What enrichment/formula is required to convert a string to number in Xceptor. I tried FormatNumber
You would need to add a calculation enrichment and then use the DECIMAL([string field]) function - description for this is - DECIMAL: Converts a text string to a decimal.
You can use the INTEGER function to convert a string to an integer
For example, TestInteger = INTEGER("7600")
More information can be found here Xceptor Docs - INTEGER Function
Given a string,return an integer as some of all numbers found in the string.
input : xyzonexyztwothreeeabrminusseven
output: 1+23+(-7)=17
You can do this using a regular expression to match any character that's not an integer and remove it from the string.
As an example, you can easily do this in Java with the following:
"input-xyzonexyztwothreeeabrminusseven output-1+23+(-7)=24".replaceAll("[^0-9]","");
Which will output as:
I have one variable which contains integer values in string format as given below:
strValue = "123"
I want to convert this string value to integer type so it will be helpful for mathematical operation.
How can I do that in Javascript(Rhino) Language?
You can use the parseInt function that recieves a string and returns int.
var string = "123"
var number = parseInt(string)
print(number * 2)
Given a string such as "2764" how can i programatically convert it to "\u2764"? Is there a built in function that will let me convert a standard string to its unicode-escaped equivalent?
>>> chr( int('2764', 16) )
First convert your string to the number that is intended. Then convert it to the corresponding character.
Code snippet:
Serial.println(sensorString); //so you can see the captured string
char carray[sensorString.length() + 1]; //determine size of the array
sensorString.toCharArray(carray, sizeof(carray)); //put sensorString into an array
float sensorStringFloat = atoi(carray); //convert the array into an Integer
Serial.println(sensorStringFloat) prints out 5.00 instead of the correct float value of 5.33. Why is that and how do I fix this issue? I would eventually like to pass sensorStringFloat over to:
aJson.addNumberToObject(sensor, "ph", sensorStringFloat);
atoi converts a numeral in ASCII to an integer. The comment on that line also says it converts to an integer. So you got an integer result, 5. To convert to floating-point, consider using atof. (Note that “f” stands for floating-point, not “float”. atof returns a double.)
you should pass another parameter which defines the format, in this case it is the number of digits after the floating point.
String temp = String (_float, 0);
say float x;
convert to String using
String _temp = String(x, 0);
The second parameter 0... says i want no trailing zeros.
Caution: However this is only suitable for whole numbers.
This solution would not work for say... 1.24
You'll get just 1.
I need a function that can convert a string containg numbers to a hexadecimal integer saved in an integer variable,
for example the function atoi(char*) converts the string in that string into a decimal number , what i need is something similar but instead of decimal , hexadecimal
All integers store data in the same format: binary. That is neither decimal or hexadecimal.
If you want to create a string from an integer, that's when you can decide if you want decimal or hexadecimal notation.
You didn't mention what language you are using so I'll just assume C or C++ from the atoi() reference. There is also an itoa() function. It will create a string from an integer, and you can specify if the string will be created using base 16, base 10, or something else.