Searching strings between unrelated tables - string

I'm trying to categorize my service requests based on key words which can be found either in the request description or request solution. My list of keywords is independent from my database. So I can't come up with the code necessary to lookup various text strings from one table in the columns of another (non-related) table.
My first table (called Comp_build) has 4 columns (each for Installs, Instructions, Security, and Troubleshoot) and below is a sample of it with keywords
Install Troubleshoot Security Instructions
request error Security driven create automated
onboarding fail package
My second table (called Comp_determination) has 3 columns: Category (calculated column), SR Description, SR Solution
I've played around with:
This is the closest I've been able to find ( but the results aren't consistent. it seems to work correctly if I'm looking up my install keywords but if I try with security keywords, my entire column Category is populated with "Security"
category = IF(SUMX(comp_build,FIND(comp_build[Install],comp_determination[SR Description],,0))>0,"Installations","")
I want to identify all cases bases on keywords and assign them a request category. Since we receive essentially 4 major categories of requests, I have keywords for each category - located in a separate table and each in their column. Additionally, I can search for the key words in two places - either in the request description or the request solution.


I want an excel formula to do vlookup multiple times based on the Vlookup results it got for each Vlookup

I have got a ton of bid-related information from the Government E-procurement site in India. I have columns like Ministry, Organization, Department, and Office which are in a hierarchical fashion like multiple offices inside Department with multiple departments inside an organization and organizations inside a ministry. I have a separate list of accounts that have salespeople aligned to it. Now my problem is to find a formula that will help me align the opportunities to each salesperson. I want the formula to go like this, first, it filters out all the results based on Ministry, then out of those filtered results, it filters out the Organization/Department/Office and returns the value from the list of accounts that have salespeople aligned to it. I also want it to skip if Organization is not present and move on to Department.
Sample of data
I tried using VLOOKUP after text-joining Ministry, Organization, Department, and Office, but it matches only the first word and hence the matches are not accurate.
I had a formula passed down to me but couldn't make any sense of it.
=IFERROR(VLOOKUP([#[Organization Name]],ISR_alignment!$G$2:$H$22,2,FALSE),

Append a column of a few tables into a single bigger column

I'm having a problem while building this sheet and i'm not being able to find a solution.
The problem goes like this:
This is a marketing agency that wants to build quotes for their clients in a more automated and simpler way they do today.
There is a master table that the user must put all products they have to offer and their prices
from this master table, I've created 5 other tables with power query, So they have an user interface to fill the number of products and price adjustments they want to quote. Also some products price depends on the price and quantity of other products. that's why I needed to separate it.
Now I need to bring them back together so I can use it as a source for a pivot table to build their report.
I've tried a few things:
Making them all a joined source for pivot table, but as they don't have any exclusive fields it failed.
They have a different number of columns and rows, so putting them below each other won't work
I've also tried =Table[Total Value]:Table2[Total Value], but they are joined side by side, and I need them one below each other.
I haven't tried VBA, but it's not out of the question.

Search for Dataset in Azure Data Catalog using Column Tags

we are evaluating if Azure Data Catalog will meet our needs and one of our questions is if we can search for Datasets based on column tags. For example, if some of my datasets have the column tag "xyz" for one of their columns, can I search for all datasets with a column tag "xyz" and get all the datasets that have a column (any column) with the tag "xyz"?
Also, can this be done programmatically through the REST APIs? Thanks!
Last I checked you can tag individual columns and you can search on those tags. And REST based search API supports an explicit tag search syntax.
The search at will include column tags, column names, and object tags etc. If you implement the high tier options, you can roll up tags into business glosseries. For example the business might use "external supplier" but common alternative's used around the business might be 'panel vender' or 'agency' but really they all mean the same thing.
The full search syntax reference can be found here :

Dynamic validation list in Excel

I have an issue regarding data validation in Excel, namely how to dynamically set the validation source.
I have three tables, where the first contains a product ID and a product name. The second table contains a product ID together with a serial number. A third table has three columns; one for product ID, one for serial number and a description for e.g. error reporting.
What I want to do is related to the third column where I select the product ID in a drop-down box which is linked to the first table. This works perfectly fine. The second column though, must only allow serial numbers related to the product ID selected according to the relationship in the second table. Hence, the data validation list must be dynamically generated by the input in the first column.
The reason for having it in Excel is due corporate reasons and personally I'd use an SQL-database for this very issue. E.g. if I were to use SQL-syntax to generate the validation list, the corresponding SQL-statement would be:
SELECT serialNumber WHERE productId = 12345;
I've tried using the INDEX-MATCH, but unfortunately MATCH only returns a scalar value rather than an array. I have not come across array functions prior to today, but I assume such might be included in order to accomplish this and have tried a bit without success.
If I somehow were to acquire an array returning the row numbers where there is a match, the INDEX-function would accomplish my needs, I presume.
My question is therefore, is there a method to acquire an array of matched values or can my problem be solved using a more elegant solution? If it could be of value if it can be made without VBA, also for corporate security reasons.
Thanks in advance!

Matching "fuzzy" data based on several inputs

I have a search and matching problem:
In my database, I have thousands of names, in addition to some other matching characteristics: a few columns of numerical data, and a few columns of other text that helps identify this specific company.
A prospective client has about 500 company names, and then sparsely populated additional characteristics as mentioned above for each of the names.
Current Process
In the past, the process has been a manual one, try to match each name given by the client by searching through the database, finding a name "like" the one reported to me, and then verifying that the additional characteristics match up. However, the main issue is that the names reported are not the same, can often contain abbreviations or only parts of the name stored in my database, and the additional characteristics may be incomplete or only partially matching as well.
I want to automate this process since it happens frequently. The optimal solution would input one company from the client list along with any of the additional characteristics they filled in for it, and then try to find the top 5 matches in my database.
I've never used Lucene or Sphinx, but they seem to be more document driven. Is there a way to format these inputs so those libraries work for this problem, or instead, what other software tools exist that would work?
To Lucene, a 'document' can easily be a row in a table and I think you will like the fuzzy~ search and search hit scoring capabilities.
