I have the following code:
private implicit val ec = ExecutionContext.fromExecutor(Executors.newFixedThreadPool(2) )
private val done = new AtomicInteger(0)
Future(/* long running task*/).onComplete(_ => done.done.incrementAndGet())
Future(/* second long running task*/).onComplete(_ => done.done.incrementAndGet())
while (done.get() < 2) {
(Yes, this is ugly & hacky and doesn't check for errors, etc)
When I run this locally, logs indicate that it ran both futures in parallel, i.e I see logs from both futures at the same time. But when I move this to the server (with fewer CPU cores and memory), I only see logs from one future, indicating that it only ran one of them and presumably it was waiting for that future to finish before running the second one (or was deadlocked somehow).
Any idea why this is? I even increased the fixedThreadCount to 4 but it didn't make a difference.
I am seeing strange behavior from dask when using it from jupyter notebook. So I am initiating a local client and giving it a list of jobs to do. My real code is a bit complex so I am putting a simple example for you here:
from dask.distributed import Client
def inc(x):
return x + 1
if __name__ == '__main__':
c = Client()
futures = [c.submit(inc, i) for i in range(1,10)]
result = c.gather(futures)
The problem is that, I realize that:
1. Dask initiates more than 9 processes for this example.
2. After the code has ran and it is done (nothing in the notebook is running), the processes created by dask are not killed (and the client is not shutdown). When I do a top, I can see all those processes still alive.
I saw in the documents that there is a client.close() option, but interestingly enough, such a functionality does not exist in 0.15.2.
The only time that the dask processes are killed, is when I stop the jupyter notebook. This issue is causing strange and unpredictable performance behavior. Is there anyway that the processes can get killed or the client shutdown when there is no code running on the notebook?
The default Client allows for optional parameters which are passed to LocalCluster (see the docs) and allow you to specify, for example, the number of processes you wish. Also, it is a context manager, which will close itself and end processes when you are done.
with Client(n_workers=2) as c:
futures = [c.submit(inc, i) for i in range(1,10)]
result = c.gather(futures)
When this ends, the processes will be terminated.
I have following entry in conf file. But I'm not sure if this dispatcher setting is being picked up and what's ultimate parallelism value being used
default-dispatcher {
type = Dispatcher
executor = "fork-join-executor"
throughput = 3
fork-join-executor {
parallelism-min = 40
parallelism-factor = 10
parallelism-max = 100
I've 8 core machine so I expect 80 parallel threads to be in ready state
40min < 80 (8*10 factor) < 100max. I'd like to see what value is akka using for max parallel thread.
I created 45 child actors and in my logs, I'm printing the thread id [application-akka.actor.default-dispatcher-xx] and I don't see more than 20 threads running in parallel.
In order to max-out the parallelism factor, all the actors needs to be processing some messages at the same time. Are you sure this is the case in your application?
Take for example the following code
object Test extends App {
val system = ActorSystem()
(1 to 80).foreach{ _ =>
val ref = system.actorOf(Props[Sleeper])
ref ! "hello"
class Sleeper extends Actor {
override def receive: Receive = {
case msg =>
If you consider your config and 8 cores, you will see a small amount of threads being spawned (4, 5?) as the processing of the messages is too quick for some real parallelism to build up.
On the contrary, if you keep your actors CPU-busy uncommenting the nasty Thread.sleep you will see the number of threads will bump up to 80. However, this will only last 1 minute, after which the threads will be gradually be retired from the pool.
I guess the main trick is: don't think of each actor being run on a separate thread. It's whenever one or more messages appear on an actor's mailbox that the dispatcher awakes and - indeed - dispatches the message processing task to a designated pool.
Assuming you have an ActorSystem instance you can check the values set in its configuration. This is how you could get your hand on the values you've set in the config file:
val system = ActorSystem()
val config = system.settings.config.getConfig("akka.actor.default-dispatcher")
I hope this helps. You can also consult this page for more details on specific configuration settings.
I've dug up a bit more in Akka to find out exactly what it uses for your settings. As you might already expect it uses a ForkJoinPool. The parallelism used to build it is given by:
object ThreadPoolConfig {
def scaledPoolSize(floor: Int, multiplier: Double, ceiling: Int): Int =
math.min(math.max((Runtime.getRuntime.availableProcessors * multiplier).ceil.toInt, floor), ceiling)
This function is used at some point to build a ForkJoinExecutorServiceFactory:
new ForkJoinExecutorServiceFactory(
Anyway, this is the parallelism that will be used to create the ForkJoinPool, which is actually an instance of java.lang.ForkJoinPool. Now we have to ask how many thread does this pool use? The short answer is that it will use the whole capacity (80 threads in our case) only if it needs it.
