relation many to many with three table in UML - uml

I have three tables : tableA, tableB and tableC my question is : It's is possible to have many to many relation between this tables and create a table whose name is tableA_tableB_tableC in UML ?


How to identify different user_ids of the same person in hive?

I have the following attributes in one table in hive:
Each row of data identifies a different user_id of the same person.
Like :
There are two people in this table.
"3242_5897_6752_9876" represent the same one person, and
"1287_3421_7654" represent another same person .
how use hql extract those data in the table ?

Power Query - Join multiple tables

I know, this is something that should be done at the level of the data model as a star Schema but in this specific case it is not possible.
I have 1 dimensional table and 4 transactional tables. All of them have the 1 unique column (order number).
Is there any way to get 1 huge table without joining them together step by step and expanding them?
Is there a way to do it all in one step?
In the future this will be done in the Warehouse but for now this will work as a proof of concept for several months.

Merging attributes in pentaho (kettle)

I have 2 tables, both have 2 primary keys (anys_mes_dia and aircraftreg) and each table has other attributes. I want to join both tables by the 2 PK.
The thing is, for some [any_mes_dia,aircraftreg] I have all the attributes of both tables but for others I only have the attribute of one table.
How can I join this tables so as to get [anys_mes_dia,aircraftreg,dy,add,cn] and only nulls in the attribute that a specitic row doesn't have.
Here an image of what I have (some rows only have aircraftreg_1, any_mes_dia1 and CN).
In the Merge join step you have the option to define the type of join, in this case you could use the LEFT/RIGHT OUTER join (depending on which table is leading) to get the results you want.

PowerBi desktop

I have 2 tables I am trying to create a relationship with in power bi. Both tables have the same values for example:
Table1 has location and Table2 has Location however the location is different. Every time I try to connect them say I need a unique value. Can someone please help me so I can connect them together?
Here is a passage from documentation regarding relationships in Power BI (Create and manage relationships in Power BI Desktop. In short, one of the tables you choose for the relationship should have unique values in the join column. So far in Power BI, you can define 1:*, 1:1 and *:1 relationship.
BlockquoteNote that you'll see an error that states One of the columns must have unique values if none of the tables selected for the relationship has unique values. At least one table in a relationship must have a distinct, unique list of key values, which is a common requirement for all relational database technologies.
If you encounter that error, there are a couple ways to fix the issue:
Use "Remove Duplicate Rows" to create a column with unique values. The drawback to this approach is that you will lose information when duplicate rows are removed, and often a key (row) is duplicated for good reason.
Add an intermediary table made of the list of distinct key values to the model, which will then be linked to both original columns in the relationship.
One of your table has to have unique values in Location (Primary Key) while the other can have duplicate values in Location (Foreign Key). Plus, the table with duplicates (the fact normally) must have values that are present in the other table (in the dimension).
In my opinion, to match your needs, you hshould add all the possible location in the table which would have unique values (the dimension).
I hope I made myself clear.

Select where multiple fields are not in subquery (excluding join)

