Docusign API request for processing already processed docusign doc - docusignapi

We have some documents which has DocuSign Envelope ID on top of documents. So is there any API present which help us to extract the values like 'date of sign', 'who signed it' etc. from the documents.
(Note - These documents are processed by others we have only there documents.)
Any help would be appreciated.

No. The DocuSign API only allows you to pull data from envelopes you already have access to. In this case, I would recommend reaching out to a party on the envelope to request they provide the Certificate of Completion.


DocuSign - How to get a URL that lasts longer than a few minutes?

I am using the DocuSign REST Api and noticed that the lifetime of a URL obtained using the EnvelopeViews API ( is only a few minutes. However, I have gotten emails in the past with DocuSign links. How are these links able to be added to an email (and therefore have a longer lifetime)?
Is there a separate API that can be used to get a longer-life link like the one in the email?
For example, here is an email that has a Review Document DocuSign link:
Good question. Here's what you can do.
Your application wants to let Larry sign a document using the
EnvelopeViews::createRecipient API call.
Your application should store the details needed for the API call in your app's database. Something like: envelopeId, signerEmail, clientUserId.
Create a guid for the database record and add it to the database record.
Now you can look up the database record via either the row's key or
via the guid. Ensure that the guid database column is indexed.
Now create a signing url that you will send to Larry. Something like:[guid]
Send the url to Larry
When Larry clicks on the URL:
Your app is invoked
Look up the guid in the url in your database. You should find the
record that you stored there.
Retrieve all of the record's info: envelopeId, signerEmail,
Call the EnvelopeViews::createRecipient API call with the data
and get back the signing ceremony url (that must be used within
5 minutes)
Redirect the user's browser to the url.
They'll sign the document(s) and then be re-directed back to your
And guess what? This is pretty much what DocuSign does itself.
The response from Larry K above is correct, you would need to handle this on your side.
These are all the parameters that you can send as part of the request body for the POST {vx}/accounts/{accountid}/envelopes/{envelopeid}/views/recipient API endpoint and there are no options to set the expiration time for the recipient view that you create.
You could look into using PowerForms to see if they fit your needs. With PowerForms you can create a URL that users can click and it will allow them to fill out a specific DocuSign envelope. This might not fit your needs if you need to pre-fill some of the fields with information related to the specific recipient but it might be worth looking at.
PowerForms Documentation:
Please correct me if I'm wrong but I think that your goal is creating the recipient view URL, creating an email formatted in a specific way and sending that email to the recipients.
If you use the branding feature you could specify the format for your email (if you want to use a specific message) and just send the envelope to your recipients. Once the recipients receive the email they'll see the message in the format that you specified and the link for accessing the envelope would be a regular DocuSign link that doesn't expire.
The link below shows how to create Brands in your account. Specifically signing brands would allow you to set the email content.
If you have multiple email formats you could create multiple brands and just specify the brandId when creating the envelope.
I hope this helps.

How can I pull a list of all the envelopes sent/received by all the users (like in report tab) through Docusign REST API?

I am an admin account user and to get insights from data I need to pull the details of all the envelopes from all accounts. The similar thing is what a report provides in Docusign dashboard but I need the list of recipients as well. Can anyone please help me. Thanks.
Listing envelopes sent by your users: Envelopes::listStatusChanges
I think that call may cover envelopes sent by anyone in your account (if the accessToken represents a user with admin privileges). But I'm not sure.
If it doesn't then you can loop through the account's users.
Tracking who has received an envelope through their DocuSign account is done with the Folders::listItems API call. You may need to list both the Inbox and Deleted folders. You also need to check that the person signed the specific envelope vs receiving it for some other reason (cc, certified copy, etc).
Finally, an alternative if you have higher volumes is to purchase the DocuSign Report Feed product (see note below). It will send you DB table dumps about your account activity on a regular basis so you can do your own reporting on DocuSign activity. It is the best way to have full access to report data. Ask your DocuSign contact for more info.
Note: I'm not sure of the exact name for the reporting product.
This can be done if you install DocuSign for Salesforce managed package and use Connect feature in DocuSign. Configure your webhooks to create DocuSign Status and DocuSign Recipient Status records for each send. Any DocuSign objects or custom object can be used in the Connect configuration, after selecting objects, select which events you want the results to be pushed back to Salesforce.
Use a parent object to store envelope details and child object for the recipient data. Use Envelope Id to relate the child records to the parent. Eventually, you will be able to build various reports on Salesforce.
More info here:

How to determine the docusign recipient action taken on document

I am using Remote Signing with the DocuSign api, but I want to know how to determine what action the recipient took (i.e. they signed, declined to sign, viewed, etc). How do I do this?
You want the status of the envelopes you sent?
Best technique is to create a webhook and have DocuSign call your server when the envelope's status changes.
You can create DocuSign notification message subscriptions at either the account level or at the individual envelope level.
See this blog entry for more info. Ask additional questions on StackOverflow if you have any difficulties.

ListStatusChanges to get status based on the individual recipients

We have multiple recipients per envelope and the signing order is set. Can we get the envelope based on the status of individual recipients?. I don't see anything that we can do to achieve this through ListStatusChangesOptions. I know that we can achieve this by listRecipients but this did not give us an option to set parameters to limit the data, like ListStatusChangesOptions.
I want to reduce the API call limit, if there is an option to directly limit the data sent from DocuSign based on the status of the individual recipients.
Eg: Get all the Envelopes whose recipient1 status is completed.
Instead of getting more than required envelopes through listStatusChanges and limiting them by using listRecipients
No, there is no API call to fetch envelope details based on recipient status. Instead I would propose to use DocuSign Connect. It has trigger event of Recipient Signed, so once recipient has signed you will get a message from DocuSign with envelope details like envelopeId, which recipient Signed it etc, and this will save a lot of your API calls and DocuSign Connect is the recommended way from DocuSign instead of doing polling. You can learn more about DS Connect here,

Using docusign EnvelopeViews: createSender as preview

createSender creates a URL, which I would like to use to let the sender preview the document before it's send out. Hence the documents are created using templates and and the API.
The link which is created would lead me out of my UI. Does the user need to sign in? Future plan is to have many user's, which have no DocuSign account.
For embedded sending Your app will have to authenticate the user. If you are doing a Service Integration then your Api account will be used as the sender.
Once the sending url is generated using the createSenderView api, there is no authentication required to access the URL.
You also have an option to build a User Application using the docusign Api where your App can support sending from multiple accounts.
The createSenderView requires that the person is a DocuSign user (with their own account and password).
Only DocuSign users can send. We charge for sending, not for signing or receiving.
What exactly do you want to preview? (And why?)
the documents themselves? Use the EnvelopeDocuments resource. You can also preview the thumbnails of the documents.
the documents with the "fields" ("tabs") that indicate where people will sign? I'm not sure that is do-able.
or the recipients and their routing order? Use EnvelopeRecipients: list method.
Another solution is to use a dummy certified delivery "recipient". Add this recipient as the first recipient. This will block the envelope from proceeding on the recipient routing.
Then get the envelope's documents to show as a preview.
Then, if ok, alter the envelope's recipients to remove the certified delivery recipient. The envelope will then continue on with the first "real" recipient.
