Elastic Beanstalk Environment Variables Missing When In SSH - node.js

I'm trying to run some commands on my NodeJS app that need to be run via SSH (Sequelize seeding for instance), however when I do so, I noticed that the expected env vars were missing.
If I run eb printenv on my local machine I see the expected environment variables that were set in my EB Dashboard
If I SSH in, and run printenv, all of those variables I expect are missing.
So what happens, is when I run my seeds, I get an error:
node_modules/.bin/sequelize db:seed:all
I noticed that the port was wrong, it should be 5432. I checked to see if my environment variables were set with printenv and they are not there. This leads me to suspect that the proper env variables are not loaded in my ssh session, and NodeJS is falling back to the default values I provided in my config.
I found some solutions online, like running the following to load the env variables:
But the python directory doesn't exist. All that's inside /opt/ is elasticbeanstalk and aws directories.
I had some success so I could at least see that the env variables exist somewhere on the server by running the following:
sudo /opt/elasticbeanstalk/bin/get-config environment --output YAML
But simply running this command does not fix the problem. All it does is output the expected env variables to the screen. That's something! At least I know they are definitely there! But the env variables are still not there when I run printenv
So how do I fix this problem? Sequelize and NodeJS are clearly not seeing the env variables either, and it's trying to use the fallback default values that are set in my config file.

I know my answer is late, but I had the same problem and after some attempts with bash script I found a way to store it in your env vars.
you can simply run the following command:
export env=`/opt/elasticbeanstalk/bin/get-config environment -k <your-variable-name>`
now you will be able to easily access this variable:
echo $your-variable-name
afterward, you can utilize the env var to do what ever you like. in my case, I use it to decide which version of my code to build in a file called build-script.sh and its content is as follows:
# get env variable to know in which environment this code is running in
export env=`/opt/elasticbeanstalk/bin/get-config environment -k environment`
# building the code based on the current environment
if [ $env = "production" ]
echo "building for production"
npm --prefix /var/app/current run build-prod
echo "building for non production"
npm --prefix /var/app/current run build-prod
hope this helps anyone facing the same issue 🤟🏻


npm adds whitespace when setting env variable in package.json

I have a pre-written package.json file for an app which I need to modify. More specifically, I want to change the NODE_PORT environment variable through the package.json file and I'm working on a Windows machine.
In the package.json I have several scripts that I run through npm when I like to spin up an instance of the app.
For example:
set NODE_PORT=80&& set NODE_ENV=test&& pm2 install pm2-logrotate&& pm2 start app.js -i max -o ./logs/access.log -e ./logs/err.log --time --name Test
This script for example works fine.
However, when I'm trying to set the NODE_PORT variable to 8080 (that's the port I need) like so:
set NODE_PORT=8080&& set NODE_ENV=parallel_test&& pm2 install pm2-logrotate&& pm2 start app.js -i max -o ./logs/parallel_access.log -e ./logs/parallel_err.log --time --name Parallel_Test
a whitespace at the end of the variable gets added.
I verified this by printing out the number of chars of $process.env.NODE_PORT in the log file which prints 5. Moreover the login for the app via Google crashes as the redirect link of the app doesn't match with the one in the Google Cloud Platform. That is:
app: http://localhost:8080 /auth/check-google vs. Google Cloud Platform: http://localhost:8080/auth/check-google
Any idea why this is happening?
i have faced similar issue recently. Handled it with .trimEnd() while adding variables with dotenv. But I think using cross-env can solve your problems.
Most Windows command prompts will choke when you set environment
variables with NODE_ENV=production like that. (The exception is Bash
on Windows, which uses native Bash.) Similarly, there's a difference
in how windows and POSIX commands utilize environment variables. With
POSIX, you use: $ENV_VAR and on windows you use %ENV_VAR%.
Adding this inside your script: "cross-env NODE_PORT=8080 ..."

Using environment variables in Heroku release bash script

I need to update a domain name in the static file when my app promoted to production. I've added this line to my Procfile:
release: ./update-domain.sh
Here is the content:
if [ -n "$DOMAIN" ]; then
sed -i 's#$DOMAIN#'"$DOMAIN"'#' ./assets/config.json
But it seems like Heroku doesn't have access to the env variables from bash. Is that true?
I'm not sure if that is related, but in Heroku Exec documentation I found this:
The SSH session created by Heroku Exec will not have the config vars set as environment variables (i.e., env in a session will not list config vars set by heroku config:set).
Thank you.

Application cannot access env variables while they are available on a container level

node.js application, built and deployed using docker-compose, doesn't see any custom set variables. console.log(process.env.VAR) logs undefined to console for any of those.
Variables are set using env_file property in yaml file. Only env_file property is used. There is an ENV value set in Dockerfile and it's accessible by the application.
docker exec -it <container-id> envdoes return all custom values. docker exec -it <container-id> sh returns only those set in base image - node-alpine (wiped out by exec?).
What can be wrong with the setup?
I've found that the issue is not with the compose file or wrong usage of env_file field.
The issue was with the env file itself. It used spaces when setting values. Like this: VAR = VAL instead of VAR=VAL.
While dotenv npm package allows this (I've used a sample that comes with a project as a base for deployment), docker and environment don't.

Hubot - load environmental variables from a file

setting environmental variables for a Hubot is pretty easy on the production server. However when I want to test the bot locally, I need the env vars inside a file. I already have the file .env for env vars that heroku is using for running locally.
But I can't seem to find a way to load env vars inside the Hubot scripts from a file.
Merry Christmas :-)
okay it's possible with hubot-env.
The following command will load the file from a relative path:
hubot env load --filename=[filename].
It previously didn't work for me because I had HUBOT_ENV_BASE_PATH set on my mac so the command searched in the wrong folder for the file.

Set `process.env.commit` on Heroku push

I'm using NPM's scripts.postinstall to build our application using GulpJS when we push it to Heroku:
"postinstall": "./node_modules/.bin/gulp build --require coffee-script/register"
I want to be able to set an environment variable at this time with the value of the commit hash. This will then be referenced in files as a cachebuster, e.g.:
<script type="text/javascript" src="/index.{{ process.env.commit }}.js"></script>
I can use git-rev to easily get this value asynchronously but I want it stored on an environment level. How can I set a custom Node environment variable?
If I'm going about this the wrong way and there's a better solution please let me know (I can only find methods to set NODE_ENV and not the process.env object itself).
You cannot do this via a postinstall script: the heroku command won't be available in the build environment. You can create your own lightweight deployment script that runs the command on your machine when a successful build occurs however:
git push heroku master && heroku config:set COMMIT=$(git rev-parse --short HEAD)
To note, I got confirmation of this from Heroku support directly. This was their response:
There isn't an installation of heroku toolbelt on the slug compiler. If you need to set an environment variable as part of the push then you'll have to do it on your machine rather than the Heroku compiler.
Solution I've found is to use the heroku config system to set custom environment variables:
git = require "git-rev"
exec = require "exec-sync"
gulp.task "commit", ->
git.long (hash) ->
exec "heroku config:set COMMIT=#{ hash }"
Needs further testing but for now it works (also, because the command is run on the server there's no need to use heroku config:push).
You can now add this metadata with this labs feature from heroku !
heroku labs:enable runtime-dyno-metadata -a <app name>