To illustrate this scenario, I've ran a couple of tests with various uses of Thread.sleep inside the actor. What I've found out is that it can use from somewhere around 10 threads (if no sleep call is made) to around the max 80 threads (if I call sleep for 1 second). The tests were made on a machine with 8 cores.
Summing it up, you will need to check the implementation used by Akka to see exactly how that parallelism is used, this is why I looked into ForkJoinPool. Other than looking at the config file and then inspecting that particular implementation I don't think you can do unfortunately :(
I hope this clarifies the answer - initially I thought you wanted to see how the actor system's dispatcher is configured.
We have an API implemented in bare bones Scala Akka HTTP - a couple of routes fronting for a heavy computation (CPU and memory intensive). No clustering - all running on one beefy machine. The computation is proper heavy - can take more than 60s to complete for one isolated request. And we don't care about the speed that much. There's no blocking IO, just lots of CPU processing.
When I started performance testing the thing, an interesting pattern showed: say requests A1, A2, ..., A10 come through. They use resources quite heavily and it turns out that Akka will return HTTP 503 for requests A5-A10 that overran. The problem is that that computation is still running even though there's no one there to pick up the result.
And from there we see a cascading performance collapse: requests A11-A20 arrive to a server still working on requests A5-A10. Clearly these new requests also have a chance of overrunning - even higher given that the server is busier. So some of them will be running by the time Akka triggered a timeout, making the server even busier and slower and then the new batch of requests comes through... so after running the system for a bit you see that nearly all requests after certain point start failing with timeouts. And after you stop the load you see in logs some requests still being worked on.
I've tried running the computation in a separate ExecutionContext as well as the system dispatcher, trying to make it fully asynchronous (via Future composition), but the result is still the same. Lingering jobs make server so busy that eventually almost every request fails.
A similar case is described in https://github.com/zcox/spray-blocking-test but the focus is shifted there - /ping doesn't matter for us as much as more or less stable responsibility on endpoint that handles long running requests.
The question: how do I design my application to be better at interrupting hanging requests? I can tolerate some small percentage of failed requests under heavy load, but grinding the entire system to a halt after several seconds is unacceptable.
Akka HTTP does not automatically terminate processing for requests which have timed out. Usually the extra bookkeeping which would be needed to do that would not pay off, so it's not on by default. I think it's something of an oversight, TBH, and I've had similar problems with Akka HTTP myself.
I think you need to manually abort the processing on request timeout, otherwise the server will not recover when it is overloaded, as you have seen.
There isn't a standard mechanism with which you can implement this (see "How to cancel Future in Scala?"). If the thread is doing CPU work with no i/o, then Thread.interrupt() will not be useful. Instead you should create a Deadline or Promise or similar that shows if the request is still open, and pass that around and periodically check for timeout during your computation:
// in the HTTP server class:
val responseTimeout: Duration = 30.seconds
val routes =
path("slowComputation") {
complete {
val responseTimeoutDeadline: Deadline = responseTimeout.fromNow
// in the processing code:
def computeSlowResult(responseDeadline: Deadline): Future[HttpResponse] = Future {
val gatherInputs: List[_] = ???
gatherInputs.fold(0) { (acc, next) =>
// check if the response has timed out
if (responseDeadline.isOverdue())
throw new TimeoutException()
acc + next // proceed with the calculation a little
(Checking if a Promise has been completed will be a lot cheaper than checking whether a Deadline has expired. I've put the code for the latter above, as it's easier to write.)
The spray-blocking-test uses libraries that I don't think exist in Akka HTTP. I'd a similar problem and I solved it as follows:
blocking-io-dispatcher {
type = Dispatcher
executor = "thread-pool-executor"
thread-pool-executor {
fixed-pool-size = 16
throughput = 1
complete {
Try(new URL(url)) match {
case scala.util.Success(u) => {
val src = Source.fromIterator(() => parseMovies(u).iterator)
.toMat(Sink.fold(Future(0))((acc, elem) => Applicative[Future].map2(acc, elem)(_ + _)))(Keep.right)
// run the whole graph on a separate dispatcher
.onComplete {
_ match {
case scala.util.Success(n) => logger.info(s"Created $n movies")
case Failure(t) => logger.error(t, "Failed to process movies")
case Failure(t) => logger.error(t, "Bad URL"); BadRequest -> "Bad URL"
The response returns immediately while the processing keeps happening in the background.
Additional reading:
We use a Spark cluster as yarn-client to calculate several business, but sometimes we have a task run too long time:
We don't set timeout but I think default timeout a spark task is not too long such here ( 1.7h ).
Anyone give me an ideal to work around this issue ???
There is no way for spark to kill its tasks if its taking too long.
But I figured out a way to handle this using speculation,
This means if one or more tasks are running slowly in a stage, they
will be re-launched.
spark.speculation true
spark.speculation.multiplier 2
spark.speculation.quantile 0
Note: spark.speculation.quantile means the "speculation" will kick in from your first task. So use it with caution. I am using it because some jobs get slowed down due to GC over time. So I think you should know when to use this - its not a silver bullet.
