I'm trying to write a continuation-passing-style "reduce" function that can be resumed at any point. I've got a version working, but in this I need to explicitly write a new version of the function if I want it to be able to make use of a borrow of some state.
Rust Playground Link
fn reduce_async_with_store<'a, I, A, F, C>(
store: &mut Store,
mut iterator: I,
accumulator: A,
mut f: F,
continuation: C,
) where
I: Iterator + 'a,
F: FnMut(&mut Store, I::Item, A, Box<dyn FnOnce(&mut Store, A) + 'a>) + Clone + 'a,
C: FnOnce(&mut Store, A) + 'a,
match iterator.next() {
None => continuation(store, accumulator),
Some(item) => {
let next: Box<dyn FnOnce(&mut Store, A) + 'a> = {
let f = f.clone();
Box::new(move |store, accumulator| {
reduce_async_with_store(store, iterator, accumulator, f, continuation)
f(store, item, accumulator, next);
fn some_operation(state: &mut Store, continuation: Box<dyn FnOnce(&mut Store) + 'static>) {
let mut new_state = Store { foo: state.foo };
continuation(&mut new_state);
pub struct Store {
foo: u8,
fn main() {
let mut some_state = Store { foo: 0 };
let arr = vec![1u8, 2u8, 3u8];
&mut some_state,
|store, item, mut acc, continuation| {
println!("Item: {}", item);
store.foo += item;
Box::new(move |stor| {
continuation(stor, acc);
|store, acc| {
println!("Done!! {:?} {:?}", store, acc);
Here's the version of this function I'd like to write, where I can pass the Store in as part of the accumulator, and get it out - however, if I do this, I get cannot infer an appropriate lifetime due to conflicting requirements.
Rust Playground Link
fn reduce_async<'a, I, A, F, C>(mut iterator: I, accumulator: A, mut f: F, continuation: C)
I: Iterator + 'a,
F: FnMut(I::Item, A, Box<dyn FnOnce(A) + 'a>) + Clone + 'a,
C: FnOnce(A) + 'a,
match iterator.next() {
None => continuation(accumulator),
Some(item) => {
let next: Box<dyn FnOnce(A) + 'a> = {
let f = f.clone();
Box::new(move |accumulator| reduce_async(iterator, accumulator, f, continuation))
f(item, accumulator, next);
fn some_operation(state: &mut Store, continuation: Box<dyn FnOnce(&mut Store) + 'static>) {
let mut new_state = Store { foo: state.foo };
continuation(&mut new_state);
pub struct Store {
foo: u8,
fn main() {
let mut some_state = Store { foo: 0 };
let arr = vec![1u8, 2u8, 3u8];
(&mut some_state, Vec::new()),
|item, mut acc, continuation| {
let (store, vec) = acc;
println!("Item: {}", item);
store.foo += item;
Box::new(move |store| {
continuation((store, vec));
|(store, vec)| {
println!("Done!! {:?} {:?}", store, vec);
How can I write this non-specialized version of my function, and pass things like &mut Store through while respecting Rust's lifetimes?
How is it that my first example with reduce_async_with_store is permitted, even though I don't specify an explicit lifetime for &mut Store, and it could live until 'static?
some_operation takes a boxed closure because that's what the 3rd party API function I'm calling takes. I would like to eventually replace this code with async iterators, but the library I'm using doesn't have support for futures yet.
Let's start with some_operation; it's always easier to examine regular functions than closures because the compiler only checks their signatures.
Putting back the elided lifetimes, it looks like:
fn some_operation<'s>(state: &'s mut Store, continuation: Box<dyn for<'r> FnOnce(&'r mut Store) + 'static>) {
let mut new_state = Store { foo: state.foo };
continuation(&mut new_state);
There are two distinct lifetimes involved: 's and 'r — there is no connection between them.
Now let's look here:
Box::new(move |store| {
continuation((store, vec));
The continuation type should be Box<dyn FnOnce(A) + 'a> according to reduce_async's signature. What is the type of A after monomorphising? The argument passed to the function is a tuple:
(&mut some_state, Vec::new()),
The first element has type &'state mut State for some 'state and the second has Vec<u8>. Revisiting some_operation's signature: the first argument is &'s mut State, so we have chosen 'state = 's here. Then we call the closure using an argument with type &'r mut State.
