how can i retrieve all the childrens by n1ql query - n1ql

I am planning to retrieve the child elements all the parent, How can i retrieve it, being inside the array of array objects.
FROM test AS t
UNNEST stateDetails AS sd;
"name":"Grand Est",
I am expecting the following output to bring out the state details of all the countries with their respective country Name
"name":"Grand Est",

Use double UNNEST and project what you need
SELECT AS countryName,,
FROM test AS t
UNNEST t.countryDetails AS cd
UNNEST cd.stateInfo AS sd
WHERE t.type = "countries";


Fetch key value from json data using terraform

I have a json data file from which I need to fetch only the id attribute value into a separate list variable. I tried for loop but not able to get the required data using terraform. Can someone tell how to fetch the id part ? your help is much appreacited.
locals {
data = jsondecode(file("./data.json"))[*]
sections = [ for item in : item ]
output "ids" {
value = [for a in local.sections[0]: a]
json file:
Not sure if "od":"odk", is mistake or not, but you can do the following:
locals {
data = jsondecode(file("./data.json"))
output "ids" {
value = [for v in values( if can(]

Extract a list of profileId's using jsonpath

I have the following JSON object r2,
"huesped_nombre":"dos dos, dos",
"huesped_nombre":"MUESTRA MUESTRA, CARMEN",
"huesped_nombre":"MUESTRA MUESTRA, CARMEN",
"huesped_nombre":"TEST TEST, TESTCIVITFUN",
I am trying to get the first huesped for each reservation, and for that I am using the following script, to create a list called profiles and store profileId's:
def profiles = jsonpath(r2,'$..[:].estancias[:].huespedes[0].huesped')
The output should be the following:
However, when I print profiles.text I get all the content of the estancias object, instead of just the huesped number.
When using Jayway's JSONPath like this I get the desired oputput:
You can try the path expression with your JSON here online.

how to get child key without going with parent key or with iteration

1.I am having a list which contains multiple Maps that looks like below Map.
Each map contains many keys I want to get value of "name"
I want to get the value of "name" which falls in every Map but don't want to iterate like question?."com.forms.tree"?.formField?.name.
Is there any other approach in groovy?
So given the json:
def jsonTxt = '''{
"name": "test",
We can parse it with:
import groovy.json.*
def json = new JsonSlurper().parseText(jsonTxt)
You want to find the "formField" entry in that object, so lets write a recursive finder that will walk through out map of maps looking for the first entry with the given key:
static findFirstByKey(Map map, key) {
map.get(key) ?: map.findResult { k, v -> if(v in Map) findFirstByKey(v, key) }
And you can then check it works:
assert findFirstByKey(json, 'formField')?.name == "CUSTOM_347"

N1ql to Get data from collection based on field value

I have a document as below
"GMParcelStatus": {
"storeNumber": 5678,
"GMVehicleTrips": {
"GMVehicleTrip": [
"GMVehicleTripId": "1000101",
"MultiChannelOrders": {
"MultiChannelOrder": [
"multiChannelOrderID": "4BQGBNJ3U",
"multichannelParcels": [
"multiChannelParcelStatus": "LOADING_MISSING",
"UPI": "00000008101058629797"
"multiChannelParcelStatus": "OUTFORDELIVERY",
"UPI": "00000008101058684938"
"multiChannelOrderID": "4BQGUNY56W",
"multichannelParcels": [
"multiChannelParcelStatus": "DELIVERED",
"UPI": "00000008101058629793"
"multiChannelParcelStatus": "DELIVERED",
"UPI": "00000008101058684932"
"_class": "com.tesco.bean.MultiChannelParcelRequestVO"
I want to get all the document in my bucket data based on storeNumber and GMVehicleTripId.
I have 4 document similar to above with different GMVehicleTripId.
I have written N1ql query like below Select d.* from Delivery d JOIN Delivery.GMParcelStatus.GMVehicleTrips.GMVehicleTrip[0] b
on keys meta(d).id where b.GMVehicleTripId in ['1000101']
but i don't want to do this GMVehicleTrip[0].
please get me the right way to do.
Vinay J
SELECT d.* FROM Delivery d JOIN Delivery b ON KEYS meta(d).id
WHERE ANY v IN b.GMParcelStatus.GMVehicleTrips.GMVehicleTrip SATISFIES v.GMVehicleTripId IN ['1000101'] END;

Elasticsearch - MissingMethodException on running distanceInKm on geo_point array

I have an elasticsearch document which has an array of geo_points. I have created the mapping as:
"test": {
"properties": {
"locations": {
"type": "geo_point"
Now, I am trying to create a query in which I want to do some processing on the array of geo_points. I have created my query like this:
"query": {
"filtered": {
"filter": {
"script": {
"script": "sDistance = doc['locations'].values[0].distanceInKm(28.51818,77.096080);"
I want to calculate the distance of the point (28.51818,77.096080) from the first element in the locations array.
It is giving me this error:
GroovyScriptExecutionException[MissingMethodException[No signature of method: org.elasticsearch.common.geo.GeoPoint.distanceInKm() is applicable for argument types: (java.lang.Double, java.lang.Double) values: [28.51818, 77.09608]]
I tried using sDistance = doc['locations'][0].distanceInKm(28.51818,77.096080); but it also resulted in the same error.
What am I doing wrong here?
Thanks in advance.
Your script should not retrieve the first geo point by itself, but simply call distanceInKm on the locations field directly, like this:
"query": {
"filtered": {
"filter": {
"script": {
"script": "sDistance = doc['locations'].distanceInKm(28.51818,77.096080);"
Under the hood, the first geo point will be retrieved and the distance will be computed on it.
