
Check outdated packages
npm outdated
Check and pick packages to update
npx npm-check -u
No additional packages, to just check outdated and update those which are, this command will do:
npm install $(npm outdated | cut -d' ' -f 1 | sed '1d' | xargs -I '$' echo '$#latest' | xargs echo)
NPM commands to update or fix vulnerabilities in some dependency manifest files
Use below command to check outdated or vulnerabilities in your node modules.
npm audit
If any vulnerabilities found, use below command to fix all issues.
npm audit fix
If it doesn't work for you then try
npm audit fix -f, this command will almost fix all vulnerabilities. Some dependencies or devDependencies are locked in package-lock.json file, so we use -f flag to force update them.
If you don't want to use force audit fix then you can manually fix your dependencies versions by changing them in package-lock.json and package.json file. Then run
npm update && npm upgrade
When installing npm packages (both globally or locally) you can define a specific version by using the #version syntax to define a version to be installed.
In other words, doing:
npm install -g karma#0.9.2
will ensure that only 0.9.2 is installed and won't reinstall if it already exists.
As a word of a advice, I would suggest avoiding global npm installs wherever you can. Many people don't realize that if a dependency defines a bin file, it gets installed to ./node_modules/.bin/. Often, its very easy to use that local version of an installed module that is defined in your package.json. In fact, npm scripts will add the ./node_modules/.bin onto your path.
As an example, here is a package.json that, when I run npm install && npm test will install the version of karma defined in my package.json, and use that version of karma (installed at node_modules/.bin/karma) when running the test script:
"name": "myApp",
"main": "app.js",
"scripts": {
"test": "karma test/*",
"dependencies": {...},
"devDependencies": {
"karma": "0.9.2"
This gives you the benefit of your package.json defining the version of karma to use and not having to keep that config globally on your CI box.
As of npm#5.0.0+ you can simply do:
npm update <package name>
This will automatically update the package.json file. We don't have to update the latest version manually and then use npm update <package name>
You can still get the old behavior using
npm update --no-save
A different approach would be to first uprade the package.json file using,
ncu -u
and then simply run,
npm install
to update all the packages to the latest version.
ps: It will update all the packages to the latest version however if the package is already up to date that package will not be affected at all.
3 simple steps you can use for update all outdated packages
First, check the packages which are outdated
sudo npm i -g npm-check-updates
Second, put all of them in ready
ncu -u
Results in Terminal will be like this:
Third, just update all of them.
npm install
That's it.
Just do this to update everything to the latest version -
npx npm-check-updates -u
Note - You'll be prompted to install npm-check-updates. Press y and enter.
Now run npm i. You're good to go.
To really update just one package install NCU and then run it just for that package. This will bump to the real latest.
npm install -g npm-check-updates
ncu -f your-intended-package-name -u
You can do this completely automatically in 2022
Install npm-check-updates
Run the command
ncu --doctor -u
It will first try every dependency you have and run tests, if the tests fail it will update each dependency one by one and run tests after each update
One more for bash:
npm outdated -parseable|cut -d: -f5|xargs -L1 npm i
I'm just interested in updating the outdated packages using the semantic versioning rules in my package.json.
Here's a one-liner that takes care of that
npm update `npm outdated | awk '{print $1}' | tr '\n' ' '`
What it does:
takes the output from npm outdated and
pipes that into awk where we're grabbing just the name of the package (in column 1)
then we're using tr to convert newline characters into spaces
finally -- using backticks -- we're using the output of the preceding steps as arguments to npm update so we get all our needed updates in one shot.
One would think that there's a way to do this using npm alone, but it wasn't here when I looked, so I'm just dropping this here in case it's helpful to anyone 😀.
** I believe there's an answer that MikeMajara provides here that does something similar, but it's appending #latest to the updated package name, which I'm not really interested in as a part of my regularly scheduled updates.
If you want to upgrade a package to the latest release, (major, minor and patch), append the #latest keyword to the end of the package name, ex:
npm i express-mongo-sanitize#latest
this will update express-mongo-sanitize from version 1.2.1 for example to version 2.2.0.
If you want to know which packages are outdated and which can be updated, use the npm outdated command
$ npm outdated
Package Current Wanted Latest Location Depended by
express-rate-limit 3.5.3 3.5.3 6.4.0 node_modules/express-rate-limit apiv2
helmet 3.23.3 3.23.3 5.1.0 node_modules/helmet apiv2
request-ip 2.2.0 2.2.0 3.3.0 node_modules/request-ip apiv2
validator 10.11.0 10.11.0 13.7.0 node_modules/validator apiv2
If you have multiple projects with the same node-modules content, pnpm is recommended. This will prevent the modules from being downloaded in each project. After the installation the answer to your question is:
pnpm up

How to update each dependency in package.json to the latest version?

