Can we read files from server path using any fs method in NodeJs - node.js

In my case I need to read file/icon.png from cloud storage/bucket which is a token base URL/path. Token resides in header of request.
I tried to use fs.readFile('serverpath') but it gave back error as 'ENOENT' i.e. 'No such file or directory' is existed, but file is existed on that path. So are these methods are eligible to make calls and read files from server or they work only with static path, if that is so then in my case how to read file from cloud bucket/server.
Here i need to pass that file-path to UI, to show this icon.

Use this lib to handle GCS operations.
If you do need use fs, install, mount bucket to your local filesystem, then use fs as you normally would.

I would like to complement Cloud Ace's answer by saying that if you have Storage Object Admin permission you can make the URL of the image public and use it like any other public URL.
If you don't want to make the URL public you can get temporary access to the file by creating a signed URL.
Otherwise, you'll have to download the file using the GCS Node.js Client.
I posted this as an answer as it is quite long to be a comment.


Downloading file from Dropbox API for use in Python Environment with Apache Tika on Heroku

I'm trying to use Dropbox as a cloud-based file receptacle for an app/script. The script, written in Python, needs to take PDFs from the Dropbox and use the tika-python wrapper to convert to string.
I'm able to connect to the Dropbox API and use the files_download_to_file() method to download the PDFs to disk, and then use the tika from_file() method to pull that download file from the disk to process. Example:
# Download ex.pdf to local disk
dbx.files_download_to_file('/my_local_path/ex_on_disk.pdf', '/my_dropbox_path/ex.pdf')
from tika import parser
parsed = parser.from_file('ex_on_disk.pdf')
The problem is that I'm planning on running this app on something like Heroku. I don't think I'm able to save anything locally and then access it again. I'm not sure how to get something from the Dropbox API that can be directly referenced by the tika wrapper to run the same as above. I think the PHP SDK has a file_get_contents and a file_put_contents set of methods but it doesn't appear to have a companion in the Python SDK.
I've tried using the shareable links in place of a filename but that hasn't worked. Any ideas? I know there's also the files_download method which downloads the FileMetadata object but I have no idea what to do with this and am having trouble finding more about it.
TLDR; How can I reference a file on Dropbox with a filename string such as 'example.pdf' to be used in another function that is trying to read a file from disk, without saving that Dropbox file to disk?
I figured it out. I used the files_download method to get the byte string and then use the from_buffer method of tika instead:
md, response = dbx.files_download(path)
file_contents = response.content
parsed = parser.from_buffer(file_contents)

IFileProvider Azure File storage

I am thinking about implementing IFileProvider interface with Azure File Storage.
What i am trying to find in docs is if there is a way to send the whole path to the file to Azure API like rootDirectory/sub1/sub2/example.file or should that actually be mapped to some recursion function that would take path and traverse directories structure on file storage?
just want to make sure i am not missing something and reinvent the wheel for something that already exists.
I'm using Azure Storage Client for .NET. I would not like to mount anything.
My intentention is to have several IFileProviders which i could switch based on Environment and other conditions.
So, for example, if my environment is Cloud then i would use IFileProvider implementation that uses Azure File Services through Azure Storage Client. Next, if i have environment MyServer then i would use servers local file system. Third option would be environment someOther with that particular implementation.
Now, for all of them, IFileProvider operates with path like root/sub1/sub2/sub3. For Azure File Storage, is there a way to send the whole path at once to get sub3 info/content or should the path be broken into individual directories and get reference/content for each step?
I hope that clears the question.
Now, for all of them, IFileProvider operates with path like ˙root/sub1/sub2/sub3. For Azure File Storage, is there a way to send the whole path at once to getsub3` info/content or should the path be broken into individual directories and get reference/content for each step?
For access the specific subdirectory across multiple sub directories, you could use the GetDirectoryReference method for constructing the CloudFileDirectory as follows:
var fileshare = storageAccount.CreateCloudFileClient().GetShareReference("myshare");
var rootDir = fileshare.GetRootDirectoryReference();
var dir = rootDir.GetDirectoryReference("2017-10-24/15/52");
var items=dir.ListFilesAndDirectories();
For access the specific file under the subdirectory, you could use the GetFileReference method to return the CloudFile instance as follows:
var file=rootDir.GetFileReference("2017-10-24/15/52/2017-10-13-2.png");

Setting Metadata in Google Cloud Storage (Export from BigQuery)

I am trying to update the metadata (programatically, from Python) of several CSV/JSON files that are exported from BigQuery. The application that exports the data is the same with the one modifying the files (thus using the same server certificate). The export goes all well, that is until I try to use the objects.patch() method to set the metadata I want. The problem is that I keep getting the following error:
apiclient.errors.HttpError: <HttpError 403 when requesting<bucket>/<file>?alt=json returned "Forbidden">
Obviously, this has something to do with bucket or file permissions, but I can't manage to get around it. How come if the same certificate is being used in writing files and updating file metadata, i'm unable to update it? The bucket is created with the same certificate.
If that's the exact URL you're using, it's a URL problem: you're missing the /o/ between the bucket name and the object name.

Nodejs if file exists from different url

Is it possible to check if image exists using absolute path? I have 2 apps using one domain, but with different ports. I want to check if the file exists on other app. For example from I want to check if this file exists: I have tried to do it with fs.exists, fs.existsSync, fs.Stats, but it on the first 2 functions it always returns false and on the fs.Stats it returns error "ENOENT, no such file or directory", but I can view the file entering url on browser. How can I do it?
The fs functions look for files on your local filesystem. If you want to see if a remote file exists, you'll have to make an HTTP request using the http module, request module or the like.

With AWS S3 MultiPart upload to a named directory using C# and the .Net SDK

The following fails with this error message:
"The specified upload does not exist. The upload ID may be invalid, or the upload may have been aborted or completed."
UploadPartRequest uploadRequest = new UploadPartRequest()
The problem is with the ".WithKey("junk/20070125.log")". If I strip out the "junk/" it works perfectly.
So the question is, how to upload a file to a specific AWS directory? All the documentation I found shows tha correct way to be to prepend the directory name and a forward slash. What am I missing?
It turns out I was adding the folder name to the string after calling InitiateMultipartUploadRequest. Once I changed the key value to be consistent across the upload calls it began to work.
