Not able to access the data inside of an object - node.js

I am fetching id column value from database for a particular email. In this case I am passing email and want to get primary key i.e id. This operation is successful as I get object which contains Object with the right and expected result. However I am not able to access the object.
I am receiving object like this:
[ UserInfo { id: 21 } ]
And I am not able to access id part of it.
I am using node.js, postgres for database and typeorm library to connect with database.
const id = await userRepo.find({
where: {
This prints the above object.
The id I am getting is right. But I am not able to retrieve the id part of the object. I tried various ways for e.g.
id['UserInfo'].id, id.UserInfo.
Please help me in accessing the object I am receiving

Typeorm .find() returns an array of objects containing entries corresponding to your filters, in your case, all entries with an email field corresponding to the email you specified.
Because the result is an array, you can access it this way:
const records = await userRepo.find({
select: ['id'],
where: {
You could also use the .findOne() method, which returns a single element and might be a better solution in your case :)

When you are putting a field in the select part select:["id"], you are only retrieving this part of the database.
It is like your query was this: select id from userRepo where email = email
and you need to put * in the select part to retrieve all the information:
const id = await userRepo.find({
where: {


Perform check on record before performing update with Prisma

I'm creating the backend for a simple app which allows users to create, update, and delete products. Using Express as my framework, with Postgres as my DB and Prisma, which I'm new to, as my ORM. Users and products have a one-to-many relationship. Prisma's documentation states that when updating a record, you should use the update method - so to update the name of a product with a given ID, your code would look something like this:
export const updateProduct = async (req, res) => {
const [productID, newProductName, userID] = [,,];
const product = await prisma.product.update({
where: {
id: productID,
data: {
name: newProductName
However, there's a problem here - I'm not checking to see that the product with the provided ID belongs to the user that has sent the request to update it. I have the ID of the user who has sent the request in the variable userID, and each product in the DB has a field belongsToID which is set to the ID of the user that the product belongs to. I should theoretically therefore be able to modify my query to get the product with the specified ID and a matching belongsToID like so:
export const updateProduct = async (req, res) => {
const [productID, newProductName, userID] = [,,];
const product = await prisma.product.update({
where: {
id: productID,
belongsToID: userID
data: {
name: newProductName
That, however, does not work - I get the following error: Type '{ id: any; belongsToID: any; }' is not assignable to type 'ProductWhereUniqueInput'. Object literal may only specify known properties, and 'belongsToId' does not exist in type 'ProductWhereUniqueInput'.ts(2322).
It appears that when trying to do a 'findUnique', Prisma doesn't allow non-unique fields to be used in the query (even if the combination of both fields is unique, as is the case here). I do get that logically, my query doesn't make much sense - the ID alone is already enough to find a unique entry without the second field, so in that sense, the second field is totally redundant. Yet how else am I meant to check that the belongsToID is what it should be before updating the record? Is there somewhere else within the object passed to .update where I can provide a check to be performed on the retrieved record before performing the update?
I believe that creating an index would allow me to query for both fields at once - but why should I have to create an index when the ID (which is already indexed) alone is all I need to retrieve the record I need? What I really need is a way to perform a check on a retrieved record before performing the update when using Prisma.table_name.update(), not a way to query for something with a unique combination of fields.

Azure CosmosDB/Nodejs - Entity with the specified id does not exist in the system

I am trying to delete and update records in cosmosDB using my graphql/nodejs code and getting error - "Entity with the specified id does not exist in the system". Here is my code
deleteRecord: async (root, id) => {
const { resource: result } = await container.item(, key).delete();
console.log(`Deleted item with id: ${id}`);
Somehow below code is not able to find record, even "container.item(, key).read()" doesn't work.
await container.item(, key)
But if I try to find record using query spec it works
await container.items.query('SELECT * from c where = "'+id+'"' ).fetchNext()
FYI- I am able to fetch all records and create new item, so Connection to DB and reading/writing is not an issue.
What else can it be? Any pointer related to this will be helpful.
Thanks in advance.
It seems you pass the wrong key to item(id,key). According to the Note of this documentation:
In both the "update" and "delete" methods, the item has to be selected
from the database by calling container.item(). The two parameters
passed in are the id of the item and the item's partition key. In this
case, the parition key is the value of the "category" field.
So you need to pass the value of your partition key, not your partition key path.
For example, if you have document like below, and your partition key is '/category', you need to use this code await container.item("xxxxxx", "movie").

