How to change pathname in URL inside http get request - node.js

I'm doing a GET request of some user ID and I really need to get that user profile by ID
app.get('/userID) but I don't want to see the ID in my web URL but the user name, how can I do that? I'm also using Reactjs, I don't know if I have to change in backend or frontend in this case.
Thanks for helping!
my code - backend:
const router = express.Router()
router.get('/:userId', (req, res, next) => {
let userID = req.params.userId
my code - frontend:
componentDidMount() {
let theURL = window.location.pathname.split('/')[1]
let userID = theURL.replace(theURL, '/hellotest')
response => {
error => {
I've tried with window.location.pathname.replace(theURL, '/hellotest') and doesn't work.
Thanks for your help

req.originalUrl retains the original request URL, allowing you to rewrite req.url freely for internal routing purposes
app.use('/admin', function (req, res, next) { // GET ''
console.dir(req.originalUrl) // '/admin/new'
console.dir(req.baseUrl) // '/admin'
console.dir(req.path) // '/new'
You have to res.redirect at the end of your dynamic(/:id) route
res.redirect( req.originalUrl.split("?").shift() );


Error while trying to login with through Steam from node.js

I'm trying to login through steam from my webapp but I'm having an hard time.
This is the code in my backend (I'm using Firebase cloud functions) that let me authenticate my user.
const steam = new SteamAuth({
realm: "", // Site name displayed to users on logon
returnUrl: "http://localhost:5001/stormtestfordota/europe-west1/api/auth/steam/authenticate", // Your return route
apiKey: apiKey // Steam API key
let loggedUser = "";
const redirectSteamAuth = async (req, res) => {
loggedUser = req.user.username;
const redirectUrl = await steam.getRedirectUrl();
return res.json(redirectUrl);
So this is the first endpoint that the user calls when trying to login to Steam. And it works, so the opens without problem.
But when I click login in steamcommunity page I'm prompted with this error
So over the name of my account you can see "ERRORE" that stands for "ERROR"
This is the endpoint that should be called after authentication:
const loginWithSteam = async (req, res) => {
try {
const user = await steam.authenticate(req);
steamId: user.steamid
activeDota2(loggedUser, user.steamid);
return res.redirect("");
} catch (error) {
return res.status(401).json(error)
These are the two endpoints:"/auth/steam", (req, res, next) => validateFirebaseIdToken(req, res, next), redirectSteamAuth);
app.get("/auth/steam/authenticate", loginWithSteam);
I solved this issue. The problem was in the urls of the steam object AND there was a problem with CORS options, I didn't add the DNS of steamcommunity in origins accepted by CORS.

problems trying to use the Instagram api

I am working with Angular and Node.js with Express.js. I have all day trying to get the posts from my Instagram account but I have not even been able to get the API token. I understand that you first have to make a request to this URL:[[redirect-uriíritu&scope=[ = {state} (replacing the id and redirect-uri obviously) but I get no response. I already created my app in the instagram api following its documentation and add the tester and accept the authorization from the account settings.
At the moment I have this code en node.js:
const instagram = require('../controllers/instagram/instagram.controller');
const route = '/auth'
module.exports= (app,db, protegerRutas)=> {
app.get(`${route}/instagram`, (req, res)=> instagram.auth(req, res));
app.get(`/handle`, (req,res)=> instagram.handleauth(req,res));
// app.get(`${}`)
//`${route}/actualizar`, protegerRutas, (req, res)=> actualizar.actualizarDatos(req, res, db))
const Instagram = require('node-instagram').default;
const axios = require('axios');
const clavesInstagram = require('../../config/config').instagram;
const {clientId, clientSecret}= clavesInstagram;
const urlInstagram = '{scope}&response_type=code';
const redirectUri = '';
const instagram = new Instagram({
clientId: clientId,
clientSecret: clientSecret
module.exports= {
auth: (req,res)=> {
.then( res => {
console.log('\n\nRespuesta: ',res);
.catch( err => {
console.log('\n\nError: ',err);
// auth: (req, res)=> {
// console.log('\n\nAuth Controller...')
// res.redirect(
// instagram.getAuthorizationUrl(redirectUri, {
// scope: ['basic','likes'],
// state: 'your state'
// })
// )
// },
handleauth: async (req, res)=> {
try {
const code = req.query.code; //código devuelto por Instagram
const data= await instagram.authorizeUser(code, redirectUri);
console.log('\n\nData Instagram:', data)
} catch(e) {
// statements
I understand that in the instagram API configuration the URL of my app is added to which they redirect and send the token, the url of my local app is something like this: http://localhost:3008/ and the path to which I want instagram to redirect would be this: https://localhost:3008/auth/handle (I must put it with 'https' in instagram because it does not allow http, so I don't know if this would include me). The problem is that with this code I am not getting the token that should be sent to my route https://localhost:3008/auth/handle. What am I doing wrong? I've been at this for many hours and honestly I can't find a solution. I read the documentation and try to do what it says but I can't do it. Could someone help me with this? I would be enormously grateful.
Thanks in advance.

