How to pass an Input value to Action stage in Blue Prism? - blueprism

I am testing a Launch NotePad application in Blue Prism. I need to pass "Hello World" text as Input Value from the Action Stage in Process Studio to Object Studio. I can't find the write Action in Action Properties. Please help.

If you'd like to have action from object visible in process studio, then you need to publish it.
Right click on the action tab in the object and choose "publish".


Azure Devops Custom Extension for Test Plans and its dialogue

I had write an dummy extension that i want to work in test plan screen and its test steps screen. when a user check the Test steps i want to get the values of those checked test steps. If all steps are not being selected so it should return 'Pause' on close, not pass or fail.
I had write an extension of dialogue box (for warning that you had not selected this option)that i want to show on the click of Save & Close button if user had not selected a default value or hadn't clicked all steps. but i m unable to attach my extension to that dialogue screen.

Close dialog and execute automation script on same button (IBM Maximo)

Is there any workaround to execute an automation script over dialog in Maximo and next close it with dialogok event using the same push button?
It's probably not the answer you want to hear, but as of Maximo (the latest version currently available), the only "workaround" would be a custom Java Bean class.
It's is possible to trigger two actions with one button. I've not tested it with automationscripts though....
For example use this in de button xml:
mxevent="dialogok" value="ROUTEWF"
You can add a sigoption with the same name as the action and make sure that you expand the 'Advanced Signature Options' section and set 'This is an action that must be invoked by user in the UI'.
You could create and object launch point automation script therefore when you click OK in the menu the object will be saved and the automation script triggered.
If you already know that some field is going to be update, you could do it with an attribute launch point for that object.

Button handling and output (Wicket framework)

I have got a task to write a calculator on wicket and I have faced with some problems.
How to get button value(1,2,3...-,+,/,*) handle it(multiply or divide) and output a result to text field to user? Could you help me, please.
In swing it is really easy, e.g. new JtextField.setText("Shalom world!"); How I can do the same in wicket?
Thank you
Use a TextField, or Label, to display the calculator value. The model for the component should get an object that you update on each click of a button. A quick way to do this would be to create a member variable in your class that holds your total and use a PropertyModel to get the value of the member variable. If you are using AjaxLink, you will need to add the TextField to your target on click of each button and you need setOutputMarkupId to be true.

How to get the text of the second button on WPF application

I am using CodedUI to automate on a WPF application, I have 2 buttons in a form, I want to verify the text of each button. But when running only have passed script. Because The actual result of the second script is always the actual of the first button. So how I get the second text to verify? Please help me.
(I saw they are the same AutomationID when I record)
Check the search properties and search configurations of the buttons in the uitest file. If the properties are ambiguous, codedui will find the same button each time. If you have access to the application source, try giving the buttons unique friendly names.

hardcoded string “Button”, should use #string resource

I am new in Android app development and using Java language.
My problem is every time I make a TextView or Button there is a triangle with the exclamation mark below them.
and when I click it I saw a message saying:
hardcoded string “Button”, should use #string resource
I have two activities, in my main activity there is a Button that when you click it you will go in second activity.
But when I go to my to make a code for the button. There's always the above shown error. I think the eclipse can't find the id of my button and same for my TextView they have same error message.
Here is the code I made:
Button b = FindViewById(;
I also add:
Button b = (Button) FindViewById(;
I am using the latest eclipse classic and ADT august issue. The platform is Android 4.1 API 16.
You shouldn't hardcode the "text" on the widgets use the strings resources ie., strings in the strings.xml to set the text. Declare the "text" you want to display as a string in strings.xml and access it using #string/your_string_name in the layout file.
Notice the id of the button, which is rounded in red. You have to use this id when you want to call it in a method, for an example
Button b = (Button) FindViewById(;
Furthermore, check whether your graphical layout matches with the image I have provided.
Just try your code again with these changes.
Your would look like this.
I am a newbie too, but I believe I got this. So basically what's happening here, java wants you to put your hardcodes in string.xml. so that when accessing it, you will use the given methods below before:
But this is how it should be.
Let's start by string.xml
Then come back to your activity_main.xml