Back in the main procedure, we are trying to build the accumulator from a value of type (&'r mut State, Vec<u8>) which is not the same as (&'state mut State, Vec<u8>).
That's what the compiler is trying to explain :) Let's check this explanation by changing some_operation's signature:
fn some_operation<'s>(state: &'s mut Store, continuation: Box<dyn FnOnce(&'s mut Store) + 's>) {
Here we explicitly mark that both lifetimes should be the same, and now the code compiles without any error.
Note that there were no problems in your first code snippet because the lifetime of store: &mut Store argument is different each time you invoke reduce_async_with_store! In the second snippet it is fixed to 'state.
In my opinion, the easiest fix would be to get rid of mutable references at all and passing Store by transferring ownership.
Rust playground link
fn reduce_async<'a, I, A, F, C>(mut iterator: I, accumulator: A, mut f: F, continuation: C)
I: Iterator + 'a,
F: FnMut(I::Item, A, Box<dyn FnOnce(A) + 'a>) + Clone + 'a,
C: FnOnce(A) + 'a,
match iterator.next() {
None => continuation(accumulator),
Some(item) => {
let next: Box<dyn FnOnce(A) + 'a> = {
let f = f.clone();
Box::new(move |accumulator| reduce_async(iterator, accumulator, f, continuation))
f(item, accumulator, next);
fn some_operation(state: Store, continuation: Box<dyn FnOnce(Store) + 'static>) {
let new_state = Store { foo: state.foo };
pub struct Store {
foo: u8,
fn main() {
let some_state = Store { foo: 0 };
let arr = vec![1u8, 2u8, 3u8];
(some_state, Vec::new()),
|item, acc, continuation| {
let (mut store, mut vec) = acc;
println!("Item: {}", item);
store.foo += item;
Box::new(move |store| {
continuation((store, vec));
|(store, vec)| {
println!("Done!! {:?} {:?}", store, vec);
Keep in mind that the continuation invocations are not tail-recursive, so stack will grow on each iteration. You will probably need a trampoline here.
This question already has an answer here:
How can I create my own data structure with an iterator that returns mutable references?
(1 answer)
Closed 6 months ago.
I'm having a lifetime issue when implementing an iterator on custom struct containing borrows of vecs.
I've been trying different solutions but can't fix it by myself (I'm still a beginner) and I want to understand what is going on.
here is a playground example of my issue, that should be simple enough.
This is the example :
struct SomeData;
struct CustomIterator<'a> {
pub vec: &'a mut Vec<SomeData>,
pub index: usize,
struct MultipleIterator<'a> {
iter1: CustomIterator<'a>,
iter2: CustomIterator<'a>,
impl<'a> Iterator for MultipleIterator<'a> {
type Item = (&'a mut SomeData, &'a mut SomeData);
fn next(&mut self) -> Option<Self::Item> {
match self.iter1.vec.get_mut(self.iter1.index) {
Some(mut data) => &mut data,
None => return None,
match self.iter2.vec.get_mut(self.iter2.index) {
Some(mut data) => &mut data,
None => return None,
I don't unerstand why I can't borrow out of the next function, since I am borrowing the struct anyway when calling next()
This is actually quite tricky to implement safely and requires a lot of care to do correctly.
First things first though:
match self.iter1.vec.get_mut(self.iter1.index) {
Some(mut data) => &mut data,
None => return None,
This is a problem because Vec::get_mut already returns a Option<&mut T>. So in the Some(mut data) arm, data already is a mutable reference. When you try to return &mut data, you're trying to return a &mut &mut T which doesn't work. Instead, just do this:
match self.iter1.vec.get_mut(self.iter1.index) {
Some(data) => data,
None => return None,
We can tidy this up even more with the ? operator which does the same thing. I'm gonna substitute SomeData for i32 from now on to demonstrate something later.
impl<'a> Iterator for MultipleIterator<'a> {
type Item = (&'a mut i32, &'a mut i32);
fn next(&mut self) -> Option<Self::Item> {
This still doesn't work and now we're getting to the core of the problem. The signature of next is
fn next(&mut self) -> Option<(&'a mut i32, &'a mut i32)>
which can be desugared to
fn next<'b>(&'b mut self) -> Option<(&'a mut i32, &'a mut i32)>
This means that the lifetime of &mut self ('b) is completely decoupled from the lifetime of the references we return ('a). Which makes total sense. If that wasn't the case, we couldn't do
let mut v = vec![1,2,3];
let mut iter = v.iter_mut();
let next1: &mut i32 = iter.next().unwrap();
let next2: &mut i32 = iter.next().unwrap();
because the lifetime of next1 would have to be the same lifetime of iter, i.e. that of v. But you can't have multiple mutable references to v at the same time, so next2 would be illegal.
