I am trying to get the length of a Map and I keep getting "undefined". Could please someone tell me what am I doing wrong?
This is the part of the code that gives me problems.
const GYMdetail: { [key: string]: number} = {};
GYMdetail[`${doc.data().name} (${doc.data().personalID})`] = 650;
const subtotal = 650 * GYMdetail.size;
This is the complete function code
export const addGymMonthlyExpense =
functions.https.onRequest((request, response) => {
const query1 = admin.firestore().collection("users");
const query = query1.where("subscriptions.gym.active", "==", true);
.then(async (allUsers) => {
allUsers.docs.forEach(async (doc) => {
if (doc != undefined) {
const houseForGym = doc.data().subscriptions.gym.house;
await admin.firestore()
.get().then((snapshot) => {
if (snapshot.data() == undefined) {
console.log(`${houseForGym}-${doc.data().name}: CREAR!!`);
} else if (snapshot.data()!.issued == false) {
let detail: { [key: string]: any} = {};
const GYMdetail: { [key: string]: number} = {};
detail = snapshot.data()!.detail;
`${doc.data().name} (${doc.data().personalID})`
] = 650;
const subtotal = 650 * GYMdetail.size;
detail["GYM"] = {"total": subtotal, "detail": GYMdetail};
snapshot.ref.set({"detail": detail}, {merge: true});
return null;
.catch((error) => {
`${houseForGym} - ${doc.data().name}: ${error}`);
return null;
.catch((error) => {
Since you are executing an asynchronous call to the database in your code, you need to return a promise from the top-level code; otherwise Cloud Functions may kill the container when the final } executes and by that time the database load won't be done yet.
export const addGymMonthlyExpense =
functions.https.onRequest((request, response) => {
const query1 = admin.firestore().collection("users");
const query = query1.where("subscriptions.gym.active", "==", true);
return query.get()
Next you'll need to ensure that all the nested get() calls also get a chance to finish before the Functions container gets terminated. For that I recommend not using await for each nested get call, but a single Promise.all for all of them:
.then(async (allUsers) => {
const promises = [];
allUsers.docs.forEach((doc) => {
const houseForGym = doc.data().subscriptions.gym.house;
.get().then((snapshot) => {
return Promise.all(promises);
.catch((error) => {
I am trying to stream insert the data into the Bigquery table and have the below issues with function. Not sure where is an error in the code. I have followed this to achieve with realtime data.
Function returned undefined, expected Promise or value
const functions = require("firebase-functions");
const {BigQuery} = require("#google-cloud/bigquery");
exports.onWriteTrigger = functions
.onWrite((change, context) => {
onCreate: google.firestore.document.create
onUpdate: google.firestore.document.update
onDelete: google.firestore.document.delete
const row = {
// insertId: document.data.id,
// json: {
timestamp: context.timestamp,
name: change.after.data().name,
// documentName: context.resource.name,
documentId: change.after.id,
eventId: context.eventId,
data: change.after.data().country,
// console.log(insertRows);
async function insertBigQuery(rows) {
try {
const datasetName = "firestore_export";
const tableName = "leaseCompany";
const bigqueryClient = new BigQuery();
const ds = bigqueryClient.dataset(datasetName);
const tbl = ds.table(tableName);
await tbl.insert(rows)
.then((data) => {
return true;
.catch((err) => {
// An API error or partial failure occurred.
if (err.name === "PartialFailureError") {
console.log("Error Sending Notifications", err);
return false;
} catch (err) {
console.error(`table.insert: ${JSON.stringify(err)}`);
return err;
// console.log(row);
you need to return promise or value from you function
async function insertBigQuery(rows) {
try {
const datasetName = "firestore_export";
const tableName = "leaseCompany";
const bigqueryClient = new BigQuery();
const ds = bigqueryClient.dataset(datasetName);
const tbl = ds.table(tableName);
return tbl.insert(rows)
.then((data) => {
return true;
.catch((err) => {
// An API error or partial failure occurred.
