Unable to access flask server hosted on azure VM - azure

I have a flask server hosted on my azure vm.
if __name__ == '__main__':
app.run(debug=True, host="", port=4400)
On vm, I can access the server via the address
Now I want to be able to access this server from outside the vm i.e. my local computer.
I have already added the inbound security rule as below:
I have also added the same inbound rule on the VM's firewall on port 4400
Still I am unable to access the flask server via publicIP:4400 (publicIP is the public IP of my VM as displayed on the azure portal)
What could be the issue?

For your issue, there are two possible reasons.
You must listen to the IP so that it's possible to access from the Internet. The is just a loopback IP for the test in the localhost. So 4c74356b41 is right in this way.
If you also cannot access the app from the Internet when you change the IP into Then it must be the rules issue. You should check your VM networking if it's the same NSG for your subnet and NIC. If not, add the rule to allow the port 4400 in both NSGs. Then you also should check if the public IP is associated directly with your VM, or it's associated with the load balancer and your VM is just in the backend of the load balancer. If it's a load balancer, you still need to add the load balancer rule to allow the port 4400.
Take a check for the two possible reasons.


Azure VM Port for Localhost

So I'm using an Azure VM that has a public IP address, and I've opened an inbound port, let's say it's 5555.
What I'm trying to do now is to run an application on the VM that has an API via localhost, also with the port 5555. I'm calling it then with public_ip:5555/api/...
Since I was not able to connect to the application from outside, is there something missing here? Most tutorials and resources I've found just mentioned opening the port.
Take a look at Azure's IP Flow Verify utility, which will check your NSG rules to ensure traffic can reach your VM. https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/network-watcher/network-watcher-ip-flow-verify-overview
If traffic is reaching your VM, check your host firewall and then your application server logs.

Azure VM Port forwarding to localhost port

I have an Azure VM, and a web application listening internally on port 32001. The VM is publicly accessible on a static IP address. I'm trying to route all traffic the VM receives on port 443 to its localhost port 32001. I am try to set it up in this screen, and my first idea was to edit the HTTPS rule. But no matter what I try, I can't seem to get a connection to my webapp. What am I supposed to do?
You can't do this using just VM. What you actually need is a Load Balancer in front of your Azure VM which takes care on port forwarding. An example you can find here and here. But in short, what you need to do is:
expose 32001 on your VM
create Load Balancer
add VM to backend pool in Load Balancer
configure port forwarding on this balancer
In inbound and outband rules you can configure what traffic is allowed, but you can't configure there port forwarding.
You can also check this topic

How to whitelist source IPs on Azure VMs fronted by Azure Load Balancer

I have a public facing, standard sku, Azure Load Balancer that forwards the incoming requests for a certain port to a virtual machine, using load balancing rules. This virtual machine has a NSG defined at the subnet level, that allows incoming traffic for that port, with source set to as 'Internet'.
Presently, this setup works, but I need to implement whitelisting - to allow only a certain set of IP addresses to be able to connect to this virtual machine, through the load balancer. However, if I remove the 'Internet' source type in my NSG rule, the VM is no longer accessible through the Load Balancer.
Has anyone else faced a similar use case and what is the best way to setup IP whitelisting on VMs that are accessible through Load Balancer. Thanks!
Edit: to provide more details
Screenshot of NSGs
These are the top level NSGs defined at the subnet.
We have a public load balancer that fronts the virtual machine where above NSGs are applied. This virtual machine doesn’t have a specific public IP and relies on the Load Balancer’s public IP.
The public Load Balancer forwards all traffic on port 8443 and port 8543 to this virtual machine, without session persistence and with Outbound and inbound using the same IP.
Below are the observations I have made so far:
Unless I specify the source for NSG rule Port_8443 (in above table) as ‘Internet’, this virtual machine is not accessible on this port, via the load balancer’s public IP.
When I retain the NSG rule Port_8543, which whitelists only specific IP addresses, this virtual machine is not accessible on this port, via the load balancer’s public IP – even when one of those whitelisted clients try to connect to this port.
I tried adding the NSG rule Custom_AllowAzureLoadBalancerInBound, to a higher priority than the port_8543, but it still didn’t open up this access.
I also tried to add the Azure Load balancer VIP ( to the Port_8543 NSG, but that too didn’t open-up the access to port 8543, on load balancer’s public IP.
I have played with Load Balancing rules options too, but nothing seems to achieve what I am looking for – which is:
Goal 1: to open-up the virtual machine’s access on port 8443 and port 8543 to only the whitelisted client IPs, AND
Goal 2: allow whitelisted client IPs to be able to connect to these ports on this virtual machine, using the load balancer’s public IP
I am only able to achieve one of the above goals, but not both of them.
I have also tried the same whitelisting with a dedicated public IP assigned to the virtual machine; and that too loses connectivity to ports, where I don't assign 'Internet' source tag.
Azure has default rules in each network security group. It allows inbound traffic from the Azure Load Balancer resources.
If you want to restrict the clients to access your clients, you just need to add a new inbound port rule with the public IP address of your clients as the Source and specify the Destination port ranges and Protocol in your specific inbound rules. You could check the client's public IPv4 here via open that URL on your client's machine.
Just wanted to add a note for anyone else stumbling here:
If you are looking to whitelist an Azure VM (available publicly or privately) for few specific client IPs, below are the steps you must perform:
Create a NSG for the VM (or subnet) - if one not already available
Add NSG rules to Allow inbound traffic from specific client IPs on specific ports
Add a NSG rule to Deny inbound traffic from all other sources [This is really optional but will help in ensuring security of your setup]
Also, please note that look at all public IPs that your client machines are planning to connect with. Especially while testing, use public IPs and not the VPN gateway address ranges - which is what we used and ended up getting a false negative of our whitelisting test.