I have a requirement to pull records, that do not have history in an archive table. 2 Fields of 1 record need to be checked for in the archive.
In technical sense my requirement is a left join where right side is 'null' (a.k.a. an excluding join), which in abap openSQL is commonly implemented like this (for my scenario anyways):
Select * from xxxx //xxxx is a result for a multiple table join
where xxxx~key not in (select key from archive_table where [conditions] )
and xxxx~foreign_key not in (select key from archive_table where [conditions] )
Those 2 fields are also checked against 2 more tables, so that would mean a total of 6 subqueries.
Database engines that I have worked with previously usually had some methods to deal with such problems (such as excluding join or outer apply).
For this particular case I will be trying to use ABAP logic with 'for all entries', but I would still like to know if it is possible to use results of a sub-query to check more than than 1 field or use another form of excluding join logic on multiple fields using SQL (without involving application server).
I have tested quite a few variations of sub-queries in the life-cycle of the program I was making. NOT EXISTS with multiple field check (shortened example below) to exclude based on 2 keys works in certain cases.
Performance acceptable (processing time is about 5 seconds), although, it's noticeably slower than the same query when excluding based on 1 field.
Select * from xxxx //xxxx is a result for a multiple table inner joins and 1 left join ( 1-* relation )
where NOT EXISTS (
select key from archive_table
where key = xxxx~key OR key = XXXX-foreign_key
With changing requirements (for more filtering) a lot has changed, so I figured I would update this. The construct I marked as XXXX in my example contained a single left join ( where main to secondary table relation is 1-* ) and it appeared relatively fast.
This is where context becomes helpful for understanding the problem:
Initial requirement: pull all vendors, without financial records in 3
Additional requirements: also exclude based on alternative
payers (1-* relationship). This is what example above is based on.
More requirements: also exclude based on alternative payee (*-* relationship between payer and payee).
Many-to-many join exponentially increased the record count within the construct I labeled XXXX, which in turn produces a lot of unnecessary work. For instance: a single customer with 3 payers, and 3 payees produced 9 rows, with a total of 27 fields to check (3 per row), when in reality there are only 7 unique values.
At this point, moving left-joined tables from main query into sub-queries and splitting them gave significantly better performance.
than any smarter looking alternatives.
select * from lfa1 inner join lfb1
( lfa1~lifnr not in ( select lifnr from bsik where bsik~lifnr = lfa1~lifnr )
and lfa1~lifnr not in ( select wyt3~lifnr from wyt3 inner join t024e on wyt3~ekorg = t024e~ekorg and wyt3~lifnr <> wyt3~lifn2
inner join bsik on bsik~lifnr = wyt3~lifn2 where wyt3~lifnr = lfa1~lifnr and t024e~bukrs = lfb1~bukrs )
and lfa1~lifnr not in ( select lfza~lifnr from lfza inner join bsik on bsik~lifnr = lfza~empfk where lfza~lifnr = lfa1~lifnr )
and [3 more sets of sub queries like the 3 above, just checking different tables].
My Conclusion:
When exclusion is based on a single field, both not in/not exits work. One might be better than the other, depending on filters you use.
When exclusion is based on 2 or more fields and you don't have many-to-many join in main query, not exists ( select .. from table where id = or id = or... ) appears to be the best.
The moment your exclusion criteria implements a many-to-many relationship within your main query, I would recommend looking for an optimal way to implement multiple sub-queries instead (even having a sub-query for each key-table combination will perform better than a many-to-many join with 1 good sub-query, that looks good).
Anyways, any additional insight into this is welcome.
EDIT2: Although it's slightly off topic, given how my question was about sub-queries, I figured I would post an update. After over a year I had to revisit the solution I worked on to expand it. I learned that proper excluding join works. I just failed horribly at implementing it the first time.
select header~key
from headers left join items on headers~key = items~key
where items~key is null
if it is possible to use results of a sub-query to check more than
than 1 field or use another form of excluding join logic on multiple
No, it is not possible to check two columns in subquery, as SAP Help clearly says:
The clauses in the subquery subquery_clauses must constitute a scalar
Scalar is keyword here, i.e. it should return exactly one column.
Your subquery can have multi-column key, and such syntax is completely legit:
SELECT planetype, seatsmax
FROM saplane AS plane
WHERE seatsmax < #wa-seatsmax AND
seatsmax >= ALL ( SELECT seatsocc
FROM sflight
WHERE carrid = #wa-carrid AND
connid = #wa-connid )
however you say that these two fields should be checked against different tables
Those 2 fields are also checked against two more tables
so it's not the case for you. Your only choice seems to be multi-join.
P.S. FOR ALL ENTRIES does not support negation logic, you cannot just use some sort of NOT IN FOR ALL ENTRIES, it won't be that easy.