if (err.name === "PartialFailureError") {
console.log("Error Sending Notifications", err);
return false;
} catch (err) {
console.error(`table.insert: ${JSON.stringify(err)}`);
return err;
return insertBigQuery(row);
I have this code :
VerificationKey.getCode = async (visitorData, visitorCode, res) => {
console.log("Verif model visitorCode" + visitorCode);
const data = visitorData;
const testCode = visitorCode;
const findVisitor = await VerificationKey.findOne({ where: { data } })
.catch((err) => {
.then(() => {
if (testCode == findVisitor.key) {
res.status(200).json({ response: true });
What I need is to compare testCode and findVisitor.key values.
If they are equal, I want to return a boolean to the front end.
But I can't write it like this because it is not possible to access findVisitor.key before initialization.
I believe you have to change your code to use async/await syntax only - without then and catch:
VerificationKey.getCode = async (visitorData, visitorCode, res) => {
console.log("Verif model visitorCode" + visitorCode);
const data = visitorData;
const testCode = visitorCode;
try {
const findVisitor = await VerificationKey.findOne({ where: { data } });
if(!findVisitor) {
res.status(404).json({ response: false });
} else if(testCode == findVisitor.key) {
res.status(200).json({ response: true });
} else {
res.status(403).json({ response: false });
} catch(err) {
below is the working code in which it can post images but is there any way i can also share videos as instagram story?
the error i get when i try to post video instead of image are:**
error image
PS D:\Softwares\programming\Insta Bot\story> node index.js
18:45:11 - info: Dry Run Activated
18:45:11 - info: Post() called! ======================
18:45:11 - debug: 1 files found in ./images/
18:45:11 - warn: Record file not found, saying yes to D:\Softwares\programming\Insta Bot\story\images\meme.mp4
18:45:11 - debug: Read File Success
18:45:11 - error: undefined
const logger = require("./logger.js")
const { random, sleep } = require('./utils')
const { IgApiClient, IgLoginTwoFactorRequiredError } = require("instagram-private-api");
const ig = new IgApiClient();
const Bluebird = require('bluebird');
const inquirer = require('inquirer');
const { CronJob } = require('cron');
const path = require("path");
const fs = require("fs");
const fsp = fs.promises;
const sharp = require("sharp");
const statePath = "./etc/state.conf";
const recordPath = "./etc/usedfiles.jsonl";
const imgFolderPath = "./images/";
const dryrun = true;
const runOnStart = true;
(async () => { // FOR AWAIT
if (!dryrun) {
await login();
logger.info("Log In Successful");
} else {
logger.info("Dry Run Activated");
// logger.silly("I'm a schedule, and I'm running!! :)");
const job = new CronJob('38 43 * * * *', post, null, true); //https://crontab.guru/
if (!runOnStart) logger.info(`Next few posts scheduled for: \n${job.nextDates(3).join("\n")}\n`);
else post();
async function post() {
logger.info("Post() called! ======================");
let postPromise = fsp.readdir(imgFolderPath)
.then(filenames => {
if (filenames.length < 1) throw new Error(`Folder ${imgFolderPath} is empty...`)
logger.debug(`${filenames.length} files found in ${imgFolderPath}`);
return filenames;
.then(filenames => filenames.map(file => path.resolve(imgFolderPath + file)))
.then(filenames => pickUnusedFileFrom(filenames, filenames.length))
.then(filename => {
if (!dryrun) registerFileUsed(filename)
return filename
.then(async buffer => {
logger.debug("Read File Success "); //TODO move this to previous then?
return sharp(buffer).jpeg().toBuffer()
.then(file => {
logger.debug("Sharp JPEG Success");
return file
.then(async file => {
if (!dryrun) {
// await sleep(random(1000, 60000)) //TODO is this necessary?
return ig.publish.story({ file })
.then(fb => logger.info("Posting successful!?"))
