Mongo Query, Find whether a string is present in an array - node.js

Person = { name: string}
const names = {John, Mark, Fady}
how to make a find query to get all the persons that their names are in the array?
i could make a loop over the array and make a find query for every element but this will not be efficient since it will make N find queries.

db.collection.find( { name: { $in: ['John', 'Mark', 'Fady' ] } } )


Storing and querying JSON arrays in Redisjson with nodejs

What I was hoping to do was store an array of objects using RedisJSON very simply and then query that array.
I have something similar to this:
const data = [
_id: '63e7d1d85ad7e2f69df8ed6e',
artist: {
genre: 'rock',
_id: '63e7d1d85ad7e2f69df8ed6f',
artist: {
genre: 'metal',
_id: '63e7d1d85ad7e2f69df8ed6g',
artist: {
genre: 'rock',
then I can easily store and retrieve this:
await redisClient.json.set(cacheKey, '$', data)
await redisClient.json.get(cacheKey)
works great. but now I want to also query this data, I've tried creating an index as below:
await redisClient.ft.create(
'$.[0].artist.genre': {
type: SchemaFieldTypes.TEXT,
AS: 'genre',
and when I try and search this index what I expect is it to return the 2 documents with the correct search filter, but instead it always returns the entire array:
const searchResult = await`idx:gigs`, '#genre:(rock)')
total: 1,
documents: [
{ id: 'cacheKey', value: [Array] }
I can't quite work out at which level I'm getting this wrong, but any help would be greatly appreciated.
Is it possible to store an array of objects and then search the nested objects for nested values with RedisJSON?
The Search capability in Redis stack treats each key containing a JSON document as a separate search index entry. I think what you are doing is perhaps storing your whole array of documents in a single Redis key, which means any matches will return the document at that key which contains all of your data.
I would suggest that you store each object in your data array as its own key in Redis. Make sure that these will be indexed by using the GIGS prefix in the key name, for example GIGS:63e7d1d85ad7e2f69df8ed6e and GIGS:63e7d1d85ad7e2f69df8ed6f.
You'd want to change your index definition to account for each document being an object too so it would look something like this:
await redisClient.ft.create(
'$.artist.genre': {
type: SchemaFieldTypes.TEXT,
AS: 'genre',
Note I also updated your PREFIX to be GIGS: not GIGS - this isn't strictly necessary, but does stop your index from accidentally looking at other keys in Redis whose name begins GIGS<whatever other characters>.

How to query using an array which matches with a single element in mongodb [duplicate]

If I have this schema...
person = {
name : String,
favoriteFoods : Array
... where the favoriteFoods array is populated with strings. How can I find all persons that have "sushi" as their favorite food using mongoose?
I was hoping for something along the lines of:
PersonModel.find({ favoriteFoods : { $contains : "sushi" }, function(...) {...});
(I know that there is no $contains in mongodb, just explaining what I was expecting to find before knowing the solution)
As favouriteFoods is a simple array of strings, you can just query that field directly:
PersonModel.find({ favouriteFoods: "sushi" }, ...); // favouriteFoods contains "sushi"
But I'd also recommend making the string array explicit in your schema:
person = {
name : String,
favouriteFoods : [String]
The relevant documentation can be found here:
There is no $contains operator in mongodb.
You can use the answer from JohnnyHK as that works. The closest analogy to contains that mongo has is $in, using this your query would look like:
PersonModel.find({ favouriteFoods: { "$in" : ["sushi"]} }, ...);
I feel like $all would be more appropriate in this situation. If you are looking for person that is into sushi you do :
PersonModel.find({ favoriteFood : { $all : ["sushi"] }, ...})
As you might want to filter more your search, like so :
PersonModel.find({ favoriteFood : { $all : ["sushi", "bananas"] }, ...})
$in is like OR and $all like AND. Check this :
In case that the array contains objects for example if favouriteFoods is an array of objects of the following:
name: 'Sushi',
type: 'Japanese'
you can use the following query:
PersonModel.find({"": "Sushi"});
In case you need to find documents which contain NULL elements inside an array of sub-documents, I've found this query which works pretty well:
db.collection.find({"keyWithArray":{$elemMatch:{"$in":[null], "$exists":true}}})
This query is taken from this post: MongoDb query array with null values
It was a great find and it works much better than my own initial and wrong version (which turned out to work fine only for arrays with one element):
'MyArrayOfSubDocuments': { $not: { $size: 0 } },
'MyArrayOfSubDocuments._id': { $exists: false }
Incase of lookup_food_array is array.
match_stage["favoriteFoods"] = {'$elemMatch': {'$in': lookup_food_array}}
Incase of lookup_food_array is string.
match_stage["favoriteFoods"] = {'$elemMatch': lookup_food_string}
Though agree with find() is most effective in your usecase. Still there is $match of aggregation framework, to ease the query of a big number of entries and generate a low number of results that hold value to you especially for grouping and creating new files.
"$match": {
$and : [{ 'favouriteFoods' : { $exists: true, $in: [ 'sushi']}}, ........ ] }
{ $project : {"_id": 0, "name" : 1} }
There are some ways to achieve this. First one is by $elemMatch operator:
const docs = await Documents.find({category: { $elemMatch: {$eq: 'yourCategory'} }});
// you may need to convert 'yourCategory' to ObjectId
Second one is by $in or $all operators:
const docs = await Documents.find({category: { $in: [yourCategory] }});
const docs = await Documents.find({category: { $all: [yourCategory] }});
// you can give more categories with these two approaches
//and again you may need to convert yourCategory to ObjectId
$in is like OR and $all like AND. For further details check this link :
Third one is by aggregate() function:
const docs = await Documents.aggregate([
{ $unwind: '$category' },
{ $match: { 'category': mongoose.Types.ObjectId(yourCategory) } }
with aggregate() you get only one category id in your category array.
I get this code snippets from my projects where I had to find docs with specific category/categories, so you can easily customize it according to your needs.
For Loopback3 all the examples given did not work for me, or as fast as using REST API anyway. But it helped me to figure out the exact answer I needed.
{"where":{"arrayAttribute":{ "all" :[String]}}}
In case You are searching in an Array of objects, you can use $elemMatch. For example:
PersonModel.find({ favoriteFoods : { $elemMatch: { name: "sushiOrAnytthing" }}});
With populate & $in this code will be useful.
path: "services",
match: { zipCodes: {$in: "10400"}},
populate: [
path: "offers",
If you'd want to use something like a "contains" operator through javascript, you can always use a Regular expression for that...
Say you want to retrieve a customer having "Bartolomew" as name
async function getBartolomew() {
const custStartWith_Bart = await Customers.find({name: /^Bart/ }); // Starts with Bart
const custEndWith_lomew = await Customers.find({name: /lomew$/ }); // Ends with lomew
const custContains_rtol = await Customers.find({name: /.*rtol.*/ }); // Contains rtol
I know this topic is old, but for future people who could wonder the same question, another incredibly inefficient solution could be to do:
PersonModel.find({$where : 'this.favouriteFoods.indexOf("sushi") != -1'});
This avoids all optimisations by MongoDB so do not use in production code.

