FFT freq wrong is there a problem in code - python-3.x

Want to convert raw accelerometer data to frequency however I have set the frequency on my motor to 120hz and check with another device I am unable to FFT the accelerometer data to get the right frequency produced by the motor
Using Python 3.7, the data use is most likely correct so wondering if there is a problem in the code
from scipy.fftpack import fft
import numpy as np
from scipy import pi
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
%matplotlib inline
# Sampling rate and time vector
start_time = 0 # seconds
end_time = 2 # seconds
sampling_rate = 6660 # Hz
N =(end_time - start_time)*sampling_rate # array size
# Nyquist Sampling Criteria
T = 1/sampling_rate # inverse of the sampling rate
x = np.linspace(0.0, 1.0/(2.0*T), int(N/2))
# FFT algorithm
yr = fft(X) # "raw" FFT with both + and - frequencies
y = 2/N * np.abs(yr[0:np.int(N/2)]) # positive freqs only
# Plotting the results
plt.plot(x, y)
plt.xlabel('Frequency (Hz)')
plt.ylabel('Vibration (g)')


plot analog wave from 9 points of freq and power in python

Good day Everyone, I'm new there hope someone will guide me and help me with my query.
is there away to plot the wave of signal using python? i have 9 points of frequency an power and i want it plot it using python v3.6.
i found some recourse like here and here and here and here i have try the code in below , but i want the graph shows as wave not in same that way. any suggest ?
code is :
# importing the required module
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
# x axis values
x = [54,58,61,62,64,65,66,69,72] # frequency
# corresponding y axis values
y = [2,2.5,4,3,2.5,3.5,4.5,3,2] # Power
# plotting the points
plt.plot(x, y)
# naming the x axis
plt.xlabel('x - axis')
# naming the y axis
plt.ylabel('y - axis')
# giving a title to my graph
plt.title('My first graph!')
# function to show the plot
code of sin-wave, how i modify the code in below to assign the value of frequency and power as : freq = [54,58,61,62,64,65,66,69,72] # frequency and Power = [2,2.5,4,3,2.5,3.5,4.5,3,2] # Power
import numpy as np
import matplotlib
matplotlib.use('TKAgg') #use matplotlib backend TkAgg (optional)
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
sample_rate = 200 # sampling frequency in Hz (atleast 2 times f)
t = np.linspace(0,5,sample_rate) #time axis
f = 100 #Signal frequency in Hz
sig = np.sin(2*np.pi*f*(t/sample_rate))