else return logger.info("Data not sent, dryrun = true")
.then(() => logger.info(`Next post scheduled for ${job.nextDates()}\n`))
async function login() {
// ig.state.proxyUrl = process.env.IG_PROXY;
//register callback?
ig.request.end$.subscribe(async () => {
const serialized = await ig.state.serialize();
delete serialized.constants; // this deletes the version info, so you'll always use the version provided by the library
await stateSave(serialized);
if (await stateExists()) {
// import state accepts both a string as well as an object
// the string should be a JSON object
const stateObj = await stateLoad();
await ig.state.deserialize(stateObj)
.catch(err => logger.debug("deserialize: " + err));
} else {
let standardLogin = async function() {
// login like normal
await ig.simulate.preLoginFlow();
logger.debug("preLoginFlow finished");
await ig.account.login(process.env.IG_USERNAME, process.env.IG_PASSWORD);
logger.info("Logged in as " + process.env.IG_USERNAME);
process.nextTick(async () => await ig.simulate.postLoginFlow());
logger.debug("postLoginFlow finished");
// Perform usual login
// If 2FA is enabled, IgLoginTwoFactorRequiredError will be thrown
return Bluebird.try(standardLogin)
async err => {
logger.info("Two Factor Auth Required");
const {username, totp_two_factor_on, two_factor_identifier} = err.response.body.two_factor_info;
// decide which method to use
const verificationMethod = totp_two_factor_on ? '0' : '1'; // default to 1 for SMS
// At this point a code should have been sent
// Get the code
const { code } = await inquirer.prompt([
type: 'input',
name: 'code',
message: `Enter code received via ${verificationMethod === '1' ? 'SMS' : 'TOTP'}`,
// Use the code to finish the login process
return ig.account.twoFactorLogin({
verificationCode: code,
twoFactorIdentifier: two_factor_identifier,
verificationMethod, // '1' = SMS (default), '0' = TOTP (google auth for example)
trustThisDevice: '1', // Can be omitted as '1' is used by default
.catch(e => logger.error('An error occurred while processing two factor auth', e, e.stack));
async function stateSave(data) {
// here you would save it to a file/database etc.
await fsp.mkdir(path.dirname(statePath), { recursive: true }).catch(logger.error);
return fsp.writeFile(statePath, JSON.stringify(data))
// .then(() => logger.info('state saved, daddy-o'))
.catch(err => logger.error("Write error" + err));
async function stateExists() {
return fsp.access(statePath, fs.constants.F_OK)
.then(() => {
logger.debug('Can access state info')
return true
.catch(() => {
logger.warn('Cannot access state info')
return false
async function stateLoad() {
// here you would load the data
return fsp.readFile(statePath, 'utf-8')
.then(data => JSON.parse(data))
.then(data => {
logger.info("State load successful");
return data
async function registerFileUsed( filepath ) {
let data = JSON.stringify({
path: filepath,
time: new Date().toISOString()
}) + '\n';
return fsp.appendFile(recordPath, data, { encoding: 'utf8', flag: 'a+' } )
.then(() => {
logger.debug("Writing filename to record file");
return filepath
function pickUnusedFileFrom( filenames, iMax = 1000) {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
let checkFileUsed = async function ( filepath ) {
return fsp.readFile(recordPath, 'utf8')
.then(data => data.split('\n'))
.then(arr => arr.filter(Boolean))
.then(arr => arr.map(JSON.parse))
.then(arr => arr.some(entry => entry.path === filepath))
let trythis = function( iMax, i = 1) {
let file = random(filenames);
.then(async used => {
if (!used) {
logger.info(`Unused file found! ${file}`);
} else if (i < iMax) {
logger.debug(`Try #${i}: File ${file} used already`);
await sleep(50);
trythis(iMax, ++i)
} else {
reject(`I tried ${iMax} times and all the files I tried were previously used`)
.catch(err => {
logger.warn("Record file not found, saying yes to " + file);
}( iMax );
I have a series of promises which I have chained in testCard. This method takes a stripe card number, get the token from stripe and then talks to a third party API which tries to perform purchases with that card.