Cannot access Qliksense url outside Azure Vnet

I am new to Qliksense and Azure. We have installed Qliksense in Azure Virtual machine. Trying to access the Qliksense hub/QMC URL (https://xxx.intranet.myclient.com/hub) from the internet/outside the azure Network, but was unsuccessful. The url is working well in the intranet.
Azure VM has a private ip address.
Created inbound rules in NSG(Network Security group) at Azure to open ports 443,80, 4244.
2.Created firewall inbound rule in VM server to open ports 80, 443, 4244, 4243, 4248, 4242
Added the url to the host white list at the virtual proxy side in Qlik QMC
May I know what wrong am doing or what I am missing here?
Firstly, If you want to access qlik url to work from the internet, you need a public IP address attached to the Azure VM or load balancer service like Azure application gateway in front of Azure VM with a public IP address. Refer to this. If you have no public IP address, you can directly deploy one and attach to the VM network interface on the Azure portal. Try to restart the Azure VM or refresh VM.
Then, make sure you have a DNS map which is pointing FQDN xxx.intranet.myclient.com to your VM public IP address. You can try to access the Qliksense hub/QMC URL like https://PublicIPaddress/hub first.
Also, you can run the command netstat -anbo as the administrator in the CMD to check if the port is listening on Qliksense service. Try to telnet or Test-NetConnection the Qliksense URL before you access the Qliksense URL on the remote machine.
If the above all are no effect, you can look at this. Let me know if this works.

open port on azure while logged onto azure vm

I want to open a port on Azure. I am logged onto Azure VM. After that how to do I open the port?
I tried opening the firewall port but that did not help. I also tried to do it thru azure-cli but it needs web login.
Can I not open a port while logged in onto that Azure VM?
For VMs in azure service management mode:
To open a particular port, say 8080 in your VM, you have to add an endpoint in azure portal, powershell or using xplat-cli. Once this is done, you have created a connectivity between external loadbalancer (I mean VIP of the VM) to the actual VM (with Internal IP address). If the VM is Linux, by default you can start using endpoint (VIP and port) it unless you restrict ports specifically.
For windows VM, for non standard ports, you have to add windows firewall inbound allow rules (say for 8080) inside your VM so that it can accept traffic forwarded from VIP
For VMs in azure resource management:
You have to first create a loadbalancer with VIP, then add NAT rules to forward traffic from VIP to VM. (use load balancing rules if same VIP port forwards traffic to multiple backend VMs)
For windows VM, again windows firewall inbound rules needs to be added
Securing ports:
The above scenario will work by default, but if you want to secure your ports, you have to follow either one of the below, not both.
Use Access control List (ACL): This works at VIP endpoint level. If we want to restrict VIP port 8080 to only few Ip and deny other IP, we can use ACL to add those IPs. This can be done in portal endpoint section/powershell/Xplat-cli
Use Network Security Group (NSG): This works at pheriphery of VM level. We have greater control here to restrict multiple VM ports, port range, etc., but we have to manage those rules. The ports needs to be secured in NSG is the VM internal port whereas in ACL it is the VIP port.
Hope this clarifies
You also need to open the port in the Endpoint settings within the Azure Portal.
Go to Azure Portal -> Your VM -> Settings -> Endpoints and add your Port.
To open a port, you have to it from the azure portal and not in the VM. You can use the NSG (Network Security Group) attached to vm and add a rule in the "Inbound security rules"