FFT plot of raw PCM comes wrong for higher frequency in python

Here I am using fft function of numpy to plot the fft of PCM wave generated from a 10000Hz sine wave. But the amplitude of the plot I am getting is wrong.
The frequency is coming correct using fftfreq function which I am printing in the console itself. My python code is here.
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
frate = 44100
filename = 'Sine_10000Hz.bin' #signed16 bit PCM of a 10000Hz sine wave
f = open('Sine_10000Hz.bin','rb')
y = np.fromfile(f,dtype='int16') #Extract the signed 16 bit PCM value of 10000Hz Sine wave
####### Spectral Analysis #########
fft_value = np.fft.fft(y)
freqs = np.fft.fftfreq(len(fft_value)) # frequencies associated with the coefficients:
print("freqs.min(), freqs.max()")
idx = np.argmax(np.abs(fft_value)) # Find the peak in the coefficients
freq = freqs[idx]
freq_in_hertz = abs(freq * frate)
for i in range(2):
print("Value at index {}:\t{}".format(i, fft_value[i + 1]), "\nValue at index {}:\t{}".format(fft_value.size -1 - i, fft_value[-1 - i]))
n_sa = 8 * int(freq_in_hertz)
t_fft = np.linspace(0, 1, n_sa)
T = t_fft[1] - t_fft[0] # sampling interval
N = n_sa #Here it is n_sample
print("\nN value=")
# 1/T = frequency
f = np.linspace(0, 1 / T, N)
plt.xlabel("Frequency [Hz]")
# 2 / N is a normalization factor Here second half of the sequence gives us no new information that the half of the FFT sequence is the output we need.
plt.bar(f[:N // 2], np.abs(fft_value)[:N // 2] * 2 / N, width=15,color="red")
Output comes in the console (Only minimal prints I am pasting here)
freqs.min(), freqs.max()
-0.5 0.49997732426303854
Value at index 0: (19.949569768991054-17.456031216294324j)
Value at index 44099: (19.949569768991157+17.45603121629439j)
Value at index 1: (9.216783424692835-13.477631008179145j)
Value at index 44098: (9.216783424692792+13.477631008179262j)
N value=
The frequency extraction is coming correctly but in the plot something I am doing is incorrect which I don't know.
Updating the work:
When I am change the multiplication factor 10 in the line n_sa = 10 * int(freq_in_hertz) to 5 gives me correct plot. Whether its correct or not I am not able to understand
In the line plt.xlim(0,15000) if I increase max value to 20000 again is not plotting. Till 15000 it is plotting correctly.
I generated this Sine_10000Hz.bin using Audacity tool where I generate a sine wave of freq 10000Hz of 1sec duration and a sampling rate of 44100. Then I exported this audio to signed 16bit with headerless (means raw PCM). I could able to regenerate this sine wave using this script. Also I want to calculate the FFT of this. So I expect a peak at 10000Hz with amplitude 32767. You can see i changed the multiplication factor 8 instead of 10 in the line n_sa = 8 * int(freq_in_hertz). Hence it worked. But the amplitude is showing incorrect. I will attach my new figure here
I'm not sure exactly what you are trying to do, but my suspicion is that the Sine_10000Hz.bin file isn't what you think it is.
Is it possible it contains more than one channel (left & right)?
Is it realy signed 16 bit integers?
It's not hard to create a 10kHz sine wave in 16 bit integers in numpy.
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
n_samples = 2000
f_signal = 10000 # (Hz) Signal Frequency
f_sample = 44100 # (Hz) Sample Rate
amplitude = 2**3 # Arbitrary. Must be > 1. Should be > 2. Larger makes FFT results better
time = np.arange(n_samples) / f_sample # sample times
# The signal
y = (np.sin(time * f_signal * 2 * np.pi) * amplitude).astype('int16')
If you plot 30 points of the signal you can see there are about 5 points per cycle.
plt.plot(time[:30], y[:30], marker='o')
plt.xlabel('Time (s)')
plt.yticks([]); # Amplitude value is artificial. hide it
If you plot 30 samples of the data from Sine_10000Hz.bin does it have about 5 points per cycle?
This is my attempt to recreate the FFT work as I understand it.
fft_value = np.fft.fft(y) # compute the FFT
freqs = np.fft.fftfreq(len(fft_value)) * f_sample # frequencies for each FFT bin
N = len(y)
plt.plot(freqs[:N//2], np.abs(fft_value[:N//2]))
plt.xlabel("Frequency [Hz]")
I get the following plot
The y-axis of this plot is on a log scale. Notice that the amplitude of the peak is in the thousands. The amplitude of most of the rest of the data points are around 100.
idx_max = np.argmax(np.abs(fft_value)) # Find the peak in the coefficients
idx_min = np.argmin(np.abs(fft_value)) # Find the peak in the coefficients
print(f'idx_max = {idx_max}, idx_min = {idx_min}')
print(f'f_max = {freqs[idx_max]}, f_min = {freqs[idx_min]}')
print(f'fft_value[idx_max] {fft_value[idx_max]}')
print(f'fft_value[idx_min] {fft_value[idx_min]}')
idx_max = 1546, idx_min = 1738
f_max = -10010.7, f_min = -5777.1
fft_value[idx_max] (-4733.232076236707+219.11718299533203j)
fft_value[idx_min] (-0.17017443966211232+0.9557200531465061j)
I'm adding a link to a script I've build that outputs the FFT with ACTUAL amplitude (for real signals - e.g. your signal). Have a go and see if it works:
dt=1/frate in your constellation....
After a long home work I could able to find my issue. As I mentioned in the Updating the work: the reason was with the number of samples which I took was wrong.
I changed the two lines in the code
n_sa = 8 * int(freq_in_hertz)
t_fft = np.linspace(0, 1, n_sa)
n_sa = y.size //number of samples directly taken from the raw 16bits
t_fft = np.arange(n_sa)/frate //Here we need to divide each samples by the sampling rate
This solved my issue.
My spectral output is
Special thanks to #meta4 and #YoniChechik for giving me some suggestions.

librosa.util.exceptions.ParameterError: Invalid shape for monophonic audio: ndim=2, shape=(1025, 5341)

