Email sending stops from aws linux server shows "Deferred: Connection timed out" , mails are stuck in queue, how to fix this? - linux

Working on AWS, linux server using core php. Php mail function working earlier but stops suddenly, all the mails are stuck in queue receiving very late after 1 hour, showing an error of "Deferred: Connection timed out". How to fix this?

AWS throttles outbound traffic on port 25 and might be causing this, you can ask them to remove it if haven't done already.


Is there a hard limit on connections?

We have a server that has 2.0.4. This server receives petitions from a stress script that simulates clients using 2.0.4.
The scrip simulates the creation of clients ( each client with its own socket ) that sends a petition and immediately dies after, using socket.disconnect();
During the first few of seconds all goes well. But every test reaches a point in which the script starts spitting out the following error:
connect_error: Error: websocket error
This means that the clients my script is creating are not connecting to the server because they are unable to connect.
This script creates 7 clients per second ( spaced evenly throughout the second ), each client makes 1 petition and then dies.
At first I thought there was an issue with file descriptors and limits imposed by UNIX, since the server is in a Debian machine:
After following these suggestions, the issue remained however.
Then I though maybe my test script was not connecting correctly, so I changed the connection options as in this discussion:
Still, to no avail.
What could be wrong?
I see the machine's CPU's are constantly at 100% so I guess I am pounding the server with requests.
But if I am not mistaken, the server should simply accept more requests and process them when possible.
Is there a limit to the amount of connections a server can handle?
When making such stress tests one needs to be aware of protections and gate keepers.
In our case, our stack was deployed in AWS. So first, the AWS load balancers started blocking us because they thought the system was being DDOSed.
Then, the Debian system was getting flooded and it started refusing connections with SYN_FLOOD.
But after fixing that we were still having the error. Turns out we had to increase TCP connection's buffer and how TCP connections were being handled in the kernel.
Now it accepts all connections, but I wish no one the suffering we went through to find it out...

Why messages from Socket.IO server are recieved from time to time?

I have server in node.js. All connections come through NGINX. The client is written in C# with Quobject/SocketIoClientDotNet library.
The problem is that client receives messages from server only from time to time.
I have logs in node.js code, so the server tries to send messages. Moreover, there are multiple processes with TIME_WAIT state in server (I gat that by netstat) and the number of that processes is equal to number of unsuccessful send attempts by server.
Otherwise, server always receive messages from clients.
I made nginx settings ("upgrade" headers, etc.) but it didn't help.
I turned off Windows Firewall but it didn't help.
So, I don't know why such situation happens, I don't know where else to look at and I will appreciate any help from community.

Unexplained Node.js 504s

We're running Node (v0.10.38) with Express (4.0.0), proxied through nginx (1.2.1), which usually works great. Recently, however, we switched to a new server setup. Now, roughly 30 minutes after starting up the server, the server starts returning 504s (Gateway Timeout). Accessing Node directly from the server (bypassing nginx) also times out. Every so often, we got a series of ETIMEDOUT errors from redis, but connecting to the redis server from the server works from the command line. Furthermore, the server started returning 504s even before redis errors came up anyways. Anyways, after updating our redis middleware (connect-redis) to the newest version, these errors stopped, but the 504s still occurred. However, after disabling the connection to redis in our code for 10 hours, no 504 occurred. We've tried sending a redis ping periodically to prevent the error, believing that to be the cause, but 504s continue. When not connecting to redis, the server doesn't 504, so it is likely tied to redis in some way. Anything else we can try?
Sorry if there's not much to work with. We don't have that much either, and are eager to solve this issue as soon as possible. If there's any more specifics needed, I can update the question. Thank you.
Still don't know the root cause, but we ended up fixing this by pinging Redis every minute so that the connection wouldn't get killed.

Trying to login into application using NodeJS and Sails.JS and receiving server timeout on XHR Polling

I am working on a NodeJS application that uses Sails.JS, that requires a login to get to the dashboard of the application.
Originally I was receiving errors with websockets and used this solution to get past this issue.
Receiving error "connection to ws://localhost:1337/" was interrupted while the page was loading"
Now, I have another problem, where the application is xhr-polling and not connecting to anything, and the server timesout and never redirects to the dashboard. This behavior is not happening on some peeers computers, they are able to login successfully. I am trying to figure out why the xhr polling runs and does not redirect me to the dashboard after successful login. Why is this only happening on my machine and not theirs. Any advice would be greatly appreciated.Simply boggles my mind.
Thank You

Nodejitsu and Twitter Streaming API - multiple disconnects

Hi I've been struggling with this issue for a few days now. I have a simple node.js app that connects to Twitter's streaming API and tracks a few terms. As a term is found the client side gets a websocket notification. I've made sure that my OAuth credentials are only used by this app and that the connection to the streaming API occurs only on app start up. What keeps happening is I get a 200 ok response but the stream then disconnects. I have it set to reconnect in 30 seconds but it's becoming ridiculous. It seems to be fine for a few minutes after restarting the app and then goes back to repeatedly disconnecting. The error is {"disconnect":{"code":7,"stream_name":"XXXXX-statuses158325","reason":"admin logout"}}. I have ran the same app locally with multiple client connections and not had a problem. I looked into other hosting services but I can't find one that supports websockets without having to revert to a slow long polling option on (which won't work for my app's purposes).
Any ideas for why this keeps happening?
that error means that you're connecting again with the same credentials (
One cause might be running more than 1 drone.
If this doesn't help, join us on and we'll do our best to help you :D
