How the order of 'After' hooks can be configured in Cucumber js? - hook

There are several 'After' hooks and one of them should be first than others, how it could be configured in the Cucumber JS?

You can explicitly configure hooks to run in a certain order:
#Before(order = 10) // Annotated method
public void doSomething(){
// Do something before each scenario
Before(10, () -> { // Lambda
// Do something before each scenario
It seems this also works for #After hooks.
Edit: Leaving this in case it's useful for any Java people - missed that it was JS, sorry! But for Javascript:
Hooks are executed in the order in which they're defined. If that doesn't do it for you, create one hook and explicitly call the other methods.

Ordered by top to bottom in the hooks file
After({}, async function() {
return "This will run first";
After({}, async function() {
return "tThis will run second";

You can use tags concept for each scenario in cucumber feature file and use same tag on each #After annotation which will resolve for which test scenario's that specific #After should execute

Hooks is a file which will be executed from top to bottom. If you have more After tags, go in such a way that which you want to close first of all will be first and the last what you want to execute to be last. If you have tags in your feature file, pass that information to the specific After


Is there a way to test functions with Jasmine without exposing them?

I have a utils.js file with some generic utility functions. I use module.exports to expose some of the functions while keep the rest hidden.
module.exports = {
utils_1: function_1,
utils_2: function_2
Suppose there are other functions, namely function_3 and function_4 that I would like not to expose, yet I want to test with Jasmine. The only way I can currently do it is by exposing them with the rest of the functions and writing my test suites as usual.
Is there a way to test some functions via Jasmine while not exposing them?
The only thing I can think of is creating a different javascript file containing (and exposing) function_3 and function_4, require that file in my utils.js and at the same time test the new file with Jasmine, but this would split my original file in two (and the same would apply for all other similar files).
function_3 and function_4 are used inside function_1 and function_2, right? So, do you really need to unit test it? I would not. But other people might think the contrary.
Here is my example
// utils.js
function function_3(obj) {
obj.a = 3;
return obj;
function function_4(obj) {
obj = function_3(obj); // invoke function_3
obj.b = 4;
return obj;
module.exports = { utils_4: function_4 };
The test:
const { utils_4 } = require('utils');
describe('test 1', () => {
it('should pass', () => {
const obj = utils_4 ({});
It should pass, right? See that I only test function_4, but, if I change the implementation of function_3 in a way that brakes my test, the test will detect it.
If we change function_3 to
function function_3(obj) {
obj.c = 3;
return obj;
The test will fail.
This is an awful example but it is just illustrative. Take the good part of it. But again, other people might think the contrary and will go with an approach to test function_3 directly. Use a coverage lib to see what is covered by your tests.
Hope it helps
Your private / unexposed functions are used within your exported functions, are they not? Thereby, they are tested implicitly as soon as you write all the test cases for your public / exposed functions.
Exposing functions or writing tests on private functions is missing the goal of unit tests: Testing the public interface.
Think of private / unexposed methods as implementation details. You should not write tests for those, as the private methods are abstracting the implementation detail. It becomes tedious and over-complicated to have tests break because some internal behavior changed slightly.
You should be able to refactor or rewrite private functions at a whim, yet as long as they public interface is fulfilled, your tests shall remain green.
It may make sense to create a new module for your function_3 and function_4, depending on what they are doing for you. If I discover, that I want to test something internally, that's a sign to make it into its own module, with its own public interface.
So I'd say that your intention of moving the functions into a different JavaScript file is actually the right idea. (Yet you may realize that here only function_3 needs to be exposed, whereas function_4 can still be hidden).

