Visual Studio 2019 Team Explorer Another Browser for Builds - windows-10

Visual Studio 2019 Team Explorer for Builds opens builds in external browser.
How can I make it open in Another browser than default?
I want open in it in Internet Explorer

You can only the browser in one place – the browser you set to launch when debugging web apps.
Anywhere that does not use that setting will use the default browser.
(Personally I just navigate within the Azure DevOps web site – reviewing PRs means I just keep the key projects open!)


How do I prevent Visual Studio 2015 from launching a browser after publishing an application?

I am working on a site with a publishing profile that pushes the site to a remote host. After publishing I get a new browser window that navigates to the newly published site. This is ok in most circumstances but I am in a situation where I can't allow that last step to occur, I simply want to tell visual studio not to show me the website after publishing. I've checked all the publishing settings that I can find but haven't found any option to control this. Anyone have any ideas?
Does this information from Visual Studio 2013 still hold true for 2015?
I can't check it myself, but essentially it says that in the 'connection' tab of the deploy dialog, the Destination URL setting isn't required. When Visual Studio finishes deploying the application, it automatically opens your default browser to this URL. If you don't want the browser to open automatically after deployment, leave this box blank.
Do you want to try that?
Update for Visual Studio 2019:
In the "Publish" page, look for "Configuration". On the right side, click the Pencil Icon.
In the next dialog, open the "Connection" tab, and empty the field "Destination URL".

How to get latest or commit with TFS server from Windows Explorer?

My need
Currently I have to open Visual Studio to make a get latest or a commit pending changes.
I want to do that the same way with TortoiseSVN right in Windows Explorer.
What I have tried
I made google research and comes down to using the tool called TFS 2012 Power Tools
Someone also mentioned about this issue here
Though after installed, I got nothing working as espected. Wondering did I do wrong then...
I'm using Windows 8.1 and Visual Studio 2012 Web Express.
How should I do to install it properly and get it work after all then?
Assuming that when you installed the power tools you enabled shell integration and then logged out/back in to active them, then you need to do a few things:
Do an initial 'get' from TFS using Visual Studio Team Explorer and make a note of your workspace folder.
In Windows Explorer, right click that workspace folder. You should see the context menu items appear.
Most people having trouble with the context menu appearing have forgotten that to log out and log back in, as Windows Explorer needs to be restarted to pick up the new shell extension.

Where is Visual Studio Online Monaco?

I've recently been using Visual Studio Online 'Monaco' to edit an AngularJS application that I have hosted as an Azure website. I want to use Monaco as it has in-browser typescript support.
As far as I can tell the only place to get to Visual Studio Online 'Monaco' is via a well hidden link on an associated Azure Website's Dashboard, down the bottom of the page on the right hand side.
E.g. the final access url ends up being:
Is this the only place to get to Monaco?
It appears to be a good alternative to Cloud 9 and for development of Typescript and .Net solutions but I'd like a more style way of setting up dev environments. e.g. log in, clone from github, start coding.
Edit: From replies over time to this question...
As of Dec 2015 Visual Studio Code is an excellent locally hosted version similar to Atom but with a Visual Studio vibe, and cross platform:
As of July 2015 an option in the Azure Web App Dashboard has appeared.
To enable Visual Studio Online for a web app:
Go to the 'configure' tab of the web app
Switch the 'EDIT IN VISUAL STUDIO ONLINE' on, click Save
An 'Edit in Visual Studio' option appears on the dashboard tab under the 'quick glance' area
Clicking on this takes you to the VSO pointing at your web app
Note: If you deploy via git etc your vso changes may be overwritten
As of July 2016 in the new portal
This has been renamed to App Service Editor.
App Services => Your App => Tools => App Service Editor (Preview)
Click go in the panel that opens up to navigate to
Update to add pic (by Luke)
At this point in time, the only way you can edit code online is via the link in the Azure portal (or by using the url directly as you've done).
I presume that Monaco will show up on other Microsoft properties at some point in time, but that's just a guess.
UPDATE: A lot has changed since this answer was given. The summary added to the the question provides a good overview of Monaco's usage, though you should also add to the Typescript Playground. The VSCode team is even looking to make Monaco available as a standalone tool you can use in your own apps (see GH issue)
P.S. VSCode is built on top of Electron and, being open source, you can look at the code of the Monaco editor today.
As of today, it is accessed by adding the Visual Studio Online extension to your website and then clicking "Browse" at the top when the extension is selected. It is unclear why Monoco is so hidden, perhaps they want to wait until it is "done" before doing a big push?
UPDATE 11/23/2015: The Monaco editor was open sourced last week (as part of vscode). The vscode repository is also the repository for Monaco.
Visual Studio Code is Microsoft's new desktop editor that is built on web technologies and the editor component is Monaco.
See: What is the Visual Studio Code editor built on
As of January 2016 in the new portal
App Services => Your App => Tools => Extensions => Add + => Visual Studio Online
Going back through that chain and selecting "Browse" will navigate you to

Is Visual Studio 2013 Missing "Remote Site" as a Option Within the "Copy Web Site" Feature?

In Visual Studio 2012 when you "copy web site" (in VS 2013 > Website > Copy Web Site) and you click on the Connect button the interface used to have File System / Local IIS / FTP Site / and "Remote Site". This was used to connect to sites with Front Page Server Extensions. I still have one client on a server that I support that is using this. Is there a way within VS 2013 to still accomplish this or do I need to keep a copy of VS 2012 around for this feature?
Support for Front Page was removed in VS2013. You'll need to keep a copy of VS2012 around for this.

Loading a Windows Azure Project from Gallery into Visual Studio 2012

I have a Windows Azure web site. I started this web site as a New -> Compute -> Web Site -> From Gallery. Once here, I chose the Orchard CMS. I have the site successfully running in Windows Azure. My challenge is, I want to do some customizations to it.
How do I get this code into my local Visual Studio 2012 instance so that I can:
Make customizations to the site with Visual Studio 2012.
Check it into source control so other on my team can work on it
I saw the following post: However, this only talks about opening the site in WebMatrix. I want to skip WebMatrix and go straight to Visual Studio if possible.
Download WebMatrix and click the Visual Studio button in the ribbon. It must create a solution file for you to then access your website via Visual Studio. I don't have an Azure website at the moment to try it with.
You may need to tweak the registry to get the VS 2012 to open properly:
Type regedit and select the HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT.
Locate VisualStudio.DTE and change the CurVer to
Finally change the CLSID to {059618E6-4639-4D1A-A248-1384E368D5C3}
You do not need to use WebMatrix at all; another option is to just download the files from FTP and then create a VS solution and add the files you downloaded.
From Visual Studio you can easily deploy the solution to TFS and to your azure website.
As a side note, as of today (January 28th, 2014) the registry edit proposed by SilverNinja is no longer needed, I was able to open VS 2013 Professional from Webmatrix without editing the registry.
