Error UnityEngine.XR.WSA.Input.InteractionManager::GetCurrentReading_Internal - vuforia

I am working to create a Hololens application using Vuforia for the Tracking system and MRTK for the interaction with the objects. The problem comes when mounting the solution in Visual Studio, I can not run because I get the following error. specifically a breakpoint in int32_t retVal = _il2cpp_icall_func (___ sourceStates0);
If I work separately, in principle I have no problems. but when I put them together, I get this error.
// System.Int32 UnityEngine.XR.WSA.Input.InteractionManager::GetCurrentReading_Internal(UnityEngine.XR.WSA.Input.InteractionSourceState[])
extern "C" IL2CPP_METHOD_ATTR int32_t InteractionManager_GetCurrentReading_Internal_m48B784A597B956AF326A4DCB9C00F2AACF4C62A7 (InteractionSourceStateU5BU5D_tB8FF9D808295324B506769A009A5BD2C5CD671EA* ___sourceStates0, const RuntimeMethod* method)
typedef int32_t (*InteractionManager_GetCurrentReading_Internal_m48B784A597B956AF326A4DCB9C00F2AACF4C62A7_ftn) (InteractionSourceStateU5BU5D_tB8FF9D808295324B506769A009A5BD2C5CD671EA*);
static InteractionManager_GetCurrentReading_Internal_m48B784A597B956AF326A4DCB9C00F2AACF4C62A7_ftn _il2cpp_icall_func;
if (!_il2cpp_icall_func)
_il2cpp_icall_func = (InteractionManager_GetCurrentReading_Internal_m48B784A597B956AF326A4DCB9C00F2AACF4C62A7_ftn)il2cpp_codegen_resolve_icall ("UnityEngine.XR.WSA.Input.InteractionManager::GetCurrentReading_Internal(UnityEngine.XR.WSA.Input.InteractionSourceState[])");
int32_t retVal = _il2cpp_icall_func(___sourceStates0);
return retVal;

What version of Unity, MRTK and Vuforia are you using? This is an error inside of Unity and knowing the specific versions may help identify the issue?


Why will MFC not load a bitmap resource in single modual (.cpp) VS PROJECT?

I have code that was first developed with Visual C++ Version 1.52 (working and self taught). I am now trying to convert it to a Visual Studio project. It is a single module project written with MFC. I used the 'project from existing code' option to generate the project which executes just fine but for loading bitmap resources. I tested the same relevant code (LoadBitmap and LoadImage) in MFC multi-module projects code and they work just fine. I am able to load bitmap files directly from disk. If I delete the bitmap files from the project there is 22k less size of the code. The total bitmap file size is 18k. The only error message that I get is '_WIN32_WINNT not defined. Defaulting to _WIN32_WINNT_MAXVER (see WinSDKVer.h)'. I am assuming that the default is adequate. At this point I am thinking that it is a link properties issue because of MFC, but I don't know what that might be. Any ideas? Thank you.
class CMainWindow : public CFrameWnd
//{{AFX_MSG( CMainWindow )
afx_msg void OnPaint();
afx_msg void OnDestroy();
afx_msg void OnLButtonDown(UINT nFlags, CPoint point);
BOOL flag;
BOOL game, turn;
CWnd tictic1, tictic2, tictic3, tictic4, tictic5, tictic6, tictic7, tictic8, tictic9;
CRect RCT;
int id, count;
CBitmap O, X;
Create(NULL, "Tic Tac Toe\0",
flag = TRUE;
id = 0;
If I transplant the relevant code into VS generated MFC documents it works. The only difference is that all of my code is original Visual C++ Version 1.52 MFC code, in a single .cpp document but all the rest of the code seems to work fine.
Uh, when I has collecting observations for this query, I deleted the two relevant bitmap files from the resources in order the report the difference in file size. After I added them back in, the functions then work properly. I think that what I had originally done was when first importing the new resources, I tried selecting the two as a group and when they displayed right, in the resource file, I assumed that it had worked. It apparently didn't. Duh!
Uh, development; after cleaning up my code, I rebuilt it and it wouldn't load bitmap resources. I deleted the resources then installed them again and the program has worked since. So you tell me. I think that it's serendipitous. Duh!

Can't release the ID3DX11Effect pointer?