So you're getting an error because Rust only knows that self is borrowed for 'b but you're telling it that you're returning a reference with lifetime 'a which it can't verify to be true.
And for good reason, because as it stands right now, your implementation isn't safe! Let's just throw caution to the wind and tell Rust that this is okay with unsafe:
impl<'a> Iterator for MultipleIterator<'a> {
type Item = (&'a mut i32, &'a mut i32);
fn next(&mut self) -> Option<Self::Item> {
unsafe {
&mut *(self.iter1.vec.get_mut(self.iter1.index)? as *mut _),
&mut *(self.iter2.vec.get_mut(self.iter2.index)? as *mut _),
It's not important what exactly this does, it basically just tells the compiler to shut up and trust me.
But now, we can do this:
let mut v1 = vec![1, 2, 3];
let mut v2 = vec![4, 5, 6];
let mut mi = MultipleIterator {
iter1: CustomIterator {
vec: &mut v1,
index: 0,
iter2: CustomIterator {
vec: &mut v2,
index: 0,
let next1 = mi.next().unwrap();
let next2 = mi.next().unwrap();
assert_eq!(next1, (&mut 1, &mut 4));
assert_eq!(next2, (&mut 1, &mut 4));
*next1.0 += 1;
assert_eq!(next1, (&mut 2, &mut 4));
assert_eq!(next2, (&mut 2, &mut 4));
We have broken Rust's most important rule: never have two mutable references to the same thing at once.
This can only be safe if your Iterator implementation can never return a mutable reference to something more than once. You could increment index each time, for example (although this still requires unsafe):
impl<'a> Iterator for MultipleIterator<'a> {
type Item = (&'a mut i32, &'a mut i32);
fn next(&mut self) -> Option<Self::Item> {
let next1 = self.iter1.vec.get_mut(self.iter1.index)?;
let next2 = self.iter2.vec.get_mut(self.iter2.index)?;
self.iter1.index += 1;
self.iter2.index += 1;
// SAFETY: this is safe because we will never return a reference
// to the same index more than once
unsafe { Some((&mut *(next1 as *mut _), &mut *(next2 as *mut _))) }
Here is an interesting related read from the nomicon; the "mutable slice" example being particularly relevant to your problem.
Being an aspiring rustacean, I've been working my way through The Rust Programming Language book and being in the 13th chapter I was attempting to generalize the Cacher struct, that has as a purpose implementing lazy evaluation around a closure. While I was able to use generics to generalize the closure signature to any one parameter with any one output type, I can't figure out how to generalize this to closures with any number of params. I feel like there should be a way to do this.
struct Cacher<'a, Args, V: Clone>
calculation: &'a dyn Fn(Args) -> V,
value: Option<V>
impl<'a, Args, V: Clone> Cacher<'a, Args, V>
fn new(calculation: &'a dyn Fn(Args) -> V) -> Cacher<Args, V> {
Cacher {
calculation: calculation,
value: None,
fn value(&mut self, arg: Args) -> V {
// all this cloning is probably not the best way to do this
match self.value.clone() {
Some(v) => v,
None => {
let v = (self.calculation)(arg);
self.value = Some(v.clone());
mod tests {
use super::*;
fn it_works() {
let mut cached_func = Cacher::new(&(|asd| asd + 1));
assert_eq!(cached_func.value(1), 2);
assert_eq!(cached_func.value(4), 2);
fn it_works_too() {
// compiler hates this
let mut cached_func = Cacher::new(&(|asd, qwe| asd + qwe));
assert_eq!(cached_func.value(1, 1), 2);
assert_eq!(cached_func.value(4, 1), 2);
You can do this on nightly using the fn_traits (and closely related unboxed_closures) features. This allows you to use Fn like Fn<Args, Output = V> where Args is a tuple type of all the parameters passed to the function.
