Async does not seem to wait for await - node.js

I use node js and postgres as well as chai and mocha for tdd, and now I have encountered a problem when I try to update an item in my database with a wrong foreign key. When this happens I want to basically get the old item from the database with the valid values.
this is the update method in the Item class
async update() {
if (this.description.length === 0) {
throw new Error("Description can not be deleted");
try {
const updateItem = await this.tryUpdate();
} catch (e) {
const oldItem = await Item.getById(;
throw new Error("Updating did not work");
This is the test that fails
it('should throw an error if you update with wrong category or project id and get the old values from the server', async function () {
const newProject = "3b4e092e-1dd9-40a5-8357-69696b3e35ba";
const newCategory = "3cf87368-9499-4af1-9af0-10ccf1e84088";
const item = await Item.getById(updateId);
const oldProjectId = item.projectId;
const oldCategoryId = item.categoryId;
item.projectId = newProject;
item.categoryId = newCategory;
this is the AssertionError
As you can see the item still has the wrong categoryId and not the one from the server. Eventhough the log has the correct item.

I solved it myself
I needed to add an await in the test
it('should throw an error if you update with wrong category or project id and get the old values from the server', async function () {
const newProject = "3b4e092e-1dd9-40a5-8357-69696b3e35ba";
const newCategory = "3cf87368-9499-4af1-9af0-10ccf1e84088";
const item = await Item.getById(updateId);
const oldProjectId = item.projectId;
const oldCategoryId = item.categoryId;
item.projectId = newProject;
await expect(item.update());
item.categoryId = newCategory;
await expect(item.update());


Firebase Function onCreate add to new collection works, but update does not

I have this onCreate Trigger, I am using it to aggregate and add record or update record. First it takes minutes to add the record and then the update never runs just keeps adding, not sure why my query is not bringing back a record to update.
Any suggestion would be great.
exports.updateTotals = functions.runWith({tinmeoutSeconds: 540})
.onCreate(async (snap, context) => {
const mycompleted =;
const myuserid = context.params.userID;
console.log("USER: "+myuserid);
const mygroup = mycompleted.groupRef;
const myuser = mycompleted.userRef;
const newPoints = mycompleted.pointsEarned;
console.log("POINTS: "+newPoints);
const data = {
groupRef: mygroup,
userRef: myuser,
pointsTotal: newPoints,
const mytotalsref = db.collection("TaskPointsTotals")
.where("groupRef", "==", mygroup)
.where("userRef", "==", myuser);
const o = {};
await mytotalsref.get().then(async function(thisDoc) {
console.log("NEW POINTS: "+thisDoc.pointsTotal);
const newTotalPoints = thisDoc.pointsTotal + newPoints;
console.log("NEW TOTAL: "+newTotalPoints);
if (thisDoc.exists) {
console.log("MYDOC: ";
o.pointsTotal = newTotalPoints;
await mytotalsref.update(o);
} else {
console.log("ADDING DOCUMENT");
await db.collection("TaskPointsTotals").doc().set(data);
You are experiencing this behavior because while querying for updates you are getting more than 1 document and you are using thisDoc.exists on more than one document. If you have used typescript this could have been catched while writing the code.
So for the update query, if you are confident that only unique documents exist with those filters then here’s the updated code that I have recreated using in my environment.
functions/index.ts :
exports.updateTotals = functions.runWith({timeoutSeconds: 540})
.onCreate(async (snap, context) => {
const mycompleted =;
const myuserid = context.params.userID;
console.log("USER: "+myuserid);
const mygroup = mycompleted.groupRef;
const myuser = mycompleted.userRef;
const newPoints = mycompleted.pointsEarned;
console.log("POINTS: "+newPoints);
const data = {
groupRef: mygroup,
userRef: myuser,
pointsTotal: newPoints,
const mytotalsref = admin.firestore()
.where("groupRef", "==", mygroup)
.where("userRef", "==", myuser);
await mytotalsref.get().then(async function(thisDoc) {
if (!thisDoc.empty) { // check if the snapshot is empty or not
const doc =[0];
const newTotalPoints = + newPoints;
const id =;
await db.collection("TaskPointsTotals").doc(id).update({pointsTotal: newTotalPoints});
} else {
await db.collection("TaskPointsTotals").doc().set(data);
For more information about QuerySnapshot methods check this docs

Parameter obj to Document() must be an object when trying to convert array to mongoose document with redis