How to add custom middleware to express-openapi-validator using Swagger 3

I've got a Node app using express-openapi-validator that takes a an api spec file (which is a .yml file), with request and response validation. The express-openapi-validator package routes the request to a handler file (defined in the spec). This is what one of the handlers might look like:
function getUsers(req, res) {
const { 'x-user-id': userId } = req.headers
res.status(200).json(`Your userId is ${userId}`)
I've got an API key feature, where users can get a new API key, and the other endpoints that need the caller to have the API key in the request headers to validate the request.
I know it should be possible to use middleware to validate the request, but I can't figure out how to use custom middleware with the express-openapi-validator package on select endpoints.
For eg:
GET /apikey = does not require api key
GET /resource = requires api key
How do I configure this?
Here's what the openapi validator code in my app.js looks like:
new OpenApiValidator({
validateResponses: true,
operationHandlers: path.join(__dirname, './handlers'),
.then(() => {
app.use((err, _, res) => {
res.status(err.status || 500).json({
message: err.message,
errors: err.errors,
I actually ended up finding a solution for this myself.
First of all, I'm using version 4.10.5 of express-openapi-validator, so the code above is slightly different.
Here's what it looks like now:
// index.js
validateResponses: true,
operationHandlers: path.join(__dirname, './handlers'),
validateSecurity: {
handlers: {
verifyApiKey(req, scopes) {
return middleware.verifyApiKey(req)
bearerAuth(req, scopes) {
return middleware.verifyToken(req)
app.use((err, req, res, next) => {
res.status(err.status || 500).json({
message: err.message,
errors: err.errors,
The way I ended up using middleware in my routes is below:
I've added a securitySchemes section in my swagger.yml file, like so:
type: apiKey
in: header
name: x-api-key
type: http
scheme: bearer
bearerFormat: JWT
There's a bit more information about it here:
On each route that needs the middleware, I'm adding a security section, like so:
- bearerAuth: []
description: Create a new team
operationId: createTeam
x-eov-operation-id: createTeam
x-eov-operation-handler: team
As you can see in my code above (in the index.js file), I've got a validateSecurity key, with a handlers key that then has the correlating keys that are in my swagger.yml (verifyApiKey and bearerAuth). These functions get the request and scope to check if they're valid. These functions return a boolean value, so true means that the middleware lets the request through, and false means a 403 response will be returned.
validateSecurity: {
handlers: {
verifyApiKey(req, scopes) {
return middleware.verifyApiKey(req)
bearerAuth(req, scopes) {
return middleware.verifyToken(req)
Please respond if I've got anything above wrong, or if the explanation can be clearer. If you have questions, please post them below.
You can simply pass array of handlers instead of just 1 function, like in express.
So in you code, the getUsers function that probably is what the x-eov-operation-id refers to, would be an array of 2 functions:
const getUsers = [
(req, res) => {
const { 'x-user-id': userId } = req.headers
res.status(200).json(`Your userId is ${userId}`)
I was in a similar situation as you, using OpenAPI/Swagger packages like that limited my ability to add specific middleware per endpoint, so my solution was I created an npm module called #zishone/chaindler.
You can use it like this:
const { Chain } = require('#zishone/chaindler');
function getUsers(req, res) {
const { 'x-user-id': userId } = req.headers
res.status(200).json(`Your userId is ${userId}`)
function postUsers(req, res) {
// ...
function mw1(req, res, next) {
function mw2(req, res, next) {
module.exports = {
getUsers: new Chain(mw1, mw2).handle(getUsers),
postUsers: new Chain(mw1).handle(postUsers)
Basically it just chains the middlewares then calls them one by one then call the handler/controller last.

Is it possible to redirect a post request after modifying the body in a Node (express) server?

I know that it is possible to redirect a post request to another url like so:, res) => {
res.redirect(307, '');
this will send the body also to What I want to do is:, res) => {
req.body.something = 'somevalue'; // this value is not added.
res.redirect(307, '');
Is it possible to modify the body and forward it to the redirect url?
Thank you for the help.
//Use query instead of body
const url = require('url')'/',(req,res)=>
query: {
"email": //assigning a value from the body
"theMissingValue" : "some-value" //manually assigning a value
console.log(req.query.theMissingValue); //prints "some-value"

Variable route/url param connected to Mongodb

Thanks for reading my question!
I'm making a chat-app where people can chat with each other who are born at the same date.
So the question is,
How do I change the route with an additional birthdate which is changing with every different user with different birthdates?
I already can signup/login and save the birthdate for every user.
So I need to take the birthdate from the mongoDB to put it in the url so nobody gets directed to the wrong chat.
router.get("/", chatController.getAll);
app.use('/api/v1/chat', passport.authenticate('jwt', { session: false }), apiChatRouter);
const getAll = (req,res)=>{
fetch('http://localhost:3000/api/v1/chat/', {
//nodige headers meegeven met localstorage
'Authorization': 'Bearer ' + localStorage.getItem('token')
}).then(result => {
return result.json();
}).then(json =>{
}).catch(err =>{
If you want to check the rest of the code:
You can use express path param please check the below example
To redirect user to other path you can user
to get param from url
app.get('/api/v1/chat/:bd', function (req, res) {
// http://localhost:xx/api/v1/chat/1990-03-29
req.params // eqal { "bd": "1990-03-29" }
Please check routing and redirect