struct Cacher<'a, Args, V: Clone>
calculation: &'a dyn Fn<Args, Output = V>,
value: Option<V>
impl<'a, Args, V: Clone> Cacher<'a, Args, V>
fn new(calculation: &'a dyn Fn<Args, Output = V>) -> Cacher<Args, V> {
Cacher {
calculation: calculation,
value: None,
fn value(&mut self, args: Args) -> V {
// all this cloning is probably not the best way to do this
match self.value.clone() {
Some(v) => v,
None => {
let v = self.calculation.call(args);
self.value = Some(v.clone());
This does require you to call value() with a tuple:
let mut cache1 = Cacher::new(&|a| a + 1);
let value1 = cache1.value((7,));
let mut cache2 = Cacher::new(&|a, b| a + b);
let value2 = cache2.value((7, 8));
However, you can make it nicer to use if you're willing to make the boilerplate for the numerous tuple types:
impl<'a, T, V: Clone> Cacher<'a, (T,), V>
fn value2(&mut self, arg1: T) -> V {
self.value((arg1, ))
impl<'a, T, U, V: Clone> Cacher<'a, (T, U), V>
fn value2(&mut self, arg1: T, arg2: U) -> V {
self.value((arg1, arg2))
// ...
let mut cache1 = Cacher::new(&|a: usize| a + 1);
let value1 = cache1.value2(7);
let mut cache2 = Cacher::new(&|a: usize, b: usize| a + b);
let value2 = cache2.value2(7, 8);
See it running on the playground.
This only works on nightly because its not yet been stabilized if this is how they will be supported generically in the future.
In rust, functions do not have a variable numbers of arguments, except in some cases for compatibility with C. This answer provides more background.
In your example, you could achieve some generic lazy evaluation with the lazy static crate. You don’t pass a closure to this crate, not explicitly at least. But you put the body of the closure in a variable that lazy static evaluates on first access (a bit like a closure taking () and whose result would be stored in Cacher, if you will).
It's fairly hard to understand exactly what is it that you need. So here's my guess:
struct Cacher<'a, Args, V: Copy>
calculation: &'a dyn Fn(Args) -> V,
value: Option<V>
impl<'a, Args, V: Copy> Cacher<'a, Args, V>
fn new(calculation: &'a dyn Fn(Args) -> V) -> Cacher<Args, V> {
Cacher {
calculation: calculation,
value: None,
fn value(&mut self, arg: Args) -> V {
// Cloning fixed
match self.value {
Some(v) => v,
None => {
let v = (self.calculation)(arg);
self.value = Some(v);
mod tests {
use super::*;
fn it_works() {
let mut cached_func = Cacher::new(&(|asd| asd + 1));
assert_eq!(cached_func.value(1), 2);
assert_eq!(cached_func.value(4), 2);
fn it_works_too() {
// The compiler is fine
// Although now, it's not multiple arguments but rather one arg, acting as many
let mut cached_func = Cacher::new(&(|asd: (usize, usize)| asd.0 + asd.1));
assert_eq!(cached_func.value((1, 1)), 2);
assert_eq!(cached_func.value((4, 1)), 2);
Remember that Rust's generics could be considered as Algebraic Data Types, hence, only enums, structs and functions are allowed (closures too, if you consider them different to functions). The second test works because tuples could be considered structs.
Because of this, it's impossible to have multiple arguments in one function definition.
The usual way that rust solves this issue is with macros. Although method macros don't exist in rust yet.
I am trying to create an mutable iterator for a vector of type: Vec<Vec<(K, V)>>
The iterator code:
pub struct IterMut<'a, K: 'a, V: 'a> {
iter: &'a mut Vec<Vec<(K, V)>>,
ix: usize,
inner_ix: usize,
impl<'a, K, V> Iterator for IterMut<'a, K, V> {
type Item = (&'a K, &'a mut V);
fn next(&mut self) -> Option<(&'a K, &'a mut V)> {
while self.iter.len() < self.ix {
while self.iter[self.ix].len() < self.inner_ix {
self.inner_ix += 1;
let (ref k, ref mut v) = self.iter[self.ix][self.inner_ix];
return Some((&k, &mut v));
self.ix += 1;
return None;
The error I get is:
error[E0495]: cannot infer an appropriate lifetime for lifetime parameter in function call due to conflicting requirements
--> src/main.rs:16:42
16 | let (ref k, ref mut v) = self.iter[self.ix][self.inner_ix];
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
help: consider using an explicit lifetime parameter as shown: fn next(&'a mut self) -> Option<(&'a K, &'a mut V)>
--> src/main.rs:11:5
11 | fn next(&mut self) -> Option<(&'a K, &'a mut V)> {
| ^
Apparently I have lifetime problems, but I don't know how to tell the compiler that this should work.
