Google Pagespeed giving error "cloned graph missing node" in eliminate render blocking resource - styled-components

Google pagespeed is giving error "cloned graph missing node". I have used styled components to eliminate render blocking resource . What does this error mean?

I had the same error. In my case there where faulty script and link Tags - for some reason the src and href attributes where empty. By removing those Tags I fixed the issue.
To look deeper into the reason behind this error you can find the code where the error is thrown here
const clonedThisNode = idsToIncludedClones.get(;
if (!clonedThisNode) throw new Error('Cloned graph missing node');
return clonedThisNode;


Unable to find response container for <UUID>

I see this error in a Liferay log file:
INFO [Incoming-1,liferay-channel-control,FOO03-38099][ClusterRequestReceiver:250]
Unable to find response container for b62ef2ea-00c6-11e8-ba89-0ed5f89f718b
When searching the Internet, there are only 7 results, mostly source code, plus 2 Liferay issues that seem to ignore the message.
My question:
What does this message mean really?
Can I safely ignore it?
The context you're describing doesn't contain a lot of hints as to when this is occuring. Due to the location of the code deep within clustering, it's quite abstract.
Based on the fact that
it's not an ERROR but an INFO
The comment on LPS-56376: "Has no real impact to system other than info level log messages stating: Unable to find response container for:... from ClusterRequestReceiver"
The title of LPS-56376: "ClusterableAdvice is not flagging methods that return void as "fire and forget""
and without deeper analysis, I'd ignore this message.

GitLab - Getting 404 (Not Found) for /assets/ace/mode-markdown.js

I am getting the following error from GitLab while editing the code online.
GET http://git.server.local/assets/ace/mode-markdown.js 404 (Not Found) application-c8cd2dd87cbf8a023b21baf4d6996ac9.js:26
t.loadScript application-c8cd2dd87cbf8a023b21baf4d6996ac9.js:26
t.loadModule application-c8cd2dd87cbf8a023b21baf4d6996ac9.js:26
setMode application-c8cd2dd87cbf8a023b21baf4d6996ac9.js:27
(anonymous function)
Has anyone encountered such an error? I wonder why an asset without a hash is being requested by the app.
It is an Omnibus install.
I prepared a fix here. This also adds syntax highlighting when creating a new file in the repository or a new snippet.
Until it is properly resolved at some point in time, I have gotten the error resolved by copying the "ace" folder from the ace-rails-ap repository to the GitLab public/assets folder.
It seems the asset is requested by the following Javascript that gets inline with the code.
Probably introduced in this commit
# gitlab-ce.git/app/views/projects/edit_tree/show.html.haml
ace.config.set("modePath", gon.relative_url_root + "#{Gitlab::Application.config.assets.prefix}/ace")
var ace_mode = "#{#blob.language.try(:ace_mode)}";
var editor = ace.edit("editor");
if (ace_mode) {
editor.getSession().setMode('ace/mode/' + ace_mode);
Since the inline Javascript does not know anything about Rails asset management, it is assuming that the file would be there in assets folder.


I just started trying out Derbyjs, and I already ran into a problem. I can't find any support for this error, and most likely is some dumb mistake i'm making.
I'm trying to render a view, following the example from the documentation.
My app is as simple as this:
var app = require('derby').createApp(module);
app.get('/', function (page, model) {
My views are composed by two files.
<import: src="home">
Default page content
Welcome to the home page
I get the following error whenever the page is rendered:
Error: Template import of 'home'... ...can't contain content
As you can see, it is a very simple example. What am I missing?
I get that error even if I have the "home.html" file empty.
Well, I got the answer from one of the developers.
It seems like there was a subtle bug in the Template Parser that probably has already been fixed.
Having a whitespace or linebreak in front of
<import: src="home">
was causing the parser to raise the error. Writing
<import: src="home"><Body:>
solved the issue.

mysterious reference error encountered (using node v 0.4.9)

I wrote a node program to scrape url content. Since a lot of things get thrown into and out the machine, I have a process listener for uncaughtException and just throw the error results into a log file instead of letting it kill the daemon. Going over that log file recently, I noticed something amiss. Here's an error that gets thrown frequently and the stack trace:
Stack Trace:
ReferenceError: GEL is not defined
at Object._onTimeout
at Timer.callback (timers.js:83:39)
Not very informative I know. Naturally, I rgrepped my source code for GEL. Then I rgrepped all my node module dependencies (there's not that many) for GEL. Then I rgrepped node for GEL. Then I rgrepped v8 for GEL. Then I stopped and asked StackOverflow... What am I doing wrong? (I'm not doing anything too unreasonable in my code like trying to eval random strings or whatnot.)
Important: node v 0.4.9 ... think it also gets thrown on v 0.4.10
I figured out the problem. It was in fact my code's fault. The code I was debugging was using the jsdom module, which was interpreting the javascript from the web pages I was scraping. I fixed the problem I was having by improving my regex that strips out <script> tags and passed an extra features argument to my jsdom.env call:
html: myHtml,
done: myCallback,
url: url,
features : {
FetchExternalResources : [],
ProcessExternalResources : false

Appending document in response function

Not sure why, but I'm getting an unexpected identifier error when trying to append an element to the document in a response function. I've found that doing anything with the document seems to give me this error. Here's a sample code:
chrome.extension.sendRequest({send:data},function(response) {
It looks to me like it should work, but evidently it does now. This piece of code is located in the contentscript, and messing with the document outside of this function seems to work just fine, but I always get "unexpected identifier" when trying this. Unfortunately I cannot do it outside of the function because the response determines whether or not an element is added to the body.
The code you shared should work. Try restarting your browser to see if that fixes it.