I copied package.json from another project and now want to bump all of the dependencies to their latest versions since this is a fresh project and I don't mind fixing something if it breaks.
What's the easiest way to do this?
The best way I know is to run npm info express version then update each dependency in package.json manually. There must be a better way.
"name": "myproject",
"description": "my node project",
"version": "1.0.0",
"dependencies": {
"express": "^3.0.3", // how do I get these bumped to latest?
"mongodb": "^1.2.5",
"underscore": "^1.4.2"
For Yarn specific solutions refer to this Stack Overflow thread.
Looks like npm-check-updates is the only way to make this happen now.
npm i -g npm-check-updates
ncu -u
npm install
On npm <3.11:
Simply change every dependency's version to *, then run npm update --save. (Note: broken in recent (3.11) versions of npm).
"dependencies": {
"express": "*",
"mongodb": "*",
"underscore": "*",
"rjs": "*",
"jade": "*",
"async": "*"
"dependencies": {
"express": "~3.2.0",
"mongodb": "~1.2.14",
"underscore": "~1.4.4",
"rjs": "~2.10.0",
"jade": "~0.29.0",
"async": "~0.2.7"
Of course, this is the blunt hammer of updating dependencies. It's fine if—as you said—the project is empty and nothing can break.
On the other hand, if you're working in a more mature project, you probably want to verify that there are no breaking changes in your dependencies before upgrading.
To see which modules are outdated, just run npm outdated. It will list any installed dependencies that have newer versions available.
For Yarn specific solution, refer to this StackOverflow answer.
npm-check-updates is a utility that automatically adjusts a package.json with the
latest version of all dependencies
$ npm install -g npm-check-updates
$ ncu -u
$ npm install
[EDIT] A slightly less intrusive (avoids a global install) way of doing this if you have a modern version of npm is:
$ npx npm-check-updates -u
$ npm install
Updated for npm v2+
npm 2+ (Node 0.12+):
npm outdated
npm update
git commit package-lock.json
Ancient npm (circa 2014):
npm install -g npm-check-updates
npm shrinkwrap
git commit package-lock.json
Be sure to shrinkwrap your deps, or you may wind up with a dead project. I pulled out a project the other day and it wouldn't run because my deps were all out of date/updated/a mess. If I'd shrinkwrapped, npm would have installed exactly what I needed.
For the curious who make it this far, here is what I recommend:
Use npm-check-updates or npm outdated to suggest the latest versions.
# `outdated` is part of newer npm versions (2+)
$ npm outdated
# If you agree, update.
$ npm update
# OR
# Install and use the `npm-check-updates` package.
$ npm install -g npm-check-updates
# Then check your project
$ npm-check-updates
# If you agree, update package.json.
$ npm-check-updates -u
###Then do a clean install (w/o the rm I got some dependency warnings)
$ rm -rf node_modules
$ npm install
Lastly, save exact versions to npm-shrinkwrap.json with npm shrinkwrap
$ rm npm-shrinkwrap.json
$ npm shrinkwrap
Now, npm install will now use exact versions in npm-shrinkwrap.json
If you check npm-shrinkwrap.json into git, all installs will use the exact same versions.
This is a way to transition out of development (all updates, all the time) to production (nobody touch nothing).
npm outdated
npm shrinkwrap
p.s. Yarn is sending your package list to Facebook.
To update one dependency to its lastest version without having to manually open the package.json and change it, you can run
npm install {package-name}#* {save flags?}
npm install express#* --save
This flow is compatible with workspaces, i.e.
npm --workspace some/package install express#*
For reference, npm-install
Note: Some npm versions may need latest flag instead, i.e. npm install express#latest
As noted by user Vespakoen on a rejected edit, it's also possible to update multiple packages at once this way:
npm install --save package-nave#* other-package#* whatever-thing#*
He also apports a one-liner for the shell based on npm outdated. See the edit for code and explanation.
PS: I also hate having to manually edit package.json for things like that ;)
If you happen to be using Visual Studio Code as your IDE, this is a fun little extension to make updating package.json a one click process.
note: After updating packages in package.json file, run npm update to install the new versions.
Version Lens
GitLab Repo
This works as of npm 1.3.15.