Some relevant links: http://apache-spark-user-list.1001560.n3.nabble.com/Does-Spark-always-wait-for-stragglers-to-finish-running-td14298.html and http://mail-archives.us.apache.org/mod_mbox/spark-user/201506.mbox/%3CCAPmMX=rOVQf7JtDu0uwnp1xNYNyz4xPgXYayKex42AZ_9Pvjug#mail.gmail.com%3E
I found a fix for my issue (might not work for everyone). I had a bunch of simulations running per task, so I added timeout around the run. If a simulation is taking longer (due to a data skew for that specific run), it will timeout.
ExecutorService executor = Executors.newCachedThreadPool();
Callable<SimResult> task = () -> simulator.run();
Future<SimResult> future = executor.submit(task);
try {
result = future.get(1, TimeUnit.MINUTES);
} catch (TimeoutException ex) {
SPARKLOG.info("Task timed out");
Make sure you handle an interrupt inside the simulator's main loop like:
throw new InterruptedException();
The trick here is to login directly to the worker node and kill the process. Usually you can find the offending process with a combination of top, ps, and grep. Then just do a kill pid.
We recently had a situation where one of our production JVMs would randomly freeze. The Java process was burning CPU, but all visible activity would cease: no log output, nothing written to the GC log, no response to any network request, etc. The process would persist in this state until restarted.
It turned out that the org.mozilla.javascript.DToA class, when invoked on certain inputs, will get confused and call BigInteger.pow with enormous values (e.g. 5^2147483647), which triggers the JVM freeze. My guess is that some large loop, perhaps in java.math.BigInteger.multiplyToLen, was JIT'ed without a safepoint check inside the loop. The next time the JVM needed to pause for garbage collection, it would freeze, because the thread running the BigInteger code wouldn't be reaching a safepoint for a very long time.
My question: in the future, how can I diagnose a safepoint problem like this? kill -3 didn't produce any output; I presume it relies on safepoints to generate accurate stacks. Is there any production-safe tool which can extract stacks from a running JVM without waiting for a safepoint? (In this case, I got lucky and managed to grab a set of stack traces just after BigInteger.pow was invoked, but before it worked its way up to a sufficiently large input to completely wedge the JVM. Without that stroke of luck, I'm not sure how we would ever have diagnosed the problem.)
Edit: the following code illustrates the problem.
// Spawn a background thread to compute an enormous number.
new Thread(){ #Override public void run() {
try {
} catch (InterruptedException ex) {
// Loop, allocating memory and periodically logging progress, so illustrate GC pause times.
byte[] b;
for (int outer = 0; ; outer++) {
long startMs = System.currentTimeMillis();
for (int inner = 0; inner < 100000; inner++) {
b = new byte[1000];
System.out.println("Iteration " + outer + " took " + (System.currentTimeMillis() - startMs) + " ms");
This launches a background thread which waits 5 seconds and then starts an enormous BigInteger computation. In the foreground, it then repeatedly allocates a series of 100,000 1K blocks, logging the elapsed time for each 100MB series. During the 5 second period, each 100MB series runs in about 20 milliseconds on my MacBook Pro. Once the BigInteger computation begins, we begin to see long pauses interleaved. In one test, the pauses were successively 175ms, 997ms, 2927ms, 4222ms, and 22617ms (at which point I aborted the test). This is consistent with BigInteger.pow() invoking a series of ever-larger multiply operations, each taking successively longer to reach a safepoint.
Your problem interested me very much. You were right about JIT. First I tried to play with GC types, but this did not have any effect. Then I tried to disable JIT and everything worked fine:
java -Djava.compiler=NONE Tests
Then printed out JIT compilations:
java -XX:+PrintCompilation Tests
And noticed that problem starts after some compilations in BigInteger class, I tried to exclude methods one by one from compilation and finally found the cause:
java -XX:CompileCommand=exclude,java/math/BigInteger,multiplyToLen -XX:+PrintCompilation Tests
For large arrays this method could work long, and problem might really be in safepoints. For some reason they are not inserted, but should be even in compiled code. Looks like a bug. The next step should be to analyze assembly code, I did not do it yet.
It's not a bug, it's a performance feature. JVM eliminates safepoint check from counted loops, making them run faster. It expects that either
you care about STW pauses and don't have extra long loops
or you have extra long loops, but fine with safepoints being eventual
If it doesn't fit you, it can be switched off with this flag: -XX:+UseCountedLoopSafepoints
And answering the title question, you can still stop and explore a program with gdb, but the stack traces wouldn't be so nice.
Perhaps that's what the "-F" option of jstack is good for:
Force a stack dump when 'jstack [-l] pid' does not respond.
I always wondered when an why that could help.