Express, Mongoose, db.findOne always returns same document

I am attempting a CRUD app with MEAN stack. I am using mongoose in Express to call to the MongoDB. I am using the FindOne function with a specified parameter, and it's always returning the same (incorrect) document.
I know I am connected to the correct database, since I get a document back from that collection, but it's always the same document, no matter what I pass as the parameter.
module.exports = mongoose.model('Player', playersSchema, 'players'); //in player.js
const Player = require('./model/players');
app.get('/api/player/:id', (req, res) =>{
Player.findOne({id: req.params.playerId},
function(err, player) {
if(err) {
else {
I have 3 separate "players", with three distinct "playerID" fields (38187361, 35167321, 95821442). I can use Postman to GET the following URL, for example:
and it will return 38187361, the first document. I've been over this website, many tutorials, and the Mongoose documentation and I can't see what I'm doing wrong..
I'd like to eventually find by playerId OR username OR email, but one hurdle at a time...
From the mongoose documentation of findOne, if you pass Id a null or an empty value, it will query db.players.findOne({}) internally which will return first document of the collection everytime you fetch. So make sure you are passing non-empty id here.
Note: conditions is optional, and if conditions is null or undefined,
mongoose will send an empty findOne command to MongoDB, which will
return an arbitrary document. If you're querying by _id, use
findById() instead.
Your route is '/api/player/:id', so the key on the req.params object will be 'id' not 'playerId'.
I don't know what/where/if you're populating the playerId param, but if you update your query to call it should actually change the document based on the path as you seem to be wanting to do.
I had the same problem, and it was that the name of column's table was different from the model I had created.
In my model the name of the wrong column was "role" and in my table it was "rol".

Mongoose Error while performing delete

I am running into following error but I unable to completely grasp the understanding behind the error.
CastError: Cast to ObjectId failed for value "XYZ" at path "_id" for model "Partner"
I have my schema defined as following
var partnerList = new Schema (
partnerName: String,
supportedProducts: [String]
collection: 'partnerList'
module.exports = mongoose.model('Partner', partnerList);
The functionality of my delete function
delete: function (req, res) {
var removePartner = req.params.partnerName;
var promise = Partner.findByIdAndRemove(removePartner).exec();
promise.then(function removePartner(val) {
console.log('partner value removed');
}).catch(function catchError(err){
throw err;
I am trying to making a request to my node app service using
localhost:8443/data/XYZ, where i am passing the value 'XYZ' as the parameter. This value is used to delete the appropriate object from the database.
Basically the error means that whatever you pass as your "XYZ" url param is not a valid ObjectId.
Guessing from your code you use the "partner name" (probably some arbitrary string) instead of the database id of the partner. However findByIdAndRemove() requires you to specify an ObjectId as it uses this to identify which document to delete:
Model.findByIdAndRemove(id, [options], [callback])
Your delete API call could then look something like this: http://localhost:8443/data/59558ccd7acc4dd63ea88988. However for this the client needs to know the ObjectId of the partner.
So you have to either use the ObjectId of a partner in the URL, or use remove() to implement your custom delete query instead, for example like this (if name is the property you use to store your partner names):
Partner.remove({ name: partnerName }).exec();
Be careful however that this might remove multiple documents if your partner name is not unique, as remove will delete all documents matching the query.
In order to prevent this you can also use findOneAndRemove() using the same query. This would only remove one document at a time. If there are multiple partners with the same name it would remove the first one (depending on your sort order).

CloudantDB: using db.get without id

I have a table:
id: 001
name: test
and I try to query with provider_id and get a error message, but not with id:001
db.get("ABC123", function(err, data) {
// The rest of your code goes here. For example:
console.log("Found id:", data);
Please give me your thoughts how to run successfully db.get + provider_id
You can't use db.get without the ID. However you can use either Query or Views to find the document you are looking for.
With query you can use a selector such as {"provider_id":"ABC123"} to find the documents which contain that provider id.
With views you can use the provider_id as the key and the doc id or null as the value, such as:
function (doc) {
emit(doc.provider_id, doc._id);
If you are using null as the value, you should use the include_docs=true option for the request. See your library's documentation on how to use views and query.