I am trying to separate voice from background noise in audio file using python and then extract mfcc features
but I get "librosa.util.exceptions.ParameterError: Invalid shape for monophonic audio: ndim=2, shape=(1025, 5341) "
here's the code
from __future__ import print_function
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import librosa
import librosa.display
import scipy
from scipy.io.wavfile import write
import soundfile as sf
from sklearn.preprocessing import normalize
from scipy.io.wavfile import read, write
from scipy.fftpack import rfft, irfft
y, sr = librosa.load('/home/osboxes/Desktop/AccentReco1/audio-files/egyptiansong.mp3', duration=124)
# And compute the spectrogram magnitude and phase
S_full, phase = librosa.magphase(librosa.stft(y))
# We'll compare frames using cosine similarity, and aggregate similar frames
# by taking their (per-frequency) median value.
# To avoid being biased by local continuity, we constrain similar frames to be
# separated by at least 2 seconds.
# This suppresses sparse/non-repetetitive deviations from the average spectrum,
# and works well to discard vocal elements.
S_filter = librosa.decompose.nn_filter(S_full,
width=int(librosa.time_to_frames(2, sr=sr)))
# The output of the filter shouldn't be greater than the input
# if we assume signals are additive. Taking the pointwise minimium
# with the input spectrum forces this.
S_filter = np.minimum(S_full, S_filter)
# We can also use a margin to reduce bleed between the vocals and instrumentation masks.
# Note: the margins need not be equal for foreground and background separation
margin_i, margin_v = 2, 10
power = 2
mask_i = librosa.util.softmask(S_filter,
margin_i * (S_full - S_filter),
mask_v = librosa.util.softmask(S_full - S_filter,
margin_v * S_filter,
# Once we have the masks, simply multiply them with the input spectrum
# to separate the components
S_foreground = mask_v * S_full
S_background = mask_i * S_full
# extract mfcc feature from data
mfccs = np.mean(librosa.feature.mfcc(y=S_foreground, sr=sr, n_mfcc=40).T,axis=0)
any idea?
You are trying to get the MFCCs for a spectrogram.
You have to convert them back to an audio sample using inverse STFT.
from librosa.core import istft
vocals = istft(S_foreground )

FFT on MPU6050 output signal

I want to perform FFT on data array that I have extracted from MPU6050 sensor connected to Arduino UNO using Python
Please find the data sample below
I have taken 1st column (X axis) and saved in an array
from this i took a part of FFT and the code is as below
from scipy.signal import filtfilt, iirfilter, butter, lfilter
from scipy import fftpack, arange
import numpy as np
import string
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
sample_rate = 0.2
def fftfunction(array):
print('The length is....',n)
Y = fftpack.fft(array)/n
Y = Y[range(n//2)]
pyl.plot(freq, abs(Y))
with open(outputfile1) as f:
for i in range (10,N1):
if (i%2==0):
if (l==3):
I have got the output of FFT as shown FFToutput
I do not understand if the graph is correct.. This is the first time im working with FFT and how do we relate it to data
This is what i got after the changes suggested:FFTnew
Here's a little rework of your fftfunction:
def fftfunction(array):
N = len(array)
amp_spec = abs(fftpack.fft(array)) / N
freq = np.linspace(0, 1, num=N, endpoint=False)
plt.plot(freq, amp_spec, "o-", markerfacecolor="none")
plt.xlim(0, 0.6) # easy way to hide datapoints
plt.margins(0.05, 0.05)
plt.xlabel("Frequency $f/f_{sample}$")
plt.ylabel("Amplitude spectrum")
plt.grid(True, which="both")
Specifically it removes the fs=sample_rate/1.0 part - shouldn't that be the inverse?
The plot then basically tells you how strong which frequency (relative to the sample frequency) was. Looking at your image, at f=0 you have your signal offset or mean value, which is around 0.12. For the rest of it, there's not much going on, no peaks whatsoever that indicate a certain frequency being overly present in the measurement data.

What is the meaning/scale for the amplitude in a Numpy FFT?

To the best of my knowledge, the amplitude in an FFT is 10 times its corresponding frequency. For example, if you were to take the FFT of sin(t) from 0 to 2*pi, the FFT would peak at a frequency of .159 Hz and have a corresponding amplitude of 1.59. However, when I add sin(2*t) to sin(t)--y = sin(t) + sin(2*t)--the amplitudes are no longer 10 times the frequencies. Why is that? Thank you in advance for your help.
The image isn't all that helpful but the 2 amplitudes are less than they should be assuming the amplitude is supposed to be 10 times the frequency.
import math
import numpy as np[enter image description here][1]
import numpy.fft as fft
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
t = np.linspace(0, 2*math.pi, 1600)
y = np.sin(t) + np.sin(2*t)
plt.plot(t, y)
fft_power = fft.fft(y)
rfft_power = fft.rfft(y)
sample_spacing = 3.92944672e-03
frequency = fft.fftfreq(len(fft_power), sample_spacing)
real_frequency = fft.rfftfreq(len(fft_power), sample_spacing)
plt.plot(real_frequency.real, rfft_power.real, 'ro')