I need to run testCard by looping through an array of card numbers. To do this I have a controller object with a method testAllCards which takes the array of numbers. The array is stored in a config file.
I then run the code from the command line with node cli.js testAllCards.
However when I run it, I get testAllCards has been run before all most promises have resolved.
I am obviously missing something here, but can't seem to figure out what it is.
const testAllCards = () => {
return controller.testAllCards(config.get('CARD_NUMBERS'))
.then((obj) => {
console.log('testAllCards has been run');
.catch((e) => {
console.log('testCards has been run with an error!');
const _err = new ErrHandler(e, eTopicName, eSnsSubject);
.then(() => {
console.log('Error has been sent with success to sns');
switch(process.argv[2]) {
case 'testAllCards':
console.log('Please run with `testAllCards`');
//Tests response from API for different cards
const testCard = (cardNum) => {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
const expMonth = new Date().getMonth() + 1;
const expYear = new Date().getFullYear() + 2;
const cardObj = {
cardNum: cardNum,
expMonth: expMonth,
expYear: expYear
let apiCardItem = '';
return testRequestToApi('getStripeToken', 200, 299, cardObj)
.then((cardItem) => {
return testRequestToApi('postNewCard', 200, 299, JSON.parse(cardItem.body));
.then((apiCard) => {
apiCardItem = apiCard.body;
try {
apiCardItem = JSON.parse(apiCardItem);
} catch(e) {
return testRequestToApi('sampleAddToCart', 200, 299);
.then(() => {
return testRequestToApi('useFailingStripeCards', 400, 499, apiCardItem.id);
.then(() => {
return testRequestToApi('deleteCard', 200, 299, apiCardItem.id);
.then(() => {
.catch((e) => {
//Loops through the card numbers and runs the test command against them
Controller.testAllCards = (cardsArray) => {
const items = cardsArray.map((cardNum) => {
return testCard(cardNum);
return Promise.all(items);
module.exports = Controller;
'use strict';
const checkStatus = require('./../utils/status-code-checker');
const formHeaders = require('./../utils/form-req-headers');
const request = require('request');
const expObj = {};
//#requestType {string} - defines which headers and function name to use
//#item {object} - defines item that is being used
expObj.testRequestToApi = (requestType, lowerLimit, upperLimit, item) => {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
const reqOps = formHeaders[requestType](item);
request(reqOps, (err, response, body) => {
if (err) {
const badRequest = {
ErrorMessage: err,
FuncName: requestType,
InternalError: true
return reject(badRequest);
if (!checkStatus.checkRangeStatusCode(response.statusCode, lowerLimit, upperLimit)) {
console.log(JSON.stringify(body, null, 2));
// Set a bad Status error object
let badStatus = {
StatusCode: response.statusCode,
ErrorMessage: body,
FuncName: requestType,
InternalError: false
return reject(badStatus);
// console.log(response.headers);
// console.log(body);
const resObj = {
headers: response.headers,
body: body
// console.log(`******** ${requestType} *********`);
// console.log(resObj);
// console.log('----------------------------------');
return resolve(resObj);
module.exports = expObj;
Understanding that new Promise() is used only ever necessary when promisifying a callback based API, changing to request-promise and returning my promises in cli.js solved my issue. The execution flow was correctly maintained in this manner.
