Is there any standard which defines keycodes and/or keysyms? - keyboard

I look for some standard which defines some table, which first column contains key (what we see on keyboard (;:ж)(fа)(+=)) and second one contains numeric representation of this key. Does this standard exist?
Also I look for standard which connects Unicode(or at least ASCII) symbols and their numeric representation ((yeah, it is UTF-8/-16/etc) but in code I need to define what the symbol user has written by his keyboard, and different libs (in JS, or Xlib for Unix-systems) do it definitely differently, but I even do not know how).
It seems a bit weird and stupid, but my final target is get keycode from keyboard and calculate the symbol. Please make it clear for me!
P.S. Sorry for my english, thank you in advance!

Probably, there are no standards like what I need. There are several half-standards intended by different companies which product keyboards, but they are not what I need.


LiveCode File Creation

I'm not sure I'm asking this in the right place, but I've been working with LiveCode and I'm curious how the actual .livecode or .rev files get created. They look like some sort of mixed binary and LiveCode format. I've glanced through the source code, but it's not clear to me how the files are constructed.
Note that I'm talking about the project containers, not the standalones.
I'm also not sure that this is the right place to ask. It isn't really a programming question, even though it is related. I think that the stackfile format is binary, but parts appear in clear text because that's what they are. Everything that is unrecognisable can be two things. It can be a definition of a byte range, or it can be the description of the stack, card or control itself. This description can contain user data, including clear text, but also movie data, picture data, a unicode stream, etc. Encrypted stacks appear as binary data.
I would ask this question directly to RunRev...
To find out what happens when the file is saved, you have to look at the C++ functions inside the Livecode engine when the savestack message is sent and handled.
No other way to tell, so you have to ask those familiar with the innards of the engine.

Adding some noise to a text

I wonder if there is any known algorithm/strategy to add some noise to a text string (for instance, adding a random sequence of characters every now and then or something similar).
I don't want to completely destroy the text just to make it slightly unusable. Also, I'm not interested in reversing back the changes, I can just recreate the original text from the sources I used to create it in the first place if needed.
Of course, a very basic algorithm for doing this could be easyly implemented but probably somebody has already created a somewhat sophisticated algorithm for this. If a Java implementation of something like this is available even better.
If you are using .Net and you need some random bytes maybe try the GetBytes method from the rngcryptoprovider. Nice n random. You could also use it to help in selection random positions to update.

Controlling text-mode output in Linux | C / C++

First, I apologize for any sillinesses that might occur, as I'm not quite sure as how to properly put this question.
I recently got curious about how some applications (like Midnight Commander) control the text-mode output, forming so-called "Text-based user interface", idk. Is that some evil magic with standard output operations or something else that I'm unaware of? I did some poking around google, but didn't find anything of particular interest, and I hope someone here can point me on the right way.
Thanks in advance,
~Insomnia Array
What you're looking for is NCurses - a library which uses special terminal characters to set color, position, etc.
In addition to ncurses, take a look at S-lang.

Overlayed text?

Quick text-processing question. It's not necessarily related to programming, but this is the best place I figured I should go.
Rate down to tell me this kind of question is not welcome here. (Though, I really like my one little reputation point.)
Anyways, how can I encode text so that two characters get rendered in the same charspace?
NOTE: this is for plain-text -- nothing particularly complex.
The best you can do is put a backspace character between the two. However the outcome isn't likely to be useful to you, it will depend on what software is being used to display the text. The most likely is that the backspace will be ignored or shown as some generic "unavailable" glyph. The second most likely is that the second character will completely erase the first. You'd have to be very lucky for the two characters to be displayed one over the other in the same space.
If it's plain text to be processed by any editor, as far as I know you can't. Even if your text is encoded in Unicode, I don't think it provides combining characters for normal letters, but just for accents and similar symbols which are intended to be combined with other glyphs.
BTW, I'm not sure that stackoverflow is the right place for this kind of stuff, I'd see it better in

JavaME internationalization (i18n)

Does anyone have some knowledge with internationalization with JavaME? I'm looking for as much information as possible like examples, experiences and maybe some best practices.
A few thoughts. J2ME doesnt support i18n as it the api support is not there (cant use resource bundles). But we can do this to a limited extent. Here is what I found out.
It is difficult if not impossible to support english and say chinese languages (typographic characters) for a given J2ME app. But easier to support english and say spanish (I forgot the correct nomenclature to talk about i18n support but you get the idea).
We can have all strings in one config class, that way you can swap this one out for different languages.
We can have the text/strings downloaded from server on initial launch of app and thus have the ability to swap it out from server.
Because of different screen sizes, it is best to work with custom fonts so that code can be written to calculate the text length while displaying it. This will make multiple language support easier.
Image assets can also be downloaded from server based on different languages. But I dont think we can change the midlet icon, so it should be generic.
With this in mind it is possible to design multiple language support.
omemuhammed's answer is an excellent coverages of localization in the mobile space.
I've only had to support EFIGS (English, French, Italian, German, and Spanish). We stored all strings in XML, had an XML pack for each language. We would then compile these XML packs into proprietary binary data and had the ability to build either all 5 languages into a build, have only one language for the build in cases where the application size was tight, or download the binary from a server.
Other considerations with localization is screen layout. I also recommend custom fonts in order to have better control of the display across many different devices. You will need some auto-wrapping code to be able to adjust to different screen resolutions and aspect ratios and you will need a way to handle strings that run off the screen on some devices. Either paging or or scrolling would be a good solution.
Finally, just know that German will screw up your formatting. Try to allow 20-30% padding in English for menus and other UI elements as the German translations will be much longer than the other languages.
See the actual internationalization spec for JavaME:
Recent Symbian phones should support this.
One obvious advice is to actually try your application on a localized phone: Get a phone from switzerland (it should support at least 4 languages) and another from hong kong (with 3 different version of "chinese"). It might be worth looking into eastern europe/ex-ussr too.
When the actual characters aren't your usual ascii ones, you do need to use a TextBox or TextField in order to have the localized native control on the screen.
Keep in mind that when you use RTL (righ to left) languages, like arabic, you should invert positions of almost everything on the screen, like a list would look like this on latin languages
List item 1
List item 2
List item 3
but the bullets would be on the other side of the screen on arabic (tried make it here, but I could´n generate na inverted list :P )
One other thing is that is better to store your strings in a class than a plain text properties, as this may cause some errors interpreting the unicode of some languages depending on the OS and text editor you are using.
What I usually do is have a I18nManager Class that stores the language in the startApp and through this class I get all the strings I need.