I use Effect framework in my demo.
here are my defination in header file
ID3D11Buffer* m_pVertexBuffer;
ID3D11Buffer* m_pIndexBuffer;
ID3D11InputLayout* m_pInputLayout;
ID3DX11Effect* m_pFx;
ID3DX11EffectTechnique* m_pTechnique;
ID3DX11EffectMatrixVariable* m_pFxWorldViewProj;
I release them as follow
void HillsDemo::UnLoadContent()
if (m_pVertexBuffer) m_pVertexBuffer->Release();
if (m_pIndexBuffer) m_pIndexBuffer->Release();
if (m_pInputLayout) m_pInputLayout->Release();
if (m_pTechnique) m_pTechnique->Release();
if (m_pFx) m_pFx->Release();
then I run the demo,when I close the demo window, there is an error which means HillsDemo has stopped working.Why?Then I delete the lineif (m_pFx) m_pFx->Release();,there is no error. So is releasing the m_pFx make the error?
I view the documents of Effect11, there are on the document:
The following types are now derived from IUnknown: ID3DX11EffectType, ID3DX11EffectVariable, I3DX11EffectPass, ID3DX11EffectTechnique, ID3DX11EffectGroup. Note that these objects do not follow standard COM reference-counting rules and they are released when the parent ID3DX11Effect is released. This is mostly to simplify use of Effects 11 from managed languages.
Does it means that I should only release the m_pFx rather than release both m_pFx and m_pTechnique? Any ideas?
I assume you are using the latest version of Effects 11 from GitHub rather than the legacy DirectX SDK copy based on your reference to the project wiki.
You should really look at using ComPtr instead of raw pointers to COM objects. In the case of Effects 11, you'd just use them for ID3DX11Effect instances. You should stick with 'raw pointers' for ID3DX11EffectType, ID3DX11EffectVariable, I3DX11EffectPass, ID3DX11EffectTechnique, and ID3DX11EffectGroup. Don't bother calling Release on these raw pointers as the lifetime controlled by the ID3DX11Effect.
Something like:
Microsoft::WRL::ComPtr<ID3D11Buffer> m_pVertexBuffer;
Microsoft::WRL::ComPtr<ID3D11Buffer> m_pIndexBuffer;
Microsoft::WRL::ComPtr<ID3D11InputLayout> m_pInputLayout;
Microsoft::WRL::ComPtr<ID3DX11Effect> m_pFx;
ID3DX11EffectTechnique* m_pTechnique;
ID3DX11EffectMatrixVariable* m_pFxWorldViewProj;
void HillsDemo::UnLoadContent()
m_pTechnique = nullptr;
pFxWorldViewProj = nullptr;

Why cannot I use CString as return types or parameters in a MFC DLL made for windows CE?

I have got a library which was made for a desktop windows project. It is done in MFC VC++ by somebody else, and it works correctly. I will use one particular function from the library as an example for explaining the situation.
The example function goes like this:
CString GetFulPath(); // .h file
In the cpp file,
CString CwFolderBrowser::GetFullPath()
CString path;
LPTSTR fullPath=path.GetBuffer(MAX_PATH);
::SHGetPathFromIDList(this->M_pIDLIST, fullPath); //ITEMIDLISTからパスを得る
return path;
Now, I can include this library in my project and do something like:
CwFolderBrowser cFolderBrowser;
if(cFolderBrowser.ShowDialog() == TRUE)
cPath = cFolderBrowser.GetFullPath();
This will show a folder browser dialog and let me choose a folder. It works fine on desktop windows.
Currently, I am working on Windows CE device. We have converted the library for use with Windows CE by removing unsupported functions and stuff. The library compiles and builds correctly without errors.
Next, I create an MFC Smart Device project, include the converted library, its h file and lib files and set the proper directories for dlls. The project builds fine. I can #include the library's h file properly too.
The problem arises as soon as I call the GetFullPath function:
cPath = cFolderBrowser.GetFullPath();
It gives me an unresolved external link error! The Intellisense does show this function in its list and I can choose it and everything. But in vain.
Strangely, If I modify the library and change GetFullPath()'s signature as below,
LPCTSTR GetFulPath(); // .h file LPCTSTR instead of CString
In the cpp file,
LPCTSTR CwFolderBrowser::GetFullPath() // Return type changed to LPCTSTR
{ // instead of CString
... // Body modified accordingly
then, the unresolved external Link error disappears and it works!
I am stumped about this strange behaviour, because, I can use CString normally in the MFC Smart Device project and there are no errors. The link error shows up only when I try to call functions from the library (and other such libraries) dll. At the same time, BOOL, int etc. seems to have no problems as function return types.
Ofcourse, I can go through each library and change every instanceof a CString return to LPCTSTR, but that would be a very big change. I would like to know why CString works fine in project as well as dll when on desktop, while, on Win CE, it works in the project but not i the DLL (At the same time, the DLL itself compiles fine without errors wether it uses CString or LPCTSTR!).
So, basically, I would like to keep the function CString if possible, and would like to know the reason why this happens. The exact same error also happenes in other libraries too.
Any help is appreciated. Thank you.
I saw a page on ATL & MFC 7.0 which said about using the /Zc:wchat_t option. I have checked the Dll project as well as my application. Both use the same option of 'Treat wchar_t as Built-in type' as Yes. So, that option matches up.
Further, as I mentioned above, changing the function return to LPCTSTR works. The error disappears. Everything is going fine until I convert the returned LPCTSTR back to CString. The CString turns out as empty/Null. This happens both inside the dll code itself, as well as in my application code too.
Thanks to Michael and Cody, I changed the function to LPCTSTR and made sure that the values were not going out of scope before I could use them like they suggested. Now the empty/Null problem is solved and I can get the path values properly.
The problem that remains is that I have to convert all the CString functions to LPCTSTR, which is not exactly feasible. I would like to keep the functions as CString.
This is a classic problem and has been asked often here on SO.
This cannot work:
LPCTSTR CwFolderBrowser::GetFullPath()
CString path;
LPTSTR fullPath=path.GetBuffer(MAX_PATH);
::SHGetPathFromIDList(this->M_pIDLIST, fullPath);
return (LPCTSTR)path; // << here you return a pointer to the zero
// terminated string in the path object,
} // but path will be deleted as soon as it goes
// out of scope
Maybe in some cases the function appears to work because the memory of the deleted CString object has not yet been overwritten.
You should do this (no error treatment here for simplicity):
LPCTSTR CwFolderBrowser::GetFullPath(TCHAR *pathbuffer)
::SHGetPathFromIDList(this->M_pIDLIST, pathbuffer);
return (LPCTSTR)pathbuffer;
// call like this
TCHAR pathbuffer[MAX_PATH];

C++/CLI and GetLastError

I have created a C++ Test Project for my C++ library in Visual Studio 2010. The test project uses C++/CLI (/clr set) and I am having problems retrieving the last error set by my library functions; GetLastError always returns zero.
In the example below I want to test that the correct return value and last error is set by my Write function:
void Write_InvalidHandle_Error()
char buffer[] = "Hello";
DWORD actual = -1;
int actualRetVal = 0;
int expectedRetVal = -1;
actualRetVal = Write(handle, buffer);
actual = GetLastError();
Assert::AreEqual(expectedRetVal, actualRetVal);
Assert::AreEqual(expected, actual);
I have checked my Write function and it does set the correct return value and last error but the latter is not retrieved in my test method. Even when I change the Write function to just set the error and return the problem occurs (and I call no other function before calling GetLastError in my test method):
int Write(HANDLE h, const char* buf)
return -1;
Any idea how I can fix this? I assume there is a problem with C++/CLI because when I use my library outside of this testing scenario (pure C++) GetLastError works.
Relying on GetLastError()/SetLastError() across the managed/unmanaged boundary is problematic.
When using P/Invoke and the DllImport attribute you can (must) set the SetLastError property to get access to the native error code on the managed side.
When using C++/CLI, however, the compiler handles all marshalling for you, and explicitly does not set that flag.
You can read some more details about it in this blog post. The gist of it is:
If you use DllImport explicitly in C++, the same rules apply as with
C#. But when you call unmanaged APIs directly from managed C++ code,
neither GetLastError nor Marshal.GetLastWin32Error will work reliably.
This is also covered at length in Chapter 9 of "Expert Visual C++/CLI" by Marcus Heege which is available on Google Books:
As mentioned before, for these native local functions, C++/CLI
automatically generates P/Invoke metadata without the lasterror flag,
because it is very uncommon to use the GetLastError value to
communicate error codes within a project. However, the MSDN
documentation on GetLastError allows you to use SetLastError and
GetLastError for your own functions. Therefore, this optimization can
theoretically cause wrong GetLastError values.
Basically, don't do it!
I would recommend to use (native) C++ exceptions to communicate errors between managed and unmanaged code. C++/CLI supports these very nicely. If you can't modify your Write() function directly, you could create a wrapper function on the unmanaged side which uses GetLastError() and then throws an exception if necessary.