"dependencies": {
"foo": "latest"
Use * as the version for the latest releases, including unstable
Use latest as version definition for the latest stable version
Modify the package.json with exactly the latest stable version number using LatestStablePackages
Here is an example:
"dependencies": {
"express": "latest" // using the latest STABLE version
, "node-gyp": "latest"
, "jade": "latest"
, "mongoose": "*" // using the newest version, may involve the unstable releases
, "cookie-parser": "latest"
, "express-session": "latest"
, "body-parser": "latest"
, "nodemailer":"latest"
, "validator": "latest"
, "bcrypt": "latest"
, "formidable": "latest"
, "path": "latest"
, "fs-extra": "latest"
, "moment": "latest"
, "express-device": "latest"
To see which packages have newer versions available, then use the following command:
npm outdated
to update just one dependency just use the following command:
npm install yourPackage#latest
For example:
My package.json file has dependency:
"#progress/kendo-angular-dateinputs": "^1.3.1",
then I should write:
npm install #progress/kendo-angular-dateinputs#latest
What does --save-dev mean?
npm install #progress/kendo-angular-dateinputs#latest --save-dev
As npm install docs says:
-D, --save-dev: Package will appear in your devDependencies.
I really like how npm-upgrade works. It is a simple command line utility that goes through all of your dependencies and lets you see the current version compared to the latest version and update if you want.
Here is a screenshot of what happens after running npm-upgrade in the root of your project (next to the package.json file):
For each dependency you can choose to upgrade, ignore, view the changelog, or finish the process. It has worked great for me so far.
To be clear this is a third party package that needs to be installed before the command will work. It does not come with npm itself:
npm install -g npm-upgrade
Then from the root of a project that has a package.json file:
The only caveat I have found with the best answer above is that it updates the modules to the latest version. This means it could update to an unstable alpha build.
I would use that npm-check-updates utility.
My group used this tool and it worked effectively by installing the stable updates.
As Etienne stated above: install and run with this:
$ npm install -g npm-check-updates
$ npm-check-updates -u
$ npm install
I use npm-check to achieve this.
npm i -g npm npm-check
npm-check -ug #to update globals
npm-check -u #to update locals
Another useful command list which will keep exact version numbers in package.json
npm cache clean
rm -rf node_modules/
npm i -g npm npm-check-updates
ncu -g #update globals
ncu -u #update locals
npm I
Update: You can use yarn upgrade-interactive --latest if you are using yarn
Here is a basic regex to match semantic version numbers so you can quickly replace them all with an asterisk.
Semantic Version Regex
How to use
Select the package versions you want to replace in the JSON file.
Input the regex above and verify it's matching the correct text.
Replace all matches with an asterisk.
Run npm update --save
If you want to use a gentle approach via a beautiful (for terminal) interactive reporting interface I would suggest using npm-check.
It's less of a hammer and gives you more consequential knowledge of, and control over, your dependency updates.
To give you a taste of what awaits here's a screenshot (scraped from the git page for npm-check):
This feature has been introduced in npm v5. update to npm using npm install -g npm#latest and
to update package.json
delete /node_modules and package-lock.json (if you have any)
run npm update. this will update the dependencies package.json to the latest, based on semver.
to update to very latest version. you can go with npm-check-updates
As of npm version 5.2.0, there is a way to run this in a single line without installing any additional packages to your global npm registry nor locally to your application. This can be done by leveraging the new npx utility that's bundled with npm. (Click here to learn more.)
Run the following command in the root of your project:
npx npm-check-updates -u && npm i
I recently had to update several projects that were using npm and package.json for their gruntfile.js magic. The following bash command (multiline command) worked well for me:
npm outdated --json --depth=0 | \
jq --ascii-output --monochrome-output '. | keys | .[]' | \
xargs npm install $1 --save-dev
The idea here:
To pipe the npm outdated output as json, to jq
(jq is a json command line parser/query tool)
(notice the use of --depth argument for npm outdated)
jq will strip the output down to just the top level package name only.
finally xargs puts each LIBRARYNAME one at a time into a npm install LIBRARYNAME --save-dev command
The above is what worked for me on a machine runnning:
node=v0.11.10 osx=10.9.2 npm=1.3.24
this required:
xargs (native to my machine I believe)
jq (I installed it with brew install jq)
Note: I only save the updated libraries to package.json inside of the json key devDependancies by using --save-dev, that was a requirement of my projects, quite possible not yours.
Afterward I check that everything is gravy with a simple
npm outdated --depth=0
Also, you can check the current toplevel installed library versions with
npm list --depth=0
If you use yarn, the following command updates all packages to their latest version:
yarn upgrade --latest
From their docs:
The upgrade --latest command upgrades packages the same as the upgrade command, but ignores the version range specified in package.json. Instead, the version specified by the latest tag will be used (potentially upgrading the packages across major versions).
Based on npm outdated, updtr installs the latest version and runs npm test for each dependency. If the test succeeds, updtr saves the new version number to your package.json. If the test fails, however, updtr rolls back its changes.
Safe update
Use 'npm outdated' to discover dependencies that are out of date.
