SkLearn SVM - How to get multiple predictions ordered by probability? - python-3.x

I am doing some text classification.
Let's say I have 10 categories and 100 "samples", where each sample is a sentence of text. I have split my samples into 80:20 (training, testing) and trained the SVM classifier:
text_clf_svm = Pipeline([('vect', CountVectorizer(stop_words=('english'),ngram_range=(1,2))), ('tfidf', TfidfTransformer()),
('clf-svm', SGDClassifier(loss='hinge', penalty='l2', random_state=42, learning_rate='adaptive', eta0=0.9))])
# Fit training data to SVM classifier, predict with testing data and print accuracy
text_clf_svm =, training_sub_categories)
Now when it comes to predicting, I do not want just a single category to be predicted. I want to see, for example, a list of the "top 5" categories for a given unseen sample as well as their associated probabilities:
top_5_category_predictions = text_clf_svm.predict(a_single_unseen_sample)
Since text_clf_svm.predict returns a value which represents the index of the categories available, I want to see something like this as output:
Anyone know how to achieve this?

This is something I had used a while back for a similar problem:
probs = clf.predict_proba(X_test)
# Sort desc and only extract the top-n
top_n_category_predictions = np.argsort(probs)[:,:-n-1:-1]
This will give you the top n categories for each sample.
If you also want to see the probabilities corresponding to these categories, then you can do:
top_n_probs = np.sort(probs)[:,:-n-1:-1]
Note: Here X_test is of shape (n_samples, n_features). So make sure you use your single_unseen_sample in the same format.


How does TfidfVectorizer compute scores on test data

In scikit-learn TfidfVectorizer allows us to fit over training data, and later use the same vectorizer to transform over our test data.
The output of the transformation over the train data is a matrix that represents a tf-idf score for each word for a given document.
However, how does the fitted vectorizer compute the score for new inputs? I have guessed that either:
The score of a word in a new document computed by some aggregation of the scores of the same word over documents in the training set.
The new document is 'added' to the existing corpus and new scores are calculated.
I have tried deducing the operation from scikit-learn's source code but could not quite figure it out. Is it one of the options I've previously mentioned or something else entirely?
Please assist.
It is definitely the former: each word's idf (inverse document-frequency) is calculated based on the training documents only. This makes sense because these values are precisely the ones that are calculated when you call fit on your vectorizer. If the second option you describe was true, we would essentially refit a vectorizer each time, and we would also cause information leak as idf's from the test set would be used during model evaluation.
Beyond these purely conceptual explanations, you can also run the following code to convince yourself:
from sklearn.feature_extraction.text import TfidfVectorizer
vect = TfidfVectorizer()
x_train = ["We love apples", "We really love bananas"]
>>> ['apples', 'bananas', 'love', 'really', 'we']
x_test = ["We really love pears"]
vectorized = vect.transform(x_test)
>>> array([[0. , 0. , 0.50154891, 0.70490949, 0.50154891]])
Following the reasoning of how the fit methodology works, you can recalculate these tfidf values yourself:
"apples" and "bananas" obviously have a tfidf score of 0 because they do not appear in x_test. "pears", on the other hand, does not exist in x_train and so will not even appear in the vectorization. Hence, only "love", "really" and "we" will have a tfidf score.
Scikit-learn implements tfidf as log((1+n)/(1+df) + 1) * f where n is the number of documents in the training set (2 for us), df the number of documents in which the word appears in the training set only, and f the frequency count of the word in the test set. Hence:
tfidf_love = (np.log((1+2)/(1+2))+1)*1
tfidf_really = (np.log((1+2)/(1+1))+1)*1
tfidf_we = (np.log((1+2)/(1+2))+1)*1
You then need to scale these tfidf scores by the L2 distance of your document:
tfidf_non_scaled = np.array([tfidf_love,tfidf_really,tfidf_we])
tfidf_list = tfidf_non_scaled/sum(tfidf_non_scaled**2)**0.5
>>> [0.50154891 0.70490949 0.50154891]
You can see that indeed, we are getting the same values, which confirms the way scikit-learn implemented this methodology.

Multi-label Prediction with scikit-learn

I have a multilabel prediction with a scikit-learn pipeline. It is working properly in terms of internal testing and getting metrics for each of the label predictions. However, I'm having trouble getting the right structure for data output. When I run code on unseen/external data, it apparently runs through predictions for each of the labels but replaces the values in the same column. So I only get one column of predictions.
This data set involves more than 20 labels (categories), and it's part of an NLP model. Each of the labels is binarized (0 or 1). I am new and really appreciate the help. Thank you!
Here are three parts to the code: (1) pipeline, (2) for loop for test/validation data with fit/predict, and (3) attempts at coding the predict function for external data.
1) Pipeline:
SVC_pipeline = Pipeline([
TfidfVectorizer(tokenizer=LemmaTokenizer(), min_df=8)),
('clf', OneVsRestClassifier(LinearSVC(), n_jobs=6)),
2) For loop:
for category in categories:
print('processing {}'.format(category))
# train, train[category])
# test
prediction = SVC_pipeline.predict(X_test)
print('Test accuracy is
{}'.format(accuracy_score(test[category], prediction)))
3) Predict external data:
doctext = sampdf['doc_text']
pred = SVC_pipeline.predict(doctext)
Also tried this:
for category in categories:
print('... Processing {}'.format(category))
svcpredict = SVC_pipeline.predict(testthis)
np.savetxt("/Users/.../Dropbox/.../svcpredicts.csv", svcpredict)
I also tried other a few other variations, but they all had the same result. The metrics ran through all labels and gave me varying metrics for each category. But the output only gave me one column of predictions.

Default value in Svm prediction Scikitlearn

I am using scikitlearn for svm classification.
I need a classifier that returns default value when a given test item doesn't match any of the training-set items, i.e. when the distance is very high. Is that possible?
For Example
Let's say my training-set is
X= [[0.5,0.5,2],[4, 4,16],[16, 16,64]]
and labels
then I run training
clf = svm.SVC(), y)
then I run prediction
Now as we can see the test-item [-100,-100,-200] is too far away from any of the training-items, in this case the prediction will yield [2] which is this item [16, 16,64], is there anyway to make it return anything else (not from training-set)?
I think you can create a label for those big values, and added into your training set.
X= [[0.5,0.5,2],[4, 4,16],[16, 16,64],[-100,-100,200]]
and give a try.
Since SVM is supervised learning, which means the 'OUTPUT' have to be specified. If you are not certain about the 'OUTPUT', do some non supervised clustering (kmeans for example), and have a rough idea how many possible 'OUTPUT' you will expect.

How to apply random forest properly?

I am new to machine learning and python. Now I am trying to apply random forest to predict binary results of a target. In my data I have 24 predictors (1000 observations) where one of them is categorical(gender) and all the others numerical. Among numerical ones, there are two types of values which are volume of money in euros (very skewed and scaled) and numbers (number of transactions from an atm). I have transformed the big scale features and did the imputation. Last, I have checked correlation and collinearity and based on that removed some features (as a result I had 24 features.) Now when I implement RF it is always perfect in the training set while the ratios not so good according to crossvalidation. And even applying it in the test set it gives very very low recall values. How should I remedy this?
def classification_model(model, data, predictors, outcome):
# Fit the model:[predictors], data[outcome])
# Make predictions on training set:
predictions = model.predict(data[predictors])
# Print accuracy
accuracy = metrics.accuracy_score(predictions, data[outcome])
print("Accuracy : %s" % "{0:.3%}".format(accuracy))
# Perform k-fold cross-validation with 5 folds
kf = KFold(data.shape[0], n_folds=5)
error = []
for train, test in kf:
# Filter training data
train_predictors = (data[predictors].iloc[train, :])
# The target we're using to train the algorithm.
train_target = data[outcome].iloc[train]
# Training the algorithm using the predictors and target., train_target)
# Record error from each cross-validation run
error.append(model.score(data[predictors].iloc[test, :], data[outcome].iloc[test]))
print("Cross-Validation Score : %s" % "{0:.3%}".format(np.mean(error)))
# Fit the model again so that it can be refered outside the function:[predictors], data[outcome])
outcome_var = 'Sold'
model = RandomForestClassifier(n_estimators=20)
predictor_var = train.drop('Sold', axis=1).columns.values
#Create a series with feature importances:
featimp = pd.Series(model.feature_importances_, index=predictor_var).sort_values(ascending=False)
outcome_var = 'Sold'
model = RandomForestClassifier(n_estimators=20, max_depth=20, oob_score = True)
predictor_var = ['fet1','fet2','fet3','fet4']
In Random Forest it is very easy to overfit. To resolve this you need to do parameter search a little more rigorously to know the best parameter to use. [Here](
) is the link on how to do this: (from the scikit doc).
It is overfitting and you need to search for the best parameter that will work work on the model. The link provides implementation for Grid and Randomized search for hyper parameter estimation.
And it will also be fun to go through this MIT Artificial Intelligence lecture to get get deep theoretical orientation:
Hope this helps!

scikit-learn: Is there a way to provide an object as an input to predict function of a classifier?

I am planning to use an SGDClassifier in production. The idea is to train the classifier on some training data, use cPickle to dump it to a .pkl file and reuse it later in a script. However, there are certain high cardinality fields which are categorical in nature and translated to one hot matrix representation which creates around 5000 features. Now the input that I get for the predict will only have one of these features and rest all will be zeroes. It will also include ofcourse the other numerical features apart from this. From the docs, it appears that the predict function expects an array of array as input. Is there any way I can transform my input to the format expected by the predict function without having to store the fields everytime I train the model ?
So, let us say my input contains 3 fields:
rate: 10, // numeric
flagged: 0, //binary
host: '' // keeping this categorical
host can have around 5000 different values. Now I loaded the file to a pandas dataframe, used the get_dummies function to transform the host field to around 5000 new fields which are binary fields.
Then I trained by model and stored it using cPickle.
Now, when I need to use the predict function, for the input, I only have 3 fields (shown above). However, as per my understanding the predict endpoint will expect an array of vectors and each vector is supposed to have those 5000 fields.
For the entry that I need to predict, I know only one field for that entry which will be the value of host itself.
For example, if my input is
rate: 5,
flagged: 1
host: ''
I know that the fields expected by the predict should be:
rate: 5,
flagged: 1
new_host: 1
But if I translate it to vector format, I don't know which index to place the new_host field. Also, I don't know in advance what other hosts are (unless I store it somewhere during the training phase)
I hope I am making some sense. Let me know if I am doing it the wrong way.
I don't know which index to place the new_host field
A good approach that has worked for me is to build a pipeline which you then use for training and prediction. This way you do not have to concern yourself with the column index of whatever output is produced by your transformation:
# in training
pipl = Pipeline(steps=[('binarizer', LabelBinarizer(),
('clf', SGDClassifier())])
model = pipl.train(X, Y)
pickle.dump(mf, model)
# in production
model = pickle.load(mf)
y = model.predict(X)
As X, Y inputs you need to pass an array-like object. Make sure the input is the same structure for both training and test, e.g.
X = [[data.get('rate'), data.get('flagged'), data.get('host')]]
Y = [[y-cols]] # your example doesn't specify what is Y in your data
More flexible: Pandas DataFrame + Pipeline
What also works nicely is to use a Pandas DataFrame in combination with sklearn-pandas as it allows you to use different transformations on different column names. E.g.
df = pd.DataFrame.from_dict(data)
mapper = DataFrameMapper([
('host', sklearn.preprocessing.LabelBinarizer()),
('rate', sklearn.preprocessing.StandardScaler())
pipl = Pipeline(steps=[('mapper', mapper),
('clf', SGDClassifier())])
X = df[x-cols]
y = df[y-col(s)]
Note that x-cols and y-col(s) are the list of the feature and target columns respectively.
You should use a scikit-learn transformer instead of get_dummies. In this case, LabelBinarizer makes sense. Seeing as LabelBinarizer doesn't work in a pipeline, this is one way to do what you want:
binarizer = LabelBinarizer()
# fitting LabelBinarizer means it remembers all the columns it's seen
one_hot_data = binarizer.fit_transform(X_train[:, categorical_col])
# replace string column with one-hot representation
X_train = np.concatenate([np.delete(X_train, categorical_col, axis=1),
one_hot_data], axis=1)
model = SGDClassifier(), y)
pickle.dump(f, {'clf': clf, 'binarizer': binarizer})
then at prediction time:
estimators = pickle.load(f)
clf = estimators['clf']
binarizer = estimators['binarizer']
one_hot_data = binarizer.transform(X_test[:, categorical_col])
X_test = np.concatenate([np.delete(X_test, categorical_col, axis=1),
one_hot_data], axis=1)