I have using redis to cache my queries. Its working fine with object but not when i get array. It gives me an error **"Parameter "obj" to Document() must be an object, got kids", **. It also happens with count query. Here is my code :
const mongoose = require("mongoose");
const redis = require("redis");
const util = require("util");
const client = redis.createClient(process.env.REDIS_URL);
client.hget = util.promisify(client.hget);
const exec = mongoose.Query.prototype.exec;
mongoose.Query.prototype.cache = async function (options = {}) {
this.useCache = true;
this.hashKey = JSON.stringify(options.key || "");
this.time = JSON.stringify(options.time || 36000);
return this;
mongoose.Query.prototype.exec = async function () {
if (!this.useCache) {
return exec.apply(this, arguments);
const key = JSON.stringify(
Object.assign({}, this.getQuery(), {
// client.flushdb(function (err, succeeded) {
// console.log(succeeded); // will be true if successfull
// });
const cacheValue = await client.hget(this.hashKey, key);
if (cacheValue) {
const doc = JSON.parse(cacheValue);
this.model refers to the Class of the corresponding Mongoose Model of the query being executed, example: User,Blog
this function must return a Promise of Mongoose model objects due to the nature of the mongoose model object having other
functions attached once is created ( validate,set,get etc)
console.log("Response from Redis");
return Array.isArray(doc)
? => new this.model(d))
: new this.model(doc);
//await the results of the query once executed, with any arguments that were passed on.
const result = await exec.apply(this, arguments);
client.hset(this.hashKey, key, JSON.stringify(result));
client.expire(this.hashKey, this.time);
console.log("Response from MongoDB");
return result;
module.exports = {
clearHash(hashKey) {
Data in redis - [ 'kids', 'men', 'women' ]
Query - const collectionType = await Product.find() .distinct("collectionType") .cache({ key: "COLLECTION_TYPE" });
can i anyone please tell me what i am doing wrong?
I have solved by directly returning the doc and its working fine. Not sure if it is the right way if i directly do return doc then sending data from redis only

sql.close() Is it still necessary if object = sql.connect and object destroyed at the end? (Node.js Express)

I have a function which returns an object that is essentially sql.connect(<constring>). I’m using that function to create a new object (new connection) every time that I need (for example const newPool = await startPool()
My questions is this:
I’m not using sql.close because I assumed that the newPool object is destroyed when the function in which is used is finished. Is this right?
I'm using this to define the connection:
let newPool = null;
async function startDatabase() {
try {
newPool =await sql.connect(sqlConfig);
} catch (err) {
errorMsg ='database connection error';
async function startPool(){
if(!newPool) await startDatabase();
return newPool;
module.exports = {
.. and this is an example where I use it
const newPool = await startPool();
const result = await newPool.request()
.query('select SID, active, blockedTemp,hps,slt, SERFid, fName, lName from usr where [email] = #email')

How to make Mongoose update work with await?