Is this how you should implement the mutable iterator or is there a better way?
When debugging cryptic error messages, I've found it easier to try and isolate the issue as much as possible.
The first step is to break the expression into its essential constituents, let's start by splitting the indexing steps:
fn next(&mut self) -> Option<(&'a K, &'a mut V)> {
while self.iter.len() < self.ix {
while self.iter[self.ix].len() < self.inner_ix {
self.inner_ix += 1;
let outer: &'a mut Vec<_> = self.iter;
let inner: &'a mut Vec<_> = &mut outer[self.ix];
let (ref k, ref mut v) = inner[self.inner_ix];
return Some((&k, &mut v));
self.ix += 1;
return None;
The Index trait assumes that the lifetime of its output is linked to that of its receiver, so to get a 'a lifetime we need the receiver to have a &'a lifetime, and it propagates upward, leading to the above code.
However there's an issue here: let outer: &'a mut Vec<_> = self.iter; will not compile because mutable references are not Copy.
So, how does one get a mutable reference from a mutable reference (which must be possible since IndexMut gets a mutable reference)?
One uses re-borrowing: let outer: &'a mut Vec<_> = &mut *self.iter;.
And, oh:
error[E0495]: cannot infer an appropriate lifetime for borrow expression due to conflicting requirements
--> <anon>:16:45
16 | let outer: &'a mut Vec<_> = &mut *self.iter;
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
The reborrowed reference is not valid for 'a, it's valid only for the (unnamed) lifetime of self!
Why Rust? Why?
Because doing otherwise would be unsafe.
&mut T is guaranteed NOT to be aliasing, however your method could create aliasing references (if you forgot to advance the index):
fn next(&mut self) -> Option<(&'a K, &'a mut V)> {
let (ref k, ref mut v) = self.iter[self.ix][self.inner_ix];
return Some((&k, &mut v));
And even if you don't, there's not guarantee that you don't have a rewind method that would allow "stepping back".
TL;DR: You were about to step on a landmine, you were steered toward Stack Overflow instead ;)
Alright, but how do you implement the iterator!.
Well, using iterators, of course. As Shepmaster (briefly) answers, there is the equivalent in the standard library already in the guise of FlatMap. The trick is to use existing iterators for the nitty-gritty details!
Something like:
use std::slice::IterMut;
pub struct MyIterMut<'a, K: 'a, V: 'a> {
outer: IterMut<'a, Vec<(K, V)>>,
inner: IterMut<'a, (K, V)>,
Then you consume from inner as long as it provides items, and when empty you refill it from outer.
impl<'a, K, V> MyIterMut<'a, K, V> {
fn new(v: &'a mut Vec<Vec<(K, V)>>) -> MyIterMut<'a, K, V> {
let mut outer = v.iter_mut();
let inner = outer.next()
.map(|v| v.iter_mut())
.unwrap_or_else(|| (&mut []).iter_mut());
MyIterMut { outer: outer, inner: inner }
impl<'a, K, V> Iterator for MyIterMut<'a, K, V> {
type Item = (&'a K, &'a mut V);
fn next(&mut self) -> Option<(&'a K, &'a mut V)> {
loop {
match self.inner.next() {
Some(r) => return Some((&r.0, &mut r.1)),
None => (),
match self.outer.next() {
Some(v) => self.inner = v.iter_mut(),
None => return None,
A quick test case:
fn main() {
let mut v = vec![
vec![(1, "1"), (2, "2")],
vec![(3, "3")]
let iter = MyIterMut::new(&mut v);
let c: Vec<_> = iter.collect();
println!("{:?}", c);
[(1, "1"), (2, "2"), (3, "3")]
as expected, so it's not completely broken, but I wish I did not have to rely on the &[] is 'static trick (ie, that std::slice::IterMut implemented Default).
