Yoga server deployment to the shows directory listing instedad the application - node.js

I can run the app locally without any issue by yarn start command. here I have provided photographs which represent my problem. I googled and noticed several people faces the same problem. but their context is different.

By default, Now publishes your files as a static directory. You can add a builder to your now.json file to tell Now how to build and deploy your site.
In a case where app.js contains a web server application, your now.json might look like this:
"version": 2,
"name": "my-project",
"builds": [
{"src": "app.js", "use": "#now/node"}
This tells Now to use the #now/node builder to generate a lambda that runs app.js to respond to requests.
If your app is purely js+html to be run on the client machine, you wouldn't need the lambda, but you can still build the source before deploying it as static files with #now/static-build.
Check out the Now docs for more info:


Deploying to Heroku with client and api in seperate folders. Failing on Heroku

I am developing a NodeJS app that uses React on the front end. My folder structure is:
root -
- client (React App)
- api (express server)
My git folder is in the root folder for pushing the entire project to GitHub throughout development. But does my repo need to now be initialized in the api folder? Or is there a way to tell Heroku that the application is in the api folder?
Error on Heroku:
Build failed
There was an issue building your app. Please ensure your app is deployable to Heroku and try again.
! No default language could be detected for this app.
HINT: This occurs when Heroku cannot detect the buildpack to use for this application automatically.
! Push failed
Also I feel it's worth mentioning that I set up the auto deploys in the Heroku GUI. So, it is attempting to build. I also have a Proc file and an app.json file.
"name": "Craig Bauer | Portfolio",
"description": "My web portfolio built as a MEAN stacjk app",
"repository": "",
"logo": "",
"keywoeds": ["node", "react", "portfolio"],
"image": "heroku/nodejs"
"buildpacks": [
"url": ""
web: node app.js
Thanks in advance
I found this solution and just wanted to share.
My entire production application is now in the api folder. This command worked well for me.
git subtree push --prefix api heroku master
For future projects I will structure this differently so I won't have to copy the build before each deploy.

Is there a way to package an Electron app in order to have an .exe file and just a folder with HTML/JS/CSS files next to it?

I'm using Electron to generate a kind of "website container" for Windows because the users of my app needs to run it locally (they don't always have internet access) but they don't have the possibility to have a web-server on their computer and there are CORS issues if they just open the index.html file directly through the browser.
The Electron generated application is used as container, users are getting their specific files (folder with HTML/CSS/JS files) on github and they put it on the indicated folder in the Electron App. The main.js script in electron only run a Browser window and load the HTML file.
As web application are loading a configuration file modified by the users, they must have access to application files, i can't send them a packaged application.
Currently i'm using Electron-builder with this configuration with "container" folder contains all the website file
"build": {
"appId": "",
"target": "portable",
"icon": "favicon.ico",
"asarUnpack": [
This is working fine but there are lots of files in the Electron folder besides the website files:
So it's not really intuitive for users, they have to go to "resources/app.asar.unpacked/container/" folder to update their files.
Isn't their a way to have an ouput like this ?
Have you considered using extraResources in the package.json instead of the unpacked asar?
"build": {
"extraResources": ["./extraResources/**"]
That will put your files in the "resources" folder instead, and you can fetch them from your code.

project deployment to zeit reads "warning project is missing a now.json file with version ###"

when deploying my project up to my zeit clipboard, after the success deployment a warning sign appears stating "your project is missing a now.json file with version ###". then i went to the zeit website to get the new version for now but it doesnt work. byt the way It's a node project. any help is appreciated
Updating to the latest version won't resolve this warning. Having the now.json files allows you to specify options. Zeit added support for additional options, these can be specified in the now.json file. It looks something like this
"version": 2.2,
"builds": [
{ "src": "*.js", "use": "#now/node" }
Note: You can still deploy to Zeit without a now.json file. However, if your project has no now.json file, or has one but no builds property defined, the projects source* files will be deployed directly as the output.
Learn more about now.json and what available options exist here
Learn more about sources and outputs here
*Sources are files that already exist in your project before deploying and can be used to define the output

How to initialize a koa node.js app application on IISNode (Azure WebSites)

We are currently moving a self-hosted koa app to IISNode on Azure WebSites..
In self-hosting, we initiallize the application by calling
node --harmony ./bin/application
Requests then go to ./index.js.
However we could not find how to setup IISNode to call "bin/application" at initialization time.
Any ideas?
Not sure this is the same scenario, but I ran into something that sounds like this when express.js started using ./bin/www as the entry point for express.js apps. Initially it broke everything, but now we look for the "scripts" entry in the package.json to tell Azure how to configure IISNode for the application. For express, it generates a "scripts" entry that looks like this:
"scripts": {
"start": "node ./bin/www"
When Azure sees this, it generates a web.config on the server that uses ./bin/www for the entry point.
So... I'd say first off, try adding a "scripts" entry to the package.json that points to your ./bin/application file, and try deploying that to Azure. Hopefully that 'just works'. If it doesn't, try adding a web.config to the root of your application, using as the contents. This should point IISNode to the ./bin/application file as the entrypoint, and is what Azure Websites should automatically generate when it sees the "scripts" entry in the package.json file.
The other problem you'll run into is using Node.js v0.11.13, which I don't believe is included in Azure websites by default, and passing the --harmony switches. has a section on including a version of node.js as part of your website. In the iisnode.yml file, you'd want to have a line similar to the following:
nodeProcessCommandLine: d:\home\site\wwwroot\bin\node.exe --harmony
I believe this should make this work.
You can setup custom deployment scripts for Azure Websites.
This blog post contains details on how to use it:

HTML5 application on Heroku

I wish tho host my HTML5 application on Heroku. But I must choose one of the platforms (Java, Python, Node.js, etc) for my app. How can I run my application under Node.js? I have been able to create and deploy a simple Node.js app in Heroku however I am yet to figure out how can I merge my HTML5 app into this Node.js app.
I hope I make sense.
"HTML5 app" is very non-descriptive and generic. If you mean an entirely client-side HTML application with no real backend logic, than that's trivial with node.js on heroku. If you put this in the root of your git repo in a file called server.js:
var app = require('express')();
Then put all of your HTML5 app in a directory called 'app' and node will serve it up.
Also in the root of your repo you'll need a Heroku Procfile with the following:
web: node server.js
Finally, you'll also want a package.json in the root of your repo so that Heroku can install your dependencies:
"name": "my-app",
"description": "My application",
"version": "0.0.1",
"dependencies": {
"express": "3.4.0"
"engines": {
"node": ">=0.10.0"
you can use ruby as well. rack based app Heroku rack based app
You need to create a file and put your HTML content into public folder
Here are more details about creating a static site based on rack app. Creating Static Sites in Ruby with Rack
Hope this helps!
