Python Packages Installation from local directory - python-3.x

There is a need to install python packages on machine without internet connection
I used pip download to download the packages and their dependencies
I copied all the dependencies to the offline machine
I run pip from the local python packages repository using
pip install *
package with dependencies are trying to access the internet to download their dependencies even that they are locate in the same directory
I would like to avoid the requirement.txt file and would like it to install all the packages from the local directory with their dependencies.
Is there any way to do so?

It's possible to download the wheels directly for each package, and once you have them on the machine you can run pip install name-of-wheel.whl and it will install them without routing to pypi.

You can use on the online machine:
pip download -r requirements.txt
to download package without installing them.
Then, on the offline machine:
pip install --no-index --find-links /path/to/download/dir/ -r requirements.txt
Source: Python Packages Offline Installation


How to install github python files which pip installation is not provided?

I want to install package in windows 10, but no pip installation method is provided in the page. I use vs-code python-3.9.10 and all my libraries are installed in a virtual environment. The git address of all files is but I don't know how to download and install directly to the (venv). Is there any easy way to install and import it to my code? I tried 'pip install pyfin', but it installed other library included in this page : which is different.
First activate your venv.
(activate it using the .\venv\Scripts\activate command.)
The run pip install git+

How can I install pip3 packages to a private instance?

I have a python script running in a instance inside a private subnet, that script requires external libraries such as boto3. I can't install them using something like pip3 install boto3 because private instances don't have access to the internet. How can I do this?
If you really want to install everything offline, you can create a list of required packages with pip download install each of them individually with pip install <package_name.whl>:
1.Use venv on internet-connected machine to isolate requirements from your system setup
mkdir ~/package-requirements
python3 -m venv ~/package-requirements
source ~/package-requirements/bin/activate
2.Download desired package and all requirements as .whl files:
pip3 download pandas
Copy all .whl files from your work directory to target machine and install each of them individually:
pip3 install numpy-1.21.1-cp38-cp38-manylinux_2_12_x86_64.manylinux2010_x86_64.whl
pip3 install pytz-2021.1-py2.py3-none-any.whl
pip3 install six-1.16.0-py2.py3-none-any.whl
pip3 install python_dateutil-2.8.2-py2.py3-none-any.whl
pip3 install pandas-1.3.1-cp38-cp38-manylinux_2_17_x86_64.manylinux2014_x86_64.whl

does pip reinstall libraries everytime when creating a virtual environment?

I know it might sound stupid, but I genuinely tried my best to understand if pip installs packages from the internet every single time or does it just clone and use the already globally installed packages when I am creating a venv?
What exactly is the difference between pip install and pip download?
What does it mean by
Collecting package <package_name>...
Using cached <package_name>...
Downloading <package_name>
Can someone help me out...
pip download replaces the --download option to pip install, which is now deprecated and was removed in pip 10.
pip download does the same resolution and downloading as pip install, but instead of installing the dependencies, it collects the downloaded distributions into the directory provided (defaulting to the current directory). This directory can later be passed as the value to pip install --find-links to facilitate offline or locked down package installation.
The idea behind the pip cache is simple, when you install a Python package using pip for the first time, it gets saved on the cache. If you try to download/install the same version of the package on a second time, pip will just use the local cached copy instead of retrieving it from the remote register .
If you plan to use the same version of the package in another project then using cached packages is much faster.
But if pip installs the cached version of the package and you want to upgrade to the newest version of the package then you can simply upgrade by: pip install <package_name> --upgrade

When i install a new version of python i need to install the packages again

When i install (upgrade) to the new version of Python (3.8.1 in this case) i need to install the packages again such as:
(i have to do pip install moduleName for each one).
This is not the first time such has happenned.
How does one execute the installation of a new version without having to re-install the packages ?
Before you upgrade in a terminal run,
pip freeze > requirements.txt
This will store the names and versions of all your downloaded modules in a requirements.txt file in the current directory. Then after your new version of python is downloaded cd back into that directory and run
pip install -r requirements.txt
This will re-install all of your modules without having to enter them in one by one.

Save all currently installed packages in anaconda to a file

I want to make a .txt file with all the python packages my environment is using, and include it in the git repo, so that anyone who needs to run the code, can just make an environment, install all the packages from the list and use it.
I have two questions, first, how can I create that .txt files with all the installed packages? Second, how can someone with the .txt file install everything from it (using pip3?) in their fresh anaconda environment?
After activating your environment, you can do this:
pip freeze > requirements.txt
And to install all these packages in a fresh environment:
pip install -r requirements.txt
Hope this helps!
