How to handle focus with puppeteer on Html tags that don't have id, problem with multiple and hidden classes - node.js

I am trying to automate login and scrape for some data, html tags on the web page doesn't have ID only classes. For some reason first time I can focus on input and enter my email address but with similar code it won't type password and I can't figure out why?
I have tried
await page.waitForSelector('.login__form-wrap > .form > div:nth-child(1) > .form-group > .form-control')
await'.login__form-wrap > .form > div:nth-child(1) > .form-group > .form-control')
await page.keyboard.type('myemailaddress', {delay: 100});
and it's working for email. Then similar code for password not working:
await page.waitForSelector('.login__form-wrap > .form > div:nth-child(2) > .form-group > .form-control');
await'.login__form-wrap > .form > div:nth-child(2) > .form-group > .form-control');
await page.keyboard.type('mypassword', {delay: 100});
Also tried this way:
await page.waitForSelector('input[name=email]');
await page.focus('input[name=email]');
await page.keyboard.type('myemailaddress', {delay: 100});
again working, but doing the same for password:
await page.waitForSelector('input[name=password]');
await page.focus('input[name=password]');
await page.keyboard.type('myemail', {delay: 100});
doesn't work...
Doesn't work means that the password is not typed in input field.
Another solution I tried was:
await page.$eval('input[name=password]', el => el.value = "mypassword");
That works(the pass was shown), but clicking on login button it said wrong password, and when I typed it manually the same password is correct and page logs me in.
So if someone can point me in right direction of doing it, or how to handle it and show me what I'm doing wrong I would be so thankful.
P.s if you want to play with it the page I'm trying to log in is here
I already passed the validation and full code is here


Node js Click with puppeteer an element that has no id or name

Hi everyone I'm trying to click with puppeteer three elements that do not have an id, a name and a class; these are the checkboxes and the button that I have to click (
i tried to do it through the click with the coordinates but I can't center the elements to click:
await, 200);
await page.waitForNavigation();
So is there a way to click on an element without knowing its id, class or name?
// open modal by clicking "Text" button
const btnText = await page.waitForSelector('#chattypetextcell img')
// click both checkbox labels when modal opens
const selectorCheckboxLabels ='div div p label'
await page.waitForSelector(selectorCheckboxLabels)
const labels = await page.$$(selectorCheckboxLabels)
await labels[0].click()
await labels[1].click()

Puppeteer Login Selector: no node found?

I want to click on a login button on a website when I'm trying to login however its giving me an error of no node found for a selector
input=[name="Log In"]
and this is how the website login looks liike
<input type="submit" value="Log In" class="buttonss" style="font-size:19px">
How can i select this input in puppeteer?
this is what I have
await Promise.all(['input[name="Log In"]'),
page.waitForNavigation({ waitUntil: "networkidle0" }),
There is no "name" prop on that input. Try:
'input[value="Log In"]'

puppeteer text box with no id

I want to use Puppeteer to enter a value in an input field. Ive done it for most of a web page but having a real problem with a specific field that doesn't have an id or a good label.
here is the inspect elements
<div class="retype-security-code"><input type="text" class="form-text mask-cvv-4" aria-label="Security code" placeholder="CVV2" value=""><img src="" alt="cvv2"></div>
<input type="text" class="form-text mask-cvv-4" aria-label="Security code" placeholder="CVV2" value="">
image of code above
here is some code that Ive been playing with
while (true) {
try {
await page.waitForSelector('#cvv2Code' , {timeout: 500})
await page.type('#cvv2Code', config.cv2)
catch (err) {}
try {
await page.waitForSelector('#creditCardCVV2' , {timeout: 500})
await page.type('#creditCardCVV2', config.cv2)
catch (err) {}
try {
await page.waitForSelector('#app > div > section > div > div > form > div.row-inner > div.row-body > div > div:nth-child(3) > div > div.checkout-step-body > div.checkout-step-done > div.card > div.retype-security-code > input' , {timeout: 500})
await page.focus('#app > div > section > div > div > form > div.row-inner > div.row-body > div > div:nth-child(3) > div > div.checkout-step-body > div.checkout-step-done > div.card > div.retype-security-code > input')
await page.keyboard.type('###')
catch (err) {}
Why are you using #cvv2Code and #creditCardCVV2 as selectors when they are not in your html code, nor in the picture?
This class form-text mask-cvv-4 seems like a reasonable option for the field:
await page.waitForSelector('.form-text.mask-cvv-4');
Those selectors in the last try block are too long, that's unmaintainable and hard to read, avoid writing such selectors.
Also, please add all relevant error messages to your question, it's hard(er) to help you without it.
What I found you can do is find the element using querySelector and then use setAttribute to give the elemtent an id.
So something like
await page.evaluate(() => {
const inputBox = document.querySelector(".form-text mask-cvv-4");
inputBoxes.setAttribute('id', 'inputBox1');
await page.type("#inputBox1", "yourText");
If the element has children then you'd just have to get the children from the element. If there is multiple elements with the class tag you can use querySelectorAll and loop through that list.