Filter, sort, limit, skip subdocument mongoose

const A = mongoose.Schema({
bs: [B.schema],
So basically i have two schemas, and one is subdocument of another.
From my datatable i get params. like filter, page limit, page, sort...
What i need to do is, to create query that will with _id from A schema get all his B schemas and always sort, limit, skip, filter with params. that i sent
I tried something like this
b = await A.find({'_id' : idA},
{ 'bs' :
{ $slice: [ offset * limit, limit ]
And it's working but i can't still figure out how to filter and sort.
So if somebody have some idea welcome to share.
P.S Sorry for bad english
What you're trying to do is not find A documents that fulfill your array criteria, but to modify the results to accommodate to your needs. You can do this with two approaches, depending on where you want the processing to be done:
1. Use MongoDB Aggregation. The processing is done in the DB.
The aggregation pipeline is a series of steps you determine that documents go through being queried and transformed.
A rough untested (and probably syntactically wrong) example would be:
{ $match: { _id: "id" }},
{ $project: {
bs: {
$filter: { input: "$bs" , as: "filteredBs" , cond: { /* conditions object */} }},
{ $slice: ["$filteredBs", offset * limit, limit ] }
/* ... */
2. Get the document by Id and process the array on your server.
Here you're just limited by javascript and its array capabilites.
const found = A.findById('id');
const bs = /* filter function */ ).slice() // ... whatever you want. = bs;
return A;

How do I query a document by a nested value in RethinkDB?

The ReThinkDB docs mention:
Documents can be filtered in a variety of ways—ranges, nested values, boolean conditions, and the results of anonymous functions.
Say I have:
name: 'Joe'
orders: [
id: 123456,
date: '2016-01-19T09:12:48.898000+00:00'
And I would like to retrieve users who have an order with id 123456 in their orders
Per the docs, I have tried using...
(long list of things cut out, now I've found the actual answer)
But I get no results.
This works too:
r.db('myapp').table('people').filter(function(person) {
return person('orders').map(function(order){
return order('id')
Got it:
return person("orders").contains(function (order) {
return order('id').eq(123456);

Mongoose find all documents where array.length is greater than 0 & sort the data

I am using mongoose to perform CRUD operation on MongoDB. This is how my schema looks.
var EmployeeSchema = new Schema({
name: String,
description: {
type: String,
default: 'No description'
departments: []
Each employee can belong to multiple department. Departments array will look like [1,2,3]. In this case departments.length = 3. If the employee does not belong to any department, the departments.length will be equal to 0.
I need to find all employee where EmployeeSchema.departments.length > 0 & if query return more than 10 records, I need to get only employees having maximum no of departments.
Is it possible to use Mongoose.find() to get the desired result?
Presuming your model is called Employee:
Employee.find({ "departments.0": { "$exists": true } },function(err,docs) {
As $exists asks for the 0 index of an array which means it has something in it.
The same applies to a maximum number:
Employee.find({ "departments.9": { "$exists": true } },function(err,docs) {
So that needs to have at least 10 entries in the array to match.
Really though you should record the length of the array and update with $inc every time something is added. Then you can do:
Employee.find({ "departmentsLength": { "$gt": 0 } },function(err,docs) {
On the "departmentsLength" property you store. That property can be indexed, which makes it much more efficient.
By some reason, selected answer doesn't work as for now. There is the $size operator.
collection.find({ field: { $size: 1 } });
Will look for arrays with length 1.
use can using $where like this:
await EmployeeSchema.find( {$where:'this.departments.length>0'} )
If anyone is looking for array length is greater than 1, you can do like below,
db.collection.find({ "arrayField.1" : { $exists: true }})
The above query will check if the array field has value at the first index, it means it has more than 1 items in the array. Note: Array index start from 0.