I'm creating a NodeJS backend where a process reads in data from a source, checks for changes compared to the current data, makes those updates to MongoDB and reports the changes made. Everything works, except I can't get the changes reported, because I can't get the Mongoose update action to await.
The returned array from this function is then displayed by a Koa server. It shows an empty array, and in the server logs, the correct values appear after the server has returned the empty response.
I've digged through Mongoose docs and Stack Overflow questions – quite a few questions about the topic – but with no success. None of the solutions provided seem to help. I've isolated the issue to this part: if I remove the Mongoose part, everything works as expected.
const parseJSON = async xmlData => {
const changes = []
const games = await Game.find({})
const gameObjects = => {
return new GameObject(,, game)
let jsonObj = require("../sample.json")
Object.keys(jsonObj.items.item).forEach(async item => {
const game = jsonObj.items.item[item]
const gameID = game["#_objectid"]
const rating = game.stats.rating["#_value"]
if (rating === "N/A") return
const gameObject = await gameObjects.find(
game => game.bgg === parseInt(gameID)
if (gameObject && gameObject.rating !== parseInt(rating)) {
try {
const updated = await Game.findOneAndUpdate(
{ _id: },
{ rating: rating },
{ new: true }
`${}: ${gameObject.rating} -> ${updated.rating}`
} catch (error) {
return changes
Everything works – the changes are found and the database is updated, but the reported changes are returned too late, because the execution doesn't wait for Mongoose.
I've also tried this instead of findOneAndUpdate():
const updated = await Game.findOne()
updated.rating = rating
The same results here: everything else works, but the async doesn't.
As #Puneet Sharma mentioned, you'll have to map instead of forEach to get an array of promises, then await on the promises (using Promise.all for convenience) before returning changes that will then have been populated:
const parseJSON = async xmlData => {
const changes = []
const games = await Game.find({})
const gameObjects = => {
return new GameObject(,, game)
const jsonObj = require("../sample.json")
const promises = Object.keys(jsonObj.items.item).map(async item => {
const game = jsonObj.items.item[item]
const gameID = game["#_objectid"]
const rating = game.stats.rating["#_value"]
if (rating === "N/A") return
const gameObject = await gameObjects.find(
game => game.bgg === parseInt(gameID)
if (gameObject && gameObject.rating !== parseInt(rating)) {
try {
const updated = await Game.findOneAndUpdate(
{ _id: },
{ rating: rating },
{ new: true }
`${}: ${gameObject.rating} -> ${updated.rating}`
} catch (error) {
await Promise.all(promises)
return changes
(The diff, for convenience:
< let jsonObj = require("../sample.json")
< Object.keys(jsonObj.items.item).forEach(async item => {
> const jsonObj = require("../sample.json")
> const promises = Object.keys(jsonObj.items.item).map(async item => {
> await Promise.all(promises)
EDIT: a further refactoring would be to use that array of promises for the change descriptions themselves. Basically changePromises is an array of Promises that resolve to a string or null (if there was no change), so a .filter with the identity function will filter out the falsy values.
This method also has the advantage that changes will be in the same order as the keys were iterated over; with the original code, there's no guarantee of order. That may or may not matter for your use case.
I also flipped the if/elses within the map function to reduce nesting; it's a matter of taste really.
Ps. That await Game.find({}) will be a problem when you have a large collection of games.
const parseJSON = async xmlData => {
const games = await Game.find({});
const gameObjects = => new GameObject(,, game));
const jsonGames = require("../sample.json").items.item;
const changePromises = Object.keys(jsonGames).map(async item => {
const game = jsonGames[item];
const gameID = game["#_objectid"];
const rating = game.stats.rating["#_value"];
if (rating === "N/A") {
// Rating from data is N/A, we don't need to update anything.
return null;
const gameObject = await gameObjects.find(game => game.bgg === parseInt(gameID));
if (!(gameObject && gameObject.rating !== parseInt(rating))) {
// Game not found or its rating is already correct; no change.
return null;
try {
const updated = await Game.findOneAndUpdate(
{ _id: },
{ rating: rating },
{ new: true },
return `${}: ${gameObject.rating} -> ${updated.rating}`;
} catch (error) {
// Await for the change promises to resolve, then filter out the `null`s.
return (await Promise.all(changePromises)).filter(c => c);

pool.request is not a function

I would like to setup my prepared statements with the mssql module. I created a query file for all user related requests.
const db = require('../databaseManager.js');
module.exports = {
getUserByName: async username => db(async pool => await pool.request()
.input('username', dataTypes.VarChar, username)
username = #username;`))
This approach allows me to require this query file and access the database by executing the query that is needed
const userQueries = require('../database/queries/users.js');
const userQueryResult = await userQueries.getUserByName(username); // call this somewhere in an async function
My database manager handles the database connection and executes the query
const sql = require('mssql');
const config = require('../config/database.js');
const pool = new sql.ConnectionPool(config).connect();
module.exports = async request => {
try {
const result = await request(pool);
return {
result: result.recordSet,
err: null
} catch (err) {
return {
result: null,
When I run the code I get the following error
UnhandledPromiseRejectionWarning: TypeError: pool.request is not a
Does someone know what is wrong with the code?
I think this happens because the pool is not initialized yet... but I used async/await to handle this...
Here is how I made your code work (I did some drastic simplifications):
const sql = require("mssql");
const { TYPES } = require("mssql");
const CONN = "";
(async () => {
const pool = new sql.ConnectionPool(CONN);
const poolConnect = pool.connect();
const getUserByName = async username => {
await poolConnect;
try {
const result = await pool.request()
.input("username", TYPES.VarChar, username)
username = #username;`);
return {
result: result.recordset,
err: null
} catch (err) {
return {
result: null,
console.log(await getUserByName("Timur"));
In short, first read this.
You probably smiled when saw that the PR was created just 2 months before your questions and still not reflected in here.
Basically, instead of:
const pool = new sql.ConnectionPool(config).connect();
you do this:
const pool = new sql.ConnectionPool(config);
const poolConnection = pool.connect();
//later, when you need the connection you make the Promise resolve
await poolConnection;