You've provided no reason that you are reimplementing the standard Iterator::flat_map, so I'd just use that and another map to remove the mutability you don't need:
fn main() {
let mut a: Vec<Vec<(u8, u8)>> = Default::default();
let c = a.iter_mut()
.flat_map(|x| x.iter_mut())
.map(|&mut (ref a, ref mut b)| (a, b))
println!("{}", c);
Once you have that, you can just return the iterator in one of the many ways.
#[derive(Debug, Default)]
struct Thing<K, V>(Vec<Vec<(K, V)>>);
impl<K, V> Thing<K, V> {
fn iter_mut<'a>(&'a mut self) -> Box<Iterator<Item = (&'a K, &'a mut V)> + 'a> {
.flat_map(|x| x.iter_mut())
.map(|&mut (ref a, ref mut b)| (a, b)))
fn main() {
let mut a = Thing::<u8, u8>::default();
let c = a.iter_mut().count();
println!("{}", c);
fn edit_map_values(
map1: &mut HashMap<String, i128> || &mut BTreeMap<String, i128>){
for tuple in map1.iter_mut() {
if !map1.contains_key(&"key1") {
*tuple.1 += 1;
map1.insert(&"key2", 10);
How do I write one function that accepts either HashMap and BtreeMap like in the example above?
It is possible to abstract over types by using traits and for your specific use-case, you can take a look at this more constrained example.
use core::{borrow::Borrow, hash::Hash};
use std::collections::{BTreeMap, HashMap};
trait GenericMap<K, V> {
fn contains_key<Q>(&self, k: &Q) -> bool
K: Borrow<Q>,
Q: Hash + Eq + Ord;
fn each_mut<F>(&mut self, cb: F)
F: FnMut((&K, &mut V));
fn insert(&mut self, key: K, value: V) -> Option<V>;
impl<K, V> GenericMap<K, V> for HashMap<K, V>
K: Eq + Hash,
fn contains_key<Q>(&self, k: &Q) -> bool
K: Borrow<Q>,
Q: Hash + Eq + Ord,
fn each_mut<F>(&mut self, mut cb: F)
F: FnMut((&K, &mut V)),
self.iter_mut().for_each(|x| cb(x))
fn insert(&mut self, key: K, value: V) -> Option<V> {
self.insert(key, value)
impl<K, V> GenericMap<K, V> for BTreeMap<K, V>
K: Ord,
fn contains_key<Q>(&self, k: &Q) -> bool
K: Borrow<Q>,
Q: Hash + Eq + Ord,
fn each_mut<F>(&mut self, mut cb: F)
F: FnMut((&K, &mut V)),
self.iter_mut().for_each(|x| cb(x))
fn insert(&mut self, key: K, value: V) -> Option<V> {
self.insert(key, value)
fn edit_map_values<T: GenericMap<String, i128>>(map: &mut T) {
map.each_mut(|(k, v)| {
if k != "key1" {
*v += 1;
map.insert("key2".into(), 10);
fn main() {
let mut hm: HashMap<String, i128> = [("One".into(), 1), ("Two".into(), 2)]
let mut btm: BTreeMap<String, i128> = [("Five".into(), 5), ("Six".into(), 6)]
edit_map_values(&mut hm);
edit_map_values(&mut btm);
Way back before the 1.0 release, there used to be Map and MutableMap traits, but they have been removed before stabilization. The Rust type system is currently unable to express these traits in a nice way due to the lack of higher kinded types.
The eclectic crate provides experimental collection traits, but they haven't been updated for a year, so I'm not sure they are still useful for recent versions of Rust.
Further information:
Does Rust have Collection traits?