Running single cucumber test multiple times with different before steps

I have three different feature files which hold different test scenarios: configA.feature, configB.feature, common.feature.
In the steps file I have two tagged before hooks, one for each config (A/B):
public void configA() {
//some settings
public void configB() {
//some settings
These two configs are mutually exclusive, so only one should be executed for any particular scenario execution as the second would overwrite setting done by the first.
What I want to achieve is to be able to run scenarios as follows:
configA.feature with the ConfigA hook executed
configB.feature with the ConfigB hook executed
common.feature with the ConfigA hook executed
common.feature with the ConfigB hook executed
I've tried annotating the features in the feature files as:
configA with #ConfigA
configB with #ConfigB
common with both #ConfigA #ConfigB
but this results in common.feature being always executed with both of the before hooks at the same time.
As I'm using a JUnit wrapper with Cucumber runner I've also tried creating separate test classes with #CucumberOptions.tags specified, but this didn't work for me either.
Is, what I'm trying to do, even possible with cucumber? If so then how can I achieve this?

Proper use of artifacts.require?

I am trying to understand how artifacts.require should be used. I've seen the standard paragraph describing it as being for migrations and testing. From this I infer that the globally scoped artifacts with its method require are automatically defined by the truffle executable tool when doing migrations or running tests. However, I am working with some code that uses artifacts.require outside the context of any migrations or tests, rather, this code just needs to do the usual at and new. However, in this context, the object artifacts is not defined.
Do I have the right picture here? Is this an appropriate use of artifacts.require? If so, what must be done to make it be defined outside of migrations and testing?
Thanks for any suggestions!
artifacts.require really isn't meant to be used outside of a test. this is where it is defined:
when in production code you should load the compiled contract into your application using truffle-contract
here is a short example (from and see )
var contract = require("truffle-contract");
var contractJson = require("example-truffle-library/build/contracts/SimpleNameRegistry.json");
var SimpleNameRegistry = contract(contractJson);
.then(function(instance) {
return instance.setRegistry(address);
.then(function(result) {
// If this callback is called, the transaction was successfully processed.
alert("Transaction successful!")
.catch(function(e) {
// There was an error! Handle it.

Asynchronous javascript execution in node with cucumber

I'm working with selenium to write a test suite. The project is in node. I want to refactor the code into a BDD/cucumber model. It looks like using cucumber-js, asynchronous code inside step definitions is not being executed when I run a feature.
Currently I'm using Mocha to manage all the Promises returned from the selenium library and ensure all the asynch operations are run. There is an alternate Cucumber library (gherkin-mocha) that is much older and less maintained that might work.
How can I run asynch operations inside Cucumber steps? Is it possible to use Mocha alongside this?
I figured out the problem.
Step definition methods take a regex and a function. The function parameter can take a callback which it needs to call at the end of its execution. My previous code looked like this
this.Given(/I click something/, function(done) {
// do stuff
To use promise and asynch behavior, omit the "done" parameter:
this.Given(/I click something/, function() {
// do stuff
return Promise.resolve();

RequireJS Dynamic Paths Replacement

I have a requirejs module which is used as a wrapper to an API that comes from a different JS file:
define([], function () {
return {
funcA: apiFuncA,
funcB: apiFuncB
It works fine but now I have some new use cases where I need to replace the implementation, e.g. instead of apiFuncA invoke my own function. But I don't want to touch other places in my code, where I call the functions, like apiWrapper.funcA(param).
I can do something like the following:
define([], function () {
return {
funcA: function(){
return apiFuncA(arguments);
} else {
return (function myFuncAImplementation(params){
//my code, instead of the external API
funcB: apiFuncB
But I feel like it doesn't look nice. What's a more elegant alternative? Is there a way to replace the module (apiWrapper) dynamically? Currently it's defined in my require.config paths definition. Can this path definition be changed at runtime so that I'll use a different file as a wrapper?
Well, first of all, if you use Require.js, you probably want to build it before production. As so, it is important you don't update paths dynamically at runtime or depends on runtime variables to defines path as this will prevent you from running r.js successfully.
There's a lot of tools (requirejs plugins) out there that can help you dynamically change the path to a module or conditionnaly load a dependency.
First, you could use require.replace that allow you to change parts (or all) of a module URL depending on a check you made without breaking the build.
If you're looking for polyfilling, there's requirejs feature
And there's a lot more listed here:
