How to update data in mongodb - node.js

I tried to array inside to update using mongodb but its throwing error how to solve it.
"_id": "5b4efd6fd53be829188070c8",
"id": 1,
"name": "All Categories",
"hasSubCategory": "false",
"parentId": "0"
I tried this way of code
db_connection.collection('ecomm_prod_db_product').update({_id:product_data[i]['_id']},{$set :{product[i]['name']:"hari}})
but its throwing error

You are trying to use the value of your product as the object key here.
That will put whatever value lives in your product[i].name as the key like this:
{$set :{ "Old Name For Example": "hari" }
This would try to set a property called Old Name For Example on the document, instead of name **
Instead, you should provide the property name as key, "name"in this case:
{$set :{ name: "hari" }
** (not your usecase but might be noteworthy here)
Should be noted, that this will more likely throw due to the syntax. As the actual usage for a value as a key would be using [myKeyValue] (computed properties).


Dynamically define csv table structure based on HTTP request body in Logic apps

So, I have a logic app that looks like below
enter image description here
The main idea of the app is to get the list items of a list and copy the contents in a csv file in blob storage.
The site name and list name are passed through the HTTP request body.
However, I would like to also define the Select operation column mapping dynamically.
The body looks like this
"listName" : "The list name",
"siteAddress" : "SharepointSiteAddress",
"columns" : {
"Email": " #item()?['Employee']?['Email']",
"Region": " #item()?['Region']?['Value']"
In the 'Map' section of the 'Select' Operation I use the 'columns' property as shown below
enter image description here
However, in the output stream of the 'Select' Operation, email and region column values are resolved with the string that is passed instead of retrieving the actual item value that I am trying to refer to.
Can I somehow create the csv table dynamically through the HTTP request while also being able to access the items' values?
Using expressions, you can create CSV file with Dynamic data. I have reproduced issue from my side and below are the stepts I followed.
Created Logic app as shown below,
In Http trigger, I have defined sample payload as shown below,
"listName" : "The list name",
"siteAddress" : "SharepointSiteAddress",
"columns" : {
"Email": " Email",
"DisplayName": "DisplayName"
In select action, from is taken from Get items value. In Map row, key is taken from Http trigger and value is from SharePoint item as shown below,
Key -triggerBody()?['columns']?['Email']
Value - item()?['Editor']?['Email']
Output of Get Items action in my case is like below. Hence written expression according to that.
"value": [
"#odata.etag": "\"1\"",
"ItemInternalId": "3",
"ID": 3,
"Modified": "2022-11-15T10:49:47Z",
"Editor": {
"#odata.type": "#Microsoft.Azure.Connectors.SharePoint.SPListExpandedUser",
"Claims": "i:0#.f|membership|",
"DisplayName": "Test",
"Email": "",
"JobTitle": ""
Tested logic app. It ran successfully and csv file is generated like below,
Csv file:

How to read json files with nested categories in node.js

I am using Perspective API (you can check out at: for my discord application. I am sending an analyze request and api returning this:
"attributeScores": {
"spanScores": [
"begin": 0,
"end": 22,
"score": {
"value": 0.9345592,
"summaryScore": {
"value": 0.9345592,
"languages": [
"detectedLanguages": [
I need to get "value" in "summaryScore" as an integer. I searched it on Google, but i just found reading value for not categorized or only 1 times categorized json files. How can i do that?
Note: Sorry if i asked something really easy or if i slaughtered english. My primary language is not english and i am not much experienced on node.js
First you must make sure the object you have recived is presived by nodeJS as a JSON object, look at this answer for how first. After the object is stored as a JSON object you can do the following:
Reading from nested objects or arrays is as easy as doing this:
If you look closer to the object and its structure you can see that the root object (the first {}) contains 3 values: "attributeScores", "languages" and "detectedLanguages".
The field you are looking for exists inside the "summeryScore" object that exists inside the "TOXICITY" object and so on. Thus you need to traverse the object structure until you get to the value you need.

How to do field mapping in azure search for complex json objects for example nested array

I have following problem
I have a field mapping update to an index .Payload is complex where
I have:
"type": "abc",
"Party": [{
"Type": "abc",
"Id": "123",
"Name": "manasa",
"Phone": [{
"Type": "Office",
"Number": "12345"
And now I want to create a field for an index. The field name is phonenumber of type Collection(Edm.String)
where mapping is
"sourceFieldName" : "/Party/Phone/Number",
"targetFieldName" : "phonenumber",
"mappingFunction" : { "name" : "jsonArrayToStringCollection" }
In http post body
But still after indexing i get phone number result as null.That means the mapping went wrong.If you see the phone number in source json, it is inside a json array and it itself is an array and result needs to get stored inside a collection of a string.Is it possible how can I achieve this?
If this is not possible I atleast want field mapping till phone array ie., /Party/Phone/
If i index complete party array as a text, I get an error while running the index saying:
"Field 'partydetails' contains a term that is too large to process. The max length for UTF-8 encoded terms is 32766 bytes. The most likely cause of this error is that filtering, sorting, and/or faceting are enabled on this field, which causes the entire field value to be indexed as a single term. Please avoid the use of these options for large fields."
Can someone please help!
If party would have been a Json object than an array and phone would have been only a string array for example
"type": "abc",
"Party": {
"Type": "abc",
"Id": "123",
"Name": "manasa",
"Phone": [{
Then I could have mapped
"sourceFieldName" : "Party/Phonenumber",
"targetFieldName" : "phonenumbers",
"mappingFunction" : { "name" : "jsonArrayToStringCollection" }
It map as collection of type odata EDM.string.
So to put this in better and straight forward way,
Either transform your json to something flatter (the example that I
gave above) or
Use the proper index incase if you know before inhand as
#Luis Cabrera said,
“sourceFieldName”: “/Party/0/Phone/0/Type
It is a limitation from azure search side.
Note that Party and Phone are arrays, so the field mapping you mention won't work.
You will need to index into the specific element. For example:
"sourceFieldName": "/Party/0/Phone/0/Type",
"targetFieldName": "firstPhoneNumberTypeOfFirstParty"
You may want to give that a shot.
Luis Cabrera | Program Manager | Azure Search

Mongoose query altering object order

I have a query that is generated in my Node backend - if I log it out and run it in Mongo shell then all is fine, however, if I use mongoose to do Model.find(query), then some strange property re-ordering takes place and the query breaks.
The query in question is:
"attributes": {
"$all": [
"attribute": "an id",
"value": "a value",
"deletedOn": null
"attribute": "an id again",
"value": "a value",
"deletedOn": null
However, the output from mongoose debug is:
attributes: {
'$all': [
deletedOn: null,
attribute: 'an id',
value: 'a value'
deletedOn: null,
attribute: 'an id again',
value: 'a value'
{ fields: {} }
The only change is the shifting of the deletedOn field from last position to first position in the object. This means the query returns no results.
Are there any solutions to this issue?
Object properties in JavaScript are not ordered. You cannot ensure the order of properties on a JavaScript object and different implementations may order them differently. See this answer on a related question for some other info.
The essential key is that from the spec (ECMAScript) we get: "An object is a member of the type Object. It is an unordered collection of properties each of which contains a primitive value, object, or function. A function stored in a property of an object is called a method."
There is no "solution", because this is expected behavior. So the real question is, why does the order matter to you? What are you trying to do?
Adding on the previous answer, if order is important to you, you should use array instead of objects.
for example:
"$all": [
{"attribute": "an id"},
{"value": "a value"},
{"deletedOn": null},

node.js and postgresql UPDATE nested JSON key

I have a table called "json" in my database, with 2 columns: "id" and "data"
Only one row is stored inside it at the moment, having 1 as id and a JSON structure as data:
"elements": {
"nodes": [
"data": {
"id": "n0",
"name": "Name here",
"color": "#FFFFFF"
"bob": "hello"
I need to update a key of the json: "Name here" has to become "updated"
This is what I tried:
db.query("UPDATE json SET $1 WHERE data->'elements'->'nodes'->0->'data'->'name'=$2", ['updated', 'Name here'])
but I get an error:
syntax error at or near "'updated'"
When using the Postgres JSON navigators it's important to terminate your chain with the text retrieval navigator ->> if you want to do comparisons like that:
UPDATE json SET $1 WHERE data->'elements'->'nodes'->0->'data'->>'name'=$2
That should permit comparing text to text instead of json.
I think you might also be able to use #>> to dig the whole way down in one shot:
UPDATE json SET $1 WHERE data#>>'{elements,nodes,0,data,name}'=$2
