Need help creating a Azure Bot service - azure

Click Create new resource link found on the upper left-hand corner of the Azure portal, then select AI + Machine Learning > Web App bot. After filling all the details, I get an error message stating 'the service id is not available' and the create button disappears.

Sign out and re-login to the Azure portal and then re-try the operation has mentioned in the below article
Make sure you have enough amount in your Azure subscription (or) your subscription is Active.Like(changing "consumption plan" to "app service plan.)
However Azure Portal is a simple GUI to create any resources easily. But it doesn't mean to stop you from using other ways like Azure CLI, Powershell, ARM templates, Other SDK's
Azure CLI to create a WebApp Bot
Dot Net SDK to create a WebApp Bot
Node.js SDK to create a webApp Bot
Additional information: After you've registered your client with Azure, you need to create the Web App. Be sure to use the following in the body:kind "webapp"
location Geographic location used to create the bot service resources. For example, eastus, westus, westus2, and so on.
You won't be able to test this due to Azure subscription limitations.

This error is because the service name has already been assigned within Azure. That name must be unique across all Azure services, not only the ones in your group or resource groups. This is a common error new comers may experience.


Azure Portal - ResourceGroup linked to App Service doesnt work

I am new here and in MS Azure as well so sorry in advance for any misunderstanding.
I have a question related to the Azure Portal and Resource Group.
I have successfully built an image, created a container where the image has been pushed and no I have ResourceGroup That I can see available on the Azure Portal.
I also successfully start App Service and I can see the attribut ResourceGroup on the AppService heading right to my correctly build on the Azure Portal.
And here is the issue...
On the AppService, there is provided URL, where your cloud app is running and I cant see anything on the URL, just bluescreen which telling me to deploy the code. BUT, the resourceGroup with the code has been linked to the App Service.
I am so confused by Azure Portal Gui... and maybe I missed some tutorial or hint on the net. Does anybody has any experiences with Azure Cloud and uploading Web App ?
I am using Trial-Account.
The "Resource Group" in Azure is a way to organize related resources together. An "App Service Plan", a "Web App", etc are individual Resources. You organize multiple individual resources into Resource Groups by placing resources that are create and/or managed together in the same Resource Group. This is generally done to organize all the resources for a particular workload to be in the same Resource Group.
To publish your application code, you need to publish the code to the App Service Web App. Resource Groups don't host code, they are just for organization. You will deploy your application code and host it within the App Service Web App.
Please refer to the documentation for further explanation on how to deploy your code to App Service, manage it, and host it there:

Issue with VSTS Release Definition

I have an ASP.NET MVC application and want to deploy it to Azure cloud service.
I have added Azure cloud service deployment task and trying to configure the subscription details using "New button". There are two fields which ask for user name and password. So I entered my credentials that I use to login to But I get an error during release process. Can you please help if I am missing anything?
2018-02-14T22:43:28.0976940Z ##[command]Import-Module -Name C:\Program Files\WindowsPowerShell\Modules\AzureRM.Profile\2.1.0\AzureRM.Profile.psm1 -Global
2018-02-14T22:43:28.1499971Z ##[command]Add-AzureAccount -Credential System.Management.Automation.PSCredential
2018-02-14T22:43:31.8827701Z ##[error]AADSTS50079: The user is required to use multi-factor authentication.
The Azure classic portal has been retired, so you need to use the new portal and add Azure Resource Manager (Azure RM) service endpoint).
The simple way to add Azure RM service endpoint:
Create a new build definition
Add Azure App Service Deploy task, select the item in Available Azure subscription
Click Authorize button
After that, it will add related service endpoint to your team project.
Another way is that, you can refer to this blog to add service endpoint:
Connect your Azure subscriptions to VSTS in 3 clicks
You can create a set of deployment credentials that's different from your microsoft account's credentials.
Everything is pretty well explained here:
When you log into Microsoft Azure you are logging in with a Microsoft Account. This account lets you add, modify, and remove
resources within your Azure subscription. Some Azure resources such
as Websites and Mobile Services require a separate deployment
credential to publish code. This separate deployment credential can
be confusing and I wanted to document a few key points:
The username you choose for the deployment credential must be unique
across all Azure subscribers.
The deployment credential you create is
tied to your Microsoft account and is the same credential for all
Azure resources which require a deployment credential.
You do not
want to share your deployment credential. Again, this credential has
access to publish code to all Websites and Mobile Services that your
Microsoft account can administer

Unable to login to Azure

I am trying to create an ASP.NET framework app in Azure so i followed the tutorial on the Azure website but while publishing there is always a problem logging in.
I have tried to login several times and it is all successful but i am unable to proceed with creating app services. The page will still be the same page asking to login or create an account.
I am also login to my visual studio 2017 enterprise with the same account so i am wondering why i can't proceed on.
Thank you
According to your description, I suppose you haven't buy the Azure. You could buy Azure from this link. After that, your account could use Azure. Then you could get Subscription for Azure portal. You could also create Resource Group and App Service Plan from Azure portal.
If you want to use Azure for free,you can use trial version.Just like the following screenshot. However, it has use time and function limit.

Azure cloud service deployment issue with pay as you go subscription - cloud services are not available in this subscription

I am having an issue while deploying an Azure web role to a cloud service. It shows me the error
Cloud services are not available in this subscription.
I am using a pay as you go subscription on Azure. I don't know if there is any limitation with this subscription for cloud service deployment or not.
Updated version of JerryGoyal's solution.
Cloud Service Management will have to be done using the new Azure Portal, because Cloud Service Management in the old portal will be disabled as of 11/15/2017.
Log into the new Azure Portal.
Go to the Subscriptions View.
Set your account as a Co-Admin. Microsoft Documentation.
I think the issue you're running into is that the Cloud Service Publish Wizard in VS only supports subscriptions in which you are an admin or co-admin granted via via the old portal ( If you've been given access via RBAC or the new portal, then VS will not see the resources under those subscriptions.
To work around it, you can build the package using msbuild.exe and then upload it via the portal.
That help?
Cloud services are not available in this subscription
The error is caused because the Cloud Services still use the old deployment model that is based on Azure Service Management (ASM).
To deploy an ASM based component to Azure you need to be ‘co-admin’ for the subscription.
Right now you are ‘Owner’ on the new portal but this role only has impact on the new ARM based resources.
So, just ask your subscription admin to login to the old portal ( and make you co-administrator:
Login to the old portal
Click on Settings –> Administrators
Click on the Add button at the bottom
Enter the co-admin email address and click on the OK button.
After this reload your Visual Studio and the problem will be solved.

Does Azure Cloud Service Publishing Profile Exists?

I need to assign publish permission to one of my developers so that he should be able to publish to only one cloud service & do not affect others.
Azure websites have these concepts called download publishing profile.
I could not find anything similar for cloud service. Can it be
As you know Azure Management Portal does not have any role defined where we could map a user account login to manage a set of resources (say cloud service 1 & 2)
It is not possible as of today. It seems that it should be possible with Resource Groups and Role Based Access Control (RBAC) however currently cloud services can't be added in resource groups and assigned RBAC.
One way you could achieve this is have a custom application consuming Service Management API and implement your own RBAC in that application. However it is still a "hack" and not proper solution.
Why don't you try using "publish from source control"? When the developer checks in it will auto publish the code.
I believe the new portal will allow the creation of roles for publishing profiles; it already allows adding additional users to your organization; but to get what you want for now; publishing from source code should do the trick.