No common trait for Map types? (Rust language forum)
Associated type constructors, part 1: basic concepts and introduction (blog post by Niko Matsakis)
Generic associated type RFC
While there is no common Map trait, you could use a combination of other traits to operate on an Iterator to achieve similar functionality. Although this might not be very memory efficient due to cloning, and also a bit involved depending on the kind of operation you are trying to perform. The operation you tried to do may be implemented like this:
fn edit_map_values<I>(map: &mut I)
I: Clone + IntoIterator<Item = (String, i128)> + std::iter::FromIterator<(String, i128)>,
// Since into_iter consumes self, we have to clone here.
let (keys, _values): (Vec<String>, Vec<_>) = map.clone().into_iter().unzip();
*map = map
// iterating while mutating entries can be done with map
.map(|mut tuple| {
if !keys.contains(&"key1".to_string()) {
tuple.1 += 1;
// inserting an element can be done with chain and once
.chain(std::iter::once(("key2".into(), 10)))
// removing an element could be done with filter
// removing and altering elements could be done with filter_map
// etc.
fn main() {
use std::collections::{BTreeMap, HashMap};
let mut m = HashMap::new();
m.insert("a".to_string(), 0);
m.insert("key3".to_string(), 1);
edit_map_values(&mut m);
println!("{:#?}", m);
let mut m = BTreeMap::new();
m.insert("a".to_string(), 0);
m.insert("key3".to_string(), 1);
edit_map_values(&mut m);
println!("{:#?}", m);
Both times the output is the same, except for the order of the HashMap of course:
"a": 1,
"key2": 10,
"key3": 2,
I am trying to store and use an optional callback handle in Rust which works like a method to the structure I am storing it in. It works as long as I do not pass a reference to itself to the callback. But doing so gives me a lifetime error for the used object references (E0312). The lifetime seems to be the same and I cannot figure out what to change to get this working.
type Callback<'a> = Fn(&'a mut Func, i32) -> i32;
struct Func<'a> {
val: i32,
func: Option<Box<Callback<'a>>>,
impl<'a, 'b> Func<'b> {
fn exec(&'a mut self, val: i32) -> i32 {
if let Some(ref f) = self.func {
return f(self, val);
fn main() {
let mut a32 = Func{
val: 10i32,
func: Some(Box::new(|ref mut s, val: i32| -> i32 {
let v = s.val;
s.val += 1;
val * 32 + v
println!("a32(4) = {}", a32.exec(4i32));
println!("a32(4) = {}", a32.exec(4i32));
Is there a way to fix this or did I come across a compiler bug?
Using rustc 1.15.0 (10893a9a3 2017-01-19).
See also on Rust playground.
I also tried the same without explicit lifetimes but then I run into the problem that I cannot alias references in Rust (E0502).
I know that Rust tries to prevent this to avoid data races but would this mean that I always need to create a copy of my object in these cases?
The following does not work either giving me an error, that borrowed content cannot be moved out (E0507).
impl Func {
fn exec(&mut self, val: i32) -> i32 {
if self.func.is_some() {
return self.func.unwrap()(self, val);
But I could not find a way to clone the boxed function...
You have a borrow issue here:
You are borrowing self.func immutably
You are attempting to borrow self mutably at the same time
This is not allowed, because it could allow you to change func while using it, which heralds troubles.
You could attempt to change Callback to only pass in &mut i32 instead, but then you would hit lifetime unification issues:
if you specify that exec takes &'a mut self, then you anchor the object, borrowing it for the rest of its lifetime,
on the other hand, if you specify a fresh lifetime, then by definition it's less than 'a, and you required 'a in the signature of Callback.
Neither situation works.
The solution, thus, is to avoid the lifetime in the first place.
It's also easier (on borrowing) NOT to pass an instance of self but just to pass a reference to self.val so I present that first:
type Callback = Fn(&mut i32, i32) -> i32;
struct Func {
val: i32,
func: Option<Box<Callback>>,
impl Func {
fn exec(&mut self, val: i32) -> i32 {
if let Some(ref f) = self.func {
return f(&mut self.val, val);
fn main() {
let mut a32 = Func{
val: 10i32,
func: Some(Box::new(|s: &mut i32, val: i32| -> i32 {
let v = *s;
*s += 1;
val * 32 + v
println!("a32(4) = {}", a32.exec(4i32));
println!("a32(4) = {}", a32.exec(4i32));
If you want to really pass Func, you need to "option dance":
impl Func {
fn exec(&mut self, val: i32) -> i32 {
let func = self.func.take();
let res = if let Some(ref f) = func {
f(self, val)
} else {
self.func = func;
And be aware that self.func is empty in the callback.