Class Object TextBox on Userform available methods - excel

I have noticed that when I create a Class Module for a Textbox and use that on my forms - by adding via VBA in the form init event - neither the Enter or Exit methods are available. Of course if I just add a textbox to the form they are.
I can get the DblClick method to work fine so my class is setup correctly and my form.init code is also ok.
When I look in the Object browser for MSForms.TextBox I see it doesn't have Enter or Exit methods and presume this is the reason.
There is no urgency for me on this because I noticed it when building my first form that uses my own classes for textbox - Fortunately for what I'm working on now - I don't actually need the Enter or Exit methods, but thought someone might know if there is a work-around because I may need them in the future and for textboxes they are very useful methods
Here is my Class Code named nxTxtV
Option Explicit
Public WithEvents oTxtV As MSForms.TextBox
Private Sub oTxtV_Enter()
' This method never fires
MsgBox "Hello World from the Enter Method"
End Sub
Private Sub oTxtV_DblClick(ByVal Cancel As MSForms.ReturnBoolean)
' This method works fine
MsgBox "Hello World from the DoubleClick Method for " & oTxtV.Value
End Sub
and here's my form initialise code
Private Sub UserForm_Initialize()
Dim xItm As Control, i As Long
Dim dItm As nxTxtV ' nxTxtV is the name of my class
For i = 1 To 5
Set xItm = Me.Controls.Add("Forms.TextBox.1", "Column" & i, True)
With xItm
.Value = "P" & i
.AutoSize = False
.Font.Size = 9
.Width = 25
.Height = 250
.TextAlign = 2 ' Centred
.SpecialEffect = 0
.BackColor = RGB(255, 128, 0)
.WordWrap = True
.Left = 200 + (i * 27)
.Top = 5
.Enabled = True
.Visible = True
End With
Set dItm = New nxTxtV ' nxTxtV is the name of my class
Set dItm.oTxtV = xItm
CodedObjs.Add dItm ' CodedObjs is declared at module level (form level) as a Collection
Next i
End Sub
In short, can I get my class to react to Enter & Exit events ?
Addendum - the CodedObjs Declaration
Public CodedObjs As New Collection


How to create _Change() Event for dynamically created TextBox in VBA UserForm?

I am trying to add _Change() event to dynamically created TextBox using classes in VBA. However there is nothing happening, when I try to run my code. Could you please point me where I am wrong?
I have got class conditionEventClass
Public WithEvents conditionEvent As MSForms.textBox
Public Property Let textBox(boxValue As MSForms.textBox)
Set conditionEvent = boxValue
End Property
Public Sub conditionEvent_Change()
MsgBox conditionEvent.Name & " changed."
End Sub
I have got following code in my module:
Sub addConditions()
Dim conditionCommand As conditionEventClass
Dim newTextBox As MSForms.textBox
Set newTextBox = commandRequestForm.MultiPage1(1).Controls.Add("Forms.TextBox.1", "conditionValue", True)
With newTextBox
.Name = "conditionValue"
.Left = 750
.height = 15
.Width = 100
.Top = 20
End With
Set conditionCommand = New conditionEventClass
conditionCommand.textBox = newTextBox
End Sub
I expect that my sub conditionEvent_Change() is going to show msgBox. But unfortunately nothing happens.
Talking about only a single Text Box, you can use the next simpler way:
1.Declare a private variable on top of the form code module (in the declarations area):
Private WithEvents myTextBox As MSForms.TextBox
Then, create the event for the above declared variable:
Private Sub myTextBox_Change()
MsgBox & " changed."
End Sub
Use your adapted code as:
Sub addConditions()
Dim newTextBox As MSForms.TextBox
Set newTextBox = commandRequestForm.MultiPage1(1).Controls.Add("Forms.TextBox.1", "myTextBox", True)
With newTextBox
.left = 10
.height = 15
.width = 100
.top = 20
End With
Set myTextBox = newTextBox
End Sub
For 1 to 3, 4 such controls you can use the simpler (above shown) way. If you need creating on the fly a lot of such controls, I can show you how to adapt your code...
Please, use the next working way using a class to be assigned to many text boxes created on the fly:
Copy the next code in a class module and name it 'clsTBox':
Option Explicit
Public WithEvents newTBox As MSForms.TextBox
Private Sub newTBox_Change()
MsgBox & " changed."
End Sub
2.Declare a Private variable on top of the form code module:
Private TBox() As New clsTBox
Use the next Sub to create three text boxes and assign the Click event to them:
Private Sub CreateThreeTB()
Dim i As Long, txtBox01 As MSForms.TextBox, leftX As Double, tWidth As Double, k As Long
leftX = 20: tWidth = 50
ReDim TBox(100) 'use here the maximum number of text boxes you intend creating
For i = 1 To 3
Set txtBox01 = Me.Controls.Add("Forms.TextBox.1", "dynTxtBox_" & i)
With txtBox01
.top = 10
.left = leftX: leftX = leftX + tWidth
.width = tWidth
.Text = "something" & i
End With
Set TBox(k).newTBox = txtBox01: k = k + 1
Next i
ReDim Preserve TBox(k - 1)
End Sub
Call the above Sub from Initialize event or from another control, play with the newly created text boxes value and see how the change event is triggered...

click event not working on programmatically / dynamically created optionbutton

I have the following code that programmatically / dynamically creates a frame and adds an option button:
Private Sub ComboBox1_Change()
Dim cb1234Frame As MsForms.Frame
Dim opbtn1 As MsForms.OptionButton
Set cb1234Frame = RT_Graph_Form.Controls.Add("Forms.Frame.1")
With cb1234Frame
.Top = 132
.Left = 12
.Height = 30
.Width = 144
.Caption = "Number of Graphs to Display"
End With
Set opbtn1 = cb1234Frame.Controls.Add("Forms.OptionButton.1")
With opbtn1
.Top = 6
.Left = 6
.Height = 18
.Width = 21.75
.Caption = "1"
End With
End Sub
But then this does not work:
Private Sub opbtn1_Click()
MsgBox "Test Successful!!"
End Sub
The problem is that event handlers need to be bound at compile-time: you cannot create an event handler for a dynamically created control.
Add a new class module to your project, call it DynamicOptionButton. The role of this class is to wrap the MSForms control and have a compile-time reference to it:
Option Explicit
Private WithEvents Wrapper As MSForms.OptionButton
Public Sub Initialize(ByVal ctrl As MSForms.OptionButton)
Set Wrapper = ctrl
End Sub
Private Sub Wrapper_Click()
MsgBox "Works!"
End Sub
Note that only a subset of the events will be available to handle: what events are available, depend on the interface you're declaring the wrapper reference with - MSForms.Control has a number of events (and properties), MSForms.OptionButton has another set: you may need to declare both interfaces (i.e. 2 wrappers for the same object) in order to access all the members.
Now in your form's declarations section, you'll need to hold a reference to all wrappers, otherwise the objects just fall out of scope and the handlers won't work. A Collection can do that:
Option Explicit
Private ControlWrappers As Collection
Private Sub UserForm_Initialize()
Set ControlWrappers = New Collection
End Sub
Private Sub CreateOptionButton()
Dim ctrl As MSForms.OptionButton
Set ctrl = Me.Controls.Add("Forms.OptionButton.1")
'set properties...
Dim wrap As DynamicOptionButton
Set wrap = New DynamicOptionButton
wrap.Initialize ctrl
ControlWrappers.Add wrap
End Sub
Be careful to never reference the form's class name in the form's own code-behind: the global-scope RT_Graph_Form identifier refers to a VBA-controlled "default instance" auto-instantiated object that may or may not be the actual form instance that's being shown. You want to add your dynamic controls to Me.Controls, not RT_Graph_Form.Controls.