Use 'npm update' to perform safe dependency upgrades.
Use 'npm install #latest' to upgrade to the latest major version of a package.
Breaking Update
Use 'npx npm-check-updates -u'.
'npm install' to upgrade all dependencies to their latest major versions.
If you are using yarn, yarn upgrade-interactive is a really sleek tool that can allow you to view your outdated dependencies and then select which ones you want to update.
More reasons to use Yarn over npm. Heh.
Commands that I had to use to update package.json for NPM 3.10.10:
npm install -g npm-check-updates
ncu -a
npm install
I was using the latest command from #josh3736 but my package.json was not updated. I then noticed the description text when running npm-check-updates -u:
The following dependency is satisfied by its declared version range,
but the installed version is behind. You can install the latest
version without modifying your package file by using npm update. If
you want to update the dependency in your package file anyway, run ncu
Reading the documentation for npm-check-updates you can see the difference:
-u, --upgrade: overwrite package file
-a, --upgradeAll: include even those dependencies whose latest version satisfies the declared semver dependency
ncu is an alias for npm-check-updates as seen in the message when typing npm-check-updates -u:
[INFO]: You can also use ncu as an alias
If you don't want to install global npm-check-updates you can simply run that:
node -e "const pk = JSON.parse(require('fs').readFileSync('package.json', 'utf-8'));require('child_process').spawn('npm', ['install', ...Object.keys(Object.assign({},pk.dependencies, pk.devDependencies)).map(a=>a+'#latest')]).stdout.on('data', d=>console.log(d.toString()))"
If you're looking for an easier solution that doesn't involve installing npm packages, I'd checkout
The above commands are unsafe because you might break your module when switching versions.
Instead I recommend the following
Set actual current node modules version into package.json using npm shrinkwrap command.
Update each dependency to the latest version IF IT DOES NOT BREAK YOUR TESTS using command line tool
npm install -g next-update
// from your package
Try following command if you using npm 5 and node 8
npm update --save
I solved this by seeing the instructions from
$ npm install -g npm-check-updates
$ ncu
$ ncu -u # to update all the dependencies to latest
$ ncu -u "specific module name" #in case you want to update specific dependencies to latest
I found another solution for recent version of NPM. What I want to do is to replace all the "*" dependencies with the explicit lastest version number. None of the methods discussed has worked for me.
What I did:
Replace all "*" with "^0.0.0"
Run npm-check-updates -u
Everything in package.json now is updated to the last version.
As it's almost 10 years since the original question, many of the answers are either outdated or not recommended.
I would use something which is package manager agnostic i.e. can work with npm, pnpm, yarn or others.
Lately I have been using taze
You can either add it to your dev dependencies and run from there or run without installation with npx taze or pnpx taze, etc.
The following code (which was accepted) wrote me something like "it takes too long blah-blah" and did nothing. Probably using the global flag was the problem, idk.
npm i -g npm-check-updates
ncu -u
npm install
I decided to use my text editor and follow a semi-manual approach instead.
I copied a list like this (just a lot longer) from the dev dependencies of my package.json to the notepad++ text editor:
"browserify": "10.2.6",
"expect.js": "^0.3.1",
"karma": "^0.13.22",
"karma-browserify": "^5.2.0",
I set the search mode to regular expression, used the ^\s*"([^"]+)".*$ pattern to get the package name and replaced it with npm uninstall \1 --save-dev \nnpm install \1 --save-dev. Clicked on "replace all". The otput was this:
npm uninstall browserify --save-dev
npm install browserify --save-dev
npm uninstall expect.js --save-dev
npm install expect.js --save-dev
npm uninstall karma --save-dev
npm install karma --save-dev
npm uninstall karma-browserify --save-dev
npm install karma-browserify --save-dev
I copied it back to bash and hit enter. Everything was upgraded and working fine. That's all.
"browserify": "^16.1.0",
"expect.js": "^0.3.1",
"karma": "^2.0.0",
"karma-browserify": "^5.2.0",
I don't think it is a big deal, since you have to do it only every now and then, but you can easily write a script, which parses the package.json and upgrades your packages. I think it is better this way, because you can edit your list if you need something special, for example keeping the current version of a lib.
It's wild to me that 90% of answers is some variant of "use npm-check-updates". Here's what I do (relevant code):
"devDependencies": {
"updates": "^13.0.5" // the version here could be "latest" or "*" tbh...
"scripts": {
"test:dependencies": "updates --update ./",
Running npm run test:dependencies (or whatever your dependency update script is called) will check your package.json for the latest versions of every package listed, and it'll let you know when the latest version was published. Run npm i after that and you'll be up to date!
Also, unlike npm-check-updates, updates has zero dependencies (ncu has 29, at the time of this post).