Changes to the following files are as followed:
const testAllCards = () => {
return controller.testAllCards(config.get('CARD_NUMBERS'))
.then((obj) => {
console.log('testAllCards has been run');
.catch((e) => {
console.log('testCards has been run with an error!');
const _err = new ErrHandler(e, eTopicName, eSnsSubject);
return _err.handle()
.then(() => {
console.log('Error has been sent with success to sns');
.catch((e) => {
console.log('Failed to publish to sns');
'use strict';
const checkStatus = require('./../utils/status-code-checker');
const formHeaders = require('./../utils/form-req-headers');
const rqp = require('request-promise');
const expObj = {};
//#requestType {string} - defines which headers and function name to use
//#item {object} - defines item that is being used
expObj.testRequestToApi = (requestType, lowerLimit, upperLimit, item) => {
const reqOps = formHeaders[requestType](item);
return rqp(reqOps)
.then((response) => {
if (!checkStatus.checkRangeStatusCode(response.statusCode, lowerLimit, upperLimit)) {
console.log(JSON.stringify(response.body, null, 2));
// Set a bad Status error object
return {
StatusCode: response.statusCode,
ErrorMessage: response.body,
FuncName: requestType,
InternalError: false
// console.log(response.headers);
// console.log(response.body);
const resObj = {
headers: response.headers,
body: response.body,
previousItem: item
// console.log(`******** ${requestType} *********`);
// console.log(resObj);
// console.log('----------------------------------');
return resObj;
.catch((e) => {
return {
ErrorMessage: e,
FuncName: requestType,
InternalError: true
module.exports = expObj;
//Tests response from API for different cards
Controller.testCard = (cardNum) => {
const expMonth = new Date().getMonth() + 1;
const expYear = new Date().getFullYear() + 2;
const cardObj = {
cardNum: cardNum,
expMonth: expMonth,
expYear: expYear
let apiCardItem = '';
return testRequestToApi('getStripeToken', 200, 299, cardObj)
.then((cardItem) => {
return testRequestToApi('postNewCard', 200, 299, JSON.parse(cardItem.body));
.then((apiCard) => {
apiCardItem = apiCard.body;
try {
apiCardItem = JSON.parse(apiCardItem);
} catch(e) {
console.log('Already a JSON object -----> Moving on');
return testRequestToApi('sampleAddToCart', 200, 299);
.then(() => testRequestToApi('useFailingStripeCards', 400, 499, apiCardItem.id))
.then(() => testRequestToApi('deleteCard', 200, 299, apiCardItem.id));
//Loops through the card numbers and runs the test command against them
Controller.testAllCards = (cardsArray) => {
return Promise.all(cardsArray.map((cardNum) => {
return Controller.testCard(cardNum);
module.exports = Controller;
I rewrote your "testCard" function (controller.js)
//Tests response from API for different cards
const testCard = (cardNum) => {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
let apiCardItem = '';
const expDate = new Date();
const cardObj = {
cardNum: cardNum,
expMonth: expDate.getMonth() + 1,
expYear: expDate.getFullYear() + 2
testRequestToApi('getStripeToken', 200, 299, cardObj)
.then((cardItem) => testRequestToApi('postNewCard', 200, 299, JSON.parse(cardItem.body)))
.then((apiCard) => {
apiCardItem = apiCard.body;
try {
apiCardItem = JSON.parse(apiCardItem);
} catch(e) {
return testRequestToApi('sampleAddToCart', 200, 299);
.then(() => testRequestToApi('useFailingStripeCards', 400, 499, apiCardItem.id))
.then(() => testRequestToApi('deleteCard', 200, 299, apiCardItem.id))
And your "testRequestToApi" (test-request-to-api.js)
expObj.testRequestToApi = (requestType, lowerLimit, upperLimit, item) => {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
const reqOps = formHeaders[requestType](item);
request(reqOps, (err, response, body) => {
let badStatus = {};
let badRequest = {};
let resObj = {};
if (err) {
badRequest = {
ErrorMessage: err,
FuncName: requestType,
InternalError: true
return false;
if (!checkStatus.checkRangeStatusCode(response.statusCode, lowerLimit, upperLimit)) {
console.log(JSON.stringify(body, null, 2));
// Set a bad Status error object
badStatus = {
StatusCode: response.statusCode,
ErrorMessage: body,
FuncName: requestType,
InternalError: false
return false;
resObj = {
headers: response.headers,
body: body
I think the problem is when you return from a promise before a resolve/reject is getting called.
Also check that in nested promises you can pass resolve/reject to .then/catch for brevity.