Make a Simple wxWidgets Program Without Memory Leaks

I'm trying to make a basic wxWidgets program that doesn't leak any memory (I'm developing on Windows 7 and am using Visual Studio 2010 and trying to use CRT to check for leaks).
I started from the OpenGL sample and gradually worked it down. After adding CRT calls to the OnExit method of my wxApp object (the only place I ever even saw it mentioned), I realized that memory was being leaked everywhere.
I gradually worked it down more until I created this sample code, which makes CRT spit out a huge load of leaks:
#include <wx/glcanvas.h>
#include <wx/wxprec.h>
#ifndef WX_PRECOMP
#include <wx/wx.h>
#ifdef __WXMSW__
#include <wx/msw/msvcrt.h>
#if !defined(_INC_CRTDBG)// || !defined(_CRTDBG_MAP_ALLOC)
#error "Debug CRT functions have not been included!"
class App : public wxApp {
bool OnInit(void);
int OnExit(void);
bool App::OnInit(void) {
if (!wxApp::OnInit()) return false;
return true;
int App::OnExit(void) {
return wxApp::OnExit();
int WINAPI WinMain(HINSTANCE h_instance, HINSTANCE h_prev_instance, wxCmdLineArgType cmd_line, int cmd_show) {
int leaks = _CrtDumpMemoryLeaks();
if (leaks) {
int i=0, j=6/i; //Put a breakpoint here or throw an exception
#pragma comment(lib,"wxbase29ud.lib")
#pragma comment(lib,"wxmsw29ud_gl.lib")
#pragma comment(lib,"wxmsw29ud_core.lib")
#pragma comment(lib,"wxpngd.lib")
#pragma comment(lib,"wxzlibd.lib")
#pragma comment(lib,"comctl32.lib")
#pragma comment(lib,"rpcrt4.lib")
Notice that the class App is not used anywhere. The function definitions outside the class are necessary to prevent it being optimized away. If the class App is not present, then no errors occur.
The questions are, why isn't this working? How can I make a leak free wxWidgets program? How should I use _CrtDumpMemoryLeaks()? Why aren't there resources about this--and if there are, where are they? The best I could find was this, which only suggested using CRT, but didn't actually say how. Help?
It is possible that are these are not real memory leaks. When you call _CrtDumpMemoryLeaks() it goes through the heap looking for objects that have not been freed and displays them as leaks. Since you are calling it before your application has ended then anything that has been allocated on the heap will show up as leaks.
I'm pretty sure that wxWidgets creates some global objects (for example, I know there are wxEmptyString, wxDefaultPosition and so forth and I daresay there are others that do actually perform some allocations) that will not be destroyed until after the end of your application. _CrtDumpMemoryLeaks() would need to be called after that point in order to not show false positives.
You can try to get the CRT to call _CrtDumpMemoryLeaks() automatically on program exit as explained on MSDN.
There is also a related question here that might help you.
Edit: I've tried this myself by adding the following code to the top of my App::OnInit() method and the only leaks I get shown are a 64 byte one, which matches my forced leak. So it doesn't look like all wx applications are leaky. However, I also tried it with your code and I do get leaks reported.
int tmpDbgFlag = _CrtSetDbgFlag(_CRTDBG_REPORT_FLAG);
// Force a leak
Edit 2: You need to include the following line after your App class definition so that wxWidgets uses your App class as the application object (and provides it's own WinMain). I'm guessing that whetever it does in wxApp requires this line in order to clean itself up properly:
Edit 3: I also found, in the wxWidgets page you linked to that the startup code will automatically call _CrtSetDbgFlag() for you in debug mode. So you get leak detection without having to add the code yourself. You can test this by allocating some memory and not freeing it.