Now, we can handle events of controls spawned at run-time, but there's another problem: the event handler in the DynamicOptionButton class has no reference to the form it's on!
Or does it?
Every MSForms control has a Parent property; you can get ahold of the parent UserForm by recursively going up the Parent property until the returned reference is a UserForm - and from there you can access everything that's publicly exposed.
I'm not sure it's appropriate, but I managed to do-ish it.
I'm creating the userform from thisworkbook direcly so everything is stored there. I did not need the parent property anywhere.
Option Explicit
Const FolderPath As String = "C:"
Public TESTS As New Collection
Public CONTROLWRAPPERS As New Collection
Sub gotothere()
On Error GoTo bleh
Call Shell("explorer.exe" & " " & FolderPath & "\" & ThisWorkbook.ActiveSheet.Range("C14").Value, vbNormalFocus)
Exit Sub
bleh: Call Shell("explorer.exe" & " " & FolderPath, vbNormalFocus)
End Sub
Sub ChooseFolder()
Call Createform
End Sub
Private Sub Createform()
Set TESTS = Nothing
Call listalltests
Call Module1.MakeUserForm
Dim i As Integer
For i = 1 To TESTS.Count
Call CreateCommandbuttonButton(i)
Next i
Formol.Show vbModeless
End Sub
Private Sub listalltests()
Dim objFSO As Object
Dim objFolder As Object
Dim objSubFolder As Object
Dim i As Integer
Set objFSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
Set objFolder = objFSO.GetFolder(FolderPath & "\")
i = 1
For Each objSubFolder In objFolder.subfolders
TESTS.Add objSubFolder.Name
i = i + 1
Next objSubFolder
End Sub
Private Sub CreateCommandbuttonButton(pos As Integer)
Dim ctrl As MSForms.CommandButton
Set ctrl = Formol.Controls.Add("Forms.commandbutton.1")
With ctrl
.Caption = TESTS(pos)
If (pos * 20 + 2) > 600 Then
.Left = 130
.Top = (pos - 29) * 26 + 2
.Width = 102
.Left = 12
.Top = pos * 26 + 2
.Width = 102
End If
End With
Dim wrap As DynamicOptionButton
Set wrap = New DynamicOptionButton
wrap.Initialize ctrl
End Sub
The MakeUserForm function is stored in a module and just check if there is a form named formol and if not create it with a certain width & height. it's an empty form.
The class is the exact same as the one made by mathieu except for the Wrapper_click event.

Trying to add Textboxes to a userform dynamically?

I have code inside a excel workbook that helps me create mass emails to send to users of various programs. I have a userform that pops up and the user populates all the info needed. but that only counts for one app at a time. Can someone share code with me that dynamically adds textboxes to a userform dependant on what checkboxes are ticked ?
In the first frame I have check boxes that indicate what applications are affected, second frame I have option buttons to describe what type of incident and then I would like the textboxes to appear according to what has been ticked.
Any guidance much appreciated as I think this is way too deep for me at the moment
I've reverse engineered this code it adds the boxes I want but I need to be able to populate them with cell data and then use it in the emails:
Option Explicit
Dim SpnColct As Collection
Private Sub CommandButton2_Click()
Dim cSpnEvnt As cControlEvent
Dim ctlSB As Control
Dim ctlTXT As Control
Dim lngCounter As Long
For lngCounter = 1 To 7
Set ctlTXT = Me.Frame7.Controls.Add("Forms.TextBox.1", "Text" & lngCounter)
ctlTXT.Name = "Text" & lngCounter
ctlTXT.Left = 5
ctlTXT.Height = 125: ctlTXT.Width = 280
ctlTXT.Top = (lngCounter - 1) * 125 + 2
Set cSpnEvnt = New cControlEvent
Set cSpnEvnt.SP = ctlSB
Set cSpnEvnt.TXT = ctlTXT
SpnColct.Add cSpnEvnt
Next lngCounter
Me.Frame1.ScrollHeight = (lngCounter - 1) * 17 + 2
End Sub
This added to a class module:
Option Explicit
Public WithEvents SP As MSForms.SpinButton
Public WithEvents TXT As MSForms.TextBox
Private Sub SP_SpinDown()
SP.Value = SP.Value - 1
MsgBox "Spin Down to " & SP.Value
End Sub
Private Sub SP_SpinUp()
SP.Value = SP.Value + 1
MsgBox "Spin Up to " & SP.Value
End Sub
Private Sub TXT_Change()
MsgBox "You changed the value."
End Sub
Updated This is going to be a bit of a long one - step through it see if you understand it. Have changed it to create the textboxes on the CheckBox_Click event but change to the commandbutton if you wish. Any more then this and I think you'll need to start a new question.
I've been doing something similar recently and found that the reason you're having issues is due to the order of loading objects. I unfortunately can't find the link that explains it at the moment (will update if can) but briefly to be able to achieve this you need an additional Class that does the loading of the objects, otherwise the Userform can't see them. This is the kind of solution that I came up with (using your example)
Option Explicit
Private WithEvents cControls As EventController
Private Sub cControls_Click(ctrl As CheckBoxControl)
Dim tBox As TextBoxControl
Dim i As Long
Dim NextTop As Long, FrameHeight As Long
For i = 1 To cControls.GetControls.Count
Debug.Print TypeName(cControls.GetControl(i))
If TypeName(cControls.GetControl(i)) = "TextBoxControl" Then
Set tBox = cControls.GetControl(i)
If tBox.TXT.Parent Is Me.Frame7 Then
NextTop = tBox.Top + tBox.Height
End If
End If
Next i
Set tBox = cControls.AddTextBox
With tBox
.Height = 125
.Width = 280
.Left = 5
.Top = NextTop
.TXT.Text = ctrl.cBox.Caption
FrameHeight = NextTop + .Height
End With
If FrameHeight > Me.Frame7.InsideHeight Then
With Me.Frame7
.ScrollBars = fmScrollBarsVertical
.ScrollHeight = FrameHeight
.Scroll yAction:=6
End With
End If
End Sub
Private Sub UserForm_Initialize()
Dim i As Long
Dim cBox As CheckBoxControl
Set cControls = New EventController
' This can be set to a userform or a frame
Set cControls.UserForm = Me
For i = 1 To 8
Set cBox = cControls.AddCheckBox
cBox.cBox.Left = 5
With cBox.cBox
.Top = 5 + (i - 1) * .Height
.Caption = IIf(i = 8, "App Unknown", "App " & i)
End With
Next i
End Sub
Private Sub cControls_Change(ctrl As TextBoxControl)
' This can be handled in the class instead as you were - just doing it in the userform to show the exposing of the event
MsgBox ctrl.TXT.Name & " Change"
End Sub
Private Sub cControls_SpinDown(ctrl As TextBoxControl)
' This can be handled in the class instead as you were - just doing it in the userform to show the exposing of the event
With ctrl.SP
If .Value >0 Then
.Value = .Value - 1
End If
End With
MsgBox ctrl.SP.Name & " Spin Down"
End Sub
Private Sub cControls_SpinUp(ctrl As TextBoxControl)
' This can be handled in the class instead as you were - just doing it in the userform to show the exposing of the event
With ctrl.SP
.Value = .Value + 1
End With
MsgBox ctrl.SP.Name & " Spin Up"
End Sub
Classes - These need to be named as in bold
Option Explicit
Private CtrlCollection As Collection
Private cUserForm As UserForm1
Public Event SpinDown(ctrl As TextBoxControl)
Public Event SpinUp(ctrl As TextBoxControl)
Public Event Change(ctrl As TextBoxControl)
Public Event Click(ctrl As CheckBoxControl)
Public Property Set UserForm(v As UserForm1)
Set cUserForm = v
End Property
Public Property Get UserForm() As UserForm1
Set UserForm = cUserForm
End Property
Public Function AddTextBox() As TextBoxControl
Dim tBox As TextBoxControl
Set tBox = New TextBoxControl
tBox.Initialize Me
CtrlCollection.Add tBox
Set AddTextBox = tBox
End Function
Public Function AddCheckBox() As CheckBoxControl
Dim cBox As New CheckBoxControl
cBox.Initalize Me
CtrlCollection.Add cBox
Set AddCheckBox = cBox
End Function
Public Function GetControl(Index As Long)
Set GetControl = CtrlCollection(Index)
End Function
Public Function GetControls() As Collection
Set GetControls = CtrlCollection
End Function
Private Sub Class_Initialize()
Set CtrlCollection = New Collection
End Sub
Public Sub SpinDown(ctrl As TextBoxControl)
RaiseEvent SpinDown(ctrl)
End Sub
Public Sub SpinUp(ctrl As TextBoxControl)
RaiseEvent SpinUp(ctrl)
End Sub
Public Sub Change(ctrl As TextBoxControl)
RaiseEvent Change(ctrl)
End Sub
Public Sub Click(ctrl As CheckBoxControl)
RaiseEvent Click(ctrl)
End Sub
Option Explicit
Public WithEvents cBox As MSForms.CheckBox
Private cParent As EventController
Public Property Set Parent(v As EventController)
Set cParent = v
End Property
Public Property Get Parent() As EventController
Set Parent = cParent
End Property
Public Sub Initalize(Parent As EventController)
Set Me.Parent = Parent
Set cBox = Parent.UserForm.Frame1.Controls.Add("Forms.CheckBox.1")
End Sub
Private Sub cBox_Click()
Parent.Click Me
End Sub
Option Explicit
Public WithEvents SP As MSForms.SpinButton
Public WithEvents TXT As MSForms.TextBox
Private cParent As EventController
Public Sub Initialize(Parent As EventController)
Set Me.Parent = Parent
With Parent.UserForm.Frame7.Controls
Set SP = .Add("Forms.SpinButton.1")
Set TXT = .Add("Forms.TextBox.1")
End With
End Sub
Public Property Set Parent(v As EventController)
Set cParent = v
End Property
Public Property Get Parent() As EventController
Set Parent = cParent
End Property
Public Property Let Left(v As Single)
TXT.Left = v
SP.Left = TXT.Left + TXT.Width
End Property
Public Property Get Left() As Single
Left = TXT.Left
End Property
Public Property Let Top(v As Single)
TXT.Top = v
SP.Top = v
End Property
Public Property Get Top() As Single
Top = TXT.Top
End Property
Public Property Let Height(v As Single)
TXT.Height = v
SP.Height = v
End Property
Public Property Get Height() As Single
Height = TXT.Height
End Property
Public Property Let Width(v As Single)
TXT.Width = v - SP.Width
SP.Left = TXT.Left + TXT.Width
End Property
Public Property Get Width() As Single
Width = TXT.Width + SP.Width
End Property
Public Sub SP_SpinDown()
Parent.SpinDown Me
' SP.Value = SP.Value - 1
' MsgBox "Spin Down to " & SP.Value
End Sub
' The commented out lines below you can either leave in here, or handle in the Userform
Public Sub SP_SpinUp()
Parent.SpinUp Me
' SP.Value = SP.Value + 1
' MsgBox "Spin Up to " & SP.Value
End Sub
Public Sub TXT_Change()
Parent.Change Me
' MsgBox "You changed the value."
End Sub
The issue is stemmed from that when the Userform is loaded the controls aren't loaded and therefore the Userform hasn't registered that they're something that has an Event. By using the intermediary class the Userform recognises that that class has an Event and we load this statically on initialize of the Userform. We can then add in whatever Controls we want to this Class and the Userform will handle them.

TextBox ClassModule - Change backgroundcolor only on a real value change

I have a Userform with multiple Controls (Textbox). Those Textboxes will be populated by selecting a ListBox item.
When initializing the UserForm those TextBoxes will be assigned to a specific Class which handles them.
I want VBA to change the background color of those textboxes only when a real change of the value was performed. What I have is that the BackgroundColor is always changed as soon as a change was performed, but that's not what I want.
Example #1:
Textbox value before change: "test"
Textbox value after change: "test2"
--> BackgroundColor should be changed
Example #2:
Textbox value before change: "test"
Textbox value after change: "test bla" but then I am typing "test" again.
--> BackgroundColor should not be changed, because initial Value is in the TextBox again.
What I have so far:
' **************************************************************
' Module: clsTextbox Typ = Class Module
' **************************************************************
Public WithEvents mTextBoxs As MSForms.TextBox
Private Sub mTextBoxs_Change()
If mTextBoxs.Text = strInitialVal Then
mTextBoxs.BackColor = RGB(255, 255, 153)
End If
End Sub
Public Sub Reset_BackColor()
mTextBoxs.BackColor = RGB(255, 255, 255)
End Sub
' **************************************************************
' Module: frmEmployee Type = Userform
' **************************************************************
Dim arrLabels() As New clsLabel, UBoundarrLabels As Integer
Dim arrTextBoxs() As New clsTextbox, UBoundarrTextBoxs As Integer
Private Sub UserForm_Initialize()
Dim Ctrl As Control, obLabel As MSForms.Label, obTextbox As MSForms.TextBox
tblName = "tblMitarbeiter"
Set wb = ThisWorkbook
Set ws = wb.Sheets("Mitarbeiter")
i = 0
For Each Ctrl In Me.Controls
If Left(Ctrl.Name, 7) = "TextBox" Then
i = i + 1
ReDim Preserve arrTextBoxs(i)
Set obTextbox = Me.Controls("TextBox" & i)
Set arrTextBoxs(i).mTextBoxs = obTextbox
End If
Next Ctrl
' Fill Listbox1 with values (Vorname & Nachname) from Table [tblMitarbeiter]
Dim lngLastRow As Long: lngLastRow = getListLastRow(ws, tblName)
Dim vArrListBox1() As Variant
ReDim vArrListBox1(0 To lngLastRow - 1, 0 To 2)
For j = 1 To lngLastRow
vArrListBox1(j - 1, 0) = ws.ListObjects("tblMitarbeiter").DataBodyRange(j, 1).Value
vArrListBox1(j - 1, 1) = ws.ListObjects("tblMitarbeiter").DataBodyRange(j, 2).Value
vArrListBox1(j - 1, 2) = ws.ListObjects("tblMitarbeiter").DataBodyRange(j, 3).Value
Next j
For t = 1 To 4
Me.Controls("TextBox" & t) = vArrEmployee(t - 1)
Next t
strInitialVal = Me.Controls("TextBox2")
End Sub
My thoughts are:
As you can see I tried to declare a public variable (strInitialVal) in a Module which gets the initial value of a textbox (e.g. TextBox2) and when performing the mTextBoxs_Change() Event it checks whether the strInitialVal is the same as the value in the Textbox and so on.
--> this works, but only for a 1:1 relation of the variable and a textbox.
How can I manage to load all textbox values into an Array? and Check the values in the TextBox Class afterwards.
If you need more information please let me know. I hope I did not violate any SO-rules.
You could use collections to hold your textboxes.
After option explicit, declare these collections
Private ColTxtBox As New Collection
Then when dynamically creating textboxes, here is one example:
`'Create Unit size; textbox
Set TxtBox = New DynamicTxtbox
TxtBox.Row = FormRows
TxtBox.Column = A_Deliv.F_UnitSize
Call TxtBox.InitText(frm_delivery.Frame1, "txtbox" & TxtBox.Row) 'this is the
ColTxtBox.Add TxtBox`
However, if you already created all textboxes on your form and they are fixed, it is sufficient to run through all controls and add these to your collection (if it's a textbox!). Then in your textbox class, you can easily loop through all your texboxes - and access their current values with something like
`Private Sub mTextBoxs_Change()
For Each TxtBox In ColTxtBox
If InStr(Me.Value,TxtBox.Value) > 0 Then
mTextBoxs.BackColor = RGB(255, 255, 153)
End If
Next TxtBox
EndS Sub`

Handle many ComboBox_Change Event

Well I'm also new in VBA programming. I'm creating a form which helps me to do quotations, and then there is a part of my form that shows items I've already registered, like this:
My Form with ComboBoxes
So the purpose of those ComboBoxes is to change or delete the correponding item according with the option I choose, and I would have a lot of them in my UserForm, making it hard to create many ComboBox event programs (like ComboBox1_Change, ComboBox2_Change, ... ComboBox50_Change). And then, the main question is: how could I do it in VBA without loosing a lot of time making the same code for different objects? I would like to create just one code for all ComboBoxes.
I understand that I can do in this way below, but I'm sure that it has a better way to do.
Sub ComboBox1_Change()
Call myCode
End Sub
Sub ComboBox2_Change()
Call myCode
End Sub
Sub ComboBox50_Change()
Call MyCode
End Sub
Sub myCode()
For i=1 to 50
If Controls("ComboBox" & i).Value = "Change" Then
Call MySecondCode
End If
Next i
End Sub
I spent about 30 minutes searching about this question, but I didn't find anything good for me. I hope you guys understood my question. Thanks in advance.
Axel Richter, as I said in comments, I'm having problem in this:
Private Function isNOKTest()
If prod1.Value = "" Or _
prod2.Value = "" Or _
tecido.Value = "" Or _
tamanhos.Value = "" Or _
unitario.Value = "" Or _
quantidade.Value = "" Then
isNOKTest = True
End If
End Function
Private myCBsWithEvents As Collection
Private Sub UserForm_Initialize()
Set myCBsWithEvents = New Collection
For Each c In Me.Controls
If Left(c.Name, 8) = "ComboBox" Then
c.AddItem "CHANGE"
c.AddItem "DELETE"
Set myCBWithEvents = New clsCBWithEvents
Set myCBWithEvents.myCB = c
myCBsWithEvents.Add myCBWithEvents
End If
End Sub
'datatext.Value = Format(Now, "dd/mm/yyyy")
'bordadoqty.Value = 1
'estampaqty.Value = 1
'Itemlab.Caption = 1
When any code is added to the project, the event in class module doesn't work, apparently isn't linked with "Events", but I don't know what happened.
This can be achieved using a class module which handles the events.
Insert a class module in your project. Name it clsCBWithEvents. In this class module have the following code:
Public WithEvents myCB As ComboBox
Private Sub myCB_Change()
If Me.myCB.Value = "Change" Then
MsgBox Me.myCB.Name & " has changed to ""Change"""
ElseIf Me.myCB.Value = "Delete" Then
MsgBox Me.myCB.Name & " has changed to ""Delete"""
End If
End Sub
In your user form have the following code:
Private myCBsWithEvents As Collection
Private Sub UserForm_Initialize()
Set myCBsWithEvents = New Collection
For Each c In Me.Controls
If TypeName(c) = "ComboBox" Then
c.AddItem "Change"
c.AddItem "Delete"
Set myCBWithEvents = New clsCBWithEvents
Set myCBWithEvents.myCB = c
myCBsWithEvents.Add myCBWithEvents
End If
End Sub
Now every ComboBox in this user form will use this event handling.