timeout error with navigation and waitForSelector() in puppeteer irrespective of timeout value

I want my program to do this:
open a web page
click on a button to go to a new page
take a screenshot of the new page.
Steps 1 and 2 are working fine but I'm running into timeout error with step 3. Based on responses to similar questions on StackOverflow, I used waitForNavigation() with bigger timeout spans (up to 2 min) but I'm still getting the same error. Using waitForSelector() instead of waitForNavigation() is also giving the same error. If I remove both, puppeteer takes a screenshot of the webpage in step 1. I have also tried using different options with waitUntil, such as "domcontentloaded", "loaded", "networkidle0" and "newtorkidle2", but nothing is working.
This is my first program in puppeteer and I've been stuck on this problem for a long time.
Here's my code:
await page.waitForSelector('#featured > c-wiz > div.OXo54d > div > div > div > span > span > span.veMtCf');
// await navigation;
await page.screenshot({path: 'learnmore.png'});
console.log('GOT THIS FAR:)');
//await page.close();
await browser.close();
return 0;
Here's the complete program:
const puppeteer = require('puppeteer');
(async () => {
const browser = await puppeteer.launch({headless: false});
const page = await browser.newPage();
// const navigationPromise = page.waitForNavigation({waitUntil: "load"});
await page.goto('');
await page.type('input.gLFyf.gsfi',"hotels in london");
//search results
// await navigationPromise;
await page.waitForSelector('#rso > div:nth-child(2) > div > div > div > g-more-link > a > div');
await'#rso > div:nth-child(2) > div > div > div > g-more-link > a > div');
//list of hotels
// await navigationPromise;
await page.waitForSelector('#yDmH0d > c-wiz.zQTmif.SSPGKf > div > div.lteUWc > div > c-wiz > div > div.gpcwnc > div.cGQUT > main > div > div.Hkwcrd.Sy8xcb.XBQ4u > c-wiz > div.J6e2Vc > div > div > span > span');
await"#yDmH0d > c-wiz.zQTmif.SSPGKf > div > div.lteUWc > div > c-wiz > div > div.gpcwnc > div.cGQUT > main > div > div.Hkwcrd.Sy8xcb.XBQ4u > c-wiz > div.l5cSPd > c-wiz:nth-child(3) > div > div > div > div.kCsInf.ZJqrAd.qiy8jf.G9g6o > div > div.TPQEac.qg10C.RCpQOe > a > button > span");
//"learn more"
// await navigationPromise;
//This is where timeout error occurs:
await page.waitForSelector('#featured > c-wiz > div.OXo54d > div > div > div > span > span > span.veMtCf');
// await navigation;
await page.screenshot({path: 'learnmore.png'});
console.log('GOT THIS FAR:)');
//await page.close();
await browser.close();
return 0;
.then(resolvedValue => {
.catch(rejectedValue => {
Your timeout occurs because the selector you are waitng for is not exist on the page. (If you are opening the browser console where the script stucks and launch $(selector) it will return null)
Google uses dynamic class and id values, exactly to prevent (or to make it harder) to retrieve data by scripts, the selectors will have different values everytime you visit the page.
If you really need to scrape its content you can use XPath selectors which are less fragile compared to dynamically changing selector names:
await page.waitForXpath('//h3[contains(text(), "The Best Hotels in London")]')
const link = await page.$x('//h3[contains(text(), "The Best Hotels in London")]')
await link[0].click()
Docs references:

Count years with Puppeteer

I'm trying to count the total number of "year" from the following page:
See UPDATE below.
In my Nodejs script, I have:
await Promise.all([
page.waitForNavigation({ waitUntil: 'networkidle0' }),
page.waitForSelector('#ItemsTable > tbody > tr > td.DataItemSelections')
const numberOfYears = (await page.$$('#ItemsTable > tbody > tr > td.DataItemSelections')).length;
console.log(`Years length: ${numberOfYears}.`);
It returns: Years length: 16.
Instead, in the Chrome console, if I run:
document.querySelectorAll('#ItemsTable > tbody > tr > td.DataItemSelections').length;
The (correct) output is: 39
I have read Puppeteer - counting elements in the DOM, but the suggestions inside it didn't resolve my problem.
UPDATE: the starting point is:
Then you have to click the icon "Select items to view" and then to "YEAR":
Here, the page where I need to count the number of the years:
The site is changing html based on scroll, you can open the dev tools and check the html tr tags change with the scroll, you can try and do the scroll to get the data but you can just intercept the response with all that data anyway.
Another way of counting the years,
await page.setRequestInterception(true);
page.on('response', async response => {
if (response.url().indexOf('') > -1) {
console.log(await response.text()); // parse xml to json and count it
await Promise.all([
page.waitForNavigation({ waitUntil: 'networkidle0' }